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Finally, We Meet — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda was so relieved that she finally spoke that he nearly wept, but his joy was short-lived. As she spoke, she spat blood and had to stop. This truly frightened him. He had saved her from the vicious male, but could he somehow save her life? He knew nothing of healing. He knew less than nothing. He determined that he would learn all that he could from Elettra if she was still willing to teach him so that he would never be in this position again. He licked Nina's salty tears away, but they seemed never ending. Almost as if she had given up. <b>"Nina, fight. Stay alive for me, my sweet Nina. I will get you help."</b> <i>Somehow.</i>

Koda sat back on his haunches, lifted his muzzle to the heavens and called out his need for help to any that would hear. He did nothing to disguise the fear in his voice as he begged for a healer to come, reenforcing the desperate need for haste. It was possible that an enemy might come, but Koda would take care of them. All that mattered was that one with the skill to aid his Nina came. All that mattered was that she survived this cowardly attack. He didn't know what time would bring for her, but he knew what it would bring for her attacker. Simply put, he would die by Koda's fangs. A slow, torturous death.

The large wolf then proceeded to do the only thing he knew about healing wounds. He began to carefully and gently bathe them with his pink tongue, wincing when he caused her more pain. It was necessary though, since he had no idea how long it would be until help arrived. When he had done all that he could he repeated his earlier message with another long and desperate set of howls. Then he curled up as close as he could get to her to give her warmth and let her know that he was there, that he wouldn't leave her. Together they waited and prayed that help would come in time for the golden brown fae that was as broken in her heart as she was in her body. .

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
The sun was warm on her pelt, the smile on her face glowing just as much as the rays from the big yellow ball in the sky. Her tail flicked in tempo with her walking as she loped through the field- the rise was her favorite relaxation spot. Although, it did seem that several events did occur here. She met many a wolf here, including her leader, Rhysis. Humming lightly to herself, her ears fluttered as the birds whistled their melodic tunes. All was to be interrupted, though.

As she padded along, there were voices just behind a small rise in the field. One was unmistakably a male's voice; he sounded worried. No, no, he was panicked. Feeling a pang of fear shoot through her veins, Chantille picked up her pace, creamy paws tearing through the blood red flowers. It was her first instinct to see exactly what was wrong. What was a kind she-wolf such as herself to do? Just turn away and act as if she had never heard the wolves?

Coming over the small rise, her eyes widened as a horrific scene exploited itself before her. A pretty tawny woman lay helpless in the flowers, blood as red as the blooming foliage itself. The male hovered above her. "Oh my" Chantille whispered, tail rising in alarm. Her instinct continued to pulse through her as she swiftly dashed down the small slope. "What on Earth happened, dear?" She questioned to both wolves. Chant may not know the injured wolf, but as a healer, it was her duty to save others. She began to inspect the wounds, mind calculating what plants she would need.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
(Going out of turn, per Lightning's request!)

Koda was sick with worry. He'd cleaned Nina up as well as he could and kept her warm. So far his howls had been unanswered. He knew that she had lost a lot of blood and there was nothing that he could do about that. He would not leave her side. If he moved away, he feared that she would fall to scavengers in her delirious and weakened state. After a while, he rose and repeated the desperate howls for help. Then he proceeded to lick the many wounds clean, once again. Most of them had started to seep once more and he was desperate to keep infection at bay at least. As he stood over her, attempting to see to her many wounds, another wolf appeared. His instinctive reaction was a low growl of warning, hackles raised. He would defend Nina to his dying breath.

It quickly became apparent that the cream colored fae meant no harm as concern seemed to fill her upon the sight of the golden brown fae covered in her own blood. He immediately lowered his hackles and almost all of the strength seemed to leave him, making him look deflated with worry for his dear friend. At her question, it was apparent that Nina was in no condition to answer for herself, so it fell upon Koda to explain as best he could. A red haze of fury crossed his countenance as he though of the other wolf. If he ever saw that one again, he would be left to die in an even worse state than his sweet Nina was now. He shook the overwhelming emotions away. That wasn't what Nina needed right now. She needed him here, calm and collected.

