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we've got vermin. — Swift River 
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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Set immediately after <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=2350' target='_blank'>this.</a> Cali first, then everybody in the pack welcome.

<blockquote>Silently the copper wolf marched, the white clump of fur between clenched foreteeth, its stench right underneath his nose. All things considered, it was not really conducive to a calm mood, and there was not a single inch of joy in his manner as he stalked towards the pack den, Cali in tow. Just in case his evidence was not damning enough, she would be testament to the fact that <i>they</i> had trespassed - <i>again</i> - and this time, it had been with teeth. Whether Rhysis and Naira were behind it or not, their followers were testing his patience and mercy to their very limits.

Marsh was not exactly known for those two qualities, either.

With the brisk, angry pace that he had set, it did not take long to reach the pack's den, and without hesitation spat out the disgusting fur onto the ground. The stench filled his nose and he didn't know whether there were any pack members already in the den, but no matter - it just meant that they'd come sooner. Glancing back at Cali once, just to make sure that she had not failed to follow, he then lifted his head and called for the pack - anybody who could be bothered to show. Rhysis and Naira's followers were making a habit of this, and whether it was by accident or by intention, the pack needed to know. He could not be everywhere at once - and what if trespassings had happened without his knowledge? Would getting them together only bring out more tales of the blatant disregard for the River's territory? He hoped that Ice would show. No matter the truth behind what had happened at the river, the guardian had been present at at least two of the incidents.

He did not know whether or not Corinna would show, but it did not matter; no doubt word would reach her swiftly enough. She was in no position to stress herself unduly, though Marsh was not about to treat her as a child; she had a right to know about the recent pressures on their borders, just as well as she had a right to know that he was prepared to do everything in his power to combat it.

Stepping forward, so that he stood with the bloodied tuft of white fur between his forelegs, Marsh tried his best to exercise patience and slow down the steady pump of angry adrenaline in his system.</blockquote>
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
When she was satisfied that the stranger was well and truly gone, she looked to Marsh. It was apparent that he was still steaming, Although it seemed to be about more than this one event, for the interloper was skittering back to where he belonged with a very healthy dose of respect for the River wolves... at least if he had more than two brain cells to rub together! Now that the conflict was over, she felt a deep sense of pride in herself and her pack mate. However, all of the tension and stress of the encounter finally caught up with her and she fairly went limp with the release of it all.

After a few deep breaths, she was fine and realized that Marsh heading back towards the den and it seemed the obvious course of action to fall into step behind him. He still carried the tuft of bloody white fur in his jaws and she curled her lip at the rancid scent of it's owner, mixed with the metallic scent of blood. One look at her mentor's face and she could tell that it was all he could do to keep the clump of white pelt in his maw. He must have a use for it, but she couldn't begin to even hazard a guess at the moment. She was a bit baffled, but game for whatever he had planned. They arrived at the den site in short order and the copper male spat out the fur with a thoroughly disgusted look on his face.

He looked back at her once, before he lifted his muzzle to the air and howled for the rest of the pack. It was actually the first sound that she'd heard out of him that wasn't a vicious snarl or the failed attempt that he had made at sharing his name when they first met. Knowing a bit more of him now, she truly appreciated the fact that he had even tried. With that thought, she realized that she may end up being here as a bit more than a spectator. Although the fierce wolf always seemed to get his meaning across, she was sure that there were... <i>difficulties</i>... with no speech. At least for this event, she might aid him. At least she could be of some use, for it was apparent that she was far from able to send off a pushy stranger on her own. She was just glad that he had been nearby to come to her rescue, so to speak, and get the job done.

