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iron will — Swift River 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
The grace with which Finn accepted her fate remained, and Ice felt an inkling of, what.. pride? She wasn't a River wolf any longer, but she was a decent wolf all the same. He wished nothing but luck for her out in the wilderness, but found no reason nor opportunity to voice such a thing. Instead he remained Marsh's silent, white shadow, watching Corinna as the scene unfolded. As the necessary words were given, the leader paced around the small female, who still spoke with a gracious tongue in her head.

She even thanked Marsh; Ice turned his head to observe the Second, who seemed surprised. A small smile crested his pale face then, and as Corinna came within reach he leaned over to bump his nose against her chin, meant to comfort. Finn was padding away into the wild, and she would be a stranger once more. "Maybe living alone for a while will be good for her," he said after some moments of silence, before giving a wolf's shrug. Maybe it'll kill her - or she'll learn the value of pack, and be more involved with her next. He gave her a silent well-wish before following Marsh's example and glancing at Corinna. What next?
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It was a relatively painless process, watching Finn go. She had accepted her fate without much of a protest, and Corinna felt the relief rise from her shoulders. At least they had parted amiably, and should they run across one another again, the leader would inquire with kind eyes as to the fate of the previous subordinate. But as Ice correctly said, perhaps the experience would be a beneficial learning one. No doubt that she would take her mistakes and use them to her advantage when she approached the next pack. There were plenty in Relic Lore, it took some trying to stay packless for long. She even had the grace to think Marsh for his aid - a story that Corinna was not aware of. Cocking her head to the side curiously, she peered at the Second, but was content to let it go. It was not her affair, but nevertheless, she was glad that the gratitude permeated the group on both sides of the invisible, though powerful, border.

Rolling her shoulders, Corinna turned her gaze to Ice and Marsh (how curious that she rarely saw them not as a pair). "Thank you for your help." A nudge to the cheek was given to the pair of them, her wagging tail another indicator of her thanks. "You're free to return to what you boys were up to. I think I'm going to find Indru, tell him what happened." Her counterpart hardly knew Finn either, but he would want to know what had transpired here this morning anyway. With a low woof, Corinna set off, back towards the main part of the territory, her waddle slow and precise.

Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Corinna's thanks and the nudge to the cheek was all that was needed to wipe away his moment of uncertainty. He did not need to follow all of her words to understand that they were now dismissed, and his tail gave a slow wag as she turned to leave, his colourless eyes watching her for a few moments before breaking away to look at Ice.

They had been keeping busy before Corinna's summons, and Marsh saw no reason for them to finish what they had started. With an authoritative snort, Marsh twitched his head to the side and then turned in that direction, effortlessly transitioning into patrol mode. They had a border to keep tidy, as usual.</blockquote>
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
And like that, she was gone, out of their lives - for now. Ice's tail gave a small twitch as he mentally acknowledged this fact, before turning to Corinna fully at the sound of her voice. A simple thanks and a nudge; he responded by licking her chin briefly, and a smile broke out across his face at her words. What you boys were up to. Something in the way she worded it made him grin, tail wagging again. "Might be good, yeah," he agreed with her on her plan, and stood still for a moment to watch her go. Hopefully Indru wouldn't berate her for it, nor them, but see the reasoning of it. The peaceful terms of her departure had surely earned her a second chance in Swift River, albeit not in the nearest future. Feeling rather content with the way things had played out, he turned to Marsh, ears forward. He huffed, amused. "There was that double rainbow..." he muttered to himself, before rolling his shoulders and padding after Marsh. Duty called, and Ice was seldom one to not answer it.

[ end. ]
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2012, 08:43 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul