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A New Day Breaks... — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane awoke to the sun barely breaking the horizon and painting the sky in vibrant and wild colors. It awoke something in his heart. Something that had been dead, or like dead, for going on a year now was flickering back to life. He whined softly to himself as he tried to put his paw on it, but it wouldn't come, absolutely refused to reveal itself to him. Yet it teased him and taunted him with the possibilities of what might be eluding him. Grunting in frustration, he took off with a low growl, deep in his massive chest. The ground melted away beneath his thick paws. Speed was not his strong suit, but stamina, strength and a healthy portion of stubbornness were.

Stubbornness and persistence had stood him well when he had been chased away from his own pack as a mere yearling, being forced to survive and thrive on his own. His sense of justice hadn't failed him when he had finally grown big enough and skilled enough to defeat the one that had destroyed his birth pack. Now, hundreds of miles from the lands of his birth his drive had him criss-crossing this new territory looking for <i>What?</i>

His frustration was growing and he needed to vent or he would lose his cool. His piercing amber eyes scanned the forest around him while his keen nose was sorting through the scents all around him. Some squirrels to the left. <i>No.</i> A rabbit burrow just ahead to the right. <i>No.</i> Then he scented her just a moment before she darted out of the brush before him. A young doe. A doe taking a curiously long time to be free of the danger of his jaws. She wanted him to follow her... A smile crossed his handsome face. A grown deer might be a bit much for most wolves, but he was nearly half her size, with his massive frame. <i>No.</i> He had a more tender meal in mind. He turned his gaze back to the thicket, ignoring the female deer and caught sight of his real prize. A spotted fawn trembled in the underbrush, frozen in fear. He was not a vicious wolf, but he was a wolf and this was the circle of life, was it not?

He quickly finished the creature off, seeing no need to prolong it's fear or his breakfast. He proceeded to enjoy his meal, relishing the warm and tender meat. There had not been much opportunity for such a delicacy over the winter, but now that spring was here in full force he was not about to pass one up. Sated, he lay there, licking his lips, trying to decide what to do now. Stay here, or venture further on and see what the forest had to offer to a rogue wolf with no destination or purpose. He compromised and lay there relaxing for a while before rising to he feet and moving ever deeper into the unknown woods.
Knight of Honor
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Volkan's night had been a restless one. Pacing the borders gave her ample time to think, and there were so many things to think about: whether or not she liked her pack mates, her goal of becoming Aeylen's Second as she was meant to be, Triell saying those three special words, Triell not being here, Rhysis <i>procreating</i>—

—Just then, it hit her, and she was actually glad for the distraction. The ever-familiar scent of deer's blood snaked through the cool morning air, and the wolf lifted her nose to the sky to test for the location of the scent. Immediately it struck a chord of anxiety within her; the pack's borders had always been known to give them trouble, and if someone was stalking around killing prey so close to their home, they could potentially be consuming prey that would benefit Aeylen or the rest of the pack. Nonetheless, bogged down by her other thoughts, she couldn't find it within herself to get angry about it. Instead she resolved to simply go see what was up, and started off toward the source of the smell as best she could pinpoint it.

It wasn't long, though, before the blood scent became intermingled with that of a male stranger's, and the Creek female's hunch was confirmed. Huffing quietly, the rugged silver wolf continued on her course, determined to meet whoever this was face-to-face. Her last encounter with a stranger who wasn't <i>technically</i> inside the borders had left some of her pack mates with ruffled feathers— not that she really gave a shit— but perhaps, this time, it was better to keep things simple, she decided as she happened upon him at last.

Her icy gaze was at work taking in the features of his large frame well before she emerged from a line of lush green bushes, and she stopped, offering him neither a smile nor a frown. Volkan simply regarded him for what he was: a male, a large one in relatively good condition for being, presumably, a loner. It was certainly he who'd made the kill she'd caught wind of. How did she feel about that? Volk wasn't yet sure, but decided to try not to get on his bad side, for now. Emotionally, she was just too weary for that.

"Hello," she said simply, offering him a tiny smile and a curt dip of the head. It wouldn't take him long, she was sure, to distinguish the strength of the scent she wore, whether he realized he was close to the Creek's borders or not. Still curious about his kill, though, she did at least have one question.

"How was your meal?" Did she mean anything by it? She wasn't actually sure. But at least it was something to talk about.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
He hadn't gone far when his senses told him that he wasn't alone any longer. He paused and scanned the area around him, looking for the presence that he felt. It was not prey for it was closing in steadily. Perhaps another wolf. His question was answered shortly when a black and grey female with startling pale blue eyes stepped forward and greeted him with a little smile. Then she asked how his meal was. Apparently she had caught scent of the fawn that he'd snagged for breakfast just s short while before. He just looked at her silently for a few moments.

