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A Wolf in the Water... — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
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Sloane Thorben
Sloane had enjoyed his time with Chantille. The run had been exhilarating and the company had been splendid. Today he was a tiny bit sore from the unaccustomed steep climb. Nothing a bit of light exercise and some cool water couldn't fix though! With that thought he put his nose to the air, scenting for water and headed off. He soon found a small stream. It wouldn't do him any good, for he enjoyed a good swim and it would barely wet his large paws, but it would come out somewhere larger to be sure.

He meandered along side of the stream and sure enough, it began to get larger as a few other trickles of water met up with it. He continued to follow it's winding path, ignoring his grumbling stomach in favor of finding a larger body of water. Now that he'd been walking a while, the soreness had faded, but the pull of the water enticed him onwards. Soon he began to hear a dull roar and trotted forwards a ways to find that the sound came from a waterfall that originated above his current elevation and ended in a lovely pool of water below him. <i>Excellent!</i> Now he could have his swim. He made his way down to the shore of the shallow pool of calm waters downriver from the falls.

For some reason a last vestige of puppyhood that had never been lived by the large wolf took over. Before he even had time to process the thought, he found himself flying through the air and landing a good ways out from the shoreline with and epic splash. He stood up, shaking his head to clear the water from his ears. Then he gave a great shake of his enormous body, sending water droplets flying for yards around him. He surveyed his handiwork, taking in the dripping leaves and grasses on the shore. Then he burst out laughing because a squirrel and a pair of birds were scolding him.

Knight of Honor
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
Treena was hypnotizing. The way she moved towards Bramble Falls was textbook perfection. Her breathing was completely silent, her entire figure no sound. It wasn’t like she was hunting. She wasn’t trying to be unheard. It was only instinct that directed her around noise, putting her on the softest path. When she broke through, there was no sign of Sloane, only the falling water high above her head. She stood in awe for a couple seconds, head tilted to the sky and eyes closed. She didn’t need to see it racing over the ledge, she could imagine it. She could picture each swoosh as it dropped, as if she was one with the world. The women breathed in the water, shoulders rising and falling rhythmically. Her speckled spine rose and fell and her ginger legs stayed completely still.

It was quite mythical the aura growing around her, almost visible. It was that grace and beauty that drowned out the rising sun, the world couldn’t compare. She had a tranquility no one could impersonate. It was a trait that couldn’t be mocked. Mother Nature was green in envy, not in wild-life. It wasn’t long before her eyelids slipped back up. The sound of rippling thunder not as breath-taking, for she revealed the two shiningly clear gold circles as if they were just a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was from there did she step forwards, paws absorbing the water.

The liquid raced into her mouth, and she swallowed with pleasure. She wasn’t focused on anything, only living in the moment. She had no concerns, or fear. She was thinking. She was doing. That was what urged her deeper into the fall’s water. She wanted to cool off, refusing to hesitate as warnings popped up in her head. She wasn’t the best swimmer. She didn’t paddle fast enough, instead she floated. Of course floating didn’t keep your head above the current, but she’d manage. With each step she drew closer to Sloane, though his presence was still unknown. She let the water run through her fur, like human fingers it clutched on her pelt tightly while her back-legs kicked. It was her beauty that hid her inexperience. She pretended to be aware of what to do, staying close to the edge.
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane chuckled to himself for his foolish antics. He slowly waded out deeper into the water until his paws no longer touch bottom and he began to swim lazily in the cool still waters of the pool. As the water seeped into his fur it soothed his skin and relaxed still sore muscles. He sighed deeply with contentment enjoying the feel of his muscles moving his nearly weightless body through the water. It had been while since he had enjoyed a good swim and he planned to take advantage of his time in this secluded oasis. Although he was a strong swimmer he opted not to enter the current of the river flowing steadily by the pool he was in. There was no telling where he'd end up if he let the current sweep him along on it's unending journey.

As he stoked around the area, he thought about the choices ahead of him. He could remain a loner in this region, or even move on or he could think about attempting to join a pack. Honestly he war torn as both choices had merit. He thought back and imagined what his father might do. Even though his sire had perished so long ago, Sloane always did his best to live his life in a way that would make his father proud. Selik had been an honorable, just and fair leader. He believed in giving for the greater good of his pack. But Sloane didn't have a pack, so his head began to ache with the 'what ifs' that he was facing. The large wolf stopped swimming and dug his claws into the soft soil, then he literally shook his head to clear it. Now was not the time to decide. He would enjoy his time here and worry about life-changing decisions later.

