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Just passing through... — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The tawny wolf only came upon the small gathering now – his border duties leading him to the lingering scent of a loner that was uncomfortably close to his home. Still, his bright eyes locked upon the unknown male as he prowled forward, his own large figure lifted to his full impressive height as the pack Leader. His ears preened forward, catching only the end of what the stranger said. He was giving his meal to Kashikoi – the youth of their pack until the pups were born, and a favorite among many. How interesting.

The tension was thick in the air, and in turn, Ruiko Tainn gazed upon his subordinates. Kashikoi. Pakuna. Nina. Volkan. It seemed the entire pack had come to greet this wolf, spare for he and Aeylen. It was unusual, and he felt amusement tugging at him despite his lack of knowledge at what had partaken at his borders.

“I believe I’ve missed something,” he mused with his deep rumbling voice, his eyes seeking each member before falling upon the pale lone wolf. “But I assume my members have already informed you of how close you are to our pack borders.” There was a pause in his words – allowing the chance for the male or any of his pack mates to explain why the male had thought it a wise idea to come so near to their home. "We have cubs on the way. As you can see.. we're very protective of our lands."
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
crazy week - sorry to keep everyone waiting!
<blockquote>Now a few steps closer to the stranger who'd come so dangerously close to the pack's borders, Volkan glanced from the large wolf to the kill at his feet. Honestly, she had no idea what to expect from him, how he'd react to her words— and it excited her, so much so that a small grin began to cross her face.

Of course, it melted in an instant as Kashi piped up, valiantly defending the apparent rights of a total stranger. Volk only glanced toward him for a moment, pale gaze narrowed in slight annoyance. Apparently he'd missed the entire point of her little game... did he really think this was about a meal? Couldn't he just let her have her fun for a moment? As Nina strode up to him and seemed to relish upon him for his oh-so-chivalrous deed, the silver wolf rolled her eyes a little, figuring that she'd severely overestimated the wits of both the Creek's newer members.

A snarly Pakuna spoke to the stranger in her gruff voice then, though Volkan's eyes didn't leave the stranger, <i>Koda.</i> Everyone sure was getting their feathers ruffled about this whole thing, weren't they? She watched, still standing her ground, as the earth-colored female said something in his ear.

Then, finally, Koda himself spoke up, further praising Kashikoi's selfless behavior. She supposed the little male's actions <i>were</i> pretty adorable, so she lifted her head slightly at Koda's words, gaze only briefly following the rabbit as it flew through the air toward him. <i>Nice of you,</i> she thought sardonically, <i>tossing the runt a scrap. Another mouth to feed, like always.</i> At least it was a noble move on the part of the stranger, who had, for now, won her approval— even if his words' condescension wouldn't leave her memories so easily. It was a small victory, though, and what had begun as an entertaining encounter had quickly turned sour; the tension on which Volkan often thrived was now beginning to annoy her, and her feathery tail swished quickly as she let out a sigh. So Pakuna, Kashikoi, and this Koda were best friends now, huh?

Luckily Ruiko's arrival cleared the air. His deep voice shattered the awkward silence, and Volkan at once circled around to stand by his side, offering him a quick lick beneath the chin to show her respect. First and foremost, she was <i>his</i> subordinate, and the other lame-os could prance around under the rainbows with rogues forever more, for all she cared. As she stood next to her leader, and the only actual wolf to whom she felt even a shred of loyalty at the moment, Volk stood silently, just <i>hoping</i> one of her goody-two-shoes "pack mates" would be brave enough to tattle on her.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Dumbfounded the small brown wolf stared at the rabbit and then to the lone wolf and then his pack. He had never expected something to this extent. It occurred to him he had not the faintest clue what to do with the small feast, it was sure to help Aeylen with the pups births coming soon but still... Would his pack mates look down at him because the rabbit was thrown to him? Kashi turned around as he hear Ruiko approached. Volkan seemed eager to show respect to the leader and he too went up to Ruiko and paid his respects as required.

Kashi nodded to Ruiko's statement to show that everything was under control. Kashi steeled himself for the decision that he made. "The meat is a fine gift and should be of great help to the alpha female, thank you." Kashikoi looked back at his pack mates to see their responses. He had never been in a situation this uncomfortable before and yet here he was stuck in one with no clue what to do. He hoped that what ever came to <span class='word'>betide</span> in the next few moments would turn out okay.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2012, 01:59 PM by Ruiko.)
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
It seemed as though the male liked Kashikoi the most out of all of the group and Nina couldn't help the small smile that came to her face. Though the situation seemed under control, Ruiko soon appeared taking quick control of the situation. It was then that Nina started to panic. Who was with Aeylen? Blinking her eyes she scanend the pack. Everyone was here. . .no one would be with Aeylen at the moment and the pups were soon to arrive. Volkan soon sucked up to Ruiko greeting him with a few of her other packmates to follow. Dipping her head in respect to her alpha male she glanced back at the other male, of whom she still hadn't found out the name of and nodded her head at him in farewell.

