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escaped unscarred — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
<blockquote>The movement of the behemoth female through the Drooping Willows was not <span class='word'>volant</span>, though it was a tad gentler than her usual stomp. Remy had finally found <i>happiness</i>, or at least the closest a wolf of her coldness could get to the sentiment. All she desired in life was a purpose, and her purpose had come to her in the form of the regal, shadowy Elettra. A despite the fact that she was lacking a little in weight, Remy had escaped lonerhood virtually unscarred. Any day now she would honor a true leader; someone <i>finally</i> worthy of her time and service. And somewhere in this protective guard of willows would she find her home. It was quite alright with her; Remy had no preference was to where she lived. Things like aesthetics when it came to property were frivolous. Though she would quietly admit to herself that she was happy to be free of mountains. The Mackenzie female was far from fleet-footed and mountains required that sort of agility; here, on the level ground was her preferred home. The sweeping branches made a lot of shade and would keep her cool when summer came into full, and in the winter it would be a wonderland of pure snow. Remy hadn't a real desire to return to Alaska, but it suited her to know something would be familiar.

While she patrolled around the area, getting to know the finger-like branches and the twists and turns of the trunks, the pale-coated female had time to consider more aspects of her new life. There was a glint in her light green eyes, for it bothered her on some subconscious level that she had yet to meet any of the others that had been enlisted by Elettra. The dark woman had well warned Remy that not all of them were soldiers like herself. It would be difficult getting used to, as in her former home she had been a member of the Guard and their interactions with the other forces were few (by her own choosing). Yet her Leader had also promised that they would be strong of heart and loyal, and that much, at least, Remy could respect out of others. Just like the father of cubs often prays for at least one strapping boy, she would hope for at least one somewhat like herself.

In fact, she actually hoped to catch someone's scent as she wandered through the territory. Perhaps she could find one of the followers on her own, and do a little research of her own. Regularly such an assignment - especially for recreation - she would consider stupid and tedious, but the unofficial joining of a pack had made her quite content. With her lifted spirits she found it easier to be less of a bitch and more of the stoic female she liked to pretend she was. Of course, Remy could not be bothered to regulate something so silly as character traits; it never bothered her what damn friendly loner thought she was callous and unkind. Truthfully, she was selfish; she wanted to seek out one of them for her own benefit and absolutely none of their's. At times she wondered if she almost welcomed their scornful eyes; how much they despised her. It was very funny, to see so much energy go toward such a stupid thing. But despite how much she disdained caring for others, and thought wolves stupid for having the desire to hate her, Remy had to admit she was quite bored.

Bored enough to seek out another, once again. This had to stop happening; she really never liked the encounters. Yet loneliness struck hard, and fast, and she found herself still searching for another, even if they cared to hate her.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AshTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Breeze after breeze picked up the moss and scattered leaves across the now bare ground. The rustle of tree branches whispered promises of shade that would soon come along the barren area. One could only hope that the promises were heeded. Along these lands the sun would beat down upon the fur of wolves, leaving then drenched and hot, giving them no other choice but to seek shelter or some kind of refugee from the monster. One would think that wolves would be happy with the sun, giving them time to hunt, but the coolness of night and the moon was what each and every inner beast waited for. The animalistic power that would come over a wolf would empower it and give it the power to be more of a God. Something everyone wished they could be. Joy and power would reign over the land that the God would walk on. And each and every thing that would walk the land would kiss it's paws. Hah, if only.

Ash had been having a decent lifestyle lately. Plenty of food to munch on, a pack he would soon be joining, a mate, everything he could ask for. Treena's scent was now even intertwined with his own, showing that they had indeed been around each other much more. The two had an unexplainable bond since the first time they had met, keeping them together for quite awhile, but soon enough the two had gone separate ways. But it had been too much and they once again reunited and began meeting every once and awhile. The brown male's life honestly couldn't get any better. 

But then of course, Ash always has to get proven wrong. There it was, that scent. It was so familiar yet it had an edge of another scent to it. Flicking his ears he walked towards the scent, curiosity taking over as he padded faster throughout the willow trees. Whose scent was this? He knew he has encountered it before. And then he caught sight of an unmistakable creamy pelt. Remy!

With a relieved sigh he barked out and called, "Remy!!! Hey it's Ash!" 

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
The search continued, progressing none at all. Remy's nose remained low to the ground in case of trace scents, but it would appear few had approached the Willows in the past days. Elettra's scent was easy to find, for she was in preparations for her rise to power, but there was no one else who was so prominent. Perhaps they were all frightened off by the skeletal whisps of branches that extended from the willows. Part of her was thankful; she really did not enjoy interaction at all. Almost everyone was beyond comprehension in terms of stupidity, naivety, and blind <i>friendliness</i>. Did nobody know the harsh truth of life? Or they just hadn't grown up in Alaska like she had. The possibility that she was a frigid, emotionless wolf would never appear to her. The search was groing fruitless; Remy was close to giving up and returning to her haunt to rest, but then came the smell of another. Her head rose immediately, moss-colored eyes heightening with the alert. It was a vaguely familiar smell... or perhaps she was making it up. Only time would tell, she noted, as the sound of pawsteps hit her red ears.

And then, an unmistakeable voice would call out her name and, <i>Hey, it's Ash!</i> Oh.

