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fly with me — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Far too long had passed far too quickly sense her leave of Grizzly Hollow. Surely, if the new year's pups had not been born, then they were surely on their way. This year, however, she would not be the devoted second to the kin, teaching everything they needed to know when their mother was no present, whilst she left it up to her partner, Raigo, to tend to those more 'playful' moments in a pup's youth. Though she would never forgive Borden for what had happened in his absence, for not being there, she prayed this time around that he would be the father he should have been all along, for Jaysyek's sake. But she would not pay her visit, not just yet. Still, the woman had not claimed what she already believed belonged to her, and she stalked the vast landscape from the lagoon to the mountain side in search for a place of settlement that she had yet to find. Already, she had lost a potential member- Kyrie. The very first woman she had asked to join at her side. Elettra could not blame her and would not distrust her. After all, she was still a free rogue to do as her bidding and thus, hoped the girl was fairing well, whether she had lost Elettra or up and decided to move on elsewhere....
The clock, however, was still ticking, and ticking fairly rapidly. ...And that is when the howls began. With no other she sought more fitting, she called out to Alexander Dieudonné, but with no avail. He had been the first man she'd met within these lands (which only a small handful in her life could claim) whom actually taken the time to listen to her. He knew of her past where no other hand: her pack's closed-off traditions, her families success to overcome them. How she had grown to be the woman she was. Alexander knew her as a single woman in a litter of brothers. Though he knew not of her former love-life, her former lost children (still to be unrevealed to any in these lands and still known as a family secret) he still knew much. When she was hurt, when she was angry and struck out him, he did nothing. He stood, he listened on...
Elettra Archer had no doubt he was the one to be at her side. But night after night, howl after beckoning howl, the lands grew silent with her ending despair. Alexander would not come to her, now, or ever.
The decision to move on and find anew was hard, but she was left with little choice. The dark lady pushed past the hardship and onto what she had to do, should she succeed. Though she was not pack alpha yet, she was their leader in much ways already. They waited for her to be ready, waited for her to make their home and lead them on to their victory. Elettra already had a debt to pay to them, to herself and so, one more time she lifts her muzzle to the skies and howls. This time, however, it is not for Alexander, but for Koda. He was their only male member as of yet and with this, would the duties befall upon him. If the pack was to be made, a leader was in need to rise. And so, after her daunting call, did the woman settle within the patchy forestry of willow trees, awaiting with the fallen night, her own knight.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
(I love that last line! <3 )

Koda had been traveling back southward after getting Nina back home safely. His fur still crawled with disgust when he thought of her psychotic brother that had attacked her and left her for dead. Ash would not ever forget Koda, he had made sure of that! He felt pride well up in him for young Kashi, almost as if the young man were his own brother. He too had fought for Nina, not as a mate, but as a true friend and the large male was grateful that his Nina would have him to help look after her. It made him feel slightly better about the increasing miles that he was putting between them. He hated to leave her, but he had made a commitment and he would not break his word. Not now that his love was safe once more.

His secret hope was that one day, when Kashi was trained and well experienced that he could ask Nina to join him in his pack. He knew that she took her responsibility as seriously as he took his, so if it ever came, that day was far into the future. For now they lived their lives and loved from afar.

He thought of the Lady that he traveled back to. He had no love of the heart for her, but a boundless respect and appreciation for her power and grace. She would make a fine leader and he would be proud to support her. He had no knowledge of how her meeting with the other male had turned out, for he had left abruptly to find Nina. His instincts had been right and she had nearly died. Now it was time to return to his Lady and he could only hope that she forgave his transgression.

Almost as if his thoughts of her had brought her life, her summons reached him through the distant trees. It was a call of beckoning and it was unmistakably for him. He turned and followed the notes of her regal voice, passing trees shrubs and even small game without a second glance. He went to her as if she drew him with an invisible string and indeed she did. It was made up of responsibility and honor and it was stronger than any actual string or rope could be. It was what made him the wolf that he was. When he finally came upon her, he paused to take in her dark and regal form. She stood alone. <i>What of the other?</i> he wondered. Silently, Koda moved forward, posture showing her the appropriate submission of a lesser wolf, for she was his queen and he awaited her judgement.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
ty! i thought it was cute. :3

