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Just passing through... — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
<b>(With so many wolves now, I made an order list. I think I got it right. Let me know if it is not! The order is Koda, Riuko, Volkan, Kashi, Nina and Pakuna. </b>

Koda was feeling confident with his decision to travel the great distance to these new lands. He wasn't sure where he'd end up, but he was nearing the end of his time of isolation. The tragedy that had befallen his entire pack a year ago had scarred him deeply. All of them gone within the span of a few hours. The stampede and the fire that resulted from the freak lightning storm had seen to that. He had mourned long enough and it was time to really live again. The last few weeks he had traveled nearly non-stop in search of <i>somewhere</i>. He didn't know where yet, but he felt driven to keep going. He just hoped that he'd know when he got there!

The biggest change in his pattern of life for the last year was his decision to stop avoiding other wolves. He wasn't looking for them, just not avoiding them. It was a start to his new life. He actually hadn't spoken to another wolf since the wildfire, other than talking to himself on the rare occasion that is. He laughed at his random thoughts and realized that he was quite thirsty. It had been nearly a full day since he'd eaten or drank. Definitely time for a break.

Koda lapped at the water from a cool spring, soothing his dry throat. The wind shifted and brought a wonderful scent to him. His nose went into action, quickly locating a light meal that had yet to be caught. His body crouched low, tense and ready for a sneak attack on the rabbit that was nibbling on something about ten yards away. He approached in slow motion, grateful that the wind was in his favor which gave him a direct path to his quarry. Finally, he deemed himself close enough and he lunged forward with a small burst of speed. His creamy jaws snapped shut on the creature, breaking it's back instantly. He gave it a good shake to be sure the job was done and lay down near the spring to enjoy his meal.
(This post was last modified: May 14, 2012, 08:07 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi was trying to help accomplish Kano’s job of maintaining the border. His pack may have had bad things happen in recent times but that was no reason to slack on security of the borders. If they failed in this task the alpha’s pups would die to either wolves or other creatures that preyed on young pups. Kashi knew only too well about the horrors that could happen to a pup, even from a fellow wolf. So young Kashi, barely two years of age and healer in training found himself smelling that all the border markings were fresh. The whole trip around the border seemed to be all in order.

Scratching his ear a little he smelled the scent of a wolf, a male and a loner as well by the smells of it. This wolf was awfully close to the borders as well, a little too close for comfort. As he ran over to investigate he heard the shrill cry of a hare and then bones breaking. Upon coming into sight of the wolf he could see him giving the hare a final shake to finish the job. Feeling defensive of his pack from the large wolf at the border his voice rose up in a growl. “You’re awfully close to pack borders you know.” Kashi surprised himself that he spoke without a stutter that he would have had not long ago.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
The crunch of the bones was a satisfying sound and Koda relished the warm meat as his jaws ripped into the plump creature. He'd barely taken the first bite, however, when a voice came to him from not too far away. <i>“You’re awfully close to pack borders you know.”</i> He stood, instinctively defensive with a meal before him. His head and tail rose high and a low growl briefly emitted from his throat. He silenced it immediately and took stock of the other wolf. A young male, not much more than a boy, his eyes told him. A little nervous and absolutely right, his nose told him. His brief chase of the rabbit had brought him closer to the border of this stranger's pack. He'd hadn't meant to get this close and he definitely had no intention of crossing any borders today,

Although he kept his stance high, showing that he was the stronger wolf, he dipped his head in acknowledgement to the younger male. <b>"Apologies. I am Koda Reinier. The chase lead me closer than intended. I mean no harm, I'm just passing through."</b> His voice sounded foreign to him. Even on the occasion that he'd mumbled to himself it had been quietly. His normal tone sounded so strange to him, after all of this time. He cleared his throat and kept his golden gaze focused on the young male. He might be young, but he was looking out for his own and Koda could only commend him for shouldering that responsibility.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Heavy paws stomped upon the emerald grasses. The woman loped along, her nose to the ground, then raising to the air. Ground, air, ground air. Another day, another patrol. She marked the borders as she went along, fulfilling her duties as a Copper Rock Creek wolf. Pausing for a moment, Pakuna's ears twitched as she listened to a bird belt out in song. Admiring the notes that the feathered critter was able to hit, she began to hum along as she started to jog along again.