He moved to the shallower water and lay down, submerging his large body in the water once more. The gentle ripples in the water had nearly lulled him to sleep and his amber eyes were drifting shut when something caught his attention. All senses coming alert, he focused on the area and finally saw it. There was a wolf in the water, out in the current. From where he was, he couldn't quite tell if they were all right. They didn't seem panicked really, but an uneasy feeling was nagging at the back of his head. He stood and waded back out into the pool and moved closer to the wolf in the flowing river. A tension filled his body and he couldn't shake it. His brows furrowed and not being <span class='word'>ventose</span> he simply called out, <b>"Are you all right out there?"</b>
Knight of Honor
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<i>Stroke, kick, paddle, stroke, kick, one, two, three, stroke, kick, paddle, four, five, six.</i>

Maybe going for a swim wasn’t Treena’s best idea. Much like her healing abilities the she-wolf was pretty useless and inexperienced. The often graceful wolf looked pretty humorous now, golden ears pulled to the side of her head and drenching wet, much like a soaked cat. She was not having a good time, and it showed on her traumatized face she’d rather accept death than endure this form of exercise. Her golden paws weighed heavily, but with each kick she fought the water anyways, a smug grin twitching at the corners of her evil scowled expression. She avoided water like the plaque, even if it did wash her fur clean so quickly. It was a good source, making life so much easier when it came to bathing. Yet, the woman would rather use her tongue for days to reach an acceptable cleanliness, than suffer through this torment ever again. Drowning was a respectable fear, but mostly it was her incoordination that really set the bar. She was quick on all sort of land, but there was no ground here. Her paws felt nothing but liquid and she constantly had to kick in order to breath. It was hard, knowing her legs were floating with no support. There was nothing below her. The beautiful wolf’s lungs would fill with water long before she reached the soil. Now, she was just getting paranoid.

This was as bad as she remembered.

It was her amazing endurance that kept her alive. She could do this all day if she had to. She’d hate every moment, bark and snarl the entire time, but it she really had to. She could fight the current, maybe not as long, but if she really was determined. She had the strength and the courage, just not the will-power. Though, if she was dared, or someone questioned her skill, she’d take the challenge willingly. Had she been taught how to swim properly, she probably would have enjoyed it. Though, flailing around the way she was, it was clear the utter frustration she felt. That frustration was directed upon the male voice, calling out to her questioningly. Admitting failure wasn’t hard for Treena, she had many redeeming qualities. Still, looking over the clear reflective glass, her heart seemed to scream in rejection.

Do not tell the truth.

Say you’re having the time of your life.

<b>“This water may just be the end of my life.”</b> Her voice squeaked above the crashing waves of the falls, barely audible. She hoped he had managed to hear her, she doubted she could risk saying them again. Opening her mouth could mean swallowing the liquid, and filling her body with such poison could cause death. Dying was far from the first thing on her mind though, instead she was thinking of the voice’s master. She could barely make out the male despite his giant size. She was practically leaping to try and keep her muzzle above the surface, let alone her eyes. From the sound of his voice, he was young, but youth meant nothing. He sounded smart, and safe. That was good enough for her. She wouldn’t ask for help, but if he offered she wouldn’t dare reject. He sounded close enough by to drag her back to safety.
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Now that he was closer he could clearly see that she wasn't fine. Though she seemed to be working hard, her efforts were awarding her little progress. The look of determination on her face was quite clear. Just as clear as the look of the panic that she was valiantly holding at bay. Before she even threw out her desperate answer, he was on his way to intercept her flailing form. In the short time that it took him to reach her, she seemed to be even lower in the water, likely fatigued by now. There was no telling how long she'd already been struggling in the steady current.

