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Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
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<blockquote>Spooks merely nodded dumbly as Indru explained some of his and Borlla's family background, even if he doubted that siblings with a significant age gap could get along with each other as well. Still, the idea rather intrigued him. As Indru went on to touch on the benefits of a pack, Spooks listened silently, surprisingly attentive. Having been in a pack before he had been aware of such positive factors, but it had been a good amount of time since he had experienced the comfort of an actual home.

"I know," Spooks replied, "It doesn't seem that there are many packs around though." Borlla's pack was the only one he knew of currently. As appealing as being in a pack was based on Indru's reasons, Spooks didn't really show much respect for authority. "Besides there are always boring rules to follow!" This held true for him since he had been a puppy and was often scolded or told not to wander off to commit more acts of mischief. But then again he never exactly abided by those rules to begin with. "I don't know," Spooks said in reply to Indru's next statement, frowning slightly.</blockquote>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn

It didn't take long for Indru to decide that this wolf was a cheechako, though one who had perhaps just enough skills to get by, but didn't seem to have the maturity or awareness. Not at the moment. There is mine and my uncles, in the Mountain. Though not having visited his uncle since he had said of his departure from their pack, Indru had not been naive to the new activity around the mountain, not surprising as he had thought Honijo would start his own pack. Indru was sure that eventually there would be others, especially with the influx of lone wolves their seemed to be, but at the moment two was plenty in his opinion.

As the wolf spoke of his grievances of joining a pack Indru frowned again, the words confirming his earlier thoughts — to immature to be alone. The rules are for your benefit. They help you learn control... discipline. Indru empathised it with a nod, it was a bad thing to learn at a young age, as when a wolf did return to a pack they were then of a greater chance of rising through the ranks. It is not as boring as it sounds. He knew that though some of his siblings begrudged the rules they followed them, learning in the process, as it was not so long ago he and Ruiko had helped Junai hunt. Plus you could be with wolves your own age.

Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
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Was going to post early but then I had to go make dinner D:
<blockquote>The mountain? It had been a few days since his encounter with Borlla at the base of the jagged peaks, but he hadn't seen any sign of a claimed territory or any form of a pack. Indru's uncle must have established his new pack fairly recently. "Oh," he merely said. Although Spooks much rather preferred the feel of forest earth beneath his paws, he couldn't deny that the mountains were indeed beautiful and also dangerous. Not to mention it sounded more hardcore to say that one was from the pack in the mountain than by a river.

Discipline. The very word was distasteful to Spooks' ears. His imaginative mind conjured up images of tyrannical dictators commanding their subjects to attend to their every whim and bidding. But a rational part of his mind reasoned with him that this was probably not true of every pack. After all his previous guardian as the leader of the pack was rather fun and not too bossy. As Indru continued his lecture, Spooks fidgeted, starting to grow bored from all this adult talk and advice. Of course Indru's words were perfectly sensible. Unfortunately Spooks lacked the wisdom to see this. The tawny wolf's last words did cause his ears to perk up in some excitement. Others his age? The thought gave birth to a multitute of questions that he now unleashed onto Indru."What type of wolves are in your pack? Is your leader someone mean and grumpy?" he asked inquisitively, eyes alight with childish curiosity. "What about your uncle's pack? What's he like?"</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2010, 04:15 AM by Spooks.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn

Something he said certainly sparked interest and Indru smiled slightly at the bombardment of questions. What type? Well we have brown ones and black ones... He teased, trying to decipher the true meaning. Ages? Or was he asking personalities? Some are pups, like Borlla, others are your age, others are mine and then some in between. He explained, leaving it at that, if he wanted to know more.. well he'd just have to try and locate them. The next question had made him laugh when he heard it, and he chuckled lightly again. Well, make up your own mind. I'm the Leader. Then, as if to prove the point Indru straightened up, curling his tail over his back and raising his head slightly and peering down. With his size and his regal appearance it wasn't entirely unimpressive.

Well his Uncle's pack.. he thought about it, deciding he did not know enough about it to say anything. I don't know, he started it recently, I haven't been to seen him since. Another task he was meaning to do but hadn't got round to yet, besides perhaps it was good to give Honijo his space for awhile. My Uncle.. He can be grumpy and strict, but its for your own benefit. He's a good teacher. It had been hard sometimes, how far Honijo had driven him and Ruiko, but when they were seen as the 'golden boys' of the litter to later lead the pack it had been important to make them capable.

Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote>Spooks listened carefully as Indru answered his questions. So Swift River appeared to have a relatively wide range of ages, the monochrome yearling determined, pleased. The next response to his question caused him to look up at Indru, surprised at the revelation. "You're the leader?!" he exclaimed, eyes wide. But he soon recovered his composure and he studied the tawny leader pensively. Slowly he began, "Well I guess you're not mean evenifIthoughtyouwerekindofgrumpyatfirstbutnotanymoresoyeah." The last words tumbled off in an incoherent sentence.

