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What is there for me? — The Wildwood 
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx bobbed his head as Koda spoke of a cougar "You know, I think you're right" he said, face emotionless. Cougars. Damn. They seemed to be everywhere and anywhere he was. Within moments, there was a white furred wolf approaching- the scent was familiar. Athena. She loped up to him, nudging his cheek softly. He smiled happily; he was rarely shown affection like that. With a wag of his fluffed tail, he leaned towards the now sitting female, nudging his own nose against her cheek in a warm greeting. "Glad to see you again" Tlarx said, the grin now turning to a toothy one.

Not long after Athena arrived, there was a voice from the pale trees.Do speak up, won't you? He almost laughed at the mysterious wolf's words as she stepped out from the scorched trees. Her limbs were covered in ash, green eyes fixing themselves upon Tlarx and Koda. Looking at Remy, Tlarx did not speak, he only dipped his head in greeting towards her. He would wait for her to speak once again- why should he say anything to someone who was spying upon them?
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Shortly after asking his subdued question of the male and white female arrived, seeming to be well acquainted with the younger man. Although no names were spoken once again. He supposed that it was something that he would have to get used to. He dipped his head to her in greeting just as another pale wolf, the secretive one, stepped out boldly asking him to speak up. He actually laughed out loud at her request. <b>"I spoke loudly enough for those in my company to hear well enough!"</b> he said with a grin, golden eyes bright with amusement. If she expected him to <span class='word'>spruik</span> on manners, it was her lucky day.

He turned to to white female once again and smiled, <b>"I am Koda and it's a pleasure to meet all of you."</b> He tossed an amused glance to the one that had been hiding to show that he included her and held no ill will against her. What would be the purpose in that? She was probably just being cautious. Or she might have been being rude intentionally. Either way it was not important enough of a matter to dull his general good mood.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena smiled as Tlarx nudged her back and she settled down more comfortably. She hadn't seen him for a few days since he saved her from the male cougar, which she was still unyielding grateful for. If it wasn't for him, she'd be at the bottom of the mountain splattered like a moth on a windshield. Her thoughts were interrupted as the hidden female decided to speak and come out into the open. The off white female seemed to regard them with a high head and she had to remind herself that they were on neutral ground. However, her head instinctively rose to somewhat match hers (the size differences prevents her from matching the exact height also she's sitting down while Remy is standing).

Out of the corner of her eye as she stared at the female with fiery amber eyes, she saw him merely dip his head in greeting. She too did not speak or offer a name, but it was Koda that was the first one of them to grace them with his voice. She turned back towards the slightly older man, looking at him curiously. Why was he so conversational and cheery. Lets face it, everyone wants something in life and if you're just going to regard Earth as a happy, fairy tale like place, then you might as well give up now. Before someone tares you apart.

She turned back towards the female now and attempted to be nice for a change. "Athena. Nice to finally see you." She said, flashing a smile before looking at the man besides her, wondering if he was going to saw anything.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
With an annoying growl Follko sat down twisted his head
around and pulled out a couple of burs that had lodged themselves
into his brownish coat. Aftera few curses and growls he
finished grooming himself and stood back up again.
His ears snapped forward and his nose started scenting the breeze.
There were other wolves about.
Should I go and investigate or should I just turn and leave? The older male
swished his tail and shook out his fur. They were no where near any pack territory
so if anything the wolves would probably be loners and not too aggressive.
He started padding slowly in the direction the scents and noises were coming from.
His claws dug into the soft earth as he trotted along in thought.
I wouldn't mind meeting some other wolves today. He smiled to himself as
he came closer. He could now hear wolves talking. But he knew not what they were
speaking about.
Finally the other wolves came into view. Through the trees he spotted two bright
white pelts first. Although since the wolves were crouched together he couldn't
immediately tell that there were two there. As he looked around
the trees more he then noticed at
least two other wolves that were standing kinda nearish to the first two.
With a huff he decided making noise for these wolves so that they
knew he was coming. s he started purposely hitting twigs and leaves
while he walked he realized that the group was made up of two females
and two males.
I should make a good impression here... He lifted his head just a bit
and began to walk just a bit closer. He spotted an old gnarly tree beside
the wolves and wondered if he would live even a quarter as long as it had.
"So theres a party happening here youngins?" He spoke loud enough for
the wolves to hear him to further allow them to know that he was approaching.
Then he stood quietly at the edge of the group looking over the pups who made
up this party. The two white wolves seemed to know eachother
quite well. But the other two seemed more wary of being in close quarters.
He then quickly realized that someone here was in a pack. The white lady?
He realized that she had a pack scent coming off of her.
Hopefully she wouldn't notice the pack scent coming off of him, or
maybe she wouldn't care. Follko hoped she wouldn't care because it
wasn't like he was here to fight or anything.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
Remy briefly passed her eyes among the gathered wolves, a red ear twitching as she attempted to read them better now that she was closer, but just barely had the darker of the males joked towards her did something teensy and white approach the gathering. The two males and herself both towered over the tiny she-wolf - who was quite familiar with the first wolf to come across the curious tree that would mark their gathering. Her fur was positively saturated in some foreign pack's smell - then again, <i>all</i> the pack smells were foreign to her but for the Hollow's, and even of that she got only a small sample to store in her memory. She lifted her own head the same way Remy held her's - which was not so much an arrogance or pride than it was just self-assurance. <i>Koda</i>, the cheery male named himself, and <i>Athena</i> was the little one. Nothing had yet to be said for the other one, nor herself.

