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Praise the Moon — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Cool; around midnight. Slight breezes.

It was beautiful. The wane light of the full moon cast an eerie glow upon the orchard. The blood red cherries were reduced to a pale color; their crimson tones drained from them during the night. The silence remained unbroken as the earthen woman slipped through the trees lithely. Pale green eyes kept fluttering up to meet the moon's own stare; a smile crept across her face. She continued along now, her own coat drained of brown tones, becoming a pelt of mixed grays.

The trees swayed as a breeze blew, rattling the cherries; disturbing them from their rest in the moon's light. A large rock lay at the end of an aisle of trees. This is where the woman was heading. She traveled silently, as if to respect the demands of the moon for quiet. An owl could be heard in the distance, and her ear flicked, but she paid no mind. Normally, she would hunt down the feathered creature, for she had a passion for birds. She loved watching them and their daily activities.

As she neared the rock, Pakuna gazed around wearily before allowing her hind legs to bunch up. Like a spring, she was in the air, only to land and anchor herself upon the cool rock. With a flick and rising of her tail, she raised her head to the sky. Muzzle aimed itself toward the center of the moon, and, with jaws parting, she released a long, melodic howl. She had to do it. The moon called for it.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
It seemed as though an eternity had passed since she had been out of her territorial boundaries. Ever since the fight. . .the way she got injured. There was no way she could think about that though. . .not now and not anytime soon. She ever refused to acknowledge the fact that she would never be the wolf that she once was. Once the strong and confident wolf she was no longer existed. She was now an empty shell of her former self. Only to be returned to her family by a loving Koda. Enough could be said that she wouldn't be able to do anything anymore, but she still had her own knowledge. The knowledge that said that medicine would now help her get along, with her family as well. But she did want to do one thing. She wanted to see the cheeries.

The decision had been hard for her, or she, herself, was terrified to leave her boundaries alone. Never would she want to see her brother again, much less encounter him. . .she hoped he had left, satisifed with the fact that he had "succeeded" in killing her. No longer would she sit around though. She never wanted to feel useless again. Twitching her ears she walked. Her now right eye shut for the rest of her life on Earth and her back leg, ruined, but still working enough for her to walk perfect. And that's exactly what she was doing. . .walking. Running no longer proved itself easy for her. . .and she remained weaker than she once was. Unable to help the way to view herself she snorted. She no longer possessed the beauty that she once possessed.

As she came upon the orchard she was reminded of her own blood. The blood that had stained her own coat when she was attacked, as she lay there useless until Koda and Chantille finally showed up. . .it was the only reason she had lived. Otherwise, Ash. her brother, would have surely killed her right then and there when he had the chance. A distracting howl brought her gaze from the red cherries to the air. Pakuna? Could it possibly be her own pack mate? No. . .but she could recognize her pack mate anywhere and this voice was most definitely hers. The full moon peaked out from behind the clouds, smiling down at her, as if mocking her with its stare.

It was time to go find her pack mate though, so she answered the call. WIth the weakness in her back leg she refused to jump up, but instead she lifted her head to the sky and replied with a howl of her own. One filled with terror but the answer of going to see her friend. The one she had met briefly but knew. They were family. Walking forward didn't prove difficult but the wish to run did. She wanted to see Pakuna, no matter what the female might have thought about her looks. This mattered, and no doubtly she was sure she wanted to see part of her family, more than anything.

The walked proved longer than expected, but eventually she made it towards a large rock. . .one that reminded her of the time she had met Volkan in the forest. Lifting her head she caught sight of her pack mate. A small smile was brought upon her face as she lowered her head in submission before speaking softly. Opening her mouth a rough voice said, "Pakuna."

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

As her muzzle slowly closed, Pakuna let her mind go. The birth of the pups in Copper Rock brought new responsibilities onto the pack. The brown shaded woman hunted constantly, supplying the pack with food for energy to protect the borders. Aey needed food, of course, to produce milk for the little fluffy critters. With an almost inaudible sigh, she seated herself, rump softly landing on the cold stone.

