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The Salamander Man — Lost Lake 
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
Mid-day. Sunny.
(This can be after the pack meeting I suppose, if that's ok with you!)

Tlarx needed a breather. The sadness he saw within Poison Path pulled at his heart; he felt terrible for his mate. He would stay by her side, though, and help her through thick and thin. He padded downward, large paws gripping onto stone as he scaled down the heights toward the lake. With an 'umph', the gray-white wolf landed on the lightly grassed ground. Chocolate gaze fell upon the lake, and he smiled. This is where he and Athena admitted their true feelings; became mates.

With a light sigh, the large man padded forth, arriving at the large body of water. He paced up toward Athena's rock, and with muscles working with ease, he perched himself to a rock next to it. Looking toward his dear's rock, he mumbled "Everything will be alright, I know it will..." In one fluid motion, Tlarx went from a seated position to a laying one. He rested his head lightly upon his front paws; rounded ears folded against his head.

His mind whirred with thoughts. No. Stop. He came down here for a breather. Relax already, damn you. Rolling his eyes at the voice within his head, he grunted, allowing his lids to close. The sun beat down upon his back, warming the black saddle that adorned his pelt.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
Treena kept her head low, the stress concealed behind a flawless face. Each step she took felt like her last, still she pulled through, walking slowly alongside the water’s edge. Leaving her new family would be the easiest way out. It was such an obvious choice, to find another pack which was already striving. Missing Rhysis and Naira was bad enough, but Vafri was gone now too. The pack was falling apart, leaving the others stumbling to clean up the mess. They weren’t her damn pups in the den. She hadn’t joined a pack just to watch it fall through the cracks. Still, glaring at her own reflection, she knew she could never leave.

She was poisoned.

Her thirst was growing, and even her most fearful thoughts couldn’t keep it tame. Suddenly dropping her muzzle into the lake, the textbook elegant wolf lapped at her mirror. Her eyes ran over her own appearance, the harsh golden eyes watching back. It was like a staring contest, Treena refused to be the first to blink. The wolf kept her chin just above the surface, like she was preparing to pounce, investigating her mimicker with a slobbering scowl. Of course she knew it was just a trick of the water, even idiots knew that. The refusal to look away was run deeper than stupidity. It was the fact she wanted to prove she was stronger than herself. Of course, the harder her eyes narrowed and body tensed, the more the wolf staring back grew dominate. There was no winning.

So, she gave up, grabbed another sip or two of the liquid, and returned to her pacing. It was slow, soft pacing, with not meaning or purpose. It could pass for a border patrol, but had a loner approached, Treena would be useless. She was off to another dimension, head in the clouds but paws on the floor. She was merely sliding, like a moonwalk her feet barley left the ground, instead she grazed. It was an interesting dance performed by the best. Had it been anyone else, the act would come off as laziness and sluggish. On Treena it looked complex and difficult, while her face showed no signs of real concentration. Truly a magnificent and complex creature, who managed such a calm exterior with such a stressed inside, who walked the border of Poison Path.

On her short journey, Salamander Man came into view. It wasn’t joy that grabbed hold of her fur, but we still changed her direction to approach him. He was on the ground, looking strangely unnerving, but nevertheless peaceful. <b>“Nice day, isn’t it?”</b>
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx's eyes opened as a voice sounded through the still air. Nice day, isn't it?. It was Treena. He smiled softly now, lifting himself back into a seated position. Nodding his head, he looked to the mottled woman. "Very" he said simply, eyes now falling back to the lake. The sun shimmered upon it, but not so harshly as to cause one to squint. Turning his head, he leaped down from the rock, landing gracefully for a man of such large stature. "Listen, Treena" he began, tail flicking.

Here goes. They were a family now; they should act like it. "Our first encounter wasn't a good one. I apologize if I offended or angered you in any way." His chocolate eyes met her yellow ones, and he sighed. The honesty was strong within his voice as each word spilled from his jaws. Poison Path was already struggling enough, and with Tlarx's plan to become leader alongside his mate, he did not want any enemies in his own pack. He watched Treena now, observing her every emotion, her every movement. He could tell she hid the stress behind a mask; she did it well. On the other hand, though, Athena showed and expressed her stress to him.

