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Finally, We Meet — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
It had been awhile. . .her wounds and injuries had healed and she was stronger than she had been in awhile. She was now ready to take on anything life could throw at her. Her positive outlook on everything was returning. The pups had been born and she respected her pack. She now knew everyone fairly well and respected them. . .with the exception of Volkan. The dominant wolf had blown up on a newcomer to Relic Lore and Nina had not appreciated that what so ever. She had not appreciated what the young female and Nina had left the area quickly after, highly angered with the female. She had calmed down later and met the male that had been falsely accused of trespassing on their territory. She had found a new friend and a new protector, someone she could count on.

Now she was following a lead she had found on her brother. Now that the pups were born she felt better about traveling around a bit more. Finn. . .a wolf she had met had told her about her brother and she had found the boy's scent not to far away from here. She was kind of fearful of what her brother was doing over here. . .or what he claimed to be her brother. Now she was traveling. . .to where she smelt his scent. It was getting stronger by the second and Nina knew that she was getting close. The male was close to Poison Path's territory though, something that made her highly weary. Had he joined the pack? Surely not. . .he still smelt the same he had when she had encountered him at the Finn incident.

As she approached the area where she had been in a scuffle weeks prior she saw a brown wolf, his large build shocking to her. He smelt like Ash. . .she had found him. Approaching the male cautiously she barked softly as if telling the male that she was here. The golden beauty wouldn't be shocked if the male in front of her already didn't know that she was here, but it was time to finally indroduce herself to this wolf. . .after he indroduced himself. Opening her mouth, her now hysteric voice was echoing in the flowery clearing. "Hello, there. Who might you be?" She said this politely in fear that if she didn't she would get her pelt ripped off. The male's eyes were closed, but the coloring of his face looked slightly familiar. . .
(This post was last modified: May 21, 2012, 12:15 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The peace in mine he had been feeling had been peaceful. He had been by himself for the past few days with no one to bother him. . .not even Treena. This had slightly disappointed him though. His little Treena hadn't been following him lately and a slight fear had settled into his mind. Where was his little female? The two had not been seperated for this long and he missed her. Her warm fur and comforting smile. . .he missed her. He had never felt a connection like this before. Then he heard pawsteps, and a scent. Copper Rock Creek. . .wonderful. What did this wolf want? He waited patiently after the bark when he heard a voice, one that seemed full of fear. Fear for what?

Opening his eyes his green eyes seemed to pop out at the female in front of him. Wait. . .was this who he thought this was? It WAS!! It was the female who had helped heal Finn. . .Finn. . .now was not the time to be thinking about her. Watching the female in front of him he smiled at her. . .this might be Nina. . .time to find out. . .tilting his head to the side he answered her question with a strong voice, "I am Ash Hervok. . .and who may you be?" He had never met a wolf who had the same characteristics as he. Slanted green eyes. A strong build. This female technically had everything that he had. . .now it was time to find out if this male was who he thought she was.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The girl's tail instantly started to thump. This was her brother. Ash. . .she was right. Now that she saw his eyes she knew. The green and the slightly slanted look to them. . .she saw the family resemblance. With a small smile on her face she introduced herself, "I am Nina Hervok." Something felt wrong though. Perhaps it was the way the exchange went. . .or maybe it was the cruel smile that Ash had given her, but something didn't feel right. She felt it in her gut. Something told her to howl. . .howl for anyone to come and watch over her. Perhaps. . .wait what was the smell?

The young golden female sniffed the air slightly. Koda? Why was her friend's scent on her brother's pelt. And the thing about the smell, almost as if fear or something else had blown onto Ash's fur. Was Koda alright? Her hackles were the first ones that had started to raise. Last night no blood of hers had been bled here the last time she had been in a fight. . .but this time she knew it would be different. If she did in fact get into a fight with this male, her brother, she would probably not make it. He was much larger than her and just by a glance she could easily tell that he could take her down without second thoughts. After the encounter on the borders with Volkan, Nina had decided against having the younger female teach her how to fight. Now looking at the large brute in front of her she wished she could have done something different. . .this was not going to end well.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
As soon as the words left Nina's mouth he was ready. He figured that this might have been her and he surely had nothing to say to her. Baring his canines at his sister he snarled. Perhaps this would be easier than he thought, she was already defensive. Had she smelt something? Shit. . .that male. . Koda. His stench was probably still covering his pelt. Wonderful. . .time to jump into action. Snarling he launched himself at the golden female his claws instantly tearing at her pelt. The male then retreated watching Nina. She now looked fearful. Good. . .she should be. 