Silently she awaits, her position in front of the willow tree flawless as she keeps herself upright, silken black ears perked high on alert with an even skull, gaze overlooking the lands before her: the expanse of land nestled between the hush meadow and fireweed rise. With an even fall and left of her plush chest, does she breath despite her twisting gut and aching emotions tugging at her strings. Still, nothing of this is revealed in her erect form- not an ounce of weakness offered to the world. She could not afford to show such signs, as a loner and, even more, a leader in the making.
When Koda arrives, her tail which had laid over her forelimbs shifts away and to her side, padding lightly on the green grasses to show her happiness of his arrival, though her expression remains firm. To his slight submissive nature to her ranking, she dips her head delicately, the corners of her lips turning upwards into an ever-delicate smirk. "I hope you've been well." She speaks, her eyes trailing the length of his large form: dark silvers and light cream, mingled with some darker tones and deep, honey eyes dotted with greens. Elettra notices too, the smell of a woman upon him, the same scent he had carried previously, and could only assume after the little 'argument' she had helped him with before, this woman about him was Nina. For a moment, her body tenses, though remains able to keep her hackles from prickling. She shouldn't feel jealous because physically, she felt nothing for Koda. However, Elettra was still left to question if this woman was going to be a problem for her in the future. Still, for the time being, Elettra Archer would not question the man's loyalty.
Shifting in her position, she moves her hunches to stance upwards and towards the brute. Kind in a nature not quite like herself, still he was level-headed and devoted to her, which is who she needed at her side whilst she had no one to call a loved one to her. Any chance of having a mate at her side now, had been smashed into the dirt. "Koda...I feel the time is drawing near. However, changes have occurred and so, drastic decisions have been made." Surely, having not been far from one another in their short time of living as rogues together, he had heard her endless calls for Alexander, a man of the Grizzly Hollow. Hopefully, it would be obvious that Alexander would not be coming, by his lack of appearance now. Elettra's pride would not allow her to speak this aloud to Koda. "It's hard keeping contact with everyone as a rogue, and I have lost some of the group." Not only was Alexander not joining them (and thus the possibility of his daughter, Arlette, coming along) but Kyrie, the first to join her, had seemingly gone missing as well. "If the pack is to prosper, I long another at my side...." Of course, she had all the means in the world to make this pack work on her own, with the help of her members to guide her. With Remy, the pair could rule the world, she felt. However, it was without a doubt that the pack would not be as strong without a leading male. Elettra had learned this by the disaster of Jaysyek ruling a pack alone. Elettra did not want the pack to only survive, she wanted it to be great. "Your the only one I know fitting for the job." And all she had left.
(This post was last modified: Jun 09, 2012, 02:44 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda missed Nina dearly, but being in the company of Elettra once more seemed to give him added strength, somehow. He had been so strong for Nina during her trials that he hadn't realized that, as strong as he was, he needed a boost himself. Her confidence washed over him as she greeted him formally and he stood a tiny bit taller, but not as tall as she.

When she spoke on, realization came fully to him. The mate that she had counted on to stand strong by her side was not here, despite her many calls. He felt for her, for it had to be a blow to her to lose a loved one. As he thankfully could only imagine. He knew not whether the other had changed his mind or perished and it was not his place to ask. That he was not by her side was enough. Leading alone would be a difficult thing, indeed.

He would support her in any way that he could. He had promised to do so and he was a man of his word. Then her last words came and hung in the air. It seemed as if time stopped for a while, for so many thoughts whipped through his head that it must be so. <i>Was she saying what he thought that she was saying?</i> <b><i>He</b> stand by her side?</i> This was something that he had never considered and it was flattering. If he was a wolf hungry for power he would have jumped at the opportunity without a backward glance. But, he was not. He was and honorable wolf and he was a wolf in love with another. However, he could not desert this woman any more than he could be her mate. What was he to do?