She moved just a bit closer to him and stood proud, but respectfully lower than him. Cali glanced at him and gave him a small smile. For once, she was finally starting to feel like a real member of the pack and not just a shadow on the outskirts trying to fit in.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He'd been vaguely aware of another Poisoned trespasser, but the strong scents of Marsh and Cali had kept him at bay. After all, he wasn't quite sure what was going on, or what had gone on - just that, something bad had happened, and then there had been rage and in the wake of it, confusion. If he prodded the tender spots of his memory, he knew that he'd done something horrible to the copper wolf, but he didn't quite want to remember what, so he pushed it aside and spent the days in a state he'd not visited in a very long time: a state of thoughtlessness, of nothing that went deeper than the skin. It was like a glass wall just behind his eyes, reflecting back the world onto those who looked in, but showing nothing of what lay beneath. Ice had closed himself off, and the result was that he seemed even more stupid and retarded than usual. He regarded the world with a dreamer's lunacy, often staring vacantly or coming up with some childish game to play - hunting insects, doing nothing at all... He hummed to himself where he sat on a log, watching nothing in particular and thinking about nothing in particular. His mind was like a calm lake, not even a ripple to stir it.

Then Marsh howled; his voice was strong, demanding, and a small shiver passed through the white Guardian. That was a welcome sound, one of safety, of strange compassion and emotion; he couldn't help but sit dumbfounded for a while, savoring the warmth it left in his heart. Then he remembered that it had been a call, and despite the strange apprehension he felt for showing himself in the wolf's company that was so at odds with what he truly felt for him, it had been a summons that must be answered. And so Ice abandoned both log and humming, striding through their territory towards the smell of Marsh, Cali, and blood. Nothing of it seemed out of place, until he saw them; she stood close, as if she belonged there, and for some reason it ignited a deep and prideful anger in him. What right did she have..? Ice smothered the snarl, but gave no audible indication he'd come up behind them; they'd have to use their noses and eyes, or ears if they were listening for those who approached. Then again - what right did he have? He'd not been there to rip the tuft of fur loose, but if he was one to guess, Marsh had done the ripping. Cali had just been there. Unnecessary. It gave the righteous fire more fuel, and finally giving a sort of grunt he tried to force his bulk in between the pair, aiming quite clearly to shove Cali to the side. Whatever he'd done to Marsh wasn't reason enough to bother with right now - at least, so he decided in that one instant - but instead of speaking, Ice just gave a low whine and stuck his head in under Marsh's. Duty or not, Ice was as lost as a doe kid in a snowstorm, and Marsh was his anchor. Until he faced himself and what he'd done, he had no real sense of direction, but being near Marsh reinforced the sense of reality - that he still existed, despite his woolly thoughts. He needed what protection Marsh could offer, whether or not Marsh wanted to offer it right now.
.ice aesir

Bahh, evil of him to rain on her parade. :c *prods grumpy Ice*
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
I'm so sorry for keeping this so long you guys. I left on my trip and kinda...forgot :x Still trying to get back into her character as well, so hopefully the posts will get better as we go.

Gone Tomorrow

The River leader hadn't traveled far from her den in several days - treks to the river to drink were about as far as she gone. As such, her individual scent had been lacking around the borders of the territory. Granted, given the size (her walk had most definitely become more of a waddle), Corinna could not be blamed for that, but it was aggravating nonetheless. So it was a blessing when Marsh's howl came, summoning the wolves of the River, and its loudness proclaimed his proximity. A quick lift of her nose indicated that the Second was being accompanied by Cali. Cori hadn't seen much of her since their first encounter, but at least the girl had remained a part of the pack. The fact that she was accompanying Marsh and still breathing was a good sign at least that she had settled in smoothly. Just one less thing for the pregnant female to have to deal with.

Attempting her best to waddle quickly, it took Corinna several minutes to finally reach Marsh. The fully rounded stomach had not only altered her appearance, but had sapped her strength as well. But her pride wouldn't allow her to show it. So with her head held high, the leader made her entrance, green eyes quickly running over the group that had assembled before falling onto the oddity, no doubt the reason that Marsh had summoned them. Marsh, Cali, and Ice - two loyal guardians and a third who was starting to prove her worth. But her attention went to the tuft of white fur that had brought them here. It was not a River wolf's, of that much, she was certain. Studying Marsh, Corinna waited for an explanation to arise, if not from him, then from Cali. Marsh was not one for idle chat, he had not called them here to discuss the weather.

Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Of course SR wolves are still welcome (encouraged!) to join, I just thought I'd help keep it moving :)

<blockquote>Cali shifted closer, and he welcomed her solidarity. Her smile was not returned, but he recognised the sentiment even if he did not seem to acknowledge it. Impatiently he waited for the pack to show, angrily wondering whether they would had been less tardy had it been Indru or Corinna demanding their presence. Did they think of him as little more than a guard dog, perhaps, something to respect but not listen to? Perhaps his call had not been insistent enough, or they simply did not appreciate that he was trying to protect them.

Ice showed, of course. Marsh heard him before anything else, and did not move to acknowledge him for he had not expected the guardian's bluntness; coldly the white wolf forced himself next to Marsh, whose quivering fury was distracted for a moment at Ice's odd behaviour. He grunted in surprise as Ice firmly planted his head beneath Marsh's own, instinctively pressing down slightly for reassurance before he pulled away. Such a display was unnecessary (although considering the lack of respect the others were hinting at with their lack of punctuality, it did sate that irritation) and he was much more interested in informing his pack of the danger.

Promptly Corinna appeared then, which served to quench some of his nerves instantly, and to see her safe and well was a weight lifted. He respectfully lowered his head to her as she approached, recognising in her keen face that she was eager for an explanation.

Briefly he lowered his head to nose the bloodied tuft, drawing attention to the vile thing which carried the scent of Naira and Rhysis. The identity of the trespasser who had provided it was much less important. An angry wrinkle to his muzzle, for he still harboured plenty of pent-up agitation, Marsh glanced briefly at Cali, who would be able to elaborate upon his already bountiful evidence.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2012, 02:16 PM by Marsh.)
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali was enjoying the moment when Ice showed up. She really had nothing against the larger wolf, but his taunting of her motives at their first meeting rankled her a bit. She didn't dwell on it though, since they hadn't gotten the chance to really know each other. She was prepared to greet him with a smile and a dip of her head to show the proper submission. She was the second female only by default, but she hoped that she was on the way to becoming a true Second. That was her intention and firm goal.

All of her good intentions nearly went out the door when he came over to them with hardly a glance at her and shoved his way between her and Marsh. <i>What?</i> She didn't know why he was acting like a yearling, but she didn't appreciate his rude behavior. Giving him a quick look of frustration, she toyed with the idea of moving to Marshes other side. She didn't want to cause friction, but in this case, she was an integral part of this gathering, by the mere fact that she'd been there and could give her voice over for Marsh's purposes. Not wanting to be walked upon and pushed around any longer, she compromised and simply moved over to Marsh's other side. Ice could not take up both sides of the gruff male. She didn't even spare a glance at the white male to gauge his reaction to her maneuver. He could hash it out later with her if he wanted to.

Before any drama erupted Corinna herself, made a grand appearance. Cali was humbled by her easy grace and the power the emanated from the lead female. Her head dipped low and her tail hung straight down to the ground and gave a few small waves between her legs. She wasn't the cowering female that Corinna had first met, but she still showed the proper respect that the leadess had earned and gave her a small friendly smile, careful not to be too effusive.

When Marsh and Ice had greeted her and the scarred male indicated the bloody scrap of fur and then glanced at her, his meaning was clear. Elaborate for him. Clearing her throat and lifting her head slightly to be sure that all could easily hear her words, Cali told of the earlier encounter. <b>"While on patrol, I came across a trespasser who seemed to have little respect for our borders. He gave me no choice but to attempt to evict him. Unfortunately, he was too much for me, but Marsh came along and sent him on his way with little doubt of our strength as a pack."</b> She hated to sound weak, but she'd done the best that she could and she was learning fast, thanks to Marsh's lessons. The scent on the fur was unfamiliar to her, but she could tell that it meant much to the rest gathered here.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