He didn't feel bad as he continued to assault her. Due to his size he knew that even if she tried to fight back, she would barely be capable. She was so small and she was a healer and a weak one. She had not done enough to save Finn. Snarling at her he jumped onto her and latched himself onto her back leg. Nom nom. . .mmmm. Perhaps he would even be able to eat her after she was dead. It would be perfect. But right now all he wanted was to taste her blood on his tongue. She deserved to suffer and he knew he would drag it out as long as he could. Hatred was in his eyes. He hated her with a passion. No one would be able to kill her except for him. No one else would touch her ever again. . .well when she was alive that is. He wouldn't allow it no matter what the case. 

He continue to retreat and attack. He heard her moans and groans but at the moment all he could concentrate on was bringing this bitch as much pain as he could muster. What Treena thought of him at the moment was soon forgotten as he caused his sister pain. Well. . .considering that he was alone with her. No one would find out. . .not even her own pack. A smug grin made its way onto Ash's face as he fought. His muscles flexing felt great. . .the last real fight had been. . .well before Relic Lore. Now he felt like he was back.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
[/dohtml]</center>She knew she wouldn't be ready when it happened and when it did she was shocked. Soon after the pierce of her flesh she howled and howled loud. Koda, Triell, someone help! The assault continued and tears formed in Nina's eyes. All she had wanted was to meet her brother. Kashikoi said he had seemed nice and so had Finn. Whimpers escaped her mouth as she was torn apart by her own blood!  He then latched onto her back leg and a piercing scream lit the sky. Her emerald eyes were snapped open her head bowed. She wanted this to stop. . .the pain was unbearable. Looking around desperately for something her hopes were lost. Her tears were making all her surroundings blurry. All hopes of her living a new life vanished. 
When he finally released her and backed up she still refused to fight. She didn't even know what to do anymore. Then the blow came. . .the one that finally knocked her down. Ash hit her in the chest with much force and considering his large size it wasn't a light weight. The breath was knocked out of her and she fell, she would even think to her death. She was bleeding pretty badly. Her wounds were deep and she could only hope that she would escape this but knew she was going to die. This was the end for her. No one was coming, it was going to be the end to her. Ash was ready to kill her, it made sense now. Her mother had told her she was a mistake and her father had thought the same. Perhaps he had given this information to Ash and now she was paying for being her own mistake. Giving one last final howl to the sky in hopes that someone else would find her body she waited. . .waited for the final blow to her. </center>[/dohtml]
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda couldn't help it. Once the male had left, he just couldn't get rid of the feeling that Nina was in true peril from him. Not knowing what to do, he was torn, but only slightly. He should stay with Elettra, for she was his pack now, his family. But he couldn't not check on Nina. The dread was building and the choice really became no choice at all. He looked at his leadess and said, <b>"I have to check on my friend. I feel that she is in great danger and I must go. I will be back as soon as I can... if you will still have me. I'm sorry!"</b> Then, without another word or waiting for an answer, he'd headed out to find his sweet Nina.

He didn't know if that had been hours or days ago, but his desperation was growing. Something was wrong and dread was crawling all over him. She could be anywhere, but somehow he knew that he would find her. Fate could not bring such a sweet creature into his life and then snatch her away on a whim. Exhaustion caught up to him and he finally lay down to rest a bit and fell into a fitful slumber, filled with nightmares. A piercing cry for help finally reached him and he snapped his head up, quickly realizing that it hadn't been from his nightmare. He would know that voice anywhere. He was now living his nightmare. She needed him now! Senses instantly giving him the necessary information, he tore off to rescue his sweet Nina.

Screams and howls of pain pierced the air and a red haze of rage filled his vision. Murder was on his mind. Nothing was going to stop him from ridding Nina and the world of that hate-filled monster! As he was nearly upon the calls of distress, he smelled his beloved and the beast. The metallic smell of blood filled the air and he feared that he might be too late as the last howl had faded away. The sight that met him was the golden beauty sprawled on the ground, covered in blood and the other looking ready to finish her off.

Not even realizing that he had begun the action, Koda found himself in the air. His maw was gaping, long white fangs aiming for the devil's throat and an unearthly snarl piercing the air. The demon would die this day. It was not a threat to the other, it was a promise to himself.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Enough had been done and he knew that it was finally time to finish her. But before he had any chance of thinking over his kill he heard footfalls. Pricking his ears he growled and stepped away from Nina's body. Sniffing the air he determined the wolf immediately. Koda. . .that damn fool!! Who did he think he was? Ash didn't even give Nina a second glance as the large male bounded through the undergrowth. And he looked mad. . .Ash couldn't even put the words into his own mouth. The word furious was a serious understatement here. He went back to the time that Koda had protected Nina even without her there. This encounter might have been worse for the two of then of Ash hadn't decided to flee. He knew he would probably find Nina again and if things went as planned and he got into Poison Path then he would have more allies. 