<b>"Good morning to you, as well."</b> He was trying to figure out whether she had a purpose for seeking him out or if she was just being friendly. She seemed a bit reserved, but nice enough. After another moment he said, <b>"As a matter of fact, I did. A young fawn. There is a bit more left if you are hungry," </b> he offered. Sloane didn't mind sharing his bounty with the female. <b>"I am Sloan. What is your name?"</b> he asked on a light tone.
Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Much time had past since the last time she had seen a stranger on the borders. The male she had seen before ended up being her friend but the first time they had met it had been unfortunate. One of her packmates had lost her cool on the last loner that had ran into the borders and she could only hope that as she watched the stranger now that she wouldn't appear. Nina had recently been doing her rounds and she came upon a male stranger. He seemed quite young but she couldn't tell from the distance. After many scents drifted towards her nostrils she popped her head up. He was moving. . .towards the fawn. He was, oh so close, to the borders and she knew that this encounter would not go well . . .her packmates would find out about this soon enough.

Watching the male eat was quite queer but she wasn't going to move until he was a threat. Which he wasn't at the moment. . .but then Volkan came. Pricking her ears she immediately jumped up from her position and strolled towards her packmate. Volkan would be more of a danger to him than he would be to any of us at the moment. After the recent encounter with Koda Nina wasn't going to risk anything. . .especially not another injured wolf around. One piercing emerald eye watched the two wolves and Nina approached Volkan licking her chin in respect before catching Sloane's last words. What was their names? Twitching her ears she watched him with a calm eye and a terrified voice escaped the female, "I am Nina. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The way her voice came out made Nina wince. She sounded terrible, her scared voice now a curse to her. Damn her brother. He had hurt her. Nina's appearance now was not a pleasant one. One of her eyes shut. . .her back leg twisted at an awkward angle and scars along with scabs covering her pelt. She looked more disheveled than a rapid rabbit. She took the silecne as her time to sit and make herself comfortable. Just standing hurt her and she regreted making her appearance. She was no longer the beauty that she used to be. Her fur was no longer silky but more soaked in dry blood. . .for when ever she moved too much her scabs would open, soaking her in her own blood. One emerald eye watched everyone and her other was shut, locked up tight. Ash had left her for dead. . .but Koda and Chantille had helped her grantly. Thank the Lords for the male.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>She wasn't sure if she'd been expecting an answer. Nonetheless, the male obliged her with perfect politeness, even offering her some of the kill, purportedly a fawn. Briefly her head lifted as she took in his scent again. Certainly a loner*. Generous of him to offer. Inwardly she committed herself to remember his name: Sloane.

She met his gaze with a hint of a smile, pleased with his attitude so far, and was just about to answer his question when she became aware of Nina's sudden presence. <i>What the—?</i>

A sinking feeling plunged into her stomach. Silver-blue eyes narrowed ever so slightly, she gave her packmate a once over after accepting her lick. Never mind the respect— what in the <i>hell</i> had happened to Nina? Quickly, fiercely, she shot a glance to the green-eyed female, one that demanded an explanation. Never mind her previous annoyance with their most recent encounter; that wasn't important anymore. Someone had gone and fucked Nina's shit right up. That wasn't okay. The two of them were going to have a talk right after this, if Volkan could help it.

Yet Nina introduced herself to Sloane like nothing was wrong, although her voice came as a shell of its former confidence. Volkan nodded, a somewhat graver emotion having washed over her colorless visage, though she knew the loner had nothing to do with it. "Volkan," she added. "Our pack's near here, Copper Rock Creek. Nice of you to restrict your hunting to outside our borders," she appended with a little grin, in reference to his kill.</blockquote>
[at this point since this is so backdated because I'm horrible D:]
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Before the silvery eyed fae had a chance to answer another golden brown female approached her with familiarity and gave her a quick chin lick of respect. It was easy to scent that these two were pack mates. The shock on the first woman's face mirrored his own as he saw the shape the new wolf was in. She had been badly beaten. Wounds marred her entire body, but the scar over her entire eye and the obviously broken leg were the worst of it.

She acted as if appearing in her weakened condition to total strangers was an everyday occurrence, but he saw the anger that crossed the others' face. She hadn't known either. A surge of anger at her attacker passed over him and his amber eyes darkened for a moment. Why would someone harm her like that? Seeing and hearing her discomfiture, he decided that he was not in a position to question a wolf that he didn't even know.