He would be on good terms with each of his pack-mates. He wanted to be. He did not want to disappoint himself nor Athena.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
The sky kept Treena’s face glowing, as if the clouds were made for that very reason. Each one shaped for the pure satisfaction of framing her well-crafted bone-structure, floating around her as if she had some magnetic force. They moved slowly, always leaving the sun open as a spotlight. Overhead, a perfect backdrop of high mountains and clear sky resembled an alternate universe, one where all wolves had the approach like Treena, one where pure beauty was common and overlooked. Of course, the youthful female had no such power. This was just the beauty of the wild, so much more noticeable when the girl was around. The water below was a magnificent sight alone, yet, with the cat-like female perched like a goddess, it was almost too picture-perfect. Sitting where she was, on her famous boulder near Tlarx, Treena somehow managed to sparkle, as if diamonds were embedded into her soft layer of timber fur. Each strand caught the glare of the sun, shooting out a magical glimmer. It was fantasising, even her eyes tingled with the same sparkle as she looked upon the lands. The wind blew her fur back, letting her smell every inch of world around. It also made her sparkling more prominent, nearly blinding when focused on.

She took it upon herself to stand guard, practically at all times. It was not because she wanted the gratification, not at all. She merely was paranoid, especially with the cubs and the missing members. Wanting to prove her loyalty, she let the earth fill her with a new emotion. She was proud, not just of herself, but of what was around her. It was all so lively, and all hers. Not hers alone, but at the second, she wanted some claim on it. Speaking with Ava had realised her of most of her recurring worries, and the pack meeting barley scrapped her mind. Who cared Rhysis and Naira were missing, as was one of their cubs? Who cared neither Mist nor Vafri had showed up? Straining to the sky, claws balanced perfectly on the large stone, Treena was untouchable. She did have a claim to this land.

That was until the male spoke. As if the words were feared, the wolf’s head was already turned and searching for some humor. It wasn’t long before she realised there was none. The large brute was really apologizing for the first impression, as if it was his entire fault. A flashback rose in her head, a clear picture of their first meeting, the scent inhaling through her sensitive nose. Though sorrow didn’t enter her tense body language, her stomach clenched at the sight. Yet, instead of acknowledging it, and offering her own words, she sat in the silence and thought. The male was not to be blamed, no one was. The memory was taken as a joke, like fate had been to blame. <b>“Oh, it’s quite alright Salamander Man.”</b>

All was forgiven, it was clear in the way she spoke and her eyes lit up. <b>“It was satisfying enough to see the male I barely knew, who was <i>so</i> repulsed by the connection between male and female, fall into the same path.”</b>
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
He watched her with a steady gaze; taking in her words. Salamander Man. He released an airy chuckle at her new name for him. Flicking his tail in an uplifted mood, he spoke "Funny how things happen" his voice was teasing in a friendly manner. The female was perched proudly; she was ready to defend the pack. This was his family now, too. "Are you prepared to get this pack on its feet again?"

At these words, he grinned, chocolate eyes glimmering within the sun's light. The large man took a step toward the lake. He looked back at Treena with inviting eyes. Although the water was only a dozen steps away from the water, he lowered his head slowly till his nose touched the top of the water. It was like glass, aside from miniscule ripples that occurred when a slight breeze blew.

Suddenly bounding forth, he allowed his massive paws to slam into the water. Droplets sprayed about, glistening sharply in the sun's rays. Tail raising, he turned his head once more to look at her. "I'm going to challenge Kegan for leadership...what do you think?" A devilish look came upon his face; fighting was something he excelled in. He was a warrior of his own pack, taking on several roles that others could not.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Auburn red paws gripped onto the cold stone desperately, her claws now digging in. No matter how much pressure applied they slightly slid downstairs on the hard rocky angle. The women had been enduring this frustration for quite a while, and now shifted her body once more so they rested at the very top. Like the times before, it was like a magnetic force was demanding they drop off anyways. She counted the seconds it took until her rough paw-pads felt the harsh bumps on the rock’s awkward slant. No matter what position, her body was uncomfortable and dangling off the edges anyways. Not at all happy, she was forced to jump down and sulk, letting out a quiet yelp of distress. Showing her discomfort, she glared over her shoulder at the rock and let out a deep hesitate exhale before placing her attention back on the towering male.

Today was just not her day.

Watching him, she was drawn to his presence. Taking small steps in his direction, she followed after towards the water. Her body wasn’t tense, nor was it submissive despite the authority he held. Treena barley saw the large male as a friend before a pack-mate. Of course, the fact he was bear-sized and Athena’s mate was pretty intimidating, but still the female saw him as nothing more than a respected Salamander-Man. She crept after him towards the edge of water, head low and ears perked. That was until splashes rose, and she was sent tumbling back to stay dry. She would not follow into the lake. She would not get wet. She would not drown. She would stay healthy, and happy, and that meant being away from all things dangerous. Breathing quickly, it was obvious that her heart-rate had increased. Trying to bring it to normal, she focused on the warmth of the sun, the birds in the distance singing.

