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Nasty Little Bugger — Lost Lake 
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Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote><i>Mid-morning / Sunny / 59° F - 15° C </i></blockquote>

The she-wolf perked her head over the mountains, showing her teeth in a not-so-viscous yawn. Looking awkward for the first time, she clambered down with her eyes fully closed and paws jagged out to get the first grip they could. This was how wolves died. Being idiotic and stupid, finding amusement in silly and potentially dangerous situations, but Treena wasn’t going to die. She was too skilled for that. All it took was one big pounce and she was sliding down the mountain like an avalanche, never getting stuck but plowing through with no pain as rocks avoided her paws. She managed to look just as smooth as a bird taking flight despite the early hour, her tongue lolling and tail wagging as she neared the bottom. It was time for a quick border patrol, just to make sure there were no Swift River idiots tearing up the grass. Or eating the grass.

Or slamming their heads against the grass.

Or slamming one another’s’ heads against the grass.

Treena shook the image from her mind, totally repulsed. She obviously hadn’t had enough sleep the last couple days, or too much sleep. Yet, despite the unlikelihood of those events taking place, she could imagine it. If they resulted in brain damage, she could picture the orange scarred male who had attacked her acting it out with a bunch of baboon styled wolves. One prance, with all four paws touching in the air during an unnaturally high leap, before landing squarely on a large boulder, Treena searched for an invader with eyes open. Obviously, with eyes open. Though there was no doubt Treena’s sense of smell was tremendous, as was her keen hearing abilities, it was so much easier just to look for a wolf. Plus, it would make standing on her giant pedestal quiet pointless. It was quite pointless now, except for the fact it was sturdy, and comfortable, and gave her some leverage. The warmth of the morning sun on her back was magnificent there too, her entire reflection clear in the water as she lifted a forepaw and scouted.

This went on for quite a long couple of minutes, her gaze always distracted by a bird, or an insect buzzing past her ear. There was a fly that just wouldn’t leave her alone, going near her muzzle then diving away before her jaws could close around it, the damn thing. It’s not like she was hunting it, just trying to capture it in her mouth long enough for it to learn the lesson. She watched it slowly flutter closer, her head instinctively straining outwards to limit the space between the two. Her golden ears falling behind her head as she concentrated deeply.

Then she opened her mouth and snapped, surprised when she felt the large beast slamming on her hard palate in success. <b>“I wot ‘chew ow!”</b> She moved her mouth to shake up the creature, avoiding it touching her tongue. Then she spat it back out. <b>“Nasty little bugger.”</b>

Wasn’t long before it came fluttering back, mocking her bravado to eat it with a quick, <i>uzzz, uzzz</i>. It circled around her head, until she could no longer stay on the platform, admitting failure and surrendering, preparing to pace around the river and leave her comfy spot behind.
(This post was last modified: May 21, 2012, 07:51 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae

The sun was pleasant, warming her silver-gray coat as she paced herself towards the large body of water. If she could not hunt as well as normal with her healing injuries, she would most certainly be able to fish. The small woman was gifted in the art of catching fish. She pawed along at an average pace, ears fluttering as birds sang their songs from the surrounding foliage. With a small smile, she continued, eyes glittering thankfully as the water came into view. Feeling relief flood over her, she quickened her pace, impatient to step paws within the cool liquid.

As she approached, the woman did not see the wolf that was perched upon a rock. Her head lowered gratefully as she began to lap at the water. Ears flattened against her head as she looked up, sighing in relief. With a small 'umph', the wolf plopped her rump down along the shoreline. This is where she wanted to be; this is where she loved to be. The water. Although her last experience near the water almost cost Finn her own life, she was not broken. Her brother Jedd could be dead for all she cared- it did not matter to her anymore. In fact, she did not consider him her brother at all now.

With the minuscule grin still upon her slender muzzle, she lowered herself downward, front half of her body touching the water. Skin prickled at the cold sensation, and that is when Finn fully dropped herself downward. The water only rose up her front half about five inches, but it still felt like heaven to her. For her, water healed all wounds, physically and mentally. With almost a pup-like wag of her tail, she allowed her body to roll, soaking her pelt.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena’s nostrils flared, her eyes heating up and body fluffing out to be double her normal size. She thudded across the perimeter of the lake, disgusted with what she was witnessing. Her orange ears stretched out to give her an extra inch, a scowl placed upon her angelic face. She was mimicking an impression of Rhysis, barley scratching the surface of the dominance he held. It worked well on her, the confidence mixed with her muscle and charm. She strode along with a threatening grace, like a transparent predator she blended into the mountains so perfectly, her lip curling to an aggressive warning bark, claiming the territory and defending it. The scent was faint, but it didn’t matter. She had a history, and it was clear on her body that she was not an ordinary loner. <b>“Tint your own water, River Wolf. Your company isn’t welcomed here.” </b>