<b>"I'm coming for you. Stay calm and just act like you are trotting in the water. Full strokes with all of your legs!"</b> He called out the instructions loudly to her as he neared her, stroking strongly through the water to reach her. He paddled to her far side and used his own large body to edge her in the direction of the still waters that he had come from. Worried that she might still panic and slip below the cold waters he firmly grasped her scruff in his powerful jaws to help hold her up. This caused his own body to sink lower in the water, but nothing that he couldn't handle. When they neared the edge of the current he was able to push off of the bottom with his back legs and get both of them out of the tug of the current.

Unsure if she was strong enough to support her weight after her struggle in the current, he kept his grip on her for the moment. It wouldn't do to save her from the river only to have her drown in the shallows. Sloane kept his large frame hear hers in case she needed to lean on him as well. Until he knew that she was truly all right, he would aid her and hope that she didn't take offense at his continued support.
Knight of Honor
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
The she-wolf fell completely limp, much like a sulking puppy. At first she tried to make herself useful, but with uncoordinated slaps of her tawny forepaws she knew she was doing no good. Each kick felt awkward, like she was dislocating her bones, straining out in different directions. That was exactly what she was doing. Each push outwards was tilted on a strange angle, like she was aiming for the fish and not the water. It was just making things difficult for the male, and so when he grabbed her scruff, shame washed over her just like the falls.

How embarrassing.

She’d rather drown in the depths than feel the pathetic agony now upon her. A wolf who could not swim, is a wolf who cannot teach, and a wolf who cannot teach is a not a wolf at all. She was like a fish out of water, with the once fearful eyes glazed over in sadness. The water went around her delicate figure, like a knife she cut through everything. She hated being helped, but there was nothing she could do. She’d have demanded to be let go of, but who knew if the male would accept? Where would that get her, except back to suicide? Instead of complaining, she let the younger male bring her to safety with a sour look. This look was not directed at him, not at all. It was a look to the world, proving the self-hatred she felt. <b>“Thank you.”</b>

The worlds were louder than a whisper, but just barely. She didn’t look at him either, but at her paws, shaking them out one by one. She looked like a drowned rat, her beauty still visible, but more enraged and fluffed out. There came a time where she did lift her golden muzzle, the fur grouped together in upside-down triangles towards the floor, to look at the young male.

This was one of those times.

She looked at him with her honey gaze, lips started to rise back into a familiar smile. “I am quite good with running, hunting and fighting, but healing and swimming, those two are just so damn difficult.” She lifted a forepaw and slammed in against the ground without thinking, it as just a way to let out her aggression. It was a cute movement, like a ballerina stomping her feet, or a toddler slamming two greedy hands against a table. <b>“I’m glad you helped me when you did, my endurance is quite good, but fighting the current is a whole different step. I forgot how terrible I was at swimming, quite embarrassing really, and to meet someone new on such an occasion! You must think so poorly of me.”</b>

She wanted to know how old he was, because he was so large, and strong, yet seemed so youthful, much younger than her. She didn’t dare ask. How impolite it would be to ask something so suddenly! She wasn’t that candid, not at all. So, instead of being nosey, she stepped forward and gently placed her muzzle against his shoulder. <b>“Your help saved my life. I won’t forget that.”</b>

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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
When they were only a few feet from the shore and the water only reached to just above her ankles he gently released her scruff. She seemed to be a bit on the shaky side and kept her gaze averted towards the ground, but not too much worse for wear. Although the tawny female seemed out of sorts, now that the crisis was over, he was just glad for her sake that he had happened by at just the right time to come to her aid. Now that she was safe he smiled to himself, thinking that this was just the sort of thing that would have made his sire proud. It felt good to have been useful and needed, there was no denying that fact!

She thanked him in a quiet voice, still not lifting her gaze. It appeared that she was embarrassed at the state that she'd been found in. She finally looked at him, fur dripping and explained the her talent for swimming was sorely lacking despite her skills in many other vital areas. In the midst of her dialogue she stomped her foot, as a frustrated pup might, and he found it quite fetching regardless of her actual age. He could appreciate the desire to excel in all areas.

Then she apologized for the need for his rescue. What a silly notion, apologizing for needing help! She then stepped closer to him and touched her muzzle to his shoulder and thanked him with great sincerity. He lowered his own head and nuzzled the top of her shoulder in return. Then he lifted his head and a smile covered his handsome face. <b>"Think nothing of it! I'm just glad that I was here to be of service to such a lovely lady. I will just count it as an early birthday present!"</b> he said with a laugh, trying to lighten her mood.
Knight of Honor
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
(Sorry, it's so small and gross >.< Couldn't think of anything.)