His words weren’t as shocking, though something made her excited to know he had a chance at leadership. Her eyes beamed, her tail wagged, and she pulled her own mind out of the water-trauma stage. She drew to the very edge of the lake, reached her head across, and gave a delighted bark. Athena and Tlarx could bring Poison Path back to glory, maybe be better leaders than Rhysis and Naira. Her body nearly trembled in joy, entire backside swinging. <b>“I think you’d be a great leader.”</b>

That was the truth. She had no reason to lie. Wishing to press her nose on his shoulder, or give him some sort of gesture, she strained even farther, still not daring to step into the water. <b>“You deserve to rule with Athena. I’d be proud to follow your pack.”</b>
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Treena seemed to grow thick with excitement, for her entire rump began to sway from the power of her wagging tail. Now with a toothy grin, Tlarx turned to face her in the water. "Thank you, Treena. It means a lot. I really want to get this pack on its feet again...I hate seeing everyone so distraught.." A sudden irking feeling overcame him as he thought of the pack meeting. The faces of the wolves...faces? They didn't seem to have any. They were all so emotionless; so dull. A blanket of sadness and woe covered them all. Tlarx wanted to rid of it. He wanted to tear that blanket into tiny little bits and cast it away forever.

With a sigh, the grin had evaporated from his muzzle. He resumed his normal expression: a content look; muzzle boasting a neutral expression. The water swished beneath him as he fully turned his massive frame, exiting the cool liquid. A slight breeze made his paws feel as if they were carved from ice as he padded out from the lake. "How long have you been in Poison Path?" he asked, voice smooth as he did so. His deep tones rumbled within his chest as his chocolate gaze remained still upon her.

He wished he was never rude to her- or whatever he had been. She was a smart wolf with good intentions. He had already apologized; that was that. He vowed silently to himself not to snap at a wolf upon first meeting ever again. It was a stupid mistake that would never conjure itself from him again.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
The girl’s fake brow arched, curving a line between her two enchanting eyes. Her mouth was now hanging open, not unattractively, but just slightly enough it was obvious. A good sized tongue formed perfectly between her sharp bottom fangs, moving slightly with each pant. Each tooth beamed in the light, an extremely bright glare. Like the sun, staring directly at it was temporarily blinding, but still it was tempting. Everything about her was tempting in some way. Her fur, which seemed so soft and gentle, made anyone want to touch it. Her golden eyes, they were so deep and inviting, many hoped she’d never blink. She was the creature stories were based on, but so dark and deadly, now staring admiringly at Tlarx, her new leader in training.

His deep voice kept her listening. She kept hanging off each breath he took, impatiently waiting for his next sentence. She wasn’t too sleepy, or hungry. Her belly was nice and content, her energy level high. That made her keener, catching every single movement around her. It was almost strange. You could ask her how many clouds were in the sky, she’d know. How many birds had passed by in the last hundred seconds, she could tell you. Every detail around Lost Lake she knew about, could teach you every section of rock you needed to know. She didn’t seem so into her surroundings, swaying the way she was, almost flighty. Though, that moment, the way she smirked as if an inside joke had been alerted, that part of her become frighteningly obvious for a moment. Her tail lifted, and for a moment it seemed she was trying to rank higher than male, something she’d never do. It became painfully obvious she was pointing at her favourite spot, where she could jump from rock to rock and stand upon the large boulder overlooking all of Lost Lake. <b>“I’ve been here as long as that boulder.” </b>

Like that would mean anything to Tlarx. He had asked for a certain date, a length of time. She had given him a riddle, an unsolvable one. She had not actually moved such a large stone in that position. She had merely trigged a landslide, could’ve died the first day, but had somehow managed to save her own skin and create a new platform. Then she went saving others who fell, like the silver wolf, a female whose name had been forgotten. Overlooking the border, the female tried again. <b>“Two days before that flower appeared.”</b>

A weed of some sort was growing between rock and grass around the lake, a small pointless thing, nearly dead. Something Treena watched daily when on patrol, like now, while listening to Tlarx her nose was on the ground searching for unknown scents, her mind still on the wildlife.<b> “Naira was still pregnant. I only had one meeting with the old pack, with Vafri and Rhysis, and Mist. Now we’re missing them all.”</b> She stopped her pacing, as if she had caught a smell, but seemed to think better of it and keep moving. <b>“A lot has changed. I’ve been thinking of challenging Chantille, she has been here longer than I, and I don’t know her well. I just wish to have more respect. You understand that, right Salamander Man?” </b>