The female was small, curled up in the border, with a silver pelt. Frustration rippled in Treena’s arms, how dare one of them go this far just to bathe? They had their own filthy river, no need to spread the sickness. She should have attacked by now, given them a taste of their own medicine. At least Treena had not been in their border, she had been eating quite far from the scent markers when the burly male had assaulted her. He had torn her to pieces, shook her muzzle until the pain broke her confidence. The entire pack was disgusting, so morbid and cruel, now one had wandered far past safety and into her paws. <b>“Why have you come?”</b>

Was it to attack her new family? A female of this portion and size, so delicate and breakable, was not capable of facing an entire pack. Chantille could tear the wolf apart with eyes closed, Mist would have no trouble standing up to her, Ava and Athena would take only seconds, and the males? The River wolf had no chance at surviving. <b>“I said, <i>why have you come</i>?”</b>

Her growl grumbled deep in her chest, the words only slightly understandable through the anger. She took a step forward, opening her mouth and sending it smashing against the air warningly. Treena was not always violent, but the stench on Finn’s pelt brought back memories of abuse and pain. It made her feel helpless again, under the jaws of a male double her experience, triple her strength. She wanted to show she could fight a River wolf, defend herself and show the world who was boss.

Another step closer.

<b>“Why. Did. You. Come?” </b>
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn's peace was broken by a female who seemed quite rabid, at least in her opinion. The small silvery woman had become...well, more on edge since the attack from her once-brother. Eyes narrowing, the female showed no fear as she rose up to shake her pelt off. Small droplets of water scattered throughout the mid-morning air, glistening in the soft glow of the sun. She stepped forward to the wolf as she interrogated her. "Why...am I here?" Finn questioned, repeating the own wolf's words. Her head tilted, and her chocolate eyes widened. "Oh, well...let me see here.." She looked at her paws, as if to calculate thoughts within her mind.

Suddenly, her head snapped back upward, gaze returning to the bold wolf before her. "Oh. Maybe it's because I was kicked from Swift River after being almost torn to shreds by my own brother. Maybe it's because I have no wheres else to go." Anger burned at her. It was fierce- a flame that continued to grow higher and higher. Like a jack-o-lantern, she was lit up from the inside out. How dare this wolf pick on her. Finn kept her hackles down, but her tail swayed in annoyance.

What else do you have to say she thought, gaze cold on Treena. Her jaws tightened, muscles growing sore after only a few moments. She was tired, and she just wanted to sleep. Her body was close to recovering, and she knew she should not strain it. Head remaining tilted, she hoped the wolf in front of her would not want to fight, but she would if need be.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena didn’t back down. The words meant nothing. They could be lies, some sob story. The female was at her border. The piece deep down that wanted to back down was easily ignored. There was no way she was submitting to a loner, no matter how psychotic her brother, or how betrayed she was by Swift River. It sounded like weakness, whining, searching for some sympathy. Sub-consciously the scent deep in the silver fur was controlling these emotions, for the scent gave her nothing but pain.

Still, she would score no brownie points for being needy.

Instead of showing interest in the story, Treena fluffed out even more, her lips twitching but managing to stay down. There were cubs to be raised and too many females as it was. Her manner lacked respect for the struggling loner, head held high and tail rose to show dominance. Swift River had been nothing but cruel towards Treena when she was a loner. Two wrongs may not equal a right, but justice had to be served. This was her way of playing Karma. Wetting her lips, the she-wolf seemed to be searching for words. She was good, a lawful wolf who did not wish wrong upon anyone. This was harder for her than imagined. Her jaw opened, muzzle wiggling. <b>“I’m sorry to hear your past has been so tedious.”</b>

The words made sense with a comforting tone, but she did not change her posture. <b>“But I must protect the border.”</b>

“This is a loyal home. Unlike the River we here do not attack loners for kicks. I shall not cause harm upon you without reason, but you are not welcome here.” That was a clear way of explaining things, her voice carried across the territory, booming with a heavy emotion. <b>“I expect no trouble.”</b>
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
"Of course" Finn said, dipping her head. She lowered her ears, light brown eyes gazing at Treena. Her inky lips, her lower jaw...they trembled. Why? Finn was always good at picking up emotions, but she remained quiet as not to anger the woman before her. "I've just come for a drink and perhaps a swim. I have no intention on crossing your borders." Taking her eyes away from Treena, she turned back to the water, stepping forth and lowering her head. She drank once more, as if water had not been in her system for several days.

Raising her head, water dripped from the fur on her lower jaw. "Finn" She stated her name, staring blankly across the lake. She wanted to swim...just swim forever. Forget everything that was and has been happening to her. Aggravation bit as her like a giant mosquito, and she tried her hardest to swat it away. Finn was on edge. She was doing well controlling her emotions, but she feared that bottling up would result in an intense explosion later on.

