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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Tension was rising at a rapid rate, and had Indru paused to think he would of remembered that they did not have Rihael to come in and solve the matter anymore, the pair were on their own — whatever the outcome. Ruiko showed resistance but Indru only showed more dominance, a mind game, pushing the other until they submitted but Indru would not this time, not when he was Leader now. He pushed himself forward again, his growl louder and his nose wrinkled as he pulled his lips back enough to show his front teeth it was fearsome, as no doubt Ruiko was, but Indru knew he held the weight of rank.

Ruiko's words were sarcastic and hurt little and Indru scoffed lightly, did he not realise how much like Borlla he sounded? Full of whining and over dramatics. You don't understand, it's a feeling.. a connection. How long I have known her is irrelevant. After all knowing someone did not make the strong link between them like he and Feather had already. Learning can come later. Besides at the moment she is just a pack member, we are not mates. He snapped, annoyed he had to justify something so trivial, even if she was his mate it was his decision and not Ruiko's. She was not just any single lone wolf to him, he had meant dozens like no doubt Ruiko had and this one was different.

Indru could see his previous words had stung his brother, they had always sought each others approval after all, but at this moment he was too angry to care. Too hurt by his brother's distrust of him to want to go and apologise and mollycoddle him. Do not run off, Ruiko, we are not children anymore. They could not act the same way as they had and not talk for days over a matter, not as Leader and Second, the pack would be in too much disarray and confusion. Don't do this to the pack and leave before we have sorted this out. We do not have Rihael anymore to solve our problems. Indru's voice was full of sorrow as he spoke the last line, hoping that Ruiko would return but he would not go after him, if his second ran off, well, maybe he wasn't suited to being his second after all.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Indru was being childish. The simple fact that the male hovered above him and pulled rank because of a disagreement infuriated him, and Ruiko kept his paws clenched to the ground to keep him from moving.. to keep him from accepting his brother’s physical challenge over this verbal dispute. If Indru wanted to play that he was right at everything because he was the Alpha now.. well, he was going to be sorely mistaken.

Indru continued on his speech, words that only played the sneer upon the tawny brother’s lips to widen. The girl must have certainly been something to fire Indru up so quickly – all Ruiko had done was make a passing joke that he must have been sick, and here was Indru, throwing the whole passive warning out of proportion like a little drama queen. His tail flickered agitatedly as his brother warned him not to leave, stirring a seeping growl from his lips as his muzzle swung back to regard the male. “Stop acting like a child then, Indru. You’re the one that’s completely defensive about this topic. I’m walking away because if I don’t, I will knock you off that high throne you think you belong on, if only because you’re trying to prove dominance over my genuine worry for your well-being.”
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Ruiko's threat made him sneer, knock him off his feet? Well he could try, there was a reason he had one the leadership after all, Ruiko's brawn allowed him to underestimate other's easily. Genuine worry? Indru scoffed, shaking his head at Ruiko. Since you turned up all you've done is suggest I was sick or selfish. Something Indru knew he wasn't either, he had always put his family first over anything and he would continue to do so, even if Ruiko was being an ass. Beside I don't even know why this is an issue, she is just a wolf in our ranks! She is not my mate you think I would take a wolf as a mate so quickly? This seemed like the hot headed behaviour that Ruiko was common too, perhaps he couldn't distinguish between them now either, Indru was a logician, he would always think things through. How else would we build our numbers up? Especially with all these lone wolves. Who could try to form a pack at any time, and if they were fighting.. well, it made their pack weak, easy to take over.

With a sigh Indru tried to calm himself, shaking his coat out as he thought, watching his brother with sad eyes. We shouldn't fight, especially over something like this. Over a female. It had never been something he would imagine either of them would do, none of them having an interest, their only conflict had been caused by power struggles. What is wrong with her being the pack? As a member, nothing more. He would not promise it would stay that way but for now Indru was content with the situation and how it lay between him and Feather, he still had a lot to learn about her.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Indru, who continued to assess the situation with words, was seemingly becoming more calm – his snarls were less frequent, and the male at least was seemingly trying to talk the situation through. It was this that finally smoothed Ruiko’s own anger down now, and while there was still a frown marring his features heavily, his hackles slowly began to lower, though his muscles remained stiff. “Genuine worry,” he sneered in return, repetition. Of course it was genuine worry. Indru brings home a random girl that Ruiko questioned about, and he fesses to some sort of connection? Yes, there was much worry to be had, for his big-hearted brother might love too easily. “I joked that you were sick,” he drawled, his tone turning dry now. “You freaked out.”

There was a small pause, and Ruiko resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “And what if they do? I couldn’t give a shit if every lone wolf that waltzed by claimed land and started a pack. As long as they leave us be, who really cares? And who cares about our numbers as long as we have each other?” Since when had it become about expanding a pack and being competitive with lone wolves?

Indru’s final question brought silence to the male for a moment. He had no answer. “There is nothing wrong with it,” he offered, hoping these own words would at least soothe his brother’ defense over the girl. “It’s just very sudden. I just want you to.. be careful.”
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

If it was not for his new goal to stay calm, to diffuse the tension between them and sort this out, Indru would of bit back a retort at his brother, his continual mocking of him frustrating him. He may think he knew it all, but he did not. Just because you don't understand something it doesn't mean that the thing or wolf feeling it is sick. Indru explained with a short tone, something he could not control, his annoyance at his brother's words apparent still. This was a serious matter and perhaps Ruiko's jokes were not wanted, Indru was tired of everything he said being followed with a taunt like when they were pups.

