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If I Ain't Mistaken — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
He walked along quietly, red coat shadowed by a small patch of pines he soon began to creep through. The forest was quiet, threatening to give away his position to potential prey. His paws kneaded the earth with every step; the soft pine needles beneath him silencing his steps. Body now lowering as he slipped beneath a drooping branch, he had spotted his target. A groundhog. The plump, deep brown animal feasted upon a patch of grasses, filling his gut as much as he could. The pale golden gaze of Reed scanned around, attempting to find the animal's home. He didn't see it.

You shouldn't wander too far from home... he thought as a ghostly smirk caused his lips to twitch. One. Two. Three....four. Each paw was placed with thought as he neared the end of his pine tree. He would be exposed to the fat animal soon, and he must prepare himself to spring. Reed held his breath as the hog lowered its head to eat. GO.

His hind legs pushed him forward, and the muscular man burst from the cover of the last pine. Needles brushed through his russet-red pelt as he came forth, but he payed it no mind. Eyes were locked upon his target. The creature raised its head, black eyes freezing on Reed before it turned to take off. The groundhog began to dash along, but it did not do so well on a full stomach. Releasing a snarl, Reed bounded forth, gaining on the animal. With a quick snap of his jaws, he had it by the top of its rump. Violently, Reed tossed his head back and down, allowing the animal to smack onto the earth. The sound was sickening, but to Reed, it was music to his ears. Readjusting his grip, the man snapped onto the animal's neck, ending its life.

As the ever so familiar rustic flavor filled his mouth, Reed released the carcass to pant. His blood stained tongue drooped from his mouth as he breathed in and out, recovering from the hunt. Within minutes, he was soon burying his face into his kill.
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Ooc: Hello there Bridget dear. Hope you don't mind me jumping in.

Being new to Relic Lore seemed to be a blessing. No one here knew her and she was completely read for a new start. To get to know other wolves in this mysterious land. Cali. . .she needed to find Cali. At the thought the young female's tongue flicked out of her tongue as she smiled at the thought. Her sister and that nasty bastard. There was no way that they were getting away from her this time. No freaking way. She would not allow her sister to run away from her any longer. The two were close and Jessie was ready to continue that closeness. While being so cut into her own world she didn't hear the rustle of pines and leaves around her. But soon the smell of blood lifted in the air. Mmm. . .food. Someone else's food.  She wouldn't take it she knew that. She didn't need food right now. She just didn't need it. . .yet. But there was another smell.  One that was a wolf. 

Walking forward she tilted her brown and white head to the tide slightly. Male. The boy was male. Good. Something to look forward to. Perhaps a friendly chat. . .if indeed this male was friendly. Curious emerald eyes dashed across the land as she padded slightly faster. Sniffing the air curiously she tilted her head. The smell was getting stronger. Which was definitely a good thing. Hopping towards the scent she came towards a small clearing. An older and larger male in front of her.  The small girl's tail wagged in excitement and grinned. Opening her mouth she spoke formally, "Hello there, sir."
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Of course I don't mind! <3

The silence was broken. All the man could hear was his chewing as well as his breathing. The strong flavor of the groundhog tickled his taste buds; it was quite enjoyable. 'Maybe I should kill these more often' he thought, pale golden eyes closing as he ate. Hello there, sir. It entered his ears, and almost made his hackles rise. He was in his own world enjoying his meal. Keeping his cool, the russet man lifted his head, yellow eyes flickering before finding the source of the voice. A small silvery female stood, her tail wagging to and fro.

The scent of the groundhog's blood stuffed his nose; he could not smell her. " 'Lo there, little lady." he said, grinning slightly. His inky lips twitched, and he shook out his coat before allowing his tail to wag. "Just wanderin'?" He questioned her with his rough western voice. Muzzle was tinted lightly with that of crimson blood from his kill. It was usually a death wish when a wolf interrupted him during a meal, but the woman before him seemed kind, so he would not bother. If she made a snappy comment, her muzzle would be in his jaws.
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
The male didn't seem pleased at first with her appearance but after a few moments of silence he seemed to lighten up and his own tail started to wag, very much like her own.  A small smile covered her lips as he talked to her a grin on his very own lips. He seemed older than her. Much much older than her. She covered what she would say. She didn't want to piss the old man off but she didn't want to sound rude either. Might as well stick with the sir as respect for the moment. Emerald eyes scanned the area before resting back on the male in front of her. He seemed kind enough. She wouldn't mind being around him for a while. Maybe strike up a friendly conversation. 

Twitching ears she spoke in a calm voice, "Yes, sir. Just looking around. And you?"

Jessie made sure to question the male curiously wandering what he would say. She monetarily forgot to mention her name and at the moment she wanted to smack herself in the head for her stupidity. Oh well might as well do that now. Smiling sincerely at the male she opened her mouth to speak. "My name is Jessie Swiftpaw." She introduced herself with a small smile at him.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
I'm jumpin into this since you're so close to the territory anyway. XD
Follko had been roaming around his new territory when he scented
the two strangers. Yes they may have been just outside of Grizzly Hollows borders
but they were too close for comfort. Besides Follko was still pissed about Kade and
that yearling Trisden. Might as well take out his anger on these strangers if they weren't here
for business like joining.
Of course there are two of them so I aint gettin in no fight unless a packmate backs me.
He laughed since no one would back him. He was the lowest member in the pack and he
hated it. Why'd he have to be last. He was still healthy, aging yes but not ancient like them
eleven and twelve year old wolves. Follko growled as he padded along towards the two