Long legs stretched with a thin torso, rotating the female’s body until her tongue could easily clean away a patch of already-spotless fur. Her warm and gentle eyes flickered back towards her mission, and Sloane, listening carefully and being attentive. She was far from disrespectful, making sure to pay her respects to every little thing he did or said in fear. She was not afraid of him, not at all. She was afraid he’d say something and she wouldn’t notice, be caught being daft and oblivious to the world around her. It would prove she was the ditzy wolf who couldn’t swim, while that was not the case at all. <b>“Saving females isn’t a normal birthday celebration, you know that right? But, I don’t have anything to symbolize my thanks at the moment, so it’ll have to do.”</b>

Her pixie-like face was twisted in pure emotion, her eye narrowing together and wrinkling her forehead. She felt bad. This was no way to bring justice, or thanks to the large male. She knew a way to repay Sloane, but the words felt hard on her tongue. She struggled for a moment, before turning to face him with a serious gaze. <b>“I am a member of a pack, not too far from here. We are called Poison Path, follow the mountains and you’ll find us. We are quite secretive. Our location is a mystery to most wolves, and we hope it to stay that way. This information is quite knowledgeable, and I am offering it to you.” </b>

She nodded. It was all she could offer, the only thing of real personal value in which she could give. It was not an invite to her pack, but an invite to see her again.

Maybe then she’d have a real gift.
(This post was last modified: Jun 02, 2012, 04:58 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane laughed good naturedly at her response. She had a point. <b>"Perhaps rescuing them is not a normal gift, but meeting them definitely applies."</b> He gave her a small wink, trying to alleviate her concern. It had been a while since anything interesting had happened to the large wolf and the daily monotony of hunt, eat, travel, sleep was boring after the millionth time around. <b>"Helping you has been the most excitement that I've had in forever, so don't fret about it."</b>

She had a strange look on her face, as if she was having some sort of inner struggle and he waited patiently for her to figure it out, using the excuse of grooming himself to excuse his own silence. Then the fae's face turned to him in all seriousness and she told him of the general location of her pack. She didn't invite him to join, but he definitely sensed that telling him was a great sacrifice of sorts. He was about to respond to her information when he suddenly realized that they hadn't even shared their names with each other as of yet.

He dipped his head to her and said, <b>"My names is Sloane Thorben. May I have the gift of your name, so that I can say whom it is that I am looking for should I visit your mountain home one day?"</b> His voice was hopeful and his eyes were alive with friendliness.
Knight of Honor
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena felt better about sharing than she had expected. As soon as the words left her mouth, a boulder was lifted off her shoulders and she was left to float away in the wind, barley hearing the male’s words. She had been so focused, determined not to hint the whereabouts of her family. The stress of that was quickly piling up. Everything had to be on the down-low. With the puppies born the small pack of mostly females could not defend one another against a pack like Swift River. Hell, they would try. It was a characteristic trait they all shared, loyalty. Not a single one of them seemed the type to drop down when the going got tough.

Treena would rather die.

It was nice, being able to tell someone the location of her home. She hoped he would visit, having some positive news in these dreadful times. Something about the wolf was relaxing, his muscular figure and soft eyes. He would make a good friend.

The sound of the falls kept her firmly planted in reality, claws clenching to the ground and body swaying. His question rang in her eyes softly, as if she was pretending he had said it. <b>“My name.”</b>

What had she expected? He could not just show up to her home without a name, his purpose would be pointless. Pursing her lips, the she-wolf gave a small smile. Her voice rising out of the barley hearable whisper, returning again to its natural state, back into her dancing laughter. <b>“My name is Treena Rose.”</b>

She had been speaking to the male quite a while. He did not have a pack, so she nearly forgot her own duties as member. Afraid of seeming impolite, she took a step once more towards him and pressed her nose to his golden shoulder, tail wagging. <b>“I must return home now, but please, do come and visit.”</b>

She’d warn him about bringing others, that this invite only applied to him, but she was almost certain the message had gotten across.

OOC: Feel free to reply, if you want, or archive the thread :D
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2012, 06:15 PM by Treena.)
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