Bounding towards Ruiko she dipped her head and licked his chin respectfully, "I am going to find Aeylen, sir. I wish to make sure she health is in tip top before she delivers." Dipping her head once again she bounded away he legs taking her faster towards the denning area. She felt bad for the male but knowing with what Kashikoi had done, knew that everything would be okay. She knew she would see her pupil later on but right now it was time to go look after Aeylen. Twitching her ears she bounded away looking for her alpha.

{Nina exit.}
(This post was last modified: May 27, 2012, 02:06 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Her eyes shot like daggers toward Volkan. Whatever. If she was going to play miss tough girl, let it be. Ruiko had arrived, and Pakuna knew instantly that the leader had everything under control. With her anger growing within her, the gruff woman turned on heel, sighing aloud before dipping her head to her pack-mates. "Excuse me. I be at the den-site..."

With these words, she began to pad away from the wolves, feeling her temper begin to cool. She allowed her lids to close as she continued to walk, tail flicking to and fro. She was rethinking her opinions about Volkan. The pale female seemed to have gotten pissed at her Copper Rock mates. If that is how she wanted to be, so be it. Pakuna did what she thought was best.
[{Pakuna exit}]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
(I had posted here a couple of days ago, but I guess my computer lost it since it has vanished, without a trace! O.o )

Koda smiled at the apparent confusion on the boy's face and gave a slight nod of approval when he mentioned his intention to give the offering to his leadess. Yes, the lad had definite potential. Then he looked to the rest of them and saw a large tawny male arrive. It was obvious with his words and bearing that he was the pack leader. Koda dipped his head deeply at the male and answered, <b>I am aware and I apologize for the near intrusion. As I have stated before, my prey merely led me nearer your borders than intended. I mean no harm or disrespect to you or yours."</b> He meant it. Other than the words of the minx Volkan, all of them had been respectful while performing their duties to the pack and he wouldn't have minded meeting any of them again. Perhaps under slightly different circumstances.

<b>"I will trouble you no further."</b> he said simply. Giving Ruiko and nod, Kashi a smile and Volkan small wink he turned to move away from the borders. Possibly at a different time, he might have considered hanging around a while. Perhaps they might meet again some day. Who knew what the future had in store for the pale lone wolf as he turned his golden gaze towards the future.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
In Kashi's mind the who conglomerate of wolves had gone for the worse. Sure it got settled out in the end but there was still a lot of tension in the air. Was it possible that he was somehow the cause of all that happened? Surely if he wasn't there then the wolf would of been on his way and the others would not of acted so because they would be doing what ever was before this small meeting. The young wolf was starting to wonder how much he had changed the outcome just by being there in truth.

Seeing the others leave he felt that it was about time to leave. A quick leave from Nina and Pakuna and a small smile from the loner Koda. Kashi answered the smile with the slightest of wags to not make a fool of himself. Sure that Volkan was going to make him responsible in some form while Ruiko was there he began to take his leave with a nod towards the remaining two. Better to hear about it later he supposed.

With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The sudden presence of the Leader had quite the effect on the group of wolves. Greeted first by Volkan, whom now stood by his side – a place she had risen as the next Second of the pack, with Wille’s sudden departure. Kashikoi was next, and the tawny male gave each wolf a gentle nip of affection as they moved toward him.

Next, Nina took her leave, mentioning a visit to check on Aeylen, for which the Leader was grateful for. Then, with a venomous glare to the dark she-wolf at his side currently, Pakuna made her leave to the den site. Bemusement flashed across his features briefly as he cast a stolen glance to Volkan, his eyes seeming to ask her what she had done now, though there was no chiding. His pack mates were able to hold themselves amongst the hierarchy; he did little to interfere with these matters thus far.

His eyes reverted back to the stranger who had such a large welcoming party. A nod was given to his reasoning, and while he was about to inquire more about the lone wolf, the male made it clear he would be on his way. With a flick of his tail, Ruiko dipped his muzzle in a brief farewell, soothed that the male had at least respected their borders. “Travel safely,” he offered the stranger, his own eyes watching Kashi retreat back within the heart of their home as well. Casting another quick glance to Volkan, his shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Seems I know how to effectively break up a gathering,” he murmured, amusement lacing his tones.
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Short/technically still on absence >_>
<blockquote>She caught the wink the stranger gave her, and returned it with a quizzical furrowing of her brows. Ruiko's sideways glance was also not lost on her, but she figured he might be able to work out for himself what had happened - or, they could talk about it later. Overall, this had been an odd encounter, and she wasn't sure where it sat with her, other than that her packmates generally annoyed her at the moment. That was no good. With a little sigh, she watched Kashikoi take his exit.

At Ruiko's words she chuckled a little. "It was for the best," she admitted, smirking a little at her own honesty. She wasn't sure if he realized how grateful she'd been for his arrival, or if he realized the brooding tempers beneath the otherwise peaceful façades of his subordinates. But it was all said and done now, and Volkan wasn't sure the two of them had any reason to stick around. With a shrug, she gave Ruiko a little goodbye lick beneath the chin, and headed off to her own silent musings.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>