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Among the Flares of Flowers — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko ignored the white female until she introduced herself with what he
thought was much better manners than the little princess. With a quick look
at the white female he nodded his head in greeting to her and wagged his still
elevated tail. Now this female he could work with, but the little girl next to him
flipped a switch and snapped at the female. He thought that was even ruder than
how she'd been treating him. At least he deserved it somewhat but not the new
white wolf. She didn't deserve to be snapped at so rudely. He hoped the white wolf
had more patience than this little bitch.

"Daughter of Jaysyek Enap Lyall - you know, who is just some alpha." Follko
turned his head from the white wolf to the young one after she said this.
Jaysyeks daughter? I guess she looks a little bit like her mother, but she doesn't
act like her respectable mother.
He looked the little wolf over and sniffed at her.
Lowering his head to her eye level his demeanor switched from playful to aggressive.
His orange eyes blazed as he stepped even closer to this naive youngster.
"And you think that piece of information will keep me from putting you in your place?"
His lips parted into a snarl with his ears flat against his head as he spoke.
"Even if you are her daughter you don't carry the packs scent anymore which means
one of two things. One you were chased out of the pack, or two you left the pack of
your own accord for some reason or another. I do not need to bow myself to you."
His fur bristled and made him look twice his size. He was trying to intimidate her
not to attack. He knew that when he got back to the packs den and Jaysyek
he would explain what occured here to Jaysyek. He would leave nothing out
even if the pup decided to try and fight him.

"Your mother has my respect and she is a great leader. She has the patience
to deal with me unlike you. SHE is a leader. You have much to learn before
you could match her. I'm sure she will understand if I told her that I was educating
you on the laws of how to be a loner." With a last glare at the pup he switched
to a calm attitude and his fur flattened as he turned to chantille."I'm sorry you have to see me in such a bad manner. Hopefully I can
get to know you more a little later." He dipped his head again still watching his back
to see if the young wolf would attack him with his back turned. He was ready to
defend himself if he needed to.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

"Well, I never!" Chantille spat at the brat before her. She had thought she was an innocent young wolf, but obviously she thought wrong. Nose wrinkling in disgust at the young lady (pfft, lady..) before her, she rolled her eyes. She dipped her head to Follko, listening to his hasty words as they were huffed towards this.... Trisden. Chantille allowed her fur to smooth, and she smiled, seeming unmoved by the rude remarks by the young wolf. She should know better to hold her tongue, or some other wolf would take the pleasure in tearing it out for her.

Turning her frame away from the girl, she took a few steps away, paws raking through the red sea before her. As she furthered herself away from the wench, she turned back 'round, eyes peering towards the elder. Seating herself, the creamy woman lazily lifted a leg to itch her ear before letting it thump back down into the flowers. Her gaze remained upon Follko, then switched to the girl, waiting to hear what she would say next.

Well, that is what happens when you are kind, I suppose. There are those who are willing to speak, and then there are those who seem like every day is a miserable hassle for them. With a small sigh, the well-groomed woman sat up straight, awaiting to watch the scene unfold before her.

Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Trisden Lyall
<blockquote>The thing is, neither of their opinions mattered. In the grand scheme of things, <i>Follko</i> and <i>Chantille</i> were nothing. He may have been one of her mother's wolves, but clearly he was undeserving of that title. But it was far from her to question her mother's judgement.

No doubt he would learn better manners in time, anyway.

The older male stepped forwards, clearly angered by her display, and Trisden lowered her head slightly (mostly for defensive purposes), her eyes just as alight and burning as his own. Where he rambled and lectured, she remained deathly silent. He spoke of her status as a loner, and her desire for honestly meant that she did not reject his conclusions. She <i>had</i> left, it was no lie. But things were different now - she was <i>coming back</i>. She had made her mistakes. Could either of them honestly say that they were faultless at her age?

Oh, it was wonderful how her youth was such a double-edged sword like that.

