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The Pleasure is All Mine — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The day was shadowed and cool, the heats from the pervious days had passed and it was a relief to know that know the day would be cool and others would be jumping for joy, but not one little female. In the shadows of the thickets sat a wolf with brown fur, her eyes seemingly distant as she stared at a bush. For once it wasn't an herbal one, just a regular bush. The female watched a spider crawl from leaf to leaf in search of some kind of food. The little black thing obviously hadn't successfully caught anything in his web and he was counting on maybe finding something useful in the underbrush. The only thing that showed that she wasn't sleeping was the slight wagging of her tail as she sat. The swish of her tail was easily heard in the silence of the area. Nothing was here, no one would come.

Her recent injuries had scarred her and now she had gotten what she wanted. Some precious time to think. Though she had injuries she knew she would have to go on. She was a healer and her job was to help others, something that she could easily do. She just needed to refocus her mind and she was doing so right now. Life had to go on and she knew she needed to stay in a light mood. Something she could do quite easily. She just needed some time to think, some interactment or someone to take her mind off things. Many of her friends had helped her through her times in need and now she knew it was her turn. . .her turn to help everyone else.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He may be moving slow

His legs still felt weak from the chase, his nervous system pumping out the last of the adrenaline. Delicately, his mouth held onto the soft underside of a porcupine he had caught. Skittles had put a lot of effort into finding this meal. The porcupine had put in the same amount as he had to survive, but ultimately lost the fight. Several thick spines protruded from his muzzle, evidence of the battle. His steps tired and slow, at last they came to stop at a bush.

Casually, he noticed a pair of eyes, and then followed those eyes to a spider, forgetting all about them. Entranced, he began to watch, as if his whole life were caught up in the web and bony legs of the spider. The carcass fell from his mouth and hit the ground with a dull thud, but he didn't notice. comparatively, the creature's legs were long and exaggerated, reflecting the light just so, as if in a hurry but never showing it. Sometimes a silver thread would protrude from its rear, other times not. Tiny, it continued about its miniature world, determined to survive in the place so large and looming around it, ignorant of everything else out there. Perhaps his life was like that, whimsical, just so, just another spider.

As he watched, he noticed there was also green. Turning, he began to stare at the woman's eyes, as if not realizing that a wolf behind them existed. The individual webs and strands of light and dark that fought for space, interconnecting, intertwining, a chaotic jumble of disorganized organization. Emerald, the color of the forest on the day of the grasshoppers, grass, the unfurling buds of a flower yet to bloom. Skittles continued to pant, as if frozen in time but forced to do nothing but stare. His expression blank, he looked on as the seconds ticked by.

That don't mean he's going nowhere...

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Soon enough a wolf granted her with its, his, presence. Keeping her eyes trained on the spider she spoke. Her voice was unusual to her ears. Her normal, soft voice was hectic. An edge of fear in her voice. "It's rude to stare, sir." With that small sentence the young female looked over at the white male. Throughout the silence that followed her words she heard panting. Blinking her emerald eyes at the male in front of her she twitched her ears slightly, a small smile played on her lips. She didn't enjoy her new voice and thought briefly of not talking for a while longer so to that her voice get back to its regular tone. With a mental shake of her head she stared at the wolf in front of her. 

He seemed to be staring into her eyes trying to figure them out. What was with wolves here and liking her eye color. They were emerald. Yay! Where was the problem in that? Many wolves here had green eyes, what were so different about hers? Opening her mouth again to speak she said, "I am Nina Hervok. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." The male in front of her looked older than her but his maturity level was low, something that she could handle. This encounter might not be too bad. He didn't seem to be a threat, which was a good thing in the highest.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He may be moving slow

With the onset of sound that made up words and conversation indicating wolves talking, he blinked, startled, and his skin tried to jump off his bones in a jerking motion. His eyes gradually re-focused and he discovered that he was not just looking at a bush and a spider and the color green, but rather a wolf also. "I-I-I....", his tongue fumbled but ultimately found nothing to say, the proverbial vehicle engine grinding to start but ultimately dying to clicks. Perhaps his battery was dead.

