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For the Love of Nina... — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
<b>(Posting order... Koda, Ash, Treena, Kashi. We'll revise when Nina joins in!)</b>

Nina was back home and Koda was heading south. His heart ached with every step that he took from her, but she was in good hands. Young Kashi would take good care of her and her pack would protect her as he had not. Shame filled him that he had not been there to stop the vicious attack on his sweet Nina. Somehow she still loved her brother, she'd made him promise not to kill Ash. That had been the most difficult promise that he'd ever made. He was a wolf of his word, but he would be sorely pressed to keep this one. His only hope was that he never ran across her demon kin.

He tried to shake the troubling thoughts and moved through the cherry orchard. He had almost succeeded in pushing his guilt and fury aside when his eyes fell to the ground and all of the crimson cherries littering it. He looked at his paws and saw that they were stained red from the fallen berries. The color reminded him of the blood that had covered Nina's body when her ... <i>brother</i> ... had left her for dead. A deep growl rumbled in his chest, before he could stop it. He took a deep breath, held it for a moment and let it out in an attempt to relieve some of the pent up tension.

He continued on at a slow pace, calming himself by reminding himself that Nina wouldn't want him to live in a constant state of anger. His steps carried him onward and he made a conscious effort to avoid stepping on any more cherries. The color only made him more upset. Instead he kept his eyes ahead and on the sky in front of him. After a while, he distracted himself by looking for the woeful few medicinal plants that he knew. He hadn't gotten the chance to tell her that he was studying healing. He hoped to surprise her when he gained some useful knowledge. So now he studied the plants and tried to guess what purpose they might serve, if any.
(This post was last modified: Jun 29, 2012, 07:01 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
He had succeeded once again. Nina was dead and he had Treena my his side. His best friend, his sister, his crush, and his everything. With her around everything was complete. At the moment, nothing could disturb his wonderful mood. A happy grin was plastered on his face as he walked next to his lady. The slight drizzle ony added to the effect of his love for her. Her beautiful coat and eyes that he could stare into for centuries. He couldn't have asked for a better female to enter his life. Though one would think since he killed his sister he would kill his mate too. But that wasn't the case here. Nina had deserved to die. She had needed to die. The thought brought an even brighter grin onto the brute's face as he walked. Bumping into Treena lightly, he winked at her. A grin on his large brown face he laughed his chest rumbling. "Everything has been going smoothly. Soon enough Athena will give me the okay to join the pack. I'll be with you."

He had only recently mentioned to her that he was going to join Poison Path to be with her. The excitement he had felt, he would never be able to describe. Happiness was radiated off of Ash's fur as he walked with her. The cherries in the orchard gave it the slight impression that he had brought her here for that exact reason. To tell her this fabulous news and show her the cherries. The delicious blood red cherries. Ash still felt like he couldn't get the blood of Nina off of his pelt, and being the bastard he was, he loved it. He yearned for more of it to be shed, only knowing that this would no longer be able to happen. Nina was dead. 

Moving throughout the clearing was peaceful until he heard a growl. A quite familiar one. Figuring that he must be hearing things he shook it off and continued forward. He had been right though, unfortunately. There, in front of him, was Koda. The brute's eyes went from happy to angry. His light green eyes flashed and he suddenly became a threat. His fur started to bristle and his tail stuck up, ears pricking, and body posture stiff. Why was he here? Of all places and days why must he be here? He had seen him murder Nina and he would surely be utterly pissed at him. Wonderful, he now had something to look forward to.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<i>I know you told me I should stay away
I know you said he's just a dog astray
He is a bad boy with a tainted heart
And even I know this ain't smart… </i>

Treena was practically resting on Ash, leaning her weight against his as they walked, making small talk. She looked like a child clutching their parent’s hand, so happy and lovable against the bigger figure above her flaming ears, so protected and well-guarded. His voice was like a drug, she wanted more, and each breath he took she could hear and mimic, trying to keep her mind on the conversation and not on his beauty. It was hard, every couple of seconds she would doze off and focus on his liquid green eyes, or the muscles beneath his arms, there was always something to look at. Her tail wrapped around his, hypnotising eyes looking up through her eye-lashes. A playful smile wrapped around her fairy face, lit up by the sun overhead. Looking at Ash, she felt untouchable. No one could take this man away from her, ever. He was hers for the claiming, and it was only a matter of time. She practically pranced through the forest, though it wasn’t her comfort zone. She preferred the mountains, where it was open, where her paws knew every step.

Here, she was just as skilled, but skill didn’t mean relaxed. She wasn’t even thinking of where she was going. Her paws were doing their own thing. Her head was directly upwards towards the bulky male and concentrated on other things, nothing which made her stressed. She was relaxed behind Poison Path borders, where Ash would soon be, at her side, protected, here he was not. <b>“Never leave my side, okay?”</b> She lifted on the tips of her paws, her back-leg throbbing with the effort, and pressed her nose against his cheek. It was a sign of affection, but more than that it was a promise, a bond which couldn’t be broken.