"I'm still strong." He said to himself just as he spotted the two wolves in the distance.
A gray female and a big rusty male. Follkos hackles rose as he scented blood. Not wolf blood
but a prey animals blood. It still sent him on edge. Then he realized the ages of the two wolves.
the male was maybe around his own age,but the female was much younger. Not a yearling
he noted but a young adult.
"Hey whats up guys..." He didn't exactly speak with a friendly tone but a neutral one.
At least they are both loners, I don't scent any pack scents on them. He thought while
standing a few yards away watching cautiously.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Reed tore a piece of groundhog, chewing it thoughtfully before swallowing it. He shook his head at the young gal before him. "No, no, young lady. You don't have to be callin' me sir. I ain't no leader of some back or anythin'." With this he grinned, almost rolling his eyes playfully but prevented himself from doing so. She stood there, looking pretty, just as all females should do. Chewing once more on yet another piece of meat, his ears fluttered before he swallowed and spoke once more. "Name's Reed. Reed Acoy."

Then there was another. He emerged from the pines, his coat black yet dusted with rustic shavings. He gazed at the two wolves before him before speaking. Hey what's up guys. He almost burst out in laughter. Tears, as well....almost. Hey. What's up, guys. Oh goodness. What a way to approach two strange wolves. Shaking his head and releasing a small, rough laugh, he looked at Follko, dipping his head in greeting. "Well, I'll be damned. Another ol' fella like me. What's up with yourself, boss?" A snark smile plastered itself across his muzzle, and he stood, pale eyes steeled onto the man.
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Curious emerald eyes watched from the side. Who was this wolf? He smelt quite weird. Though she didn't say this out loud she surely thought it. Rees was the strangers name, who was no longer a stranger. But this other wolf; hah, he was a stranger. The way he just walked in and interrupted their conversation. Surely this older male would realize how rude he must have been to the two. Her tail lashed once before she quickly calmed as Reed spoke. So he wasn't mad that this random man had interrupted their conversation. This calmed her slightly as she sat, her bum hitting the ground. 

Her eyes watched the two of them curiously. What was up? Did the two of them know each other? "Nothing really. And yourself?" She said this in a respectable way without a hint of rudeness or annoyance in her voice.  Her eyes were hard though, void of any emotion. And she sat up straight. Her shoulders rolled back and posture stiff. Who was this wolf? And what was that horrid smell on his pelt?
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Weird...Did he really just call me boss? Follko looked over the older gentlemen
wondering what he was scheming. Whatever... Then Follko shook his fur and
sat down in his spot. He didn't really care what the other wolf did as long as he wasn't
gonna pick a fight.

"First off I must apologize for just barging in on whatever was happening here." Follko
flicked his tail towards the two wolves while keeping his face neutral.
"But the reason I barged in was because you are both a little close to my packs
territory. So I'm just keeping a watch on you. Okay?" Follko lifted his head while he sat
and watched the female wolf with his orange gaze. She was a pretty little thing, like most
of the young females he had encountered in this place. Slowly but surely Follko was forgetting
about his run in with the little Princess Trisden. He was beginning to relax even though he
knew that in this situation he really shouldn't be.

"So you guys okay with me keeping an eye on you two?" Follko looked at each of them
wondering slightly whether the older male would voice something like an argument.

So tiny post... Sorry..
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
He watched quietly as the man his age spoke. He was here to keep an eye on them. Fine by him. What sort of nonsense would he get into, anyway? Fooling around with another pack was certainly not on his agenda. Sure fighting was fun, but he didn't feel like being outnumbered and limping off with no pelt to keep him warm at night. Nodding to Follko, his shoulders shrugged. "Fine by me" he said simply, now allowing a friendly grin to plaster itself onto his thick muzzle.

After a few moments, he turned to Jessie, lowering his head. Black nose nudged at the remains of the groundhog "Miss Jessie, would you like the rest of this? Loners have to eat!" His tones were friendly toward the young woman, but more serious toward the male, Follko. He appreciated women; respected them. If they had a tongue like acid, though, he'd treat them like dirt.

He nudged the carcass once more, tail swaying to and fro as he did so. He hoped that Jessie would take the food; she seemed as if she needed it. Energy was always needed when one was a loner...life was difficult and demanding.
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Small brown and white ears twitched at the stranger's words. Watch them? They did not need a babysitter but the way he portrayed himself, kindly he was, so she let it go. If he were to snap at her and tell her to go away, she would have complied. She could have understood his way of seeing things. She was too close to his borders and he wanted her away. It made perfect sense, if she was in his footsteps she probably would have demanded the wolf immediately to leave, stating simply that she was, in fact, too close to the borders. Now she sat watching the male curiously before dipping her head respectfully to him. She should probably voice her compliance but she stayed silent knowing that the gesture said enough. 

Turning her attention back to Reed she froze when he offered his meal. His words rang true though. She was healthy, but she did need something to keep her strength up. A little food wouldn't do her harm and she couldn't refuse, for that would he rude but she didn't want to seem weak either, which she wasn't. But comparing herself to the larger males she was male, a pine needle beneath their enormous paws. Emerald eyes watched the hedgehog the man had caught. Approaching him skeptically she blinked before smiling at him, dipping her head thankfully. 

"Thank you do much, Reed. I appreciate your kindness," Jessie said this in a strong voice, obviously thankful for Reed's food offering. 

With that final word she lowered her jaws and ate quietly, momentarily forgetting about the male that had interrupted her company, but whatever. She now tore, piece after piece, chewing slowly as to make sure she didn't choke on the food. She then stopped when she was about halfway done with what was left. She had taken her share, should she over the other male some? Probably not, it wasn't her food anyway.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]