He had to be honest, for she deserved that at the very least. <b>"Lady Elettra, you honor me beyond measure with your trust in my abilities and your offer to stand by you."</b> He paused for a long moment as the 'but' stood unheard, but there nonetheless. He took a deep breath and met her silvery eyes, then continued, <b>"I will support you in any way that I can, I assure you .... but, my heart belongs to another."</b> Now it was time for his words to hang in the air. He could not be her mate, but he would not desert her, especially after the other had done that very thing.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2012, 11:28 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The look of shock over his eyes of honey and green speckling would not go unnoticed and it caused her own, pale gaze to harden upon him. Would he object her? Thinking that he might consider that Elettra longed for him to be her mate now instead of Alexander had never crossed her mind- until now. If Koda had assumed that Elettra had wished to form a pack with her mate in order to grow a family of her own with pups and a happy husband and wife coupling, he had been wrong: the world of Relic Lore had all been wrong.
Though this was an obvious goal of many whom wished to form a pack, it was not the purpose of Elettra Archer. Having grown into the country of Torbine, she had been born of loyal blood and a direct descendant of those whom ruled prior. She was a princess of their vast nation, fighting amongst her many litter mates (all brothers) in order to not only prove her worth as a woman, but a dark colored woman due to their former (until Elettra's mother and father struck down the tradition) color bashing ways. Her personality had striven for everything the best for her and to be on top. Her loyal nature brought Elettra's sacrifice to Jaysyek, but this was the only woman to have captured her in such a way: Elettra had served no other. With what happened, it had become painfully obvious that Elettra was not meant to serve, but to rule. What she had been born to become could not be shaken, bringing her to these very moments now. ...It had nothing to do with love.
Though her gut twisted and ached at the thought of Alexander, it was not because she had been in love with him. It had not been because she longed for the older male to become her mate and had been turned away from in rejection. No. She willed him to her side because she trusted him in the few ways she had trusted no other. Because he was the 'yang' when she was the 'yin' and when she yelled, he listened, when she dished it out, he swallowed it whole. ...Through the words Koda said, Elettra thought of this, though her attention would seem ever still directed towards he and no other.
When he was finished, for a moment, Elettra stood in silence and moments after this, offered but a nod. Finally then, her white lips part to speak: ”...And my heart belongs to no one.” She then does admit. She was far from a fantast wolf, but a realist and knew that the possibilities of finding her soul mate or falling in love at first sight were such visions only for the light heartened kind. If she was going to get anywhere in life and make her goals come to truth, she was going to have to do it all her own. Perhaps by these words alone he would understand she had no means to steal him away from the one whom had taken his heart (she could only assume was the unknown Nina by now) but to have him at her side as a 'partner' until she could find someone she might truly care for in such a way.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
For long moments, Koda waited with his heart thumping in his chest. He would not offend or hurt this female for all of the world. She had faith in him... enough to offer for him to stand by her side as leader. It was truly an honor, of that he had no doubt. His words told her of the long and the short of it. He could not be her mate, but only a partner. Even the concept of such an arrangement was utterly foreign to him. The lead pair were mates, that is just how it was. Perhaps the two of them could mock tradition and make their own rules. He knew that she was prepared to do that very thing and rule alone should he decline. The pack would be stronger with two at the helm, however. This he also knew.

Finally, her words came...<i>”...And my heart belongs to no one.”</i> and he knew that she understood. Words that were left unspoken by her seemed to echo his very thoughts. Not love, but respect would join them in leadership. He could support her without being mated, he was sure of that. Although he was immensely grateful that mating season was past to remove that particular complication from the equation. She deserved to have love and a mate that would bring forth more dark children with silver eyes into the world, but that was not him. Perhaps, in time she would find such a male and Koda would gladly step down from her side to make way for her true mate. He had no real desire for power and no tender affections for Elettra, so it would not be a difficult thing when the time came.