At the introduction, he made a strange face, a cross between a scowl and utter bafflement, as if it were the most important thing in the world, and also the strangest. "Nina is a gurl's nameee....", he stretched his last syllable, his eyes turning to look at the spider now, and then at his catch. Involuntarily, his paw went up to his nose, delicately wiping his muzzle, but catching on the porcupine spines stuck in his face. A whimper tried to protrude from his throat but could not come out. "Skittlesssssssssss", he remarked, as if half excited, but his voice neutral.

He ducked his head and went for a bite of the underside of his catch, but his spines caught in the others and he jerked away in pain. A violent sneeze suddenly racked his chest. And another. Anxiously, he pawed at his nose again. Nothing happened. His obsessive compulsive side kicked in and a fury of sneezes and rubs followed, each one only agitating the site further, and escalating his actions to a higher level of frenzy. A series of whimpers began to build until they were audible. Suddenly, his tail jerked and he bucked as if something were on his back. It served to cause his movement to reside.

He stared wishfully at his meal with bleary eyes coated over with even more exhaustion, realizing that he would never be able to eat it with his spines. In fact, he may never be able to eat again. Perhaps he would die of starvation.

Feeling sour, he made a gambit "Eat. I can't." He moved away, stood, and then allowed his body weight to flail, effectively plopping down in an exaggerated 'dying' motion. He licked his paws for the fifth time today and gingerly began to pull on the spines, accompanied by persistent whimpering.

That don't mean he's going nowhere...
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The golden brown female watched the older man in front od her in sympathy. He was much more immature than she thought he was, but that didn't mean that he had to be in pain. Moving towards him as he flipped on the ground trying to pry the pricks out of his muzzle she spoke, "You are only going to make it worse with what you are doing. Let me help you." Nina had experience with this kind of thing before. Her mother used to only be able to find these kinds of animals to feed the young girl and countless times Nina had to pry needle-like things out of her mother's pelt. Nothing that she couldn't handle, but once she herself had gotten a needle in her muzzle and she had gotten an infection from it because she had no one to pry it out.

She would need to find some willow for the young fellow if he allowed her to help him. . .it wouild relief him of his pain, and if she couldn't find that then perhaps some poppy seeds would do the trick. Watching the young male in concern she twitched her ears, the spider long forgotten. How many needles did he have in his muzzle? Too many. . .she could get them all out, she knew this. . .but she also knew that the male would be in a muzzle full of pain. Poor guy. . .she hoped he would be able to deal with it though. She couldn't stay with him forever.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He may be moving slow

"ARRRRGUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaauuuuuuhhhhhh!", he groaned so loudly it could have been mistaken as a howl. He did another swipe to his nose, for good measure, but effectively accomplishing nothing but looking like he was flailing his paws about wildly. He breathed in and followed with a sigh. "Okay.", he squeaked out in a breath.

"No touchy! Mama always says never let anyone touch Skittles, especially in private areas.", his voice was an imitation of something foreign, rythmical, as if reciting the alphabet. "Except for Mim, Skittles lets Mim touch him...", he paused. "... because he loves her...", another pause, "...but she never loved him and went and died all old and lonely like.", he concluded, staring at his paws as if they were sausages that flew around in heaven like celestial whales.

"No touches the Skittles. This...", he moved towards a tree with gigantic leaves at the height of his head, grabbed a branch, tugged, tugged some more, and then flew backwards with a branch. He plucked off the leaves one by one, placing them side by side with the most precise efforts. He began to fidget with the last leaf, it didn't match the others, being smaller and slightly crumpled on one side. "It puts the leafs on it's paws...", he explained in a sing-song tune, as if half forgetting about the situation and completely about the pain.

"Neeeeennnnaaaaaaa," he sounded out the word to himself, exaggerating all the syllables. This female wasn't so bad?

That don't mean he's going nowhere...
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Everything the male said was making less sense to Nina's brain. What was he talking about? The poor boy was talking gibberish. She felt slightly bad for him but pointedly ignored his banter as he spoke. She would make no attempt to help him now if he didn't want it. She simply didn't force her help onto another wolf. If she offered and they accepted she would give it but if they ignored her then she would comply and leave the wolf alone. Blinking her eyes at the wolf in front of her, slight sympathy was within her eyes.

