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glaciers melting in the dead of night — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Hollow wolves, let's celebrate! <3 First round ends May 27th. This <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moose_superior.jpg' target='_blank'>old thing</a> shouldn't even stand a chance... ;)</i>

<blockquote><i>Morning; Mostly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 57° F/14° C</i>

Grizzly Hollow's newest members had arrived and somewhere deep within the heartland of the territory Jaysyek was tucked away with four new souls. Four <i>hungry</i> souls who needed all the nourishing they could get. Shortly after dawn the leader trekked through the forest with his nose to the forest floor and tail aloft. The four-legged beast he was confidently ready to take down today shouldn't have gone too far but it surprised him to a degree that the scent of elderly moose lured him all the way to the edges of the Marsh. He eyed the patches of mud where it had clearly been disturbed by arthritis-plagued hooves. Every so often the track slid sideways as if the beast could not tolerate the slippery ground beneath him. The hunt that would unfold in a matter of moments would not even call for them to <span class='word'>belabor</span> their target. Its days had been numbered and only a few minutes of its life remained.

This should be easy, he told himself in his head. All they would need to do was ambush and bring the bull down by hindering the movement in its already stiff limbs. The wolves of the Hollow deserved that much. They had endured the winter enough to prosper in the spring, managed with the loss of both their Seconds and welcomed new life. They had also endured a shift in leadership and Borden had yet to see how they would take his commands or heed the call he would make to summon them. His eyes scanned the immediate area around him then focused intently on the tree line that stopped so suddenly to give way to the cloudy skies and open sky. Something in the distance made his pale eyes dart slightly to the right: a movement just distinct enough for him to pick up the texture of dark brown fur against the rough brown bark of the trees.


Borden sounded out a low howl that requested the presence of the pack. The bull moose's antlered head lifted slowly and its ears twitched. It seemed to be up for a fight today but the Lyall knew for a fact that anything it would do to try and avoid its downfall would be in vain. To die for the sake of the wolves of the Hollow, the 'protectors' of the forest it inhabited, would be a much more sensible - maybe even honorable - purpose.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Some time had passed since he'd last encountered Borden, and what an encounter it had been. In the days since, he'd seen his fair share of fulfilling and empty endeavors, and there wasn't a moment when he had forgotten Jaysyek all the while. Well aware that she was expecting, it was certain that the pups would be born any day now, if they hadn't been already, so it was no surprise when Borden's fresh trail leading to Whisper Marsh was intercepted. He'd followed it intently for a greater part of the morning, here and there taking note of the hooved tracks which intermingled with the stamps of the Lyall's large paws. Perhaps the Leader had something in mind...

Blackbirds would flee the tree tops as the call rang out through the expanse, and in return the Guardian's pace quickened. Winding through the tricky, muddy tangles of vegetation, it was a matter of minutes before the dark-featured man came into view. He looked well, and as Kade closed most of the distance inbetween, he reflected on the fresh scar healing on the angle of his own shoulder with fondness. Perhaps it was the first of many he'd wear for the true patriarch of the land, and of <i>his</i> leader.

Aware that a spoken word could be an unwise, as the scene was notably set for a fair share of bloodshed, he readily issued a respectful, compliant nod in the Lyall's direction, rectifying his support and eager disposition.</blockquote>
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Sorry - didn't realize there was a hunt..

Vlarindara heard Borden call.. and dragged herself towards the sound. She wasn't exactly *heatlhy* at the moment, but she intended to try. The wolfess slunk along the forests towards the leaders call, her muzzle lifting to the sky - howling a note.. It meant nothing, other than that she was on her way. Seeing the pair of males, she hunkered down, her plumed tail curling beneath her legs as she slunk towards Borden, ears folding over her injured, but mostly healed nape.

She came to a halt a respectful distance away and crouched even further in the grasses, single amber eye focusing on the bull. She didn't..know this black wolf - had hardly seen him. Who was he? She, of course, knew Borden.. and did her best to keep her attention and posture as unobtrusive and submissive as possible. She still wasn't sure of his opinion of her return here - after his angry outburst at her in a previous meeting.
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Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Note to self-- This is after Follko meets Kade at Fireweed Ridge.

Follko scented many wolves on the wind. Were his packmates meeting up?
Then his blackish ears twitched when Bordens howl rose
from the landscape to Follkos left.
A pack hunt. Probably for the pups that should be born soon. Follko nodded to
himself and began loping towards the scents of his packmates.
He did not know the individual wolves yet but the pack scent of Grizzly Hollow
permeated the wind in their territory, and he followed it to the edge of a marsh.
The old wolf spotted the bull moose to his right and then the pelts of his packmates
just a few strides ahead of himself. A white she wolf, a black male, and Kade.
Well guess it's time to either introduce myself or just follow the orders. Whichever they
wanna do first I guess...
Follko slowed his pace and trotted up slowly to the gathering
wolves. He wondered if he could be of some use to this hunt. He wanted to make a good
first impression on the alpha.

