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psychology 101 — Lost Lake 
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Played by kree who has 9 posts.
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Shentai Lian Burvio
<blockquote>Shentai was so bored! How long did it actually take to find some fun in this place! She actually wanted to find somebody her age, someone she could play with and who can entertain her. So far she has only met older wolves who were just extremely boring. No fun, not even to manipulate. So she found herself here... She looked up at sky, the clouds moving pass the sky. She had heard this was a very difficult path to pass and so curiosity brought her to figure whether or not it was true. So far, what she had heard was definitely appearing to be true. She would be able to manage though, but the more she walked the more obviously uneasy her travels had become. Shentai was always one for a good challenge though. She had her brother to blame for that one.

Looking back, she wondered how long exactly it would take for him to catchup to her. His navigation skills were not all too swell, so it wasn't a surprise that he was a few tracks behind her. But it was comforting to know that he wasn't too far away, if she stood in one spot, within a few hours he'd surely find her. But Shentai didn't want it to be that easy for him. She couldn't rely on her brother to get things done, he'd always take the 'safe' road. Whatever was easiest and less harmful because he worried for her safety. To be honest, he worried too much, it was kind of annoying actually. So Shentai stepped up and decided to 'guide' her brother in the correct direction and right now she felt as if this was the one.

It didn't take long for the scent of water to brush pass her nose and instinctively she rushed for it. Once she had got there, the taste of water couldn't be any more victorious in her eyes. She felt refreshed all over again. But what was this place? A mixture of scents stained the land; perhaps she was inching her way closer to pack territory. Shentai lifted her head and let out a howl, her calling echoed for a moment before fading. There was no sense waiting for somebody to find her, she might as well call them to her and besides, this way she'd find out if a pack resided here or not. She looked back, maybe her brother would also hear her calling and find her...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2012, 06:01 AM by Shentai.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
haha, hormones. It's nothing personal really ;)

<blockquote> It would seem there was rarely a moment of peace for the now clearly pregnant leader of the Poisoned wolves. When she managed to get comfortable the young in her stomach took turns beating her insides, more so when she tried to get a moment of sleep. She had taken to sleeping outside the entrance to her den to allow her mate a restful nights sleep, and even though the mountain air was still frigid, it was decidedly warmer than it had been when they had first arrived at their new home.

When the monsters had finally settled for a few moments she closed her eyes, praying the peace would remain. The darkness slowly began to swallow her up when her peace was interrupted by a meaningless howl. Not only was it meaningless, but it was a strangers howl. A feral snarl worked its way from her stomach as she hauled her exhausted frame upwards, though thankfully her ragged state was not reflected in her gold and silver tinted coat as she stormed towards the Lake. She half expected Ava or Athena to beat her there to chase the noisy bitch off but was sickeningly satisfied when neither her second nor student were present.

Her hackles bristled and her tail held proudly high she spotted the other female long before she reached her. She almost could have been mistaken for her sister, where it not for the fact the voice simply didn’t match. Her muscles bunching and teeth bared she charged the much smaller lone wolf. She would stop centimeters from the other wolfs face to see if she would flee or show appropriate submission. She was past letting just anyone join her pack. Let the girl show what she was worth if indeed that was her purpose here.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2012, 01:55 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
Can I assume it's night time?

Athena's white frame moved effortlessly through the mountain range as she crept her way back down towards her den. She had just recently watched the sunset and almost fell asleep as always. Her smooth rock ledge that she perched on was unexpectedly comfortable and the darkness almost over took her. Now, as she moved down towards the Lake, all the drowsiness was gone and she was alert enough to hear the unexpected howl.

Her steps quickened as she tried hurrying down the mountain. As skilled as she was with the mountain terrain, it still took her quite some time to get down to her destination. She half expected Ava to be there, since she always had the tendency to arrive before her. However, it was not the dark friend she expected, but her tawny leader had been the first to arrive on scene.

Automatically, her own body tensed up as she registered Naira's body language. Naira was pissed and she was serious. The wolf that Naira was charging was smaller than she was and looked very young. Her smoky gray body was built on a petite frame, similar to hers. As she approached the two, her head and tail lowered respectively towards Naira and she gave a friendly, comforting lick on her tawny cheek. She was only a guardian for her leader, so she would wait to see what the young wolf would do in the intimidating presence of her pregnant leader before acting or speaking. One wrong move could be fatal.
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2012, 03:57 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
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Chantille Idasis

The creamy woman padded along the broken rocks. Her skill at scaling the mountains had increased dramatically, for she had gone on patrol every day. With her nose lowered to the ground, she did not pick up any new scents- but that was a good thing, of course.