She pondered exactly <i>what</i> she was doing here, with one happy-go-lucky male, a strange, cryptic male, and a pup-sized wolf who liked to stare at her from the corner of her eye. How bored was bored enough to put up with this, exactly? She ought've known better - Remy was not big on socializing. She was the kind of wolf that just liked to do their job. On top of that she greatly preferred one-on-one sorts of things where she could more accurately judge a wolf's character, which was difficult to do in groups - especially where one was with their friends, she noted, the two pale wolves in her mind. It was just about all she could do to not laugh at the sheer misfortune that she had willingly walked in to when another voice called out from the skeletal trees and asked about the <i>party</i> she and her fellow <i>youngins</i> were having. Remy shifted on her paws, downright ready to get the fuck out of there, when she older wolf came closer and she got a hint of the Hollow in his coat. <i>Damn her</i> for liking Sibyl; it was about the only reason she didn't just turn tail and return to her solitude.

The Mackenzie female gave a rugged shake and turned away from the lively gathering, instead inspecting the strange tree that had gathered any attention in the first place. It was what she was interested in after all.
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx watched as Remy approached the strange tree, and he looked away. If the woman was not to speak, so be it. He did not care for her presence, but would keep a wary eye in case she attempted something- highly unlikely. With a smirk upon his face, Tlarx now shifted his gaze to the eldest wolf who had emerged from the ghostly trees. "It seems this tree has some sort of magnetism to wolves, hmm?" A light chuckle erupted from his throat before he looked to Athena. She held her small head upward confidently; she was quite beautiful. Taking a deep breath in, Tlarx perked his ears to hear Koda introduce himself once more.

Although the man had not introduced himself at first, he figured why not now? They all seemed like a decent bunch, except for the damn weasel lurking about the tree. Soil the fun, will you? You're doing a damn good job at it. "Tlarx, by the way..." he offered simply, as not to create a phatic. It seemed as though this group were already full of kind wolves. With a flick of his tail, Tlarx observed Follko, but not in the most general of ways. The silvery-white man observed every detail, every scar...knowledge is power, and he always kept a vault of wolves within the back of his mind for later use.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda was finding the situation the slightest bit humorous now. This ancient ghostly tree, with it's very own guardian owl seemed to be the epicenter of quite a wolf gathering now. It was himself and the previously unnamed Tlarx, his lady friend Athena, the lady lurker and the older gentleman that referred to all of them as 'youngins'. He seemed a nice enough fellow. Honestly, they all seemed nice enough, except for the lurker. She seemed a bit put out with the whole situation. He didn't know what had put her in such a sour mood, but he wasn't going to let it phase him. She could sulk if she wanted to.

He gave a friendly smile to all and said, <b>"At least now we know what to call some of us by for this party. Athena, Tlarx, and you are..." </b> He let his voice trail of with a suggestive tone, glancing back and forth between the unnamed female and the older male. Just as he finished speaking the guardian owl filled in, <b><i>"Who?"</b></i> in a deep resonating voice. He couldn't help it. The pale cream colored male broke out laughing. It took him a couple of moments to gather himself. <b>"See? Even the owl is curious about your names!"</b> he said with a final chuckle. Perhaps he was a bit too friendly and forward for this region, but he was who he was. Being friendly by no means made him weak, for he was a large powerful wolf in his prime and he exuded confidence as well as good will. He hoped that the other two two would share their names.
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2012, 01:34 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I'm going to keep this short, since I'm super tired and have no muse. Sorry for the wait too. <3

As her introduction was heard, another male grazed them with his presence. This time, however, he smelt that of the Grizzly Hollow pack that lived nearby and a place that she has passed through, but has never stopped at. It would seem now that they were the only pack that wasn't after Poison Path's downfall, so she was at least a little grateful for that. She registered Tlarx's deep voice besides her and a light smile played on her ebony lips. The other female still decided to not give out a name, which she wasn't offended by. She usually does that anyway when she's in her usual guarded mood, but today was different for her. She was actually happy today. Must be the puppies.