The reeds whistled in the wind as the brownish elder padded close to his comrades.
He lowered his head, tail, and body as he should though he wasn't sure for a moment
who he should greet first. Kade was the second he knew that from their previous meeting.
Follko did not like the rude male but he would shut his mouth deal with it. Pups had to be fed.
But the female was new to Follko and so was the large black wolf who stood above the
group. Follko guessed this was the alpha and dipped his head in a gesture of respect
and added a soft hello sir to his greeting. Then he waited for what would happen next.
Would they start the hunt with so few wolves? Even if it was against a sickly moose it would
be dangerous for only the four of them to take down. Follko knew this danger well enough.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
ooc: I hope its ok if I throw Sibyl in?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/sibtable1.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 315px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">The rallying cry floated on the air, over the treetops, and Sibyl tilted her head curiously. Her reddish ears were cupped in the direction of the sound and she turned her body to face from where it came. It wasn’t a familiar voice but she recognized some of the scents on the breeze from when she had visited the Grizzly Hollow den. Figuring there must be something important going on she swiftly worked her way towards the source, slinking under the trees like a shadow. She made it to the marsh and slowed her step, nose twitching as she tried to locate where the caller was. It certainly smelled like a few Hollow wolves were here, and was that a moose? It must be a hunt then, she thought. She didn’t know how much help she would be, but she could at least lend what assistance she could.

She peeked her head up over the tall grass which had been blocking her sight to see a rendezvous of wolves over yonder. The stance of a couple of them looked quite confident, and another two not so much. She figured that the big brownish one was one of her pack leaders, but she wasn’t entirely sure. She slouched her head low and pulled her tail up under her before she scurried over to the pack. She was cautious and stood off to the side, taking note of the silence and the wary old bull in the trees everyone seemed to be eyeing.
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Thank you for being so, so, patient. Next round ends June 6th.
EDIT: Deadline has been extended to June 8th. Also forgot to mention there is no posting order after Borden posts. <3</i>

<blockquote>The Lyall didn't even need to turn his head to confirm the presence of the pack's male Second. He kept his eyes on the bull moose as it resumed feeding, nodding slightly in return to acknowledge Kade beside him. Vlarindara was quick to follow, offering the two males some space. His gaze darted to the grasses she had partially ducked into for a brief moment then ultimately met a pair of new faces. Both eager to be apart of the action.

Once he had somewhat made eye contact with each, after deciding that the <span class='word'>bosh</span> of 'handing out orders' in words was absolutely pointless, he pointed with his nose to the moose in case anyone had missed it. He doubted they had, but he also meant for the gesture to mean one thing for certain: <i>Take. It. Down.</i>

The paleness of his irises sought out the attention of the wolves he had summoned then pointed again with his nose to the forest behind their target. Hindering the old thing's movement was a priority. Strong jaws would be needed to snag its ankles and maybe even push it down to the ground. To its knees. He then eyed the dark man to his side, wordlessly gesturing in the other direction to signal that they would take the front on either side of their prey's deadly, pronged antlers... drag the beast down by its throat or even forbid it to move out of their grasp. For the most part, it probably wouldn't even see them coming if Borden had noticed correctly that their prey's left eye was sightless.

After quickly assessing if the non-verbal commands had been received he took up a silent tread and prowled to the edge of the clearing. His hackles rose and a hungry sneer crept over the dark mask upon his face. With his muscles tense and ready to spring, he waited patiently for the perfect moment to ambush. If it wouldn't simply topple over, intimidation would have to do while it reared its massive head and tried to ward them off.

It would tire eventually.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jun 06, 2012, 01:37 AM by Borden.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Jumping out of order because I'm getting close to 7 days without posting and don't want to open another thread.

Vlarindara simply listened to what Borden had to tell them.. with her heart and with her eye. He wasn't speaking, but his body language told the still healing female volumes. The wolfess shifted carefully and began creeping towards the moose, knowing full well that she wasn't strong enough - as she had once been to help take it down. The thinning wolfess was still putting on some weight, but her ribs were still visible - as were the mostly healed wounds on her left side.