His lecturing turned to her mother, and despite the quietly festering rage she felt at being spoken to in such a manner, she continued to accept it, and was privately proud of his description of his esteemed leader. Jaysyek deserved it all and more. <i>Jaysyek deserved better than Trisden.</i>

But that was the whole point. She was coming back to make things <i>right</i>. They simply didn't understand.

With what was obviously meant to be insulting dismissiveness (or just humbling - as if he believed that she cared a jot what a nobody thought of her) he turned to apologise to the lovely lady Chantille, and Trisden scoffed quietly at that. Yeah, because sticking your nose in other peoples' affairs was totally honourable. Truly, Trisden had done a terrible thing to offend her. Maybe she should just learn to mind her own freaking business, then? Trisden didn't need anyone to save her.

After a lifetime spent believing in bigger things, she was more than ready to be her own hero.

<b>"You're right,"</b> she said slowly to the male's back, before the cream female could respond. This was her conversation. As much as she didn't want it, it was hers - she wasn't going to let it be stolen away from her until she was ready to leave it herself. <b>"I left. Right now, I'm nobody. You don't have to bow to me."</b>

The victorious gleam in her eyes was rather at odds with her words, but she was not trying to be deceiving. Lies were things she had vowed to leave behind. She took one step forward - she would <i>not</i> be ignored - and her lip quivered again, this time with a barely-controlled grin. <b>"<i>Not yet.</i>"</b>

Her life was full of promises. What was just one more?</blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille hated to think rude thoughts of another wolf...but for this one, she just could not help allowing those things into her head. It was obvious this female had her head shoved straight up her ass. Many wolves were birthed from alphas. Chantille was not, unfortunately, but she had made up for such. This little wolf would not know any better, though. Allowing her lids to close, the creamy female rolled her eyes. She was a hard button to push, for Chant had the patience of a saint. She was a non-judgmental wolf, but she knew a bad egg when she saw one. And this was quite the rotten one.

It had been all good intentions; her appearance. She wanted to 'save' the yearling from being bothered by the old man, but realizing the type of wolf she was, it seemed this 'Trisden' deserved it. After spitting at the young wolf, Chantille took a seat, smoothing herself over and letting a small grin adorn her muzzle. She was a Poisoned lady, but she knew how to pick her fights. A fight with such a young wolf would be a pathetic event, indeed.

Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follkos brown lifted. He did not expect this young one to agree
with his statements. It seemed she could still surprise him a bit.
With a curt nod he turned to face Trisden again. But this time he
lowered his head and tail to a normal level. He noticed the yearling
had lowered herself and now that she was speaking well enough he would
respect her more.
"I won't ignore you as long as you show respect. When you give respect
you recieve respect in turn. " His face had returned to its previous calmness
as he looked quietly at the female. There was promise there. She would grow
and after learning a bit she could be a great leader, but that depended on the way she
lived her life. Follko cocked his head noticing the little smile coming on in the corner of her maw.

"See! I knew I would get you to smile at some point! Some wolves just don't
know how to joke around these days." He wagged his tail a bit hoping Trisden would
come off her high horse and loosen up.

Eh short post .. Sorry bout that.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Oh snap! :)

<blockquote>There was still something missing. It was as if time did not exist in the fragile Hollow whose glory continued to wane. Where the winter months had been overtly cruel on his end, spring was subtly empty and more or less meaningless. Dutifully, he would stick to the routine he'd become accustomed to, though his optimism was slowly souring. First, it had been the abrupt departure of Trisden and Hocus; then, Elettra's desertion; and finally, even Raigo had parted ways. This left Jaysyek and Arlette to stand as the only familiar presences in his life at Grizzly Hollow, and even in the face of his unconditional love for the ghost of a woman with the crystalline eyes, it was terribly hard on the man. Whatever 'true' friends he'd ever had - save Jaysyek, who would always be close - were already gone.

What a bitter pill to swallow.