The major issue that he had now was that he could not let Nina hear of this from wagging tongues and think that he had abandoned their love. That would never happen, even if they were never able to truly be together, he would never truly belong to another, no matter what his position may be in his pack. He nodded gravely to his Lady, all seriousness and formality. <b>"Then we are agreed. Ours will be a partnership to strengthen the pack. While we may not give our hearts to one another, respect will abound."</b> With his words he accepted her offer to lead with her, unofficially. He could not accept fully before he did one very important thing. This next request was vital and he was unsure of Elettra's reaction. Taking a deep breath he continued, <b>"I must ask a boon of you Lady Elettra. I cannot, in good conscious, accept your gracious offer without Nina hearing of it from my own lips. If she hears from another that we have joined, she will likely misinterpret our arrangement and feel that I have forsaken her. I cannot hurt her like that. I must journey to her first. Please understand."</b> He did not beg, yet his voice pleaded for her to understand. Her answer would likely set the tone for their entire arrangement...
(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2012, 11:34 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He agreed. But not only did he agree, he understood her, something of which Elettra would not take for granite in their relationship. She nods deeply to his words, knowing he understood that she meant not to steal him away from his lover, for she had no interest in this wolf in such a way. He might be large, strong, capable of leadership and of making, but the physical longing and emotional desire did not connect how it should when you loved one- even Elettra knew this.
From here, she would listen on, taking into account his devotion for Nina as his loved one the same as he was devoted to her in leadership. Perhaps, he would find his balance and this would not prove a problem that they lived in separate packs. Only time could tell, really. But one thing was for sure.... "I'm going with you then." Her words were solid, without an ounce of her 'asking' if she could join him. She was going to meet this woman he had spoken so much of and, make it clear that their partnership was business although she had no means to have Nina steal away her faithful member. Koda's promises to her would no be shaken off so easily.
In moments, after her words, Elettra was already moving away from Koda, though pauses and shoves her muzzle forth, as though to tell him to lead the way.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
She almost seemed to relax with his words. They had come to an agreement and understood one another well. A large part of him was pleased at the prospect of a partnership with this enigmatic woman. What he didn't look forward to was telling Nina of their arrangement. He could only pray that she understand that in no way was he deserting her and his love for her would never wane. They had strengthened their bond and professed their love for one another when he had taken her home after her brother's cruel attack. She knew that his love would never end, yet he couldn't even hazard a guess as to how she would take the news. He just knew that it had to come from him or it would not happen.

The next words of the dark woman caught him a bit off guard. He had prepared himself in the last few moments for her acceptance or rejection of his request, but her bold statement that she was coming with him simply floored him for a moment. After a quick moments thought, it was likely a good idea. As his mind was spinning around the possible outcomes of the upcoming encounter, Elettra took charge and started off and then indicated that he lead the way. With a nod of agreement to Elettra, the large male turned and headed back in the direction from which he had just come without another word. At the moment, they were completely unnecessary as they were in perfect alignment with their plan.

Not long into the trip Koda took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This meeting would be an emotional one to be sure for all involved, especially Nina. It would be no small matter for him either. For a brief moment in time, his two worlds would meet. <i>Love and Loyalty. Nina and Elettra. They were all forging forth into the unknown. Mates that lived apart. Leaders that were not mated.</i> All three of them would thumb their noses at tradition!

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Recovery was a hard path. . .mainly for those who didn’t have their family to support them and protect them. Luckily. . .one female had exactly that. A family, a pack, a mate. . .anything that would suite her fancy. All of her pack mates had understood her sadness and how she reacted to the attack that her own brother had caused upon her. Few had even offered to take over her role for a few sunrises and have Kashikoi take over her role for awhile so that she could get back on track. The fact that she refused the break only showed how much dedication she put towards her work. She had even insisted she go out of territory to pick some herbs for the pups and was instantly refused by Aeylen. .none of her pack mates wanted her straying out of the pack boundaries as she had only done once, out of unconscious need to protect her border. . .only to find out later that the wolves she had sought out were no where near where her own boundaries were. The fact that she had a major screw up damaged her pride slightly in her sanity.

Everyone assumed that she was staying the same. . .but Nina knew that day by day she was getting better. The pups had a major change in her mood. The little angels that Ruiko and Aeylen had created ran around the den site completely oblivious to the outside world. The thought made her urge to protect them stronger and day by day she seemed to watch over them more. She had particularly grown attached to young Nios. . .one of the males in the pack. He brought out a side of her that brought her happiness and he seemed the most foolish, yet daring of the two, reminding her of herself when she had been in her own pup hood. She had remembered the day her father had come to her, asking. . .no he had demanded that she join the Hervok clan and she bravely refused. Her mother had protected her, with the ending of her father promising his own revenge of some sort. The secret had remained between her father and herself though, never to reach another’s ears.