But it would not happen now. Her eyes slid back to Treena, and her ears remained down. It was not sympathy she wanted. She just wanted a break.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kegan Richie
<i>What's happening?</i> Kegan thought to himself as he stared at the two, how odd, one smelled like the disgusting stench of .... those Swift River wolves! No,no ,no they were trouble, of course Kegan knew that in his past experience. Though, one smelled as from Poison Path, the young wolf couldn't hear what the two were saying, he <i>had</i> to wander in, he wouldn't in a million years let one of those get in here without a fight, or the moron of a wolf could turn back.

<b>"What are you doing here, Swift River wolf?!"</b> Kegan growled deeply, nearly turning his face into a snarl, this boy may be young, but he was willed and strong. He then too felt an uneasy feeling about this. Without giving the female an answer, he growled seriously. <b>Get out, now, you aren't wanted, and you will never be." </b>
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena’s listened to Finn state her name, slightly interested, but naturally repulsed. The wind swirled around her like a tornado, the Poison Path Pack scent tinting the air with vicious stench. It came out her fur and into the breeze, smelling of an unspeakable darkness and power. She was proud of it, of the impact it had. Even her own body became tense in fear. Each inhale was like a bright neon sign flashing.

Beware of the wolf.

Of course, the message was even clearer against the keen female, who moved much like the wind, which carried it, herself. The history of her body matched with soundless chanting of the Poison Pack perfume. It was all so intimidating, even more so in the silence in which she loomed around. The woman watched the so called loner carefully, itching for some sign of aggression. Though, it was almost pointless now. She doubted anything would come out of this experience. No blood would spill into Lost Lake.

Her eyes were drifted off towards the water softly, her guard never dropping. It was like a brick wall, nothing could topple it over. She was always prepared for the unexpected. Slowly but surely though, her head lowered and she lapped at the lake with her coral tongue. Each second that passed her golden eyes were focused on Finn, making sure she was still there, as if there was a point of running away. Her ears were pinned to her head and she was as tense as a rock, waiting patiently for the next move. When her thirst was quenched she stepped back and sat on the cold hard ground, obviously refusing to leave. For now she’d make the situation as awkward and dragged out as possible, hoping Finn would say her goodbyes and leave. She’d make sure the women left before returning to her den.

The silver wolf had a weird way of speaking. It both confused and soothed Treena, so rich with an accent it nearly changed the Poison Path wolf’s tongue. Though, instead of chasing her off, the well-sized female just towered over and inspected. That was when the male voice boomed over her shoulder, and she forced herself to turn her torso. A frustrated snarl left her clenched jaw, breaking the silence which hung in the air. She knew the wolf from the pack meeting, she had watched him carefully. He was not big like Vafri or Rhysis, but just a memorable. His name was Kegan, a wolf she did not know too personally. His words were an exact replica of her own. It was almost humorous. Though the female did not laugh, instead she glowered and gave him a warning bark, expecting him to back down. An upper-lip was raised his direction, the wolf showing her sparkling white teeth. She was the dominate wolf, and even though flaunting it around wasn’t her style, today was a day for the unordinary. <b>“This is my border patrol Kegan, I will handle it the way I feel necessary.”</b>

The female pursed her lips and returned to silence, but seemed to think better of it half-way. Her eyes returned to him once more, almost like a mother would do to an insolent child.<b> “She smells of River, but claims differently. The smell of earth is rich in her fur. Her ribs are digging out of her stomach,”</b> She waved a tail over the female’s bodice to prove her point, <b>“quite obviously the life of a loner has been bestowed upon her one way or another. Past River wolf, who is getting a drink and then heading back out into the wild.” </b>
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Oh great. Another one of these wolves...and it spat at her about Swift River. Although she was not a part of that pack anymore, what issue did they have with it? Anger began to pull at her until Treena spoke toward the male. Blinking, the silver-gray woman turned her head. If she was fit, she would snarl, but now...she just did not have the energy. Instead, she questioned the wolves "What issue do you have with Swift River?"

Her chocolate eyes watched them carefully. Finn knew that Treena was watching her every move but really, there was no reason to. The small wolf had no intentions on causing any trouble. She was not going to cast any ventose toward them; she was blunt. After her injury, her kind heart had taken a beating, creating a more easy-to-anger wolf. Recovery was slow, and she tried to rest as much as possible to heal. At the words of the woman near, Finn shifted her eyes to her ribs. Damn, she was skinny. Sighing almost inaudibly, her eyes returned to the male, to see what he would do next.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kegan Richie
<b>It isn't really any of you're business."</b> He said more calmly, looking at the wolf, her long, sticky-out ribs. The Poison Path wolf, looked rather familiar,<b>"Sorry bout that"</b> Kegan said, and calmly sighed, nearly all of his anger steamed out of him, and he turned back to his normal, socializing self. He sat down quietly, licking his lips silently. <b>"Sure, you're border patrol, you're job."</b> He said kindly, but had no intentions to move were he was sitting.

Now the young boy wondered if any of the two were hungry. His tummy suddenly roared like somewhat a lion. It roared again, the boy blushed lightly. <i>Shut up, stomach!</i> Kegan roared in his head, but never said it aloud, because that would have just made him sound rather stupid.