There was a howl. It pierced the woman's ears, and she turned her head quickly towards the sound. Below where she walked was the lake, and she could see three forms. Grunting aloud, she began to descend from her patrol path, paws raked by the ragged rocks as she zoomed downward. Once hitting the ground, she trotted along briskly. Naira and Athena had approached a lone wolf. Hackles rising in an instinctive manner, Chantille slowed as she came within range of her two pack mates and the lone wolf.

Lowering her ears and tail, she gave a respective dip of her head to Athena, and a lick to her leader's cheek. The scent of her hormones was overpowering, and it took a lot for Chantille not to crinkle her nose. She took a step back now, knitting herself in with her family. Muscles tense beneath her coat, she waited to see what this wolf would have to say for herself.

Played by kree who has 9 posts.
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Shentai Lian Burvio
<blockquote>Shentai looked at her reflection in the water, she titled her head slightly to the side and then titled it to the other side. Was she pretty? She wondered... Her dark bloody eyes; did they scare others or did they cause them to get caught in a daze. Perhaps if she had some shiny blue eyes people will be amazed with her beauty and slowly yet wisely she'd use it against them, for her own benefits, of course.

Silence... Shentai flicked her ears and pinned them back. There was something.. Quickly she turned around, possibly too late to raise her guard or dash out of the way. So instead of going anywhere, Shentai stood her ground ready for a head on attack. But instead of attacking, the other simply stood in front of her with bared fangs and an intimidating stare. Shentai didn't bare her fangs because obviously the other had her reasons for standing there.... Who the hell was she? Honestly! Was all the fury necessary for a young wolfess such as herself. And what kind of introduction was this, anyway? She began to wonder if everyone was this barbaric.

Shentai decided to take things into her own paws and she lowered her head, slowly, carefully, her eyes looking up at the wolfess as she sniffed the air, letting the light breeze blow the taller female's scent towards her. The scent was strong and very familiar around these parts of the land. So perhaps there was a pack here and perhaps she was correct in guessing who this other is. <b>"Alphess!"</b> She said, perking up a bit in excitement. This wasn't her first time meeting an alpha before but in this new terrain it was and the young silver Burvio was looking for a pack to join. Shentai remembered her manners, in this case it was best to show them, seeing as how demanding her alpha female had seemed to be.

She took a step back granting the alphess her personal space and bowing her head. <b>"Greetings.."</b> She said. Copying off the way her brother introduces himself to strangers. Instead of simply saying hello, he had always been so old fashioned. Shentai was much smaller than the wolfess in front of her. But she still kept her stance lowered to show who was the more dominant in this situation. Showing her submission would surely gain her some brownie points when it came to her hopes on joining the pack that resided here. <b>"I am Shentai Lian Burvio, a simple traveler.. If you don't mind, may I ask your name?"</b> She introduced, seeking an introduction in reply.

Shentai tried to avoid wagging her tail, although she was pretty much excited to finally meet an alpha female. The young wolfess was quite surprised to see more wolves come around. They were all females and they all showed their respects to the alpha. They didn't seem as vicious as the alpha female made herself appear. Shentai laid on her stomach and kept her head low, laying it on her front paws. She'd even do as much as to roll on her back and look towards the others. She was still young and although she had some experience in fighting it didn't mean that she didn't have an innocent side to herself. She rolled back onto her stomach and kept her head bowed. <b>"Greetings!"</b> She said, greeting the other two.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2012, 04:52 PM by Shentai.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote> It was nice to know wherever she went she had backup. At the same time it could grow to be quite annoying. She was never really alone anymore, and while she was sure they had the best intentions, sometimes she missed the freedom of just being another wolf in the pack. As the sooty girl folded in on herself a satisfied relief washed over her body but the only lessening of her stance was the settling of her hackles and the lowering of dark rubbery lips back over her gleaming teeth. Not only was the girl submissive enough to please her but she had manners too.

