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Finally, We Meet — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille smiled at Koda's kind words to Nina. The woman saw her move for a moment, then fall back into slumber. Eyes focusing back to Koda, she nudged him "We do need water. I'd like to drip it on her for her to awaken...she should eat." Gazing back to Nina, she nodded to herself, sighing softly before turning away. Lowering her head, she began to tear at one of the squirrels that Koda had killed. She tore it into small, easy to eat pieces.

As soon as she did this, she spoke once more. "Koda, I am sorry if I am asking so much of you. I just don't want to leave her." Honesty was what this wolf was all about. She'd feel horrible if he was growing aggravated with running here and there to collect what she needed. After a few minutes, she began to redress Nina's wounds with new spiderweb. "Since these bled a lot, the webs will have to be changed quite often." Perhaps the male was picking up on some tips, in case he hurt himself or decided to help another wolf like she had.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Comforting words were said in her ear as he laid down. Who was that? It was a male voice. Who was that? Koda was his name. He was still here with her. The thought warned her heart. She needed to tell him something though. He couldn't kill her brother. He just couldn't. But she wouldn't bring that up right now. Well that was if she could wake up. Pushing through her darkness an eye opened. Once again it was only one eye. But she felt something near her pelt. Something warm and familiar. Since one of her eyes was closed she had to turn her head more towards the warm shape. It was Koda. HER Koda. Some source of joking might help the situation. 

Opening her mouth she spoke in a painfully teasing voice, "Hello, Mister Koda." She said this with a smile though. One that didn't reach her eye. She reached toward and nuzzled him affectionately before ducking down to bury her face into his chest fur. Breathing in his scent it was the only that stopped her from busting out in sobs. He was here for her and he would leave. He had heard her just as she knew he would. Her gesture meant thank you. That she was thankful. The presence of another wolf made her bring her head toward her. No words could express how thankful she was. The only thing she could muster was the respectful nod and smile that she gave her. 

(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2012, 03:44 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
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Koda Reinier
He gave her a beautiful smile when she teased him, calling him 'Mister Koda', as he had addressed her before with Miss Nina. His heart was pained at what it cost her though. Now the healer wanted him to get water somehow and Nina needed him to stay. Now he was torn again, but the more immediate need was Nina' health. He would just have to reassure her that he would be back.

Hating to take the warmth away, Koda stood and nuzzle her cheek gently. Then he whispered in her ear, <b>"I will be right back, sweet Nina. I am only gathering more webs for your healing and some water for you. Then I will be back by your side. I promise to hurry!"</b> His voice begged her to understand why he left and to trust that he would soon return. With another lick to her cheek and a nod to Chantille he was off on his errands.

The spiderwebs were easy, although he did have to move to a different section of the woods. The water had him stumped. They couldn't get Nina to the water, not anytime soon anyways and yet she needed it badly. As he moved towards a small stream that he heard, he wracked his brains. Since he wasn't paying attention, he missed the moss on the rock he's stepped onto and slipped a bit. Instantly his mind focused and he shook his head at his carelessness. Then a light bulb went off in his head. <i>Wasn't Chantille using moss to absorb blood?</i> Maybe he could soak up some water with it?

He gathered some of the slippery green stuff in his mouth, doing his best to ignore the strange texture. He dipped his full maw in the water and waited for the green stuff to get quite wet. Then he hurried back to the two faes, his mouth full of soaked green moss and opened awkwardly. He did his best to let the water drip onto Nina's mouth, but had a bit of trouble with his aim and grunted a question, meaning for Chantille to aid him in getting the life giving water to the right spot.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille waited patiently as Koda rushed off again, returning with webs and moss. She smiled warmly as he stood over Nina, attempting to squeeze the water into her mouth. With a bit of trouble, Chant leaned in, gently taking some moss from Koda's mouth. She brought her head downward, nudging Nina's mouth to open. Squeezing the greenery, she allowed the water to stream into her mouth and onto her tongue.

Putting the blob of moss down, she brought her head back up now, nudging Koda's side "Excellent work, Koda!" she praised, tail wagging to and fro. After these words, she quickly got to work, replacing the old spiderwebs with the new ones. After a few minutes, she lowered herself to Nina. "Nina, dear. I am Chantille. I am healing you. I will need you to try and eat some squirrel that I give you. Do you think you can do that?" Chocolate eyes were hopeful as she peered at the half-asleep woman. Turning her head, she nodded to Koda. "Go ahead" she whispered, pointing her wet ebon nose to the bits of squirrel. If anyone was to feed her, it would be him. It seemed they had developed a special bond.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
 She watched Koda silently as he ran off. Sweet Nina. . . The girl wasn't so sweet anymore. As her appearance suggested. A frown was plastered on her face as Koda left but she knew he would be back. The only thing that she feared was being alone, which she clearly wasn't right now, even if she was a Poison Path wolf she was thankful. It was silence though and soon a feeling of dread coursed through her. Where was he? He said he was coming back. He wouldn't lie to her. Flicking her ears her eye started to close. When she felt something moist on her tongue she froze before quickly relaxing. It was water. . .not blood just water. Clear, pure water. Opening her eye she smiled up a Koda after the water stopped coming. 