Minutes later, a howl pierced the air- it sounded scared. Terrified. Feeling her skin crawl and forming goosebumps, Pakuna shot upward to her feet in alarm. Hackles raised as her rough emerald gaze scanned the orchard for any other wolves. The voice came from behind her. "Pakuna." She whipped around, tail flowing behind her like a breeze as she lay her eyes upon the howler. It was Nina. She looked horrible.

With her expression remaining calm, Pakuna leaped down from the rock, landing in long grasses before padding up to the injured wolf. "Aye, Nina, what happened to ye?" She appreciated the submissive posture that the tawny female proposed before her, but she was looking beyond it at the moment. Leaning forward, she gave a lick to the lady's cheek, directly below her swollen-shut eye.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The calm look that was ruturned to her relieved her of her tension. She wasn't disgusted with her. . .at least with what she could tell. Pakuna's voice soothed away her worries and as she felt a lick graze her cheek she flinched. She didn't mean to, but any physical contact made with another worried her and soon enough she was even shocked herself, she had just flinched away from her own pack mate. . .how terrible of her. Her friend's question didn't catch her by surprise though. What had happened? Oh. . .how little she knew of what happened and yet the story could go on for centries. Blinking her eye she tilted her head, backing away slightly from Pakuna.

The fear she was feeling didn't go away but she did feel the need to apologize to her friend. She didn't want to see like she was being a bitch but she didn't want to be too close to the girl either. Distance was the main thing she wanted right now. . .some space. Away from others but seeing her pack mate filled the hole she had been feeling. She was still in the family.

Opening her mouth to speak a small mewl escped her mouth, "My brother tried to kill me. . .in Fireweed Rise. . .and this was the outcome. And sorry. . .I didn't mean. . ."

The female's words were short and clipped as though she didn't want to talk about it, but her last words faded away as if she didn't really know how to apologize for what she had done. Lowering her head in shame she closed her one good eye for a few seconds before reopening it. She was still here. . .alive in the flesh. . .Nina wouldn't be alone anymore.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

At the gentle lap of her tongue, Nina flinched, inching back from Pakuna. The rough woman remained silent before speaking "Nina, don' be sorry. Not yer fault. I be glad yer alive. I don' know ye too well, but ye seem like a wonderful soul, ye do, yes." Hopefully the woman before her could understand her strange way of speaking. It did not seem to deter any wolves just yet. Just yet. Pakuna's face remained neutral as she inspected her pack-mate's wounds. She had healed well, but with rugged scars as remains. Her eye seemed as if it was to never open again. Never to absorb the rays of light; never to adjust to the darkness.

She walked to the side of Nina, nudging an uninjured spot in a friendly, caring gesture. She walked next to her, green gaze upon her. With a serious look coming over her face, she spoke in a stern manner. "Howl with me, Nina. Howl fer yer survival. Ye be a strong wolf. Come, now." Stepping a few steps forward, Pakuna seated herself next to the rock she was standing upon just moments ago.

She did not hop up, for she knew Nina would have difficulty in joining her this way. Turning her head slowly, she gazed at Nina, eyes beckoning her over. She raised her muzzle to the sky, speaking low "Fer yer survival." With this, she began her long howl, one that sounded sorrowful at first, but rose up in a joyous chorus of notes.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
When Pakuna spoke, the brown lady once again felt at ease. Pakuna was not mad, nor disappointed, which pleased Nina. Though Pakuna was her pack mate. She refrained from answering any other questions or making unnecessary comments. This made Nina happier than she had been in awhile. Koda was the only thing that made her happier than this. He was home to her, but he wasn't with her. . It was a shame really. . . Yet when Pakuna nudged her she once again froze. She didn't back away though this time, reminding herself briefly that it was just Pakuna and that she didn't need to fear her friend. 

Tilting her head slightly she smiled slightly at huge brown female's next words. She then walked away from Nina and sat in front of the rock, not jumping up on it but staying beneath it. Something that was easily accessible for her. Smiling Nina walked over and sat next to Pakuna and with a breif, "Thank you," Nina lifted her head upwards and howled. The howl was of strength. She remained strong and wouldn't fall anymore. She would stand tall and take control of her life. Her voice seemed to ring in the forest, almost seeming to bring Nina's own senses back to life. 