He had not been close by when the incident had happened, if he had he would have been there. It was just so he was coming home with a limp duck in his jaws when he caught the scent of Poison Path,Marsh, and a lady of the River he had not directly acquainted himself with. All the scents washing against his nose was enough to tell him something had happened. What he could not know, and he assumed the worst. His mind went to Corinna, and the Grove became a blur in his eyes as his strong legs pushed, and fell atop the greenery. It was his job to protect not only Swift River, but the members within ,and thinking any harm upon his leader, his sister had him headed to see directly what had happened to see if there was any hide his own teeth to rip into.

When the Tainn began closing in on the group he heard a voice he did not know explain briefly what had happened. He stood just beyond the circle when she had finished her sentence. He would release his catch to the ground, and his head would flip upward with a disgusted snort. The dark man went so much to tighten his jaws, and let his black mane rise a top his back in his anger. For not only had a Poison Path wolf trespassed, they must have tried to fight against Cali for Marsh to step in. It was in that moment when Triell had had enough. "That's it! They think this is some game? I'm tired of playing their stupid tricks," His words were harsh, the lines of his lips wrinkled with his displeasure. If Cori had not been there he would have took off now, following the git's scent to it's master's lair. As it were he was not a child, and running off in rage would accomplish nothing. He strode closer, the heat pouring from his body, and it was to the pair of green eye's his would settle on. "It's time they get a visit from us, don't you think? I have no mind to enter their territory, but this has to be the end."

(This post was last modified: Jun 17, 2012, 09:56 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Well, being large had one benefit: it was easy to shoulder other wolves aside. He felt an irrational amount of satisfaction when Cali backed off, and if he'd been at his senses, he would've been disturbed by it. Very disturbed. Family should not fight family, but he wasn't quite sure what was what anymore. He just knew that anyone being close to Marsh should back off a few feet, or get the pale Guardian's teeth in their shoulder. The only thing that kept his thoughts from escalating, and his irritation too, was the brief push of Marsh's head against his own. It was like being told that you weren't a bad boy, that you weren't a criminal; it was like being told that you were beautiful, mattered, that it was okay. That it was alright. The tension in Ice's gut went out the window with his next exhalation, the knot uncoiling itself and suddenly the world felt lighter. As if waking up from a long sleep, Ice drew his head back and blinked, staring at the assembled wolves. Cali had taken up a spot on the other side of the copper wolf, but the spark of anger in his chest was brief and died quickly. It was far more interesting to show proper obeisance to Corinna, and so his head and tail dipped down. Ice's sharp keen drifted into the air, and he shot her a brief look. Her belly was very round. Then he looked back to the scrap of fur in front of Marsh, and listened to Cali's story. Well, at least she could admit to not being able to handle a trespasser. Ice forced down a snort. What use was a guardian that couldn't handle someone on their own?

They had to teach her, he guessed, but a clipped word slid between his teeth, voice rough with disuse. "Rhysis," he said, nearly spitting the name out as Triell waltzed onto the scene. He recognized the spark of anger from a previous night, and a mild worry fluttered in his chest. Would his black friend do something stupid? You never knew, and Ice had a feeling that Triell's temper had never truly been unleashed. Even when the black yearling had been pissed before, he'd seemed to retain some sense of control. What if he went up to the Lake, and completely lost it? Ice had said he'd be there. But could he? What of - his heart reeled for a moment, a pang of pain causing the intake of air to transform into a hiss. That was a painful area of memories to touch, and he shied away from it, and instead he looked at Triell. "Well, at least we could do him the favor of informing him he runs a pack of absolute idiots," he muttered, eying the white fur tuft. Was "stupid" the merits required to join his pack of runaway fools? Though there is one with a mind as bright as her eyes...