His brother's words about the wolves made Indru sigh, again feeling that Ruiko's hot headedness was not allowing him to see the issue, he did not think it through and follow it along. We may not have each other if we are chased of our lands with tails between our legs. Which was not an impossibility if they kept their pack only consisting of a handful of fully mature adults, unlike any other pack would be if it formed, they would not have yearlings and pups to protect. We need other adults, just us alone could not protect the pups and yearlings if it came down to it. It was not Indru wanting world domination as Ruiko seemed to hint at but instead him trying to make sure they were strong and ready if it was needed.

Indru receded his brother's next point with a nod. It was sudden. He admitted to him, but I am not a fool, Ruiko. Don't confuse me with one, I am not as bumbling as Hotei. It was concern for him but in a way it aggravated him, almost as if he could not protect himself, as if he expected him to make a mistake. Indru couldn't help but feel judged by his brother, it was a pressure that had loomed over him since taking leadership, what his family thought of him. I will be careful... Thanks. He tagged on knowing that perhaps Ruiko did not mean the concern to feel as patronising as it did to Indru still sore from earlier wounds. Hesitating for a moment, but barely noticeable, Indru stepped closer to Ruiko and nudged his leathery nose against his brother's cheek.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It was extremely hard to hold back a sigh, but he managed it quite well. Just as he finished explaining to the worked-up Tainn before him that he had been joking about him being sick, Indru went in to another frenzy about how he was wrong, seemingly not quite clicking with the idea that he hadn’t been serious in the first place. He stood still before his brother, watching the boy get his panties in a twist, and feeling his own anger swell to annoyance. He didn’t want to be here, listening to this shit. The tawny male had his imagination on the run and was seemingly coming up with concerns that might not even exist – to say the least, Indru was jumping the gun of paranoia with the assumption that lone wolves all around them were bent on building an army to rid them. Very briefly, Ruiko wondered where his level-headed, logical brother had disappeared to.. and what the hell had replaced him.

“Don’t bring Hotei in to this,” was his only response – a sharp growl at the indication that their innocent young brother was a fool. He wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but it was a low point for the other male to insult him so. The tag on gratitude was only an afterthought – Ruiko was not as clever or witty as his brother, but he was not stupid either. With a dark flick of his tail and his eyes casted in a general frown to Indru, he paused, swallowing any of his other angry words or arguments. It was all pointless. “When do we all get to meet her then.” It was a simple gesture toward the other Tainn; Ruiko was always willing to give the girl a chance, all he had wanted in the first place was a simple answer to a simple question. As it would seem, nothing was ever simple.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Ruiko's comment made Indru shake his head, smiling lightly at his brother's protectiveness of their younger brother, though unnecessary in this situation. I meant no harm and you know it. Hotei isn't the sharpest stone but that is why we love him. Their dark furred brother was as harmless as a fly and didn't posses a mean bone in his body and any jest about him was meant in the same way, even their more... volatile and vicious family members tended to feel guilt if some harsh words were said to the boy.

Indru saw his brother's frown and Indru sighed lightly, his heart heavy at the strong words they both had spoken. You can meet her whenever you like. The boy shrugged, showing his nonchalance over the matter, we are not mates Ruiko, merely packmates like yourself. It would of been a lie if at the moment Indru did not hope for him and Feather to progress to something beyond simple packmates in the future, but he was in no rush and neither was the she wolf. The Tainn watched his brother carefully, trying to bride the small wall that had formed between them, yet he was so used to Rihael doing it for them. I don't want to fight with you, Ruiko. Indru knew that his brother's fiery temper caused his grudges to hold much longer than Indru's did so with an attempt to cool them he leant forward and tried to affectionately nudge Ruiko's muzzle again with his leathery nose.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Indru was quick to show his innocence in the mention to their brother, and Ruiko did not argue on the matter further. The dark boy was a favourite among many of them, as well as an innocent Kenai. It was with false nonchalance that Indru shrugged his shoulders, once more almost drawing a roll of Ruiko’s eyes – a childish urge that he just resisted. Briefly wondering what Niija would have to say on the matter, Ruiko made a mental note to visit his sister later, if only for an opportunity to have his frayed feelings smoothed over by the delicate girl. Later, the tawny male might even accept that he was already jealous of his brother, and potentially the feelings he held for this female.

Brief words exchanged, the other brother leant forward to nudge him in a sign of peace, and the large male finally gave way with his bitter feelings with a sharp wag of his tail and leaning his muzzle down to bump his brother beneath his chin; both a sign of respect and love. “Let’s hunt,” he suggested dryly, wanting nothing more than to put any topic of this new female or lone wolves as far from their minds as possible.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Though perhaps wounded pride still remained, on both sides, at the moment some form of a truce had appeared between the two brother's. It was necessary and needed if they wanted the pack to continue without glitch or error, discordant leaders did not bode well for a settled pack after all. Indru smiled at his brother's touch, licking his nose in return affectionately, his own tail waving softly behind him. It felt much easier and better to be on good terms with Ruiko, he was close to his brother and without Rihael to knock their heads together if they were on the outs it would be worrying for Indru.

Good idea, the boy laughed lightly, knocking Ruiko's shoulder with his own as he walked forward eagerly wondering whether they would hunt in a forest or the field. I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Of course if he was that most certainly meant Ruiko was famished, his brother always had the largest appetite which seemed to match his larger size and with a fond look over his shoulder Indru started to lead the way out of the thicket.