She felt energized once again, as if the moon was giving her life force back to her. A relaxed Nina was now sitting with her pack mate her muzzle tilted towards the sky. She was free again, she didnt have to worry about anything dangerous happening to her. She was going to be alright. 

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

The tawny woman seated herself beside Pakuna, and with a thank you, she joined the gruff woman in her howling. Their voices intermingled; Nina's was of strength while Pakuna's varied through pride and hope. After a minute, she lowered her voice, muzzle slowly closing. Turning her head toward Nina, she smiled. "See? Ye be strong, Nina. Don' let a bastard get ye down. Life goes on, yes it does."

The moon seemed to smile down upon them; the clouds scurried away from it. The giant silver ball in the sky continued to cast its eerie light upon the orchard. Although the ghostly illumination may have spooked other creatures, Pakuna thought it was beautiful. Her tail swished back and forth as she allowed her lids to cover her eyes. The silence that followed her words was a comfortable one. Pakuna was not judging her fellow pack-mate. Her brother may have left her for dead, but she was here now, and that was all that mattered.

Opening her lids slowly, her pale eyes fell back upon Nina. "Ye gonna return to the den site soon? If anyone gives ye shit, I'll cover ye. No reason they should, anyhow."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
As the brown lady's mouth closed she laughed in spite of everything. She was happy and living, nothing could stop her from living. She had survived. She was a survivor and no one could deny that, not even her pack mates. Pakuna wouldn't judge her and it was something that Nina appreciated highly. This lady was nice even though her words were sometims confusing, after Nina thought of them for awhile she understood them with pride. Listening to Pakuna's words quietly she thought. She should go bacj to the den site, but in everything she wanted to see Koda. . .he was nearby hopefully, for this is near where the two had parted.

Smiling at Pakuna she shook her head, "No, Pakuna, I can't go back yet. Kashikoi knows where I am. I need to find a friend and thank him properly for helping me."

Her words rang true as she spoke them. Kashi did know where she was, for he had made sure to keep a close eye on her as it was. He wouldn't let her go without knowing where she was going. She felt like a pup again, having certain boundaries that she couldn't leave. It wasn't pleasant but it warmed her heart to know that they cared for her. Which was something she hadn't had much experience with in a while. She now had her friends, family, and loved ones. Nothing could really stop her from living anymore.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

So the injured female was not to return to the pack yet. It was her decision; Pakuna was not going to shove her own strange words into her mouth. With a nod of her head, she spoke softly "Whatever ye gotta do, Nina." She was beginning to like this woman. She was friendly; peaceful. There was not an inch of aggravation nor annoyance to her- well, at least that Pakuna could not pick up. The recent experience with Volkan speaking in a harsh way toward a loner at the borders had put her on edge. Her first impression of Volkan was that she was kind and smart, but that had changed.

How could the thought have slipped her mind? Nina must be starving. With a glance at the silver disc of a moon, she questioned the injured woman "Ye want some food, Nina? I coul' catch ye somethin' if ye'd like. No problem." Her pale green eyes now met the tawny wolf's own emerald gaze. It seemed they were similar in appearance...well, slightly. The earthen toned pelts and the green eyes. A lovely combination.

Now sitting quietly, Pakuna awaited Nina to politely turn down her offer- in which she was planning to rebuttal. She was going to hunt for her, no matter what she said.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The respect between the two female’s was made clear. Something that Nina had never seen in Volkan, their Second. Though the other female’s request caught her off guard. Catch her something? Nina could certainly not refuse though, she didn’t wish to seem rude. And truth be told. . .at the moment, Nina couldn’t even hunt for herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a pleasant meal. Looking back up at the sky, the full moon looked down at her, seeming to smile down at her, happy that she was still living under its graceful shine.

Speaking quietly to Pakuna she smiled, "That would be quite nice of you."

Nina’s kind emerald eye watched her pack mate with common curiosity. She had definitely missed being social with her family and being around them. The fact that she hadn’t seen Volkan yet calmed her though. She had a feeling the young female would go on a rampage when finding out what happened to her, along with Ruiko. . . Oh she would be frowned upon when they found out, most likely. And the thought brought down her mood. . .only slightly though.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.