So, the unknown female rounded the group and went to investigate the unique tree. Turning her attention back to the main group, she looked to the newer male and gave him a once over. By the way he talked and calling them "youngins" he must have been older then them, but not by much. He was still in good shape, slightly smaller than Tlarx and with a unique rusty black color that she hasn't seen on a wolf before. Koda's voice interrupted her thoughts and she turned back towards the group. His erratic ramblings, she looked to Tlarx with a amused look on her face.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko watched a white female look at the thick scraggly old tree.
When a "Who!" came out from it though he was a bit surprised.
Apearrantly a night hunter was living in the tree. Or at least sleeping in it.
With a sudden curiosity The older wolf decided to look at the owl himself. He'd
never get the chance to see one this close. He had only seen them farther up in
the treetops before.

With a quiet nod to the white unnamed female who was looking in on the bird
Follko tried to look past her body into the hole in the tree. He was amazed
at the creatures bright yellow gold orbs. They seemed to stare straight into his soul.
"Well little bird, my name is Follko." He answered the birds previous "Who!" from before.
Follko sniffed a bit and scented something familier on the white she wolf. The scent that
had been on his bud Jedd when he had met him. Was this Poison Path smell?
Oh well it wasn't like they were fighting over borders or something; Follko didn't need to
worry about other packs at the moment.

"Yes I'm Follko Theizkei for anyone who wants to know..." He turned around
and glanced at each of the wolves. It seemed there was only one other pack wolf
here and a bunch of loners. He didn't see the harm in telling them his name.
"My I have only seen one other owl this close. But it was a snowy not a horned owl."
He dipped his head and backed away from the tree. With a grunt he sat a little ways
away from the three wolves closest to him. The other female who seemed unhappy about
the situation looked like she was backing away from everyone.. Follko wondered
whether she was scared to be by so many wolves.

"Hey miss, you feelin a little frightened?" He smiled and waged his tail invitingly.
"You can come sit by me if you want. I don't bite..." A chuckle came from his throat
while he sat parallel to Tlarx.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
The original male - <i>Tlarx</i> - seemed just fine to let Remy do her own, which pleased the giant wolf as much as she could possibly be satisfied. And the smaller one who had been eying her before was content to focus her attention on the black-saddled Tlarx who she had given such an affectionate greeting to. They seemed a fitting pair, one tiny and one big, both pale. Yet Koda seemed reluctant to give up on the endeavor, and as the Mackenzie-blooded female scrutinized the strange markings on the trees his voice floated in from the main group: <i>and you are...</i> And then, as if marking whose allegience it would follow, the owl popped up from his home and interrupted them, the same way they had doubtlessly interrupted him, and hooted, much to the joy of Koda. Oh, she could certainly see the amusement in the situation, but Remy didn't quite feel it herself. Certainly this group of careless creatures would think her a soulless automaton with no humor, but it was no matter. She would find her soldiers elsewhere.

And yet, just as she had resolved to rid herself of the awkward gathering, the newcomer decided to address her. <i>Hey miss, you feelin a little frightened?</i> Remy very nearly fell out of her skin at the remark, fighting the urge to laugh and snarl at the same time. Furthermore he went on to invite her to his side, as though he were blind. Remy was a <i>warrior</i> and no group of misfits frightened her. Instead she would turn herself toward the older man, raising her head and issuing a dark laugh, void of femininity and emotion. <i>I don't bite</i>? "<b>Oh, but old man, <i>I do</i>. And I'll be more than happy to rid you of an ear if you'd care to speak to me again.</b>" Remy was a tank; bigger than the rusty old man and coated in muscle from tip to tail and only further enhanced by her Alaskan coat which added to her bulky exterior. Her moss-colored eyes were cold, threatening even, as she laid them upon the man's orange gaze and held fast. <i>Underestimate me again</i>, they taunted. After a moment's quiet, the cold-hearted girl would part her jaws again and add simply, "<b>Remy. I'm no <i>miss</i>.</b>"
(This post was last modified: May 31, 2012, 03:30 PM by Remy.)
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