Suddenly, there was a voice- no, two voices. She stopped now, freezing like a deer when listening for any predators. Right paw lifting, she turned her head, eyes narrowing as she focused in on two figures. With a light snarl, the leaped downward, trotting towards the two wolves. The first scent entered her nostrils in a wave, and she identified it as a wolf of her pack. The other, though, was a loner...and quite close to the borders. Pacing herself up to the two males, she flicked her tail, raising it in dominance towards the lone wolf. "Oi! Who be you?" Her gruff voice questioned woofed aloud, a slight grunt following her words. Lifting her head, she eyed him carefully, pale green gaze scanning over the male. He seemed a little bit younger than her, but not by much. The pack mate next to her, on the other hand, was quite younger than her.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Before the lad had a chance to respond another wolf came out from the direction of the boy's pack land. A feisty female stepped out, her posture showing her dominance. Koda did not lower his own posture, but he did dip his head to her in acknowledgement. <b>"As I just told this young man, my name is Koda Reinier, and it was not my intent to intrude upon your borders. As you can see, I have not done so. My quarry simply led me closer in the chase."</b> He tipped his head down to indicate the yet-to-be-eaten rabbit at his feet.

The female was exuding confidence and for some reason, he enjoyed her unusual way of speaking. Seems that she did not hail from these parts originally, either. Having briefly assessed her now and given her the opportunity to so evaluate him he glanced at both of them and asked, <b>"May I know who I am speaking with?"</b> His speech, as ever, was polite and courteous and his voice was deep and smooth. As he waited patiently for their response the wind shifted, making his longish creamy fur dance. It also brought the scent of the fresh kill to him, causing his empty stomach to tighten. He wasn't starving by any means, cutting quite the dashing picture of health and strength, but food was food.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
asked Jen if I could jump in here, hope you guys don't mind! :] if so, let me know and I'll edit/delete!
<blockquote>The cry of a dying rabbit echoed throughout the forest, and Volkan immediately stiffened. <i>What a convenient day to be patrolling the borders,</i> she thought to herself, an interesting mix of scents demanding her attention as the wind shifted. Somewhere nearby, there was a strange male <i>and</i>, apparently, a kill. The Creek wolf couldn't refuse such a blaring invitation for her company, and so off she went, long limbs carrying her swiftly to the source of the smells. Moving closer, she could detect that there were also pack wolves present here, and briefly she wondered if her presence would mean an excessive amount of Creek border-protection. But, eh, what the hell. She was curious.

After a few moments, the sounds of voices became audible as she drew nearer. Then, there they were; the male was introducing himself, though she missed his name, and apparently attempting to explain away his presence so close to the borders. Well aware that she'd probably already been detected, Volkan stepped through the trees slowly, head and tail rising in one solid movement to display her dominance both toward her pack mates and the stranger. A proud smirk crossed her face as her pale eyes flickered from the large male's face to the kill at his feet, feather of a tail making one wide sweep behind her.

"The Copper Rock Creek pack," she supplemented confidently, not really caring whether or not an apology for her sudden intrusion would've been appropriate. Instead, she threw a sideways glance to Pakuna and Kashi to her right— proud that they seemed to be holding their own— before her eyes fell upon the stranger once more. "I'm Volkan, and this is Pakuna and Kashikoi. And we're really happy you brought us such a nice little gift."

Her smile spreading into a wicked grin, she strode slowly toward the male and his kill, shamelessly taking in his size, his health. He didn't look all that bad, to be honest, and the Creek wasn't exactly a sausage fest at the moment. In Volkan's mind, the guy had two choices: <i>give us the kill, or get the hell out.</i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 10, 2012, 10:31 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi nodded to the other male's name but before could respond first Pakuna, whom Kashi didn't know yet and then Volkan came. He nodded to both of his pack mates as they arrived. He bowed his head gently to Volkan because of her slightly higher rank before going back to his former stance. Kashi knew that he may be younger than Pakuna but she had to be about the same rank as him due to the lack of male wolves in the pack. He listened as Volkan introduced the group, man she was one to get right into things wasn't she.

What Volkan did next surprised him, he watched as she suggested the wolf give his kill. He may of been near the border but not past it. The hare was by all rights his. "Volkan please don't take his kill, it wouldn't be right, it wasn't in our territory and he wasn't intruding." Kashikoi supposed the only reason he was standing up for this wolf was because he was in a similar spot before. "If other wolves took my kills I wouldn't be here as of right now, so I ask you is it right to take another wolf's food?" He knew that sticking up for the wolf was dangerous as he stared back at Volkan but he just couldn't help it, he really couldn't.
(This post was last modified: May 12, 2012, 12:38 AM by Kashikoi.)
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: Hope you don't mind me jumping in either.

The day was a nice one, but quite recently Nina had heard that Kano had left. . .first is status then him. . .what was going on. She felt bad for her young pupil for she knew the two were quite close. This only made Nina more protective over the young male. She wouldn't dare not watch over him. Though that was what she was doing right now. Perhaps it was time to see if the male wanted another lesson on herbs. She thought to prorogue her trip to find Kashikoi, but thought against it immediately.

