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glaciers melting in the dead of night — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko noticed Bordens actions right away. That flick of his tail and his body movements
were clear orders to the waiting wolves. With a jerk of his head Follko turned himself
around and began stalking into his position. Once the other two she wolves had started
the chase He had been right there beside the females watching for a chance to help.
Then he noted Kades position and watched eagerly as he tried tripping the moose.

Borden was still dangling from the mooses throat. Follko could see the blood
trickling down the animals neck. The wolves were still having some problems with the animal.
Lengthening his stride Follko tried to get in front of the moose in order to stop it. He ran
just ahead of the animals cloved hooves and began snarling viciously at it.
He kept himsel on the mooses non blind side so that it could see him clearly.
With a bellow the big animal stopped short and began kicking out at Follko and Kade.
Follko ducked his head and body close to the ground keeping away from the animals
deadly kick. He evaded until the right moment when the moose lashed out with its injured leg.
Then Follko snapped his jaws onto the bulls leg just as it nearly caught his side. The leg
he held was the same one Kade was working on. The moose tugged away again jarring
Follkos teeth and skull. With a snarl he jumped backwards away from the mooses antlers.
Follkos then took to the other side of the bull and began nipping at the still healthy front leg.
The moose belted out a sound almost like a roar. Its eyes taking in all of the wolves.
Foam dangled from its lips while it lowered it head again trying to get the wolves with his
mighty antlers.
Meanwhile Follko snagged the healthy front leg of the bull and pulled it away sideways.
He yanked at its flesh and felt his teeth tear into tendon. The bull lifted its leg and threw Follko
five feet away into the dirt. He picked himself up again and felt a pain in his left front
and back ankles. Great rolled ankles... He thought for only a second while he pulled
himself up and placed himself in front of the bull again. One more grab and Kade would
be able to trip the damn thing. Follko jumped forward and took the bulls ankle again.
He hoped Kade would trip it with his help. Follko was fairly sure Borden wouldn't be injured
if the bull fell in Kades direction.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/sibtable1.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 315px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">The three wolves had descended upon the quarry like a wave crashing into a shore, albeit an ancient, crumbling shore. Borden and Kade were snapping and biting at the beast's throat and belly, and the moose's violent retaliation made Sibyl hesitate. Muddied hooves cleaved through the air and struck out at the wolves, and Sibyl winced in sympathy as Borden's paw was caught beneath its hoof. The old beast sure wasn't ready to give up what little life it had left.

Follko sprang into action, joining the attack on the front limbs. While the moose was distracted by the assault on his anterior, Sibyl used the chance to slip silently out of the brambles she had been hiding behind. She shifted her weight from one paw to the other, trying to decide at what angle she would make her attack. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves and with three quick bounds she was at the moose's side, and with one more flying leap she attached herself to its right side. She sunk her teeth into the fleshy mound at the base of its neck and dug her claws into the russet fur of its shoulder, trying to both keep herself up and deal some damage. Her slight weight alone wouldn't throw the behemoth off balance. She hoped with pack tugging on the bull from all angles, her unsteady mass on his back would be too much for the compromised joints.

In response to his new burden, the bull bellowed and flung his head back, trying to knock Sibyl off his back with his antlers as if she were an obnoxious itch. Luckily her appearance on his back had given the moose cause to pause his kicking legs, lest raising one would collapse the other standing limb's weakened joint. Sibyl held fast and flung her head side to side in an effort to tear the skin on its shoulder.

She wasn't paying attention to the antlers though and was knocked off by the swinging horns. She let go with a yelp and landed on her side on the forest floor. Thankfully nothing was broken, just bruised. She rolled back to her feet and evaluated the situation, before she would throw herself back into the fray.
(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2012, 05:26 AM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She moved as the rest of the pack did - though Vlarindara knew full well that her still healing injuries and her weakened form would be of little use to the hunt.. She did however spend her time attempting to keep the bull occupied.. Rushing out from her cover with bared teeth and snarls, her jaws snapping menecingly at the beasts hind hooves. Why? If she could keep it kicking out towards her - it would most likely be far too occupied to do her pack mates much harm.

That of course meant that the aging lady would have to duck and weave to avoid any possible flailing hooves that were sent her way. Then again, if the moose was retarded and didn't kick out at her - she had every intention of focusing her mouth full of teeth right over its hock and biting down as hard as possible for a grip... Then would attempt to jerk backwards and to the beasts side - hoping to force it off balance so the pack might bring it down.
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The antlered creature flailed about, overwhelmed by the five sets of jaws that were piercing into its hide. As Borden kept hold of the moose's throat, the rest of the hunting party attacked. Kade was quick to also take a hold on their prey and snap at its lengthy limbs, Follko also made haste of attempting to topple the beast by targeting its ankles, and Sybil aimed for its back and, after she had been thrown off, assessed the current situation. Vlarindara, meanwhile, was the one who ultimately held the key for making this hunt a genuine success. The addition of her misdirection and her maneuvers to throw the moose off-balance had the bull withdrawing its legs, trying without avail to get away from its attackers.

One misstep and a few more snaps of Borden's jowls on the already tired and debilitated neck bones and the bull teetered over with the aid of Follko's force. The leader, having released the beast's flesh in order to see that it had finally been laid to rest, eyed the barrel-like ribcage until it eventually stopped moving. A snort sounded from Borden's nostrils and his ears twitched as soon as he was convinced the hoofed fighter had passed. His tail rose and his head lifted, his stance shifting into a dominant one as he silently thanked each of the four wolves who had answered his request with a satisfied nod.

Before any of them could possibly make a move or gesture to begin dismantling their freshly laid out meal, the Lyall swiftly dug in, his muzzle bloodied even further as he tore into the moose's soft underside. Though the stomach lining had been his favorite aside from bits of rib and the more sinewy parts of the body, Borden promptly tore away a generous part of bulky muscle from the beast's side then set it down. He took a second to catch his breath and steady the frantic rhythm his heartbeat had adopted. Eventually he bowed his head and offered an appreciative smile to Kade, Follko, Sibyl, and Vlarindara. <b>"To the victor go the spoils... Each of you have my gratitude; please enjoy what you are able then cache the rest. Whatever you cannot carry or make a return trip for, leave... so that other creatures, the lesser or less fortunate ones, might also benefit."</b> After surveying their immediate surroundings he gave one last nod to the dark-furred Guardian then took his leave with a wag of his plumed tail, intent on returning to the heart of the Hollow where Jaysyek patiently waited for his arrival and prize.