 Just as he turned away finally making his final decision he felt a clamp on his tail. Furrow went through him as the fur from his tail was in another's mouth. At least it was his fur and not his tail though. Biting his tongue as he made his move he yanked his way out of whoever's jaw his tail was in. His fur was left behind for his tail felt cooler almost immediately. And with that final thought Ash ran away towards the Mountain of Dire. He would be safe there and he knew that Nina wouldn't be left alone.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
When she was just about to give up completely she heard a new pair of footsteps. Who was this? A savior hopefully. Sniffing the air weakly her nose instantly wrinkled. The scent of blood, her own blood, was the only thing she could smell, she felt like she was about to drown on it. Or perhaps she was considering the fact that she had blood in her mouth. Coughing weakly the blood instantly flew out landing on a patch of flowers. Today her blood had been shed, much of her blood. Who was the stranger that had arrived? And then she heard it, the snarl. An extremely dangerous, angry snarl she knew the tone though, she had made sure that she would memorize the tone and melodic voice anywhere. . .it was Koda. He had come to save her, thank the Heavens. She couldn't lift her head, but she knew she couldn't let him kill her brother. They were blood, perhaps the only blood family she would ever have left. Opening her mouth she sputtered, "Koda. . .don't. I-I need y-you." The voice Nina had now grown used to held the slight hysterica sound to it, the only thing that was different was the pain well and the stuttering. 

The only thing that mattered to her now was that he was here and that she would be safe. Her friend was here and he would protect her, just like he had done the night when they had watched the meteor shower across the sky. Swallowing nothing but dry air she desperately tried to make out his handsome form. She knew that Ash had retreated. She could only hear two heartbeats. . .the rapid heartbeat of her own and a steady but an approachingly fast one of Koda's.  It was just him and her now. But they had a problem. .Koda hadn't specified in healing and Nina's mind was too overwhelmed. All her medical training was flying out of the window immediately. She couldn't remember. New found panic was creeping its way into Nina. She truly was going to be left for dead. . .and Koda was going to have to watch. Terror filled her and the tears that she had been holding in, so that she would look strong, were now running down her face in a river. She could now make out nothing so she closed her eyes in an attempt to block out the pain as silent sobs racked her body.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda spit the mouthful of fur and was ready to chase after the cowardly male, but the sound of fear and pain in his Nina' voice stayed him. Every fiber of him wanted to kill the fiend that had done this, but she needed him. His body trembled with the need to do two things and be in two places at once. There really was no need to <span class='word'>belabor</span> the decision. Nina needed him now, the green-eyed devil would wait. He would lose more than a mouthful of fur upon their next encounter, of that he had no doubt.

He turned to his sweet Nina and his heart constricted with fear. She was bloody and tattered, wracked with pain and despair. She looked on death's door already and he couldn't even think clearly for a moment. Then he shook off the utter terror that she might die on him and focused all of his attention on seeing to her as best he could. He moved softly to her side and licked the side of her face. <b>"I'm here Nina."</b> It seemed a long time and she didn't seem to respond. Panic truly filled his shaky voice now, <b>"Nina. Nina! Please, hang on, sweet Nina!"</b> His large body shook with fear for her now and he began to frantically lick her face. <i>No,no,no! Don't leave me!</i>

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The relief she felt after finding out that he was staying with her relaxed her. Se tried to keep her eyes open, desperate to see his face. Koda was here. . .she would be okay. She just. . .just needed a healer. There were none she knew of anywhere nearby. Poison Path was nearby but Naira was soon to be expecting and the rest of the pack most likely hated her. Then she felt a tongue on her cheek, one that was encouraging, encouraging her to stay. . .she couldn't leave Koda. They were friends. And she would not let this stop her from living. She blinked away the tears, that were now streaming down her face. She could now see Koda. His handsome face, finally she could seem him. Just seeing him seemed to bring her peace. She didn't know why but she knew if she did end up dying, she would end up dying happy. 

Giving a weak little smile to Koda a hoarse whisper escaped her mouth, "Thank you so much for everything. You are such a great friend. I-I really li-" A large cough escaped Nina's mouth and as soon as her mouth opened more blood sputtered out. . . There was no point in talking anymore. She was definitely screwed. Wincing and closing her eyes she concentrated on her breathing. In, out, in, out. Someone would have to come right? Aeylen, Ruiko, her pack mates. . .they all needed her and so did Koda. What the hell was she going to do?
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.