She stopped again, this time not interested on her smelling, but on Tlarx. Shock crossed her face, as if she hadn’t meant to admit the words, like she needed to explain herself before he got the wrong idea. <b>“I don’t think <i>badly</i> of her at all. She is an amazing healer, or at least, from what I’ve heard.” </b> Another couple steps past before she realized how far she had gone. As if torn between going further and leaving Tlarx behind, or finishing her conversation then returning. She lifted her nose off the ground and thought, lips pursing. A couple seconds past before she did turn back and walk towards Tlarx, almost frustrated with her choice. <b>“I am the lowest of all the wolves. No one is below me. I cannot raise my tail higher than anyone.”</b> She snorted, rolling her magical eyes. <b>“I hate it.”</b>
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
With small ears pointed forward, Tlarx listened to the lovely wolf speak. As long as that boulder. That would make her quite old, and she certainly did not look it. Watching her as she seemed to pace back then toward him, he spoke. "I believe that's reasonable. If she's a healer, it should not matter her position in the pack." He could understand her thirst for respect. It was not something to be dubbed as power-hungry, no. It was a feeling that most wolves wanted. They would like to be approached by submissive pack mates. Tlarx knew the feeling very well, but did not speak much of it.

He took a step toward the mottled woman, his eyes on her own sparkling ones. It seemed his brown gaze was dull in comparison to her lively eyes. With a smooth roll of his shoulders, he allowed himself to shrug lightly. "I believe you can do it. We'll need stronger wolves as the higher ranks, anyways. I do not know of Chantille's strength, but it would be better if she remained a healer." Turning his head, he gazed toward the lake. The warmth of the sun fell upon the black saddle that adorned his back. Closing his eyes, he allowed his thoughts to swim through his mind.

"I just want to repair this pack immediately." His tones grew serious as he looked back to Treena. "I know many wolves do not know of this pack. I know that we're not on the best of terms with others. We must be on high guard; we need to be strong and ready. I do not doubt the power of the Poisoned wolves, but we must continue to train for what days lie ahead." There could be trouble for the Poisoned pack. From what Athena had told them during their private times, Poison Path had become part of other packs' shit lists. He didn't like this of course, but there was nothing he could do now. He was never really a wolf to play peace maker, anyways. "I just need to become leader quickly to put my words into action."
(This post was last modified: Jun 19, 2012, 10:17 PM by Tlarx.)
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote><b>OOC: Would you mind dragging this thread out for another six posts? I want to try and get her points for border patroling, so she can get her role. </b></blockquote>

Running her midnight black nose over a new piece of rocky land, the woman searched desperately for a predator’s scent. If one was there, her sensitive nostrils didn’t pick it up as a threat. There was so many individual smells. Lost Lake wasn’t a popular destination, not often did they get real company. Still, it was a water-hole for all animals, and there was bound to be new markers daily from other creatures. It was mostly Swift River wolves she feared of smelling, even after Rhysis had left. So far, yet again, luck was on their side and the foul odor the other packs carried did not even touch the border.

The woman didn’t lift her head this time, not disrespecting Tlarx, but busy on her new trail. She moved slowly, trying to pin-point where it came from, or how old it really was. Just because it was not fresh, did not mean the trouble had past. Everything could return. <b>“Training here is like Russian roulette. I’ve fallen many times. I’ve saved others from falling. In the forest you run, you jump, training is nothing there. Here, nothing is sturdy. If the River wolves want a fight, so be it.”</b>

She kept moving until the scent faded off into nothing, leaving the female stunned and confused. She looked around angrily, expecting an answer of some sort to jump out at her. Minutes of waiting, she realized nothing did. It was a dead end at best. More frustrated with herself than anything, she turned back and tried again, her body close to the ground and eyes narrowed. Her tongue rolled over each tooth placed in her fragile mouth, wiping it down from the dryness growing. <b>“But that fight will be here, upon the mountains. Many of them will die from their own stupidity that way. We will rise upon them, and we will shower them in shame. If they want a fight, a fight they will have, but not in the forest should we follow.”</b>

She was not demanding anything, or offering her opinion in a bossy way. Each word she said was a question, or a soft remark, preparing for a positive or negative response. <b>“I have been strong and ready since the beginning. Your leadership will bring us to action. Your words will put us on the path to success once more. You are right, we need to work together if we want to overcome these obstacles, but like a bone which has been broken, we can only heal back stronger than ever before.”</b>

She breathed in the power which came from her own words and walked past his form on a new scent trail, determined this time to figure out where it came from. Each step gave her more information, until at last she was sure it belonged to a mountain goat, fresh, running in the direction of Riddle Heights. An easy meal, but not one she was too interested in.
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