Chantille was quick to speak though, suggesting that she ate something. The healer wasn't hungry but as she knew, she had to eat. Eating something after being injured was a must. And if she wasn't going to eat then there was no point in trying to heal her in the first place. Not hearing the girl referring to Koda to help her feed her jaw clenched as she worked to sit up. Her shoulders shock as she straightened and her back leg lay limp behind her. She couldn't feel it, none what so ever. With a grimace and tense jaw she limped forward, her right back leg dragging behind her as she walked. She probably looked terrible right now and as soon as she reached the squirrel she collapsed next to it. A tired eye watched the prey miserably. Earlier she was the one who had been the prey and now she was eating. St least she was still alive. 

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda started to panic when Nina stood and then be blanched when he saw the full extent of her injuries. He ground his teeth together with fury at her assailant once more. His beautiful Nina was mangled and broken. He didn't care about her looks, but he did care about her pain and suffering. He would know the story of her attacker before he was through. Right now he needed to focus on helping as much as he could. He felt woefully inadequate though and glanced at Chantille for guidance.

He hurried to walk beside her the few painful steps, ready for her to lean on. When she collapsed, he let out his breath in a great 'whoosh', grateful that her effort was over and also grateful that she'd managed to walk at all. She looked utterly exhausted from the great effort it had taken her to move. Unwilling to let her expend any more energy, he quickly moved over to the squirrels and began shredding two of them into small strips, almost as if she was a pup. The less energy that it took her to eat, the more she would get out of her small bit of nourishment.

He slowly held out the small bits of meat for her to eat as she could, so that she wouldn't even have to reach out for them. After he gave her the first bit, he gently licked her muzzle with great tenderness. His tormented golden eyes looked into her sad green ones. <i>How strange that she appeared more sad than angry or even afraid of what had happened to her.</i>
(This post was last modified: Jun 05, 2012, 11:36 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Wanna wrap this up soon? <3

Chantille lowered her head to nuzzle Nina as Koda fed her the squirrel bits. It would take quite awhile for her to heal; it would be a painful process. She felt absolutely horrible for the tawny woman, whose pelt was now torn up. It was probably lovely looking when she was not injured- the many shades of tawny. Sighing aloud, she looked to Koda, allowing a comforting smile to come across her muzzle.

"She will be fine, in time, of course." Nodding her head, she looked to the sky. The blues were now gray; clouds began to cover the sun. Hopefully it would not rain...yet. Poor Nina needed proper shelter to rest and hide her away from the falling waters.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Fine with me. :)

 Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. Koda's sweet gestures towards her as he fed her and the slight temptation to sleep nagged at the back of her brain. And then that other female spoke, the one that was in Poison Path. Talking to Koda as though she wasn't even there. The thought didn't strike her as odd though. She had been injured, the last thing she expected was someone to fully acknowledge her. Or talk to her at all, but everything was all right. Blinking her eye she looked up meeting Koda's golden gaze. 

"Stay with me please," she whispered to him softly. 

She had taken a good amount of meat but she was growing rapidly tired. Soon enough, the exhaustion was gripping at her like steel and she had to let go to the temptation. Closing her eyes she breathed evenly soon enough drifting off into a dream world of her own. 

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda notice how tired Nina was getting again as she seemed to eat slower, then she looked into his eyes and told him to stay with her. The pleading and almost fearful tone in her voice tore at him, but he would not desert her, especially now in her desperate time of need. The world could wait. He nuzzled her gently as she faded into the healing realm of sleep. <b>"I'm not going anywhere,"</b> he whispered to her, his voice full of promise and full of all of the love that one could convey with mere words.

He looked to Chantille, when he was certain that Nina was resting peacefully, her body relaxed and her breathing evenly, if a bit shallow. The cream colored she wolf was a <span class='word'>mignon</span> of a fae, but the knowledge she had and the willingness to help one that was obviously not of her pack overwhelmed him with gratitude. <b>"Thank you, again, for all that you have done and continue to do to help her. I am a willing student to learn whatever is needed to continue to treat her."</b> He felt that his words could not even scrape the surface of his gratitude for the healer. He gave her a nod that was closer to a bow and said, <b>"I am in you debt, Healer. If you are in need of anything, just ask, be it now or at any time in the future."</b> He meant every word and hoped that he could repay her generosity and heart somehow someday.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille smiled sweetly to Koda. "You do not have to consider yourself in debt...I do such things because I want to." Oh, that was certainly Chantille for you. Giving, kind, and selfless. The abnegation she possessed was incredible. She brought herself around the side of Nina and toward Koda. With a nudge to his neck, she looked at Nina now. What was once a mignon of a wolf was now a mess. Dried up blood and covered in spider webs. She would be fine, though.

"If you ever need me," she said, "Come to the base of the mountains and howl. I will come." Tilting her head and leaning forth to Nina, she nudged her cheek "Get well, dear." With this, she turned her body fully, loping off back toward the mountains...

[{Chantille exit}].