Koda opened his mouth to speak and his voice cracked with emotion. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and tried again. <b>"She was attacked by another wolf. I don't know why, but I chased him off, just before he was about to .... kill.. her."</b> Now his voice failed him and he had to gather himself again, for Nina's sake. <b>"I howled for help and cleaned her wounds as best I could, but I know nothing of healing! She's hurt so badly. Please, tell me you can help her!"</b> This last was in a pain filled whisper as he begged the other wolf to save Nina.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille could scent something else beside the crimson blood of the woman... a pack scent. It was one that Rhysis had carried on him when she healed him in this very field of flowers. Had she attacked her leader? Reeling her head back quickly, the creamy lady's ears folded back against her head as she frowned. Deep brown eyes shifted to Koda as he began to yell; none of it was registering within Chant's mind. Should she help him? If Rhysis scents her on her pelt, he'd surely tear into her milky pelt.

With a loud sigh, she shook her head wildly, inky lips still pulled in a frown. "I...erm... let me get what you need..." With that, she turned, jetting toward the edge of the rise as she had done for Rhysis. She began to frivolously collect plants in which Nina would be healed by. With a goldenrod stick in her mouth, Chantille padded about, collecting spiderweb as quickly as she could. About twenty minutes later, she emerged, plowing through the blood red flowers as she approached the two wolves.

She began to chew mercilessly upon herbs, soon chewing on a stick of goldenrod. Eyes squinting in disgust, she spat the mixture out onto one of the goldenrod leaves. The mush was that of a light green, and Chant picked it up by the end within her mouth. Gently, she leaned forth, placing the leaf on Nina's side. "I am sorry if it stings" she whispered through the leaf. Using her nose, she rubbed the leaf all on the wound, allowing the mixture to spread. "Spiderwebs!" she yipped toward Koda.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
(Nina's still out of it...)

Koda did his best to calm his panic as the cream colored fae seemed to debate with herself for long moments. When she said that she would help, he let his breath out with an audible 'whoosh'. He hadn't even realized that he'd been holding it. She ran off and gathered various plants and herbs, obviously knowing what would be needed. While she was gone he licked Nina's muzzle gently several times. She was so still and quiet that his panic nearly returned. <i>One, two, three, four...</i> The counting brought his emotions back under control. He had to stay strong for Nina. <b>"I'm still here, Nina. Help has come, so stay with me. Just hang in there, OK?"</b> he begged.

The unknown female returned and began chewing some plant and making her healing concoction. She spoke gently to Nina and Koda was even more grateful for her abilities and her compassion. <i>Spiderwebs!</i> she demanded of him. <b>"I'll be right back, sweet Nina!"</b> he whispered to her and darted off to find the biggest spiderweb that he could find. It took him a while to collect a large sticky mass of web and leave behind quite a few irate spiders. Nina needed them more... He finally made it back to the prone form of his friend and carefully spit out the wad of spiderwebs for the healer. <b>"Is that enough?"</b> he asked, ready to dash off again if she needed more webs, or something else. He would do whatever it took. His golden eyes darted back and forth between Nina and the pale fae that was working to save her life.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille continued to chew and apply her herbal mixture to Nina's wounds. As Koda dissapeared to retrieve the spiderwebs, Chant scowered the area for soft moss. She plucked several flowers and plants with delicate jaws and brought them back toward the unmoving woman. Gathering everything toward Nina's head, Chant now bit onto the lady's scruff gently, placing her head down softly upon the pillow of greenery she had created. As soon as she finished, Koda returned with plent of spiderwebs. Chantille nodded, turning and taking the webs carefully from him.

Bringing her head back around, she now lowered herself, observing the wounds carefully. The green paste was taking well to the injuries; blood flow was stopping. To make sure that everything would be alright, the spider webs would be applied. Carefully, like a surgeon, the creamy woman stretched the web out, placing a paw on one end while bringing the other end to the side of the wound with her mouth. Once the web took to the herbs, she snatched up more webbing, applying it to the rest of the wounds. The work was exhausting, but she could not let a wolf die. "That is all I can really do..." she said softly now, eyes shifting to Koda.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda was relieved when the healer seemed satisfied with the quantity of spiderwebs that he had acquired. He hated the thought of leaving Nina's side again when she was so weak. He watched in silence as she painstakingly applied the medicinal concoction and then the webs. He was too worried about his friend to even think to ask what herbs she was applying. He had literally just started learning about healing from Elettra, but they had gotten no further than the proper treatment for a cold. The male didn't want to interrupt this healer's train of thought or agitate her, unknowingly. She had appeared by some miracle of fate right when she was needed the most and he would be eternally grateful to her. He did notice the pile of soft flowers and plants that she had placed beneath Nina's head and even that small consideration meant much to him. She didn't know it, but the nameless healer was now on his 'A' list so to speak. If she ever needed aid of her own, in any form, he would be there for her. This he vowed to himself.