Thick, black limbs forged a path through the swaying waves of sun-hued flowers, which nearly stood to his underbelly. The scene was beautifully set, but it did not prepare him. <i>Her</i> scent was unmistakable, and nearly slapped him in the face. In a quick second he was still as stone, and each of the Guardian's senses were pushed into overdrive. He hadn't forgotten Trisden, or her absent brother, to that end, and the fact that an easy breeze had carried her recent signature to him in this place had his heart absolutely racing. The possibility of finding her after all this time sparked a hope he'd longed to embrace, and now he would not rest until he ensured he was either hallucinating or correct in his judgment.

With each bound her trail became stronger, and eventually he would encounter two scents with which he was quite familiar: a pack wolf, one of his own - male - and that of Chantille, the woman he'd encountered that morning when the fog had roused him from his self pity. What in the hell was going on? And then, in the distance, all together the most beautiful and horrid sight he'd sworn he'd ever seen came to view. <i>There she was</i>, alive and in one piece, aside the white woman and a man in the midst of...a confrontation? Really? From his undiscovered position he would welcome the threatening growl which resonated to the core. It was certain that the young Lyall would find her fair share of trouble, but he would <i>not</i> tolerate it from a member of the pack to which he belonged, less from a newcomer who should know better, though it wasn't lost that he'd surely never met the princess before. For as long as his wide paws could remain grounded he eevesdropped on the group's escalating conversation, the brewing rage in his chest well-contained. In many instances he was proud of Trisden's ability to hold her own, but the second the old man openly exhibited his own aggression was the moment the child's play was absolutely <i>over</i>. Rippling muscles propelled the Second forward like a bolt of lightning as he swiftly cut the distance between himself and the others, and with his flag curled high over his lower back, whatever warning was to be given would come too late. Sweeping directly past Chantille, Kade took his rightful position, hastily bounding between his Trisden and the Hollow wolf whose words were unwelcome and forbidden.

<b>"Silence!"</b> The Attaya's words were like venom as fierce, silver eyes locked to those of the old man's. His posture was a black-and-white reflection of his position, though he was not acting now as a pack wolf taking sides; now, he was a fearless force of destruction, protecting a part of his heart - Trisden - from a pathetic excuse of a threat. From <i>a coward</i> who was apparently inept in picking his fights with any inclination of wisdom. How dare he.

He could feel the tips of the fur of his side as they bristled against the young Lyalls, in the back of his mind satisfied that she was literally within reach, and safe. As much as he'd taken a liking to the Poison Path female who sat quietly at the side lines, he was dismayed and disappointed in her for simply allowing such an occurence to take place - to watch as the yearling held her own against the shadow of a brute who was bent on <i>teaching</i> her a <i>lesson</i>. His blood boiled. His misguided 'teachings' were poison themselves, and this <i>Follko</i> was in <i>no</i> position to consider enlightening others.

<b>"If you so much as <i>whisper</i> a single word in her direction again, old fool, <i>I</i> will be the demon to drag <i>you</i> straight to hell,"</b> he spat as the ridge of fur lining his spine bristled further, ears and weight forward as he loomed before his subordinate with the power to do so. <b>"So readily you speak of Jaysyek's character and approval of <i>your own</i> actions, but I guarantee you that <i>this</i> is an abomination of <i>everything</i> she stands for </b>(like loyalty, and mercy)<b>..."</b> the words were laced with <i>true threat</i>, nothing the pathetic wolf could hope to harness in <i>Kade's</i> presence, <b>"And you <i>will</i> bow to <i>me</i>, if you cannot pay <i>your respects</i> to her daughter, who is beloved <i>regardless</i> of the conditions <i>you</i> so <i>ignorantly</i> place upon her."</b>

It was only now that his gaze would shift to Chantille, who had no place here and now. Iron eyes would sweep from her gentle, chocolate stare down to her paws and back in disgust before darting back to Follko, who was about to fall through the the thin ice he'd so unknowingly been treading upon.

Trisden Lyall was <i>every inch</i> royalty, and this would be the <i>last</i> time she would suffer so before <i>any</i> man who so self-righteously projected himself as having <i>any</i> sway over her.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 21, 2012, 10:13 PM by Kade.)
Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Trisden Lyall
I swear I couldn't stop swooning. Oh Kade. I simply could not do you justice.

