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Hello, again... — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda smiled as the terrain changed and the underbrush thickened. Sturdy bushes that would soon offer up succulent berries dotted the area. It was so different from what he was used to, yet it appealed to his inquisitive nature. One of his favorite things about being a wanderer this last year was seeing all of the amazing places on this green earth. He'd been through, tundras, mountains, forests and now this amazing thicket that seemed to be it's own unique little eden.

Although he was enjoying the change of scenery, he kept himself alert for other wolves. His encounter with half of the Copper Creek clan made him a bit more cautious than he would have been. In the end it had ended satisfactorily. Honestly, he wouldn't have minded getting to know most of them under less awkward circumstances. Such is life. So, here he was exploring this new area and remembering the meal that he'd had to <span class='word'>prorogue</span>. Well, time to remedy that situation. His belly had been periodically reminding him of the lost rabbit for a while now.

To be sure, hunting would be a bit more difficult in the more closed in terrain, but not impossible. He put his sensitive nose to work, sorting all of the scents wafting about, while his keen eyes scanned for any movement. In short order he picked up the scent of another rabbit. He was quick to locate the trail and silently followed it until it strengthened. Looking ahead, he spotted a very large plump rabbit only about ten yards away. He closed the distance stealthily, as much as he was able, before bolting after the panicked creature. He missed on his first try at pouncing on it when it zig-zagged a half dozen times in just a few seconds and darted down into the relative safety of it's burrow. Unfortunately for the creature, Koda was not above digging for a fresh meal. In just a few minutes, he had the plump morsel in his jaws and he flung his head side to side a couple of times to finish it off. Then he lay down to eat his long-awaited lunch. This rabbit was even larger than the one that he'd given to Kashi. The irony of it made him chuckle out loud, before he set to ripping into the fresh warm meat.

When he was done eating and only bits of skin and fur remained of the rabbit, he set to the task of giving himself a leisurely grooming. Now, he was a wolf that had little to complain about in life. The weather was quite comfortable with his thick luxurious coat, he had a belly full of fresh food and he was enjoying the peace of the moment. His ears stayed active, swiveling about to hear any warning sounds, but his golden honey eyes drifted shut and he relaxed almost to the point of sleep.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The breeze was nice in the humid air as Nina trotted through the forest unconsciously looking for something. Though she was unsure of what it was she knew she would find it eventually. With or without the help of her senses. With a small flick of her brown ear she crept forward keeping an eye on the trees around her. 

Could it possibly have been an herb that she was looking for? Another wolf? One of her friends? She knew she wouldn't be able to stray too far away though, for her lady's pups we close to being delivered. She would have to keep a watchful eye on the pups once they were born and most likely become a teacher to them. She was now one of the only "official" healers in the pack. Kanosak had left them, leaving Nina in a slight lapse of confusion. The man had seemed like a loyal wolf and he could never pin-point his points of leaving the pack. 

Time eventually had caught up with the girl and she finally figured it was time to move on from- The female's thoughts were distracted by the sound of tearing. Flesh. . .tearing. Creeping forward silently the golden brown beauty caught sight of a male. One she had recently seen on the border. The older male had gained some of her respect. He had stood up for himself in front of Volkan, who soon later lost her respect for acting so rudely to the male. He hadn't even been across the borders and she had the nerve to ask for his food? He had offered the meal to Kashikoi, which hadn't shocked the female. She had been proud of her students. And now seeing the wolf now, her respect grew for him when she saw the large rabbit he was eating. 

Nina sat quietly watching the male as he ate his meal. She figured it rude to interrupt a meal when another was being so quiet. Even though she thought that she could help the small joke that came out of her mouth. Her voice was small, almost as bare as a whisper as she spoke, "So what are you? Obsessed with rabbits or something?" The golden lady padded silently out near the male. Her voice was cracking. It had been the first time she had spoken in awhile.  

The bare tone to her voice was almost a dead give away that she hadn't been one to talk much recently. Much had been going on and she was slowly realizing that she was neglecting her duty to serve as Kashikoi's pupil. Now it was time she got back in. Possibly make a new friend, someone she might be able to count on.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
As he was drifting of in a haze of satisfaction, an odd soft sounding voice broke the silence. His dark golden eyes popped open and he rose smoothly into a ready position, facing the newcomer. Even as he finished the maneuver, ending with his tail high, head low and teeth bared and a deep growl erupting from his chest, he recognized the fae before him. She had been the last to arrive at the earlier Copper Creek party and she hadn't seemed too fond of Volkan's actions. That scored points in his book. He'd never understood the need of some in power to constantly try to shove it in others' faces. Almost as quickly at it had come, his posture of aggression left him.

He still stood tall and proud, but the snarl vanish as his lips once again covered his deadly fangs. His hackles smoothed out and he did a quick check of the area, wondering if she was alone. It had all started with one wolf the last time, as well. Young Kashi. He perused the lovely female before him for a moment. <b>"Obsessed? No, but I do enjoy a succulent treat."</b> Koda laughed lightly. Then his eyes flicked around once more and his tone was slightly more serious, <b>"Any others going to pop-up?"</b> He didn't want to end up surrounded in the closer confines here. He was nowhere near the border of their land, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be ambushed by them.