He didn't know what to make of it, so he didn't think about it any more.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The leader had tried very hard to block their senses from her nose, not wanting to grant them any recognition. But the white tuft of hair that Marsh held was making that desire difficult to meet. Her nose wrinkled, and her brow creased in disgust. She knew not who the owner of the white hair was, but who his leaders were was very clear. This had not been the first offense either - it seemed Poison Path wolves continued to lurk about the borders of the River territory, just asking for the Grove's guardians to chase them off. A mute nod was given in response to Cali's explanation. A reprimand was not needed; the girl had tried to defend herself and her pack, and Corinna could only ask for that much. "Thank you both," her voice was quiet, clearly Cori was lost in thought, trying to decide the best course of action to take.

She had been about to speak up, having decided on a course of action when Triell arrived, his body posture just screaming rage. It was almost frightening, and it caused Corinna's heart to break. Why had fate been so cruel as to twist the youth's heart so? He had once cared for Naira, and now he wanted nothing more than for them to be ripped to pieces. But his suggestion, that the River wolves pay a visit to the Poison Path pack territory, was not a bad one, provided all involved kept their cool. That was what worried her about his suggestion, though it was echoed by Ice. "It seems that would be the best thing to do. Naira is expecting as well, surely they would respect a mutual decision to keep our packs away from one another. So provided that those who go can keep their heads, then I think this would be the best course of action." The next question, then, was who would go? Corinna hated to have to send away any of her pack mates, knowing that even as they sought out the leaders of Poison Path, their enemies could be bearing down upon them. Her pregnancy made it impossible for her to go as well, and she was loath to send Indru away. But they needed a leader present. Lifting her head, Corinna's voice called for her mate. She wouldn't make a decision without him being there, not with the possibility that he would need to be a part of this envoy. "We'll see what Indru has to say, but I expect that we will need a few volunteers to visit Poison Path and explain to them that they chose which territory they wanted to live in, and it wasn't this one."

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Okay, see this thread for the OoC discussion. :)

The intrusions along the border by the traitor-led pack were becoming more frequent, bolder, and it had clearly started to rile all of the River wolves. While their borders were strong, perhaps among the strongest they had been, such a fact had been seemingly ignored by the Poison Path pack, which was crime enough without the previous wrong that the leaders had done them.

As Indru was heading in the direction of the informal gathering Cori's howl burst from within their territory and he quickened his pace towards them. It didn't take long to for Indru to reach them after his mate's howl had dwindled and his tail and head rose as he entered the group, glancing quickly around to note who was there. All the scent's were familiar and thus it only made the scents that clung to Marsh and Cali, and more specifically the fur between the male second's teeth, clearer and Indru's hard gaze zoned in the white fur immediately.

Adrenaline still clung to Marsh and Cali's fur and Indru could tell from that alone that it was recent that a conflict had happened between the two packs. Yet it was the smell of pure anger that was escaping from Triell that caught Indru's attention—and the unfamiliarity of it made his fur bristle as he presumed something else had too happened to his brother. Again? They crossed our borders again? He addressed the question at Cali as well as Marsh, knowing the Marsh's aversion to words (and fur between his teeth), and though his voice was collected and quiet, anger undercurrented it. The situation left Indru in a dilemma, for while he desired as much as (he sensed) Triell and Marsh did to pay the Poison pack a visit of their own, Corinna was pregnant and he was not such a hot headed leader to put her at risk when she was limited to defend herself, and had the pack's future resting in her belly.

If they cross again, we will not give them mercy. We have warned them enough and if they cross now it will be their throats we seek—and not just to wound. Indru's brow wrinkled as he tried to keep his thoughts calm and logical, to avoid and rash decisions that would put Cori and their expected cubs in danger. When we are at full strength, when the cubs are born and Corinna is not weakened by them and keeping them safe we will show them that we do not take there crimes without consequence. His voice was steely and his posture hardened to show the strength of his words and who was making them. After a steadying breath he turned his gaze onto Corinna, leaning forward to nip at her cheek as he waited to see if she agreed or refuted his decision.