<blockquote>Her words appeased the old man, who lightened his manner and spoke as if his wise words were of interest. She had been saturating herself in life lessons ever since she left this place. Her entire existence revolved around self-improvement. Her very presence in this land proved it! All the while he spoke, she stared darkly at him, consumed by her promise.

<i>Not yet.</i>

However, his last words rather ruined the effect. Didn't know how to... joke around? Was this a game to him? Here she was believing that at least he was taking her seriously - treating her like a child, perhaps, but at least taking her seriously. And was it all just fake...?

Fortunately, she was saved the arduous decision between leaving in anger or telling the old fool what-for again. Yet more footsteps sounded behind them, and then his scent hit her - with a gasp, Trisden's eyes widened, the building hostility lost in the sudden and unexpected arrival. Trisden did not need rescuing - but Kade, he was one of the two wolves whose forgiveness she craved. In the few seconds it took for the man to blaze in, glorious as always, Trisden's mind was a mess.

She was not ready for this. She had not expected to reach the Hollow for another day - could she handle this? Kade, he was, he was -

<b>"<i>Kade</i>,"</b> she breathed as he stepped boldly in front of her, swept away by panic and awe and, perhaps most of all (and most unexpected of all) love. She had always been her mother's daughter, a devoted child, but had been most cruelly denied a father. Kade had been the closest to that figure she had ever had. In many ways - in all ways - she wished that he <i>had</i> been her father.

The arrogant Trisden was gone, brushed aside by the enormity of the encounter that she was not prepared for in the slightest. But it did not matter - the noble man's furious words came rushing past her ears, <i>words in her defence</i>, and had it been anybody but he she would have raged, determined to stand up for herself.

But if he was defending her, it meant that he <i>forgave</i> her.

The breath gone from her lungs, Trisden stepped forward without thought, closing the gap between herself and her gallant, selfless leader, needing confirmation that this was real, that he was really here. This was really happening. She had agonized for so long, worked herself up to believe that they may reject her - but here he was. She could not have been more wrong.

That brilliant spark finally came back to her eyes, and she pressed the side of her face into his dark shoulder, staring at Follko all the while. The memory of how he had spoken to her came rushing back, tiny compared to the enormity of her revelation, but suddenly this situation was both unimportant and completely wonderful. She grinned at him, radiating pure victory. <i>Not yet</i>, she had said. Now, well - she was already halfway there.</blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille sat, watching as the silver-dusted man appeared from what seemed like nowhere. He moved heavily, his eyes set upon Trisden before narrowing angrily toward Follko. She blinked, reeling her creamy head back as the dark man spat hasty words toward him; poisoned arrows straight to the eyes. After listening to his deep voice, his steely gaze wondered over to her in what could only be assumed as disgust. Flicking her ears back, Chantille felt a small fire light itself within her chest, and she resisted the urge to curse aloud.

"Kade." Her voice was gentle like a newborn lamb. Her eyes remained soft, for whatever he thought of her at the moment, she would pay no mind to. "I arrived only to defend this young lady, but in return I received a spitting at." She choked back from hissing these words; her kind personality resented her from doing such a thing. "Thought you 'ought to know... I do not appreciate the dismay within your eyes." The well-muscled woman now rose up to her creamy toned paws, tail flicking as she did so. She remained in a neutral stance as not to cause hackles to raise.

With a curious eye, she watched the elderly man for his reaction- was he to spit right back in the face of Kade? Chantille's approach was always the 'kill 'em with kindness'. She never took pleasure in yelling at a wolf, but if it was needed, she would. Although she only met Kade once, she took a liking to him, and it would not change as of now.