As he waited for her answer, he took note of her pleasing form. Her brown fur glinted with a bit of gold as the slight breeze played with her fur and her green eyes were lovely. He was strangely fond of unusually colored eyes for some unknown reason. He hoped that she was alone, merely so they could talk a while. She seemed nice enough and had offered him no trouble even though her pack mate had. Unconsciously, his creamy brush swayed behind him.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
At first when the younger female had spoken the male showed dominance and aggression but after realizing who she was relaxed. He still showed that he was, in fact, more dominant than she. She didn't mind the fact though, for she merely took a neutral position. Not being submissive but not being dominant. Something she happened to do most of the time. Looking at wolf in front of her the first thing he caught were his eyes. They had a nice honey, golden color to them with flecks of green in them. They seemed to hold the power to insult you with just staring at you, but right now he was being polite, something she could appreciate. Then he spoke. Listening to his words carefully Nina flicked an ear in amusement. Were others going to pop up? She hoped not. . .the only wolf that should know she was out and about was Kashikoi, for he was the one that could relay the message to Aeylen. 

Opening her mouth once again to speak, she said in a small calm voice, "I don't believe so. But if I need to I'll protect you." The golden brown female winked at the other male, showing that it was clear that she knew he could fight for himself. She wasn't a very good fighter herself. She had wanted Volkan to teach her better for she was a healer and hunter.  Though after the stunt Volkan had pulled recently she had held a slight grudge against her old friend. But she was a pack mate, something that Nina respected highly of. Glancing back at the male she forced her position to relax. She had never found out his name. . .with all the chaos the other day she didnt know his name, and he didn't know hers either. Taking the small silence as a chance to speak first she all but mumbled, "I am Nina Hervok. I don't believe I caught your name."
For some odd reason Nina could never make a question sound like a question. Always a statement. Even if she tried she could never get her voice to rise at all to form a question. She had tried before but it only resulted in hurting her voice. She had spoken louder before. . .in a fight she been in. And when she had healed a young female. But she was shy. . .definitely shy. She wouldn't be loud unless she must be heard, otherwise she kept quiet. Unfortunately, the cracks were obvious in her voice, she hadn't spoken in awhile. She usually preferred not to, mainly after what happened. . .
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
After a moments, Koda saw her consciously relax as well. He followed suit and lowered his own dominant posture slightly. When she answered his question he couldn't help a big smile with a small, highly amused chuckle. <b>"Will you now? I feel better already."</b> He had caught her bit of teasing and it was such a relief from the tension and drama of their last encounter. <b>"Koda Reinier, at your service, Miss Nina Hervok."</b> He gave her a slight bow with his greeting.

Koda offered her an appraising look. She seemed a bit on the shy side and very soft-spoken, but there was something about her that appealed to him. Perhaps her own quiet sense of justice. He hadn't missed the objections of any that hadn't been partial to Volkan's behavior. Including her silent one. He wondered for a brief moment if she'd followed him, but surely she had not. It was a simple coincidence that they'd run into each other again. Well away from her pack borders. Only one way to find out for sure! <b>"I have two questions for you then, Miss Nina. First, what brings you to this neck of the thickets? Second, would you care to sit a spell with a lonely wanderer?"</b> His eyes were bright and friendly and he wagged his tail a couple of times as he waited for her answers.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
She couldn't help the slight giggle that escaped her mouth when he answered. Miss Nina? Cute the answer was. She smiled at the larger wolf in front of her. Thinking back now she couldn't remembered the last time she had smiled at someone. Perhaps it had been when she had last seen Naira. She had helped Nina enough to make Nina want to smile. Now looking at the handsome male in front of her his positive outlook on things made it easier to handle. He even bowed in front of her, something that thankfully, her fur color hid her slight blush under her coat. She had stood up for this male, even though she was silent she had, but now she guessed she was getting back what she gave, support and kindness. Questions? For her? Something she didn't recieve quiet often unless it involved Kashikoi.

Opening her mouth her cracking, soft voice spoke, "Well Mister Koda," she instantly returned the title, "I came here just to breath for a but and I wouldn't mind at all." Approaching the male with a relaxed position she sat down in front of him. He was larger than her. . .much much larger than her. Something that should have made her uncomfortable, but the nice thing was. . .was that she wasn't. She hadn't gotten used to the various sizes of wolves here and she knew if she had to be cautious or not, for if she wasn't something bad might happen. A small voice in the back of her head instantly reminded her, Just like Rhysis did to you when you first got here. She covered that thought with the thoughts of how she was now. Healthy, strong, but sleep deprieved. Something she could handle. Turning her attentuon to the male in front of her she awaited his response.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
He was glad when she returned the banter and seemed to relax even more, before coming closer to sit near him with a questioning look on his face. To be honest, he wasn't used to speaking much himself lately, given the last year of his life. He wondered about her and decided that the only way to get used to conversing again was to do it. <b>"I am curious... were you born in Copper Creek or were you a loner such as myself at some point?"</b> It didn't matter to him ether way, but it was as good an ice breaker as anything.