When she had completed her ministrations, she looked quite exhausted herself and he gave a low whine of concern for her. <i>"That is all I can really do..."</i> she said. He looked from her to Nina and back again. His voice shook again as he tried to speak and he had to start once more, <b>"Is there more that I can do? For you, as well. You look exhausted. I can hunt for you while you rest. I am sure that water would maybe be good, but I've no idea how to get any to her."</b> He was wracking his brain, but had no ideas of how to transport water. He shook his head to refocus his scattered thoughts and continued, <b>"This is Nina Hervok, whom you have just saved and I am Koda Reinier. I am forever in you debt, Healer."</b> He prayed that his words were true and that the cream colored female had worked a miracle on his poor Nina.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
A small smile glowed across Chantille's muzzle as she nodded slowly to Koda. "It is all I could do to help, Koda. I was always taught to help a wolf in need, no matter who they are." With the smile still on her face, she dipped her head in a polite manner "Chantille Idasis." She spoke her name proudly, and, lifting her head back up, her eyes scanned the field of red and orange hued flowers. Her shoulders shrugged lightly as she turned her frame. "I do not need food, but thank you for the offer." Her eyes now lowered toward Nina, and she brought her head down. Right ear was next to the woman's nose; she listened for breath. Her breathing was light, but it was there.

With a sigh of relief, she mumbled to herself before glancing at Koda. "Would you mind gathering more spider webs? I will need to change these out in a bit. If you would like, you may hunt, but get something small. We should feed Nina when she awakens. She will need as much energy as she can get to heal." With this, she nuzzled at the soft pillow of foliage she made for Nina. "It will be fine..." she spoke softly into the tawny woman's ear as she lay.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
 Though Nina was fading in and out of consciousness she could still feel the sting of the herbs on her pelt, but the relief was intense as she reopened her eyes. Where was Koda. She wanted him to be by her side. She knew she didn't need him. . .but his comfort and pelt pressed against hers would have been a high comfort to her. Had he already run off due to the fact that he knew it was useless? But no. . .Koda wouldn't have done that. He's not like that. Girl, you have only met him once. What do you know? Wonderful. Now her own mind was speaking back to her. What was wrong with her vision though? She could see, but what had happened to her other eye? It wouldn't open. Fear made itself known in Nina's emerald eye.  But then he heard a voice in her ear. . .a calming voice. One that lured her back into sleep. The only alarm that she felt was when she smelt the tinge of Poison Path on her fur. But the girl had saved her. And Nina was thankful. 

As she lulled herself back to sleep images flashed through her eyes. Her and Ash. Her and Koda. Her and her pack mates. Her life as she knew it being torn away by the claws of a wolf she hardly knew. Before she knew it and not too late either. The images disappeared. Leaving Nina in the page ace of total darkness. 

OOC: Sorry I haven't been able to get in a reply. I could hardly fit this one in. <3
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
He gave the healer, Chantille, a silent nod as he left at a fast lope to do her bidding. In record time, he had killed several squirrels and a small rabbit. His Nina was in need and they had never stood a chance. Then he proceeded to gather another great ball of spider web. He first brought the sticky web back to Chantille and then dashed off to retrieve the food before scavengers could get a hold if it. Then he hurried back once more, his maw filled with the fur of three tails and a pair of ears. They may have been small, but together they were quite a mouthful. He lay these down at Chantille's feet. He had purposefully caught more, so that she could eat as well, if she wanted.

This time when he asked nothing and simply lay down next to Nina, pressing his warm pelt into her slightly cool one. <i>She had lost so much blood.</i> He refused to acknowledge the terrible wounds that covered her beyond taking care not to hurt her more. Koda couldn't let himself think that she might die from this. All he could think about now was comforting her in the only way that he knew how. Just by being there and talking softly to her. <b>"I am here sweet Nina. Just rest and heal now. I will watch over you,"</b> he whispered to her, his voice full of emotion.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.