Now, she was even doing something for her leader. At first she had set off to find some herbs for the young pups, but came up with nothing that their own systems could handle yet and had continued out of her territory, not far from the borders of course, just in case one of her leaders or Seconds were nearby, which wouldn’t surprise her, considering how Kashikoi was keeping an extra eye on her. Though time seemed to pass endlessly Nina had finally stumbled across some huckleberries, a berry that had a certain sweetness that could watch away any signs of stress. She picked up this certain berry for Aeylen. . .not herself. The brown female figured that her leadess would be stressed with the pups recently being born, she might as well have something to fall back on.

The golden brown female’s own appearance was seemingly getting better by the day. Her back leg had healed enough to the point where she could walk, with a slight limp or course, but it was getting better. Her fur had lost all sign of scabs and had been replaced with the many scars she had been gifted with from the attack. Her right eye remained the most hideous of them all though. Her eye had been permanently shut in the attack and had left Nina with more scars than she would have liked. The scar over her eye was one that went horizontal and had a pinkish edge to it. . .something that clashed with her brown fur. Nina’s other eye had impressed her further though. . .the life she had been missing for awhile was back in them. . The shine. .the one she had missed, oh so badly, since the attack was back. It seemed to make the female glow with a whole new light to it, something that continued to make her unconditionally happy.

The fact that she had been lacking in her duties for Kashikoi had disappointed her though. The male had been loyal to her and stuck by her side for many sunrises and sunsets and she had enjoyed her time with the male, but she had never started a new lesson with the young man yet, she just hadn’t seen the point in it. Her medical knowledge had fled from her brain for many days leaving her useless if she would have had any lessons with the young male. Sighing, she continued her own journey, walking aimlessly down the paths of her own. Then a thought hit her. . .no. . .it was more of a scent. Koda’s scent.

Why was he here? As the thought hit her she could only conclude with the thought that she had missed her mate enough to the point where she herself was “smelling” his scent. But through the doubt she felt a pull. . .one that her paws immediately followed. Her pace was at a steady rhythm, one that wouldn’t cause her pain, which satisfied her. Soon enough, her earlier thoughts of delusions were denied. The handsome, dark male was here, near her borders. The fact that Volkan might be near by didn’t stop the comment that came off of her lips.

Opening her mouth and setting down the berries she spoke teasingly, "You know if Volkan found you out here with me she would skin you alive, right?"

Her eyes gleamed which quickly turned into one of fear when she picked up the scent of another wolf. . .female. Her one eye still gleaming with life took on a fearful glint to them. One that quickly got shielded by her eye once again. She was here with Koda. . .surely she wouldn’t be a threat. The once teasing glimmer in her eye faded replaced by curiosity. Who was this female? Honestly, they shouldn’t be so near her territory and with a quick scold to herself to mentally shook herself. She wasn’t even in her territory. . .yet another screw up with her, which made her comment about Volkan less funny than she thought it would be. She should really check more of the scents she was around before saying things. She hadn’t even noticed the other female scent and yet the fact she didn’t know the scent of her own territory made her embarrassment even more so. Now though, Nina was glad for her dark fur. . .her flush would be covered, away from this stranger.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Their trek had been nearly as silent as the dead of winter's night, savor the breaths of Koda and Elettra as the walked east along the length of the drooping willows before north, following what seemed the entire length of the mountains of dire. It was a long trek, longer then she would have hoped for and now knew exactly why it would be days between Koda's appearances, as he balanced himself between his forming pack and his loved one. Evermore, Elettra Archer became questionable of how this might all work. What should happen should the pack be attacked while he was gone? But it was his choice, Elettra figured for now and should something happen in his absence from his brethren, he would reap the consequences...
"Volkan, you say? So she is 'skinning hides' now? ...I rather doubt that." Her words were a coo of her darkened tones as she creeps forth on long strides, each step precise and sure as ever, her body erect, alert, but her tail level to show no acts of dominant display- only that of confidant air. The royal woman's pale gaze turns over the brown and creamy woman, taking note to her recent injuries immediately before falling down to the berries at her feet- a remedy. She remembered Koda's talk with the rogue male formerly, picking up on her being a medic much as Elettra over her life had trained to become. "How is she, anyhow? And Kanosak? I do hope my teachings were not in vain." She had not seen them since their first training of healing and their agreed hunt. It had become quite a number of months since then, and as Elettra crept closer (now to Koda's side) she became more curious.
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