Indru's uncle's pack was new . . Spooks supposed that explained the absence of any claimed territory when he had been at the base of the mountains a few days ago. Alarm bells went off in his head as Indru stated 'grumpy' and 'strict'. Of course Spooks forgot entirely about the 'good teacher' part. Indru's uncle would have to be obviously older than Indru. For Spooks, old was practically a synonym for boring, stuffy, and everything that embodied the opposite of fun. He nodded as Indru finished answering his questions, his expression serious and thoughtful for a brief second before he destroyed the image of brief maturity. "Then can I join your pack pleeeeeaseeeeeee~" he asked, making an attempt at a pleading, adorable puppy-face which wasn't probably effective now that he was no longer a puppy but trying never hurt did it?
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn

Unsure at first whether to be humoured or insulted at the young wolf's shock at Indru's leadership he decided it was harmless, and perhaps went along with his increased level of shock and immaturity, as a dominant wolf in a pack was not so hard to spot. Spooks soon broke into a short speech, the words blending and merging together until Indru could only pick up the odd words, such as "grumpy", and he titled his head on the side in mock annoyance. Oh grumpy am I? He teased, his voice stern and his face only his eyes giving away a small hint of his amusement.

Indru noticed that Spooks looked thoughtful for a moment, seeming to decide on something, before bursting out in a plea that made Indru's eyes widen in shock. It wasn't something he expected, he boy didn't seem all that keen on a pack after all, but it seemed that he had listened more to Indru's word than he had expected. Indur gave himself time to think over the question, unsure, after all the wolf hadn't exactly sold himself earlier on, remarking his dislike of responsibility and obedience. Hmmm, Indru began, peering at the wolf infront of him with a critical eye, he was rather small as well. What would I gain out of this arrangement? If you were to join us at the Swift River? It was a fair question after all, the boy was getting his pack's teachings and security, in return for what?

Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The tawny leader didn't appear to be miffed or angered by Spooks' honest words judging from the look in his eyes and his impression of Indru increased several notches in the positive. Despite his rather intimidating appearance and manner, the older wolf appeared to be relatively good-natured and perhaps not as strict as Spooks had pegged him to be.

At Indru's question, Spooks drew himself upwards, green eyes alert as he thought about the inquiry. He was quite confident that he had many redeeming qualities but he knew just couldn't go listing them off because Indru would have probably fallen asleep before he had finished. But which ones would benefit the pack most - Spooks began to narrow them down mentally. "I'm fast and I have a lot of energy, oh- I don't give up easily," he began after a moment of consideration. Indeed, his smaller frame, although a disadvantage in mere brute strength, allowed him to move more swiftly than others and his hyperactive tendencies often fueled his energy hours at a time. His perseverance stemmed a great deal from his competitive and stubborn mindset. Spooks never turned down a challenge. "Hm . . I can learn fast too!" Granted, that last part was primarily restricted to physical activities that were not boring.
(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2010, 07:57 PM by Indru.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn

The question had a impact on the boy and Indru watched, hiding a smile, as he drew himself up and a thoughtful expression took over his face. He began to reel off some qualities and Indru listened with interest, nodding as he spoke as they certainly didn't seem to be lies — especially the one about the boy's amount of energy. The boy ended by saying he learned quickly, something Indru would not be able to judge, but everything had seemed truthful so far though the Leader did wonder how long the wolf's attention span would allow him remain focussed.

Hmmm.... Indru glanced off towards the sky, leaving his decision to hang in the air theatrically, letting the boy wait and judging his patience. So, you want to be a wolf of the Swift River? It was a rhetorical question, after all he already knew the answer to it and was also an convenient way to allow himself more time to think. It would be good to get more non-Tainn blood in the pack after all, and they already had Yearlings a new one might be good for Spooks and them. I can let you join us if you like, Spooks. Indru smiled at him, his gaze now back on the monochrome wolf. If you want to join our family? As that's what a pack was, a family, blood or no blood.

Played by Sabrina who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He fidgeted under Indru's silent gaze, his mind a chaotic blur of nerves, impatience, anticipation. Although in reality only seconds had transpired, Spooks felt that it had lasted for several eons. Nevertheless he sat there waiting for Indru's judgment, nodding vigorously at his rhetorical question as he garbled out a loud "Yes!" of confirmation. At long last, the tawny leader finally extended an invitation to join not only Swift River, but a family.

A family. He had never had one in the traditional sense of the word, being surrounded by his littermates under the watchful eye of two biological parents. But the warm memories of the past, from exploring the facility's grounds and being scolded by his adoptive parents to getting into all sorts of mischief with his siblings in attempts to rule everyone in sight, he considered very much as being a part of a family. While being alone allowed Spooks to do as he wished, completely independent and free, solitude was an experience that quickly grew old. "I do!" he said in response, tail swishing back in forth.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The boy confirmed what Indru expected and he grinned down at him for a moment before quickly shifting forward, tongue out, hoping to lick the boy's muzzle affectionately and playfully. Ahh, so your my new brother, huh? Indru teased glancing back at the boy before rising to his feet and starting to prowl around him, taking him in, now properly examining the youth and trying to asses his physique and perhaps future role with the pack. He was small, but maybe that made him quick, he certainly had energy and Indru knew that was a necessity when the yearlings sought out the weak prey for the pack to hunt.

Leaning towards him Indru gave him a sniff, frowning and shaking his head when he was back round the front of the young wolf, peering at him. You don't smell like a Swift River wolf. And without their scent, did a wolf truly belong to the pack? After all that was identified the wolf as a loner or a member of a alliance. We need to fix that... Immediately. As the last word was spoke a low, playful growl escaped the males muzzle as he darted forward trying to brush his fur up against the wolf who still smelt like a stranger, trying to make him smell like a wolf from the swift river. After all, what would do the job better than the leader's scent on their fur?