Rounded by the blood red, Treena felt the passion which radiated off it. Beating her head against his shoulder, a purr of some sort escaped her mouth. She was so innocent, so pure and childlike. She was nothing like the creature which had fought the small Sibyl, or the one who survived a fight with Marsh, the well experienced male. She had done all those things, she was a strong fighter. Here, she had no worries for fighting. She was good at it, not many people could have escaped the jaws of the burly orange male from Swift River. She had. Not many wolves had the experience behind strength and agility, but she had that too. It was clear from the muscles which rolled off her pelt she could kill, though, with beady eyes glazed over in affection, she was too absorbed in her future mate. <b>“I really like you, you know that?”</b>

<i>But mama I'm in love with a criminal-</i> <a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOdu0poDjDA' target='_blank'>Criminal </a>
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
It had been a while since Nina had told him of her attacker. He wanted to die when she said that name, Ash, but more than anything he wanted revenge. Kashi walked through the wild cherry orchard thinking of how badly his trust had been betrayed. The seductive call of ending Ash's life deeply disturbed the young wolf. He had never really experienced true hatred before nor the need for revenge. The whole reason he was out here was to try and calm himself by looking for herbs.

His search was soon broke as he smelled a familiar scent, Koda. The youth stopped his task and ran towards where Koda's scent had come from. It was a ways off the border but that was just fine. "What are you here for Koda?" It had been awhile since he had seen this large wolf. Seeing Koda again made him feel a bit glad that he was able to see a friend out here. The thoughts of revenge and blood still plagued his mind though.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda had almost managed to shake the feelings of guilt and anger by distracting himself with the speculation on various herbs. Nearly back to his usual calm self, he was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar form step out of the trees. Young Kashi was here and inquired what he was here for. His tone seemed merely curious and he seemed happy to see Koda. The larger male was more than pleased to run into the youth again. He had liked his mixture of politeness and spirit. The lad had stood up for him when he was a stranger, even against his own pack mate.

He wondered for the briefest moment what to tell him. The boy was Nina's student and was sure to know the story soon, if he didn't already. He gave him a smile, for he was glad to see him, but it didn't quite reach his golden eyes. His reason for being here was none too pleasing. He gave the smaller male a nod of greeting and respect, before speaking. <b>"I have just brought Nina home and find that I am a little aimless in returning south. Given her... situation... I am loathe to leave her side. I am reassured that she will have you to lean on, lad."</b> He did his best to keep his tone neutral for the boy's sake, but underneath he was once again seething with rage over the treatment of his love by her own brother. <b>"She could have none better by her side. You are honorable, kind and talented."</b>

Although he had no worries in his mind of this young man trying to win Nina for himself, he couldn't help but be a might bit jealous that he would be the one to comfort and care for Nina now, at least until she was healed. Despite that, he knew that his love was in good hands and he believed deeply in this young fellow.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
It seemed as though the others had not sensed the two and it seemed as though Treena had not noticed them. Though it was a shock to him. She was looking at him, memorizing him, as he had already done to her. His heart leaped at her words and it warned his heart, but he was also listening to the conversation taking place. Kashikoi had arrived, wonderful. Another one to worry about. This was just fucking great. He had appreciated the young male for giving up information, but the other male, Koda's, words shocked him. Nina was alive? What the hell happened here? Turning his attention back to Treena he licked he was affectionately before speaking. 

"I never planned on leaving your side. I love you."

He had never spoken his words out loud to her before. But he knew he had to before he did what he did. These two wolves knew about what he did. They had to die, they couldn't go back to Nina and tell them about him because then he would never have the chance to kill his sister. Curses swept through his kind at the thought but he ignored them. He had to approach the two wolves, even if they hadn't noticed him yet, might as well get it over with now so they couldn't protect Nina in the near future. 

He has never liked Koda and now was his chance to show him how much he didnt like him. As of coming out of a trance Ash snarled. His hackles now raised on high alert. And muscles flexing as he stalked forward. They were here and they needed to die. His love behind him he threw his head over his should briefly throwing her a quick, "Run," before diving towards the two males in front of him.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok

The emotional climate had changed drastically, but the female still hadn’t clued in. Of course, eventually, her eyes followed Ash’s until she did notice the two males. Still, there was no way she was leaving. The female could fight. Hell, she could do more than fight. Watching her body convulse, muscles straining against her fragile skin, eyes blazing, fur bristling, legs stiff, the female had the aura of a bear. She wouldn’t fight the males now visible head on, not like she had down with Sibyl or Marsh. They’d have to come at her or Ash, she wouldn’t hit first, she’d play nice. Her mind was quick, moving to one section of her enemies’ body to another. She was comparing arm length, claws and teeth with her own. Just like the mountains, she knew every move before it came. She was savvy, taking the extra second or two as her mind spun.