Koda had to admit to himself that it was definitely nice to be in the company of another wolf, especially such a personable fae as Nina. He breathed in her scent and there was the unmistakeable coating of Copper Creek on her coat, but the earthy scent of plants and herbs also wafted his way. Curiosity peaked once more he asked, <b>"Are you a healer, Miss Nina?"</b> He voice now carried a distinct note or respect. Healers were few and far between where he hailed from and were therefor highly respected.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The male in front of her, Koda, relaxed even more. She appreciated him for he was simply ignoring her voice for the matter. His words were simple, just a conversation starter but his next words brought panick to her brain. Was she a healer? Did she really smell the bad. Self-conciously sniffing her pelt without moving her head she couldn't detect anything smelling different about her. She just smelt of Copper Rock Creek. . .she must stink to other wolves then. A flush covered Nina and she answered in a small voice, "I used to be a lone wolf. I have joined Creek pack quiet recently actually. Yes, I am a healer. . ." She wasn't going to point out to the male that she stunk for she knew that others didn't like the smell of herbs either. She remembered Bear complaining about the herbs that he accidently licked due to the foul taste and smell.

Figuring she should ask a question of her own, she spoke quietly, "So Mister Koda, where did you originate from?" Her emerald eyes watched him curiously awaiting his answer patiently. She kept one of her ears pricked to the side towards home, just in case Kash had to get word from her immediately. Remembering the incident from the other day she spoke again, with a slight hint of regret in her voice, "I apologize for the incident the other day. . .what Volkan did was uncalled for and quite rude." She had lost her respect for the dominant wolf when that had happened. She couldn't believe it. They had plenty in the caches and she could have always hunted. Nina knew that Volkan was a good hunter. The two had taken doqwn a cow the other day together. Something she had highly taken pride of but now the happiness of hunting with the girl was soon forgotten, replaced with a feeling of dread.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
For a moment the woman looked greatly uncomfortable following his last question and he didn't understand why. So, she'd been a loner as well. He couldn't quite say the reason, but he couldn't see her as a solitary wolf. Perhaps that was how she had ended up in Copper Creek, to leave that life behind. Few were cut out to be loners. He himself did quite well on his own, yet he still didn't have the heart of a true loner. That point was being driven home more each minute as he warmed up to his present company.

<b>"I have always admired healers. The vast knowledge that they can contain is truly astounding. I used to sometimes hang around outside their den and listen to their diagnosis and treatment of ailments. It was complete greek to me, but it still fascinated me. As did the earthy smell of their herbs and such. I found them quite pleasant... well, most of them!"</b>He wrinkled his nose slightly at the memory of one rather noxious plant he'd gotten into a curious pup. <b>"Have no worries about Volkan. Her actions were her own and I hold no one responsible for them, but her. Please, put that out of your mind!"</b> It was the absolute truth. He was a firm believer that you were responsible for your own actions, even under the influence of others. That's when true heart showed, in sticking to what was right.

<b>"As for me.... I come from the Yukon. Quite far west of here. My pack was... destroyed by a wildfire. I was the only one to survive. I have been on my own since then, about a year now."</b> His golden eyes had darkened with the memories of the tragic loss. He took a breath and continued. <b>"Honestly, until the other day, I haven't even spoken to another wolf in all of that time. I've avoided everyone."</b> His voice trailed off and he had a faraway look on his face. Then he shook himself mentally, to clear the blanket of sadness. <b>"And now I am here, with my new friend Miss Nina!"</b> His voice was bright again, with only the slightest hint of sadness lacing it.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The silver male spoke politely, illuminating that he was a nice wolf. One that she could respect and appreciate. He seemed to assure her that she didn't smell bad and she instantly relaxed without realizing it. She knew that most wolves would just flat out say that she didn't smell pleasant and it was usually true! Most didn't like the smell of herbs, but this wolf. . .he obviously knew that healing was a gift to the mind and soul. Then he spoke of Volkan's actions, resting her assured that it wasn't her fault which didn't have to be said but she figured it might as well put his mind at rest. Then. . .he spoke of his pack and she instantly regreted what she asked. But quickly his attitude changed to a positive one, something Nina had always liked in another wolf. Someone who has gone through much and always took on a positive out look on things.

Smiling at the golden eyed male she stretched her nose up to nudge his shoulder in a comforting manner. It was a little much for her but it was easier than speaking her sorrows for him. Sometimes gestures were more comforting than words could ever be. Opening her mouth to speak she said softly, "Well, I'm glad to hear that you are interested in healing. Perhaps I can show you some things sometime." The offer wasn't one that she gave out often. She had only given the offer to two wolves since entering Relic Lore. Naira, who had helped her and Kashikoi, who was interesting in becoming healer in Creek pack and was hungering for information about certain herbs. The younger male's curiosity was large in capacity something that he would need if he wanted to become a healer in the future.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.