(This post was last modified: May 20, 2012, 10:46 PM by Chantille.)
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
In his head Follko looked at this male and said, "Why are you coming into this situation not even knowing what was going on?" But the males posture and scent was what made him decide to lower himself. He could scent Jaysyek on him. Which meant that he was her mate and that this male was the Grizzly Hollow leader he had not met yet. So he dutifully lowered his head his tail and his body showing the soft patch of delicate skin where his throat was to the alpha. Great. Now he had to explain that he was already beginning to back down from Trisden to this male, Kade was it? But how was he supposed to do that without the female possibly trying to turn the story around and make it look like he's the bully. He had just been trying to teach her a life lesson. Plus why was Kade defending her when she wasn't in the pack anymore? Follko could see him being worried for her but all pups must grow up. And they must do this alone. Not with parents defending them at each turn. Still he wondered to himself. There is more to this story that he did not know. Why did she leave? Especially when it seems her parents, or at least this parent, had wanted her to stay? If she had pack scent on her Follko would have let her be miss queeny and he would have ignored her bad points and sucked it up. He did not know that her parents would still be protetive of her.

Then he realized that Chantille could back him if he told the truth of what occured. The she wolf had stayed while he was dealing with Trisden, and she seemed Honest enough and good hearted.It seemed as though the young wolf had misinturpretted his previous comment too. He had watched before Kade strode in how her face showed just a hint of confusion then anger after he had said "wolves just don't know how to joke" comment. Now somehow he had to explain to her at some point that he meant that comment for all the joking with the flower and pup fur falling off way in the way in the beginning of their meeting. Great How was he supposed to get through this?

"Sir may I speak please?" He lowered his eyes and watched the males paws as he stood before Follko. If only he could get the chance to explain everything.

I hope Chantille gets a chance to save his sorry behind. XD
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2012, 10:48 PM by Follko.)
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
@ Follko: Just for clarification - Kade is neither the Leader of Grizzly Hollow, nor Jaysyek's mate, nor Trisden's father, per se. Any 'power' or 'position' references made were concerning his place as Second, and his rank above Follko and as a friend and protector of Trisden.

<blockquote>Surprisingly, it was Chantille who would be the first to break the brief silence between them all, but not for a second would his stare retract from its dead aim upon Follko as he cowered. As the subordinate exposed his throat in submission, the Guardian had it in mind to shred his flesh, but it would not do to contradict perhaps the most sincere point any of them should gather from the encounter - <i>mercy</i>. Subconciously he leaned into Trisden slightly as to reassure her, all the while maintaining the stance that had the old man nearly on his knees, figuratively speaking.

Though his musculature remained coiled, ready, a quiet breath was taken as a sideways glance absorbed a quick look at Trisden. He could hardly believe what he was seeing himself, but he was no less glad for her return.

It was true that, at some point, every wolf must grow, seperate from his of her existence within their pack. Trisden had done just that, and it was not an issue of protection that loomed here now. Follko had blatantly violated the unspoken code that upheld any hierarchy - respect - and the position he was in now was a natural consequence to his actions. Kade was no creator of any law, but he absolutely <i>would</i> abide by them all, and it was <i>his duty</i> to Jaysyek, and to Trisden, as well as Grizzly Hollow, to maintain order. Perhaps Trisden would be unwanted in the Cedarwood forest, rejected by the family to whom she belonged. But all odds were against such a notion, and he without doubt that Jaysyek would be happy and relieved to see her daughter again in one piece, and without having had lessons thrust upon her by a wolf who had yet to construct legitimate ties with <i>her</i> pack or blood family. If there were repercussions to be had from this mess, they would fall upon Kade's shoulders either way.

So when this Follko respectfully requested permission to voice an explanation, the Second's head would raise with pride as his eyes narrowed upon him. <b>"Make it quick."</b>

When this was over, he and Trisden would have much to catch up on, and he would gladly deliver her to the safety of their home, and into the reach of her mother. He had not forgotten sweet Chantille, who he believed did not deserve such stern judgment as he'd issued, and perhaps an apology could be hashed from the fire that was blazing in the rolling hills of Fireweed Rise.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 22, 2012, 01:04 AM by Kade.)