The one large silver cream wolf seemed like a good partner for the giant male at her side, though Ash’s strength never failed to impress her. Bigger wolves weren’t fast. Treena wasn’t too good at sprinting either, but setting a steady pace, she could run for hours. She bet all the wolves were just as quick, judging up the muscles and leg shape, they all seemed similar. Unlike the females in her pack, these wolves weren’t too lean. Not a single one seemed cut out for role as rabbit hunter.

The male she was watching seemed fit, but not enough to eliminate one of her higher skills. She could tire out a male who was use to the soft ground of the forest, who didn’t have to run around boulders to catch prey, or up mountains to chase out an intruder. Treena’s confidence rose with that realization. All she had to do was tire them out, then Ash’s strength would kick in. She could fight just as long and hard as they could, plus more. There was no way she would lose energy before anyone else. She’d keep them off Ash, endure their attacks. She was like a rock, just had to wait it out. Once the two males started panting, all Ash had to do was get a good grip. His strength was untouchable, undoubtedly higher than any of the gathered wolves. She trusted him with that, as he should trust her with the role of diversion.

She just had to watch out for her back-leg, still slightly fresh from the newest fight, it stuck out like a sore thumb. Watching her mate charge, she let out a confused yelp. Hearing him warn her back, she let out a frustrated bark and followed after him. <b>“Damnit Ash!”</b>

OOC: All assumptions were from the physique life-points page. I can edit it if anyone would like ^^
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
(Sorry, Kashi! I skipped you by accident. If you want, I can delete mine, or we can trade posting order- your choice. I'll be more careful next time!)

Koda had been so caught up in trying to <i>not</i> think about Nina's brother Ash and then in seeing young Kashi again that he had completely missed the devil himself, but a stones throw away. With Ash's words to his <span class='word'>mignon</span> female to run, the rogue was upon him and Kashi, with little warning. Koda needed no warning for his soul called out for the blood of this male to run freely from his torn and shredded body. Just as he'd left his sister. Broken and dying. He briefly remembered Nina's plea for him not to kill her brother, before he lunged at the large male, jaws wide and hungering for blood. As his body went on a collision course with the other, he attempted to rip the others throat open right behind his jaws.

In the back of his mind he spared a thought for Kashi. He hoped that he would engage the female and keep her off of him and Ash. He had noted that she chose not to obey her demon lover and flee the scene. This wolf belonged to him and he would not back down. The brute strength of the other was apparent, but that held little concern for the pale wolf. He, himself was strong, had great stamina and the fury of love to keep him going. Ash deserved to die, and yet he had promised not to kill him, dammit! He had not promised not to maim the devil though and if push came to shove, he <i>would</i> kill him. He would not leave Nina in danger.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2012, 09:48 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
(we can keep it like this, and just noting I do not want kashi to die)

Before Koda could even answer he leapt forward at Ash just as soon as the demon wolf came into view. The betrayer's scent flooded the young wolf's nose but that wasn't the only smell. It seemed Koda had a female that was following him around now. Seeing that the two large males had begun their fight Kashikoi turned his attention to the female. She was noticeably larger than he but could she keep up with him? With a practiced eye he instantly noticed a recent wound on her back leg.

If Kashi had his way that leg would be her downfall in the end. He soon started to circle the female to keep her away from the other males. He hoped that maybe he could make the female lose her morale and trust and so began to speak. "Why do you follow this betrayer, this murdering wolf? Is this the wolf that you want as your mate? Someone that might kill you and your young one night?! Is that who your really want to be with?!" Kashi started to growl louder with the angrier that he became.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Rage filled all of Ash's senses.  The only thing that he wanted to do was kill this bastard. As the two finally made physical contact, he made sure that the brown male could not come in contact with his neck. Ash moved his head quickly, his jaws open as their mouths came in contact. Ash, quickly backing up, snapped again, snarling. This wolf was his enemy. His full blood enemy. Barking at him he launched himself at Koda his green eyes lit with rage. Though he was caught up with Koda he heard it. The mocking voice directed at his love. No one ever talked to her about him. But she would understand, right?

Shaking his head and bringing himself back into focus. He aimed to jump on top of Koda, his weight being the main focus. Fur bristling he could only hope he made contact with the brute. Of he did he was going to dig his fangs into his fangs. This man needed to die, he would protect Nina, who also in any case, needed to die too. So now he just needed to finish this. Apparently Treena was going to help him, but he feared the worst, due to her back leg.

OCC: I think we should do three rounds of the fight, this being the first round and then Nina can come in? Opinions?
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.