This male she had met was obviously screwed up in the head. It wouldn't surprise her if something awkward happened soon. This boy had a weird way of laying things out fpr her, but for some reason it only made what was happening that much more confusing. Wagging her tail slightly she opened her mouth and spoke, the hysteria returning, "Well I do hope all turns out all right. I really do Skittles." She really didn't know what else to say to the older male, there was really nothing else to say. Something was wrong with him. . .the way he processed things. . .it just wasn't right. His maturity was lower than she first thought, for she was more mature than the older male.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He may be moving slow

His ears cocked and then swiveled, and then at last tentatively drooped. What exactly did this mean? She didn't seem to be offering to help anymore, that was for sure. Perhaps she didn't particularly like his idea of paw-mittens via leaves? He pondered the possibilities and even whether it was worth the risk of her leaving. Would he be able to do it himself? He knew that he could, but he also knew that it would hurt something awful. His eyes began to dart back and forth in nervousness.

At last, he tried to make amends. "Okay... you can touch.", he grumbled. "But not in my private places."

Getting up, he carefully tip toed to where Nina was, and then plopped himself down so that his head was facing her paws. He tucked this legs underneath him, hoping that the weight of his own body would be enough to suppress the desires to twitch that would surely become of this. Shutting his eyes, he began to wince as if the pain had already began, tiny cries, mutterings, and whimperings of anxiety following.

That don't mean he's going nowhere...
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2012, 05:40 AM by Skittles.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Skittles seemed nervous at the thought of her statement and she was soon going to be leaving. If this male did not need her help then she supposed that there was no need for her to stay with him. Soon after the thought he stopped her and continued to agree for her help. Satisfied that she was finally allowed to help this male she held back a snort of annoyance as he repeated for her not to touch him inappropriately. . .like she was going to in the first place, yeah right.

The brown boy padded toward her and plopped down in front of her wincing as if she had already started pulling the needles out of his muzzle. Rolling her eyes as he whimpered she almost couldn't believe herself. She was actually rolling her eyes at a patient. . .how terrible of her. Blinking her eyes she spoke gently, "This is probably going to hurt extremely bad. But stay still, otherwise it will hurt worse." It wouldn't have surprised her if he wasn't listening, but she could care less at the moment. If he didn't want to get healed then he was wasting his time with her.

Opening her mouth again she grasped one of the needles into her mouth and pulled. She knew this would hurt more than she had expressed but she concentrated hard on the task at paw. After a few more tugs she finally had gotten the first needle out. Spitting it out to the side she grasped another one and tugged. This one seemed to be deeper than the last. And as she pulled harder she heard the whimper. She would definitely have to get some willow and poppy seed after this. Pulling harder on the needle it finally popped out and Nina spat it on the ground next to the one that she had already pulled out. Giving the male a slight break she sat there waiting for the OK to start pulliing again.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He may be moving slow

The woman seemed satisfied that Skittles was being cooperative now instead of a horses' rear end, and warned him of the oncoming pain. It was a warning he hardly needed, he was already whimpering. He dare not nod his head in acknowledgement so instead he simply began to stare at the scenery, his eyes widened with the oncoming horror. But in what little time there was between the end of her short speech and the beginning of her arduous treatment, his mind had already been seeded with many other thoughts. The wind and the rain, the sleet and the snow. But all those things were weather.

What about space? He began to wonder and thus didn't feel a thing when the first needle was pulled, the light in his eyes already emptied and hollow. What exactly was that great blue expanse above that turned oceanic during the day and ebony during the night, tiny stars twinkling like candles on the universe's eternal birthday cake. What if there were other places like this one with other creatures, perhaps even based on different elements of the universe? What if there were other universes? How was the universe created in the first place - all of the stars did seem to be bigger pieces of something, perhaps there had been a big explosion and all of whatever it was scattered itself out in space, stars out in a big enormity of darkness. He winced at the violent thought.

It was then that he realized that Nina was looking at him with a seemingful expression of waiting. Looking up at her face, his own expression was quizzical. "Thank...", he began to run his paw along his cheek to check the area, but quickly discovered more obstacles. "Oh. Uhmmm....", he tried to think of something to say. Was this where he paid her half and then had her do the rest? "You can have what I caught....?", he offered, hoping that it would be enough to satisfy her payments. "Or I'll get something else?", his words were a whirlwind of self-inflicted confusion.

That don't mean he's going nowhere...