She had been following the young male's scent for awhile now until she finally heard voices. . .multiple voices. Pricking her ears she silently padded forward taking in the scene before her. Pakuna, Volkan, Kash, and a lone wolf, a lone wolf that Kashikoi had just stood up for. Pride for the young wolf swelled in Nina chest as the young male stood up for the older one. The older male seemed to be in good health and below him was a dead hare. . .one that didn't smell bad, meaning it was fresh, which was good. Now what was little cocky Volkan doing.

Making sure that her presence was noticed by scuffling her paws around for a bit she padded next to Kashikoi, lowering her head slightly showing her submission before quickly licking Kashikoi's head approvingly as she stood next to him. The golden brown beauty's emerald eyes traveled toward the male in front of them. Now who was he? He was awful close to the borders. . .the borders of which Aeylen and her pups would be protected by. . .the borders of which Nina didn't want anyone crossing. But the female was not aggresive she just stared at the wolf.

She wanted awfully bad to know this male's name but kept quiet knowing that it would be awfully rude if he had already answered the question once, twice, possibly three times. Her eyes continued to roam the body of the male in front of him. From what she saw he was in good health, he could possibly be a good wolf for the pack. Their male population had slowly been decreasing and a new member to the pack would be nice. The lady frowned mentally at the thought. Kano was now gone, but the pack would manage. She would make sure of that. Nothing would happen to Aeylen or her pups.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Pakuna stood like an earthen statue as Kashi and Nina arrived on the scene. Her eyes remained locked onto the lone wolf until Volkan stepped forward. Choking back a snarl, the woman's pale gaze slid to Volkan. "Now, now. Koda, ye mus' not come so close to the borders. Ye best watch yerself, 'less you want yer pelt ripped off. Give us yer word ye won't come close again, and ye will be ok." There was no need to act aggresive towards the wolf- he was just hunting. Pakuna felt a fire of annoyance burning within her chest towards Volkan. Although she was a higher rank then her, she was not afraid to oppose what she suggested.

The tawny toned woman now stepped to the side, away from her packmates, and towards the flank of Koda. She leaned in towards his ear right ear, looking straight forward into the abyss of the forest ahead. "Ye best take yer food n' run" Her voice whispered to him, like a snake in his ear. She blinked slowly, tail flicking in an impatient manner before she turned her frame to look towards her packmates, waiting to see what they would say for themselves.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
<b>(With so many wolves now, I made an order list. I think I got it right. Let me know if it is not! Next to post {after Riuko} is Volkan, Kashi, Nina, Pakuna, Koda, and Riuko.)</b>

Koda's body tensed slightly as yet more wolves joined him on the edge of the pack border, but he remained calm. He was not in the wrong, but he would need to be careful here. He guessed that he was supposed to feel threatened, or at the least worried, by the words of the fae, Volkan. Instead, he felt slightly amused at her little display of power. He was no underling to be walked all over. Had she not had so much company on her side, he might have bantered with her a bit. The urge to make a comment regarding her possible lack of hunting skills crossed his mind. Somehow, he didn't think that she would appreciate the jest. Instead, he merely raised an eyebrow at her parading herself before him.

Koda tipped his head at the young male by way of thanks for standing up for him. He sorely hoped that his honor didn't cause him troubles later. It seemed that the second and last pack wolves to arrive at least supported the young male in his rash defense of a stranger's meal. Again, he had the distinct impression that this young man would do well. The vixen before him was another matter. It was clear that she was an upper rank and knew it. She was confident and perhaps a little power happy. He'd seen her kind before. That type held no interest for him. Whatever the case, it looked as if he would have to <span class='word'>prorogue</span> his meal.

The female with the lovely dialect moved closer and suggested that he take his meal and go. It was obvious that she wanted no trouble for him. He gave her a quick sideways smile, without taking his eyes off of Volkan. He decided that he would give his 'gift' to another and be on his way. He turned his golden eyes back towards young Kashi for a brief moment, before smirking at Volkan, the green flecks in his eyes dancing. <b>"Perhaps you have the right of it about my <i>gift</i>. I offer it to Kashi, who was the first to present himself when I arrived near the border and who showed honor in standing up for what he knew to be right. It is his to do with as he wishes."</b> He kept his eyes on Volkan, for she was the one with the attitude of all of the Copper Creek wolves here right now. Koda lowered his head and grasped the now-cold rabbit in his gleaming teeth. Without ceremony, he flipped the small creature toward Kashi and it landed squarely in front of the lad's feet. The small 'thud' hung in the air.
(This post was last modified: May 14, 2012, 08:03 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.