Instead, he gave each of them a courteous nod as they introduced themselves and said, <b>"Of course. I would never presume to enter a claimed territory. It is a pleasure to meet both of you!"</b> His voice was filled with respect and he gave the brown fae, Nina, a brief look of compassion. His chivalrous heart wanted to pound whoever had harmed her into the ground.
Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Upon her own entrance, everything was quite. The birds that were speaking earlier, no longer crowed and she had to wolves staring at her as if she had grown a second head. She kept her face calm though, watching closely until they finally got over her appearance, which thankfully didn’t take too long. She didn’t miss the glance from Volkan and she hid her growl by looking over the loner. She seemed to be getting along fine enough with Sloane. Why couldn’t she have liked Koda then?

Her tail was soon curled up across her paws after she sat down watching the scene in front of her. She watched with her one green orb, keeping her gaze away from Volkan. She didn’t want her pack mate to see her face. Emotionless. . .nothing of what it would be. It would get better soon, hopefully. She nodded briefly at the loner, taking him in. He was quite a large fellow, but he looked healthy enough. The deer beneath him caught her eye though.

She immediately directed her gaze away. Since getting back into Copper Rock Creek territory she hadn’t been able to catch any meat for herself. Walking and running was hard and required most of her strength at the moment, and Nina had been living briefly on berries and leaves for the time being. She hadn’t wanted to ask any of her pack mates for food, for she didn’t want to seem weak in front of them. She was hungry though and she was scrawny, which obviously wasn’t a good sign if she were in a pack.

She looked back up the loner and smiled, before wincing slightly. She couldn’t smile without hurting her eye, which she had done. Her face instantly feel back into its neutral position before staring at Sloane silently. She would let Volkan take the calls on this one, she was the Second of the pack. Something she would have to respect at the moment. Her ears then pricked quickly, listening for any other sounds.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Not usually a wolf to smile politely unless she meant it, Volkan returned Sloane's words with a pleasant expression. She was glad he wasn't causing any trouble, and glad that she wasn't in a mood that would lead to an awkward encounter. Still, curiosity about Nina's severe injuries was nagging at her, and the intensity of her thoughts lingered in her eyes. After Sloane spoke and a short silence washed over the scene, a realization hit her. Her gaze narrowed briefly, then moved to the male before her again.

"Sloane,"she said, repeating his name. She liked the way it sounded; it seemed to suit him somehow. "I hate to say this, but there's something Nina and I need to discuss," she admitted, her voice carrying a hint of apology. Gently, with head tilted to one side, she issued him a nod much like the one he'd given the two females moments before. "I hope you understand." From the look that had crossed his face at Nina's entrance, part of Volkan hoped he would oblige them and let them have a moment alone.

"But with any luck, we'll see ya around, right? The Creek could really use a hunter like you." Finally, she flashed him a grin, though it was short-lived, as her attention quickly went to Nina at her side. With a little jerk of her head, she motioned for the green-eyed wolf to follow her, and with a final glance at Sloane, moved swiftly off into the nearby woods.</blockquote>Ending this, hope that's okay since it's so backdated, and it doesn't make sense now that Sloane is in CRC anyway now :P But feel free to finish it off to bring the post count up to 10 if you want! :]
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The introductions were brief, without a <span class='word'>surfeit</span> of emotion, yet polite. It was easy to see that the first female, Volkan, might have pressed for more information had Nina not shown up. However, she could not keep her focus on him for her desire for the details on her pack mate's injuries. A part of him wished to know as well, so he could right her wrong, but it was not his place. They were pack mates and ought to look out for each other. He was a loner and a stranger. Why would she tell him anything anyways? Of course, most strangers simply would not be terribly concerned, but Sloane was cut from a different cloth. His honor and chivalry called out to help her, somehow. Yet, there was nothing that he could do.

Nothing except let them be on their way. At least she had survived the attack and surely her pack mate would see her safely home. So he gave them both a gallant bow of farewell and said, <b>"Perhaps we <i>shall</i> meet again one day. Take care ladies!"</b> as Volkan moved off with a meaningful glance at Nina. He gave the golden brown fae another smile as she prepared to take her leave as well.

(Grand finale for you, Nina!)
Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Not missing the indications towards herself, Nina’s ears pinned back on her head immediately. She honestly didn’t want to talk to Volkan at all, but being her pack mate she knew she would have to eventually and why not now when she was injured. . .it would make it impossible to attack her pack mate in the first place. With a quick nod and wincing smile at Sloane she turned on her heels and limped towards where Volkan had disappeared to.

She was dreading her talk with Volkan. . .and that was exactly why she took her time when she was walking towards where her pack mate was. She seemed to be heading towards the Creek but at the moment she had no way of knowing. In all honesty, she wanted to see Kashikoi again. Even though she had just recently seen him she couldn’t shake the regret of not giving him any lessons recently, and that had weighed her down terribly. But now. . .all she had to look forward to was a long talk with her pack mate.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.