She slipped around towards the mooses left side - to keep it on HER left side.. so she could keep her not blinded eye focused on their chosen target. It was old, and she knew with the able bodied wolves gathered..they would be able to take it down. So long as everyone did as they were capable of. She moved slowly, low to the ground until she was about even with its flank..where she crouched belly to the forest floor, watching.. Waiting. She had longer legs.. She could run right along ebside it and be a threat - while letting those of larger bulk do the actual killing.
user posted image
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/sibtable1.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 315px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;"> Sibyl watched the gestures of what she had seemingly guessed correctly to be the male lead. Her mouth had suddenly gone dry and her toes clenched into the soil, her nerves had begun to creep up on her. Hunting ungulates had never been her strong suit, and it had been a point of contention that led to her sister ultimately exiling her from home. She feared an embarrassing failure, as even the elderly moose looked daunting. But the pack depended on each wolf, and she was no exception. She was nervous but eager to help in whatever way she could and perhaps even improve her skill.

She crouched her body lower to the ground and crept towards the moose. Having taken note of the direction of the white she-wolf, she headed around the opposite side and approached on the quarry’s right. She moved carefully and quietly into position, shifting her focus between the grazing old beast, her leader, and the location of the rest of the pack. She stooped low behind a clump of brambles and fallen branches off to the right of the moose; her brown pelt blending with the earthy tones as she seemingly vanished. She was hopefully far enough that the moose would not sense her immediate presence, but close enough that she could spring into the hunt. She would wait until she had some sort of signal before taking further action, not wanting to alert the beast to her presence before it was truly time.
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Sorta thinking this was badly timed and that was probably on my behalf. Here's the last round, I s'pose. Let's just wrap this up. <3 Slight PP(?), PM if something needs to be changed. Thanks for joining. Hopefully the Random Events don't catch us with our caches low again after this. Be sure to check out our common room's <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=1215' target='_blank'>Upcoming Events</a> for the next hunt.</i>

<blockquote>The masked leader peered through the foliage from where he and Kade had taken cover. Vlarindara had prowled to the moose's side and he sought her attention as she got into position. She crouched low, ready to spring. Borden turned to Sibyl next, his eyes tracking where she had skulked off to by the subtle movement of the plants she gently crept past. He caught her figure somewhere amidst a thicket of vines. His gaze returned to Vlarindara for a brief second then turned toward their prey as it swayed. The beast inched forward then sideways, taking a misstep or two as it was caught off-guard by a soft depression in the forest floor. The <span class='word'>mignon</span> bloom it had been aiming to snatch up was much farther than it had anticipated and, with a second attempt, it successfully plucked it and its stem from the ground. This was it; it was more than likely caught up in savoring its last meal now more than ever.


The Lyall's broad shoulders squared when the creature turned its blind eye toward him. His tail and the tufts about his neck and shoulders rose aggressively as he lurked forward, a growl thundering from his throat as he broke his cover. Not waiting for even a delayed reaction from his target, Borden launched himself at the bull moose's throat. It struggled at Borden struggled to keep hold, its knobby elbows awkwardly flailing as its arthritis-plagued joints failed to move properly. A second growl filled the air as a sharp hoof managed to stomp on the leader's hind feet. He pulled the moose's neck downward, trying to anchor the creature and keeping it from thrashing its antlered head at the hunting party.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Time would bring the emergence of a pair of Hollow wolves to the scene, where the unsuspecting target fiddled along without even a hint of caution to his lengthy, if not stiff steps. Silver eyes shifted from the aged bull to Borden and back, and here and there in the heat of the suspense he would look upon the females who were now slithering into position. The flickering tip of his tail would grow still as the man anticipated a cue from the Lyall. In an instant the bull had looked in the leader's direction, and without hesitation he had made it clear that it was time.

His dark head would lower in pace with the swift strides that propelled him onward and toward the hooved creature whose fate was to be sealed. Despite the shuffling of paws and hooves, all was silent in his head, which was undeniably clear, and his attention was tuned to the meager rippling of the moose's atrophied musculature, the sway of its motion, and the intense feel of fear and panic that coursed through the thick air.

Borden wasted no time in securing a grip on the beast's thinning neck, and with the flashes of his packmates in the periphery, the male took an opportune position to back up the grey-shaded wolf as he fought against the bull's stomping movements. A menacing snap would graze the closest of the animal's long, knobby legs as Kade positioned himself close enough to ensure, between the two men, success. Slick, ivory fangs penetrated the sienna-hued pelt and tissue of the beast's exposed underbelly with a menacing snarl, and he would work at it for a few more lashings before Borden's toes were stomped. The shrill cry of pain redirected his focus, and before any further injury would come as a result of Borden's tactful position, the Attaya made quick work of securing the proximal foreleg in his wide, clenching jaws. Gathering his weight beneath him, he would roll back just so on his hind end as to pull the thrashing limb from the moose before it was swiftly ripped from his mouth in response.

Working at the foreleg in the manner was tedious labor, but as soon and sure as Borden's creamy toes were safe, Kade knew it would be only minutes before the struggling skeleton of a moose king would come down. </blockquote>