<b>”I am Naira.”</b> she responded, not coldly, but not harshly either. <b>”What business do you have howling at my borders when I finally get these little devils to stop kicking for long enough to close my eyes?”</b> a hint of a smile played on her lips and her tone was slightly bemused. As if on cue, there was a stampede in her stomach and she grimaced until they settled back down. Someone wanted out and for her, it couldn’t happen soon enough.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon

Manners and submissiveness was high on Athena’s list and so far, this female was doing a good job. Her usually intimidating eyes softened and her body relaxed a little bit as Naira began to relax also. As the conversation furthered, her mind almost wanted to wander off into the mountains, but she kept trained on the matter at hand. A soft smile tugged on her black lips when Naira talked about the kicking devils inside her.

Oh, how she could not wait for them to be born. So much for the peace and quiet around here. Soon there will be yipping little children running around and causing havoc in the whole territory. She could see Ava and herself running after them, trying to wrangle them up for a lesson or two and them just sneaking off again. She almost wanted to laugh at the thought of it, but she controlled herself. There would sure be another time that Ava and her could laugh about the incoming mischievous children.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
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Chantille Idasis

Chantille peered curiosly from her leader to the lone wolf. The creature before them was young, perhaps just out of pup-hood. The weary brown gaze of the creamy woman latched onto the girl before them as she waited to see what she would have to say. A small smile softly pulled at Chant's ebon lips as Naira referred to her pups as little devils. Oh, hopefully they wouldn't be too bad...

As she gazed at the lone wolf, Chantille let her mind go elsewhere for a few minutes. Thoughts of the pups running about the den site excited her. She had always wanted to help in the teachings of little wolves- perhaps this would finally be her chance. Of course, she would remain by Naira if she suggested by she or Rhysis, to make sure the woman was able to recover from the afterbirth. Blinking now, Chantille brought herself back to reality, and she sighed.

Played by kree who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shentai Lian Burvio
( oh gosh, sorry for the wait >.< been busy lately... )

<blockquote>Naira, what a unique name. She wondered if it had a meaning behind it. Shentai's name meant something, but she was sure that if they were to find out what exactly it meant they'd probably be suspicious of her so for now she'd keep that as a secret. But Shentai couldn't help but to get excited when she heard that new pups were on their way. Of course, she'd probably be way older by the time they reach her age, but she wouldn't mind playing with them and showing them a few things if she was allowed. Her tail swayed behind her as she now observed that alphess, she didn't know why she didn't notice before. Perhaps she wasn't old enough to instinctively recognize it like other she-wolves.

<b>"Well.. I'm not here alone.. My brother is currently following my tracks, so he should be here to join us sooner or later. His name is Jon Lucain Burvio. Anyway, we'd like to join your pack if you'd allow us."</b> She stated politely, informing the alpha female and the others of her brother's soon-arrival so they wouldn't be as too startled as they was with her arrival. She was sure that they were probably wondering why the two siblings didn't come together; but Shentai wouldn't inform them of that unless they asked.

<b>"I am plenty capable!"</b> She said, standing, but remaining at a respectable height, ready to prove herself if needed. <b>"I am fast and I already have experience in hunting!.. My brother is older than me, he's taught me a lot. I know how to fight too... I'm not the best fighter but I do know a bit. I am also a good tracker, better than my brother."</b> She stated, making sure to state that she is indeed better than her brother at some things. By saying this she hoped that they would not judge her because of her age; She was pretty wise in her youth or at least she thought so.

The young wolfess's spirits were high. She wasn't usually this polite but since she though it to be necessary, she would put on the act for awhile until everything was comfortable enough for her to act on her own.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Ok guys, one more each to get it over 10. I'll leave it here for my miss. Shentai, after your next reply feel free to archive the thread :)

<blockquote> <i>A Brother?</i> Surely she realised her acceptance would not automatically give her brother an in. Her mate was particularly suspicious of wolves that travelled together. While if he had been here, he probably would have tasked the girl with a challenge, the tawny lady had no such patience for games today. She just wanted to get back to her den and sleep.

<b>”We will see.”</b> she said with a small smile. At least the young wolf had enthusiasm. Perhaps at the word fighter Athena may be more inclined to take her under her wing. If not, she was sure her mate would test all of her statements soildly before too long. Making up her mind finally she stepped forward and grabbed the girl by the muzzle, not overly hard but enough to make the message clear. Without speaking she nodded her head in the direction of their home and set out. She could follow, or stay with Athena and Chantille. Either way, Naira was going home to sleep.</blockquote>
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[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]