He bounded into view, looking basically the exact same as he had the last time she'd seen him back by the Creek. Why was his scent so different then? A variety of territories were in the mix of his fur, as well as some... female, was it? Looked as though he had been getting around. Fitting, because he was a <i>damn friendly loner</i>. At the very least, he'd given her a spec of entertainment and a good stretch of her limbs with their scuffle. Almost begrudingly, Remy turned her body to face him. She lifted her head somewhat and paused a moment. Well, it was certainly better than coming across another random wolf with too many smiles to go around, so she swallowed her upcoming attitude and nodded curtly. "<b>Don't you look well,</b>" she remarked, no ounce of sarcasm to be found within her plaintive words. It was just a statement of observation, though a truthful one. Perhaps she could gain something from this interaction.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AshTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Finally, the female he had met so long ago turned around. She looked the same, slightly bit bigger showing him that she had, indeed, grown accustomed to the land in Relic Lore. His happy eyes was all he needed. No smiles, no words of appreciation. He was just happy to see her, an old friend of which he could get a few friendly scuffles with. His tail wagged happily behind him, not showing submission but no sign of dominance was forthcoming off of them. This was his friend and she was far from a threat or someone who he could trust, to a point.

By her simple statement he nodded his head. One of the things he generally liked about her, was she wasn’t one to judge, at least from what he had seen from her. Opening his mouth he said in a strong voice,

"As do you. It is good to see you again." His words were simple and true though they held an edge to them. He definitely missed Treena more, more than anyone else in the land of Relic Lore. Even though his sister was here, he felt slightly pissed. He had broken his paw and it hurt him nearly. Damn Koda. . .coming around and breaking his paw.

His eyes remained solely on Remy at the moment. She was the one who held his attention for the time being. He remained straight faced though. How had she been since the last time he had seen here? The only logical thing to do was ask, so that was what he did. Opening his mouth, he said in a strong voice, "So what has come of you since our last encounter?"
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
<blockquote>Remy did not usually take pleasure in small talk - it was stupid and usually came through one red ear and right out the other. Besides, others' emotional well-beings were far from her highest interest. Yet, she was in quite the state of contentedness, so she gave Ash her attention as he began the ritual and then asked, casually, of her state of well-being. She pondered it for a moment.

Ash, after all, was a harmless acquaintance (from what Remy knew, of course, and her knowledge amassed none of his dark secrets) so logically, what was the thread in speaking to him? Remy, contrary to popular belief, did not hate everyone. She disdained the existance and most, almost all wolves. But there were a select few she could respect and trust. Ash wasn't quite at that point, but at least he had shown her a good scuffle to get her muscles a little sore, and a temper enough when the rain had gotten to him. He was a decent choice. So Remy allowed him the all-clear, and lifted her head somewhat thoughtfully while her pale gaze roved their surroundings while she spoke.

"<b>I have sought and found a leader worthy of my loyalty,</b>" she began most proudly. It had been her only feat to accomplish in the weeks of her stay at Relic Lore and finally, the purpose of her life ahd been discovered. There was a small smile traced along her lips; the woman would never be one to grin without abandon but her approval and pride were clear in her face, no matter how limply the smile pulled. "<b>I will soon serve Elettra Archer.</b>" The name, she figured, was information suitable to divulge. After all, the leader of a pack was never a secret, and though she'd been slow in revealing her plans to Remy, it was clear that the dark-coated woman had every intention of reigning strong and proud whenever the formation would begin, instead of silent and secretly as other packs chose to do. And speaking of packs and serving, there was a scent predominant on Ash's coat that had prevented her from recognizing him immediately - he'd found himself an unofficial mate, had he? "<b>And who is that you will soon be serving?</b>" Remy uttered next, cheeky undertones mixed into her low voice. It was the closest to friendly teasing the female would ever get; a rarity.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AshTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">The lady standing in front of him now reminded him of no one of who he had met many sunrises ago. She was new, content and not easily annoyed. He remembered when they had first met how unpleased she had been to be interrupted by him but now they were actually having a friendly chat, something that pleased Ash. When she spoke to him again he then knew why. She was joining a pack, of course her confidence and socialism would have improved highly. If one joined a pack it was, indeed, hard to be anto-social with so many others around.

When he was about to ash the who his question was answered. Elettra. . .that bitch. She was Remy’s leader. He made sure to make no sign of him being unhappy for her, truth was he was overjoyed. Elettra held something in her that made him respect her somehow. It was a shock to him but a loyalty to her friends gave Ash the approval he had wanted from her and he respected her. She was strong and proud of who she was, something Ash had not seen in many females around Relic Lore. Few of the ones she had seen were Remy and Treena as well, which had also pleased him.

Her question caught him off guard and he stared at her. How should he reply to her? He was to stand by Athena Moon as her subordinate but he was to stand by Treena as her mate. Opening his mouth he spoke strongly, "That is good to hear. I‘m sure I don‘t have to tell you to be careful considering who you are. I am to stand under Athena Moon as my leader and by Treena Rose as my mate."

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
<blockquote>Remy nodded, though the action was performed a little blankly. She knew neither of the names, though it was really of no surprise to her. Remy hardly knew any wolves of the Lore at all. She much preferred her solitude, for the easiest way for the giant wolf to get along with others was to just remove herself from their company entirely. But both the names were female, which explained the scents that saturated his coat. She assumed the stronger one would be Treena Rose - whoever that girl was. Whatever discontentment Ash had about her new leader was well-hidden, and the Mackenzie female lacked the social skills to pick up on any hidden signs of it either. Though she did pick up on his choice of words that preceded the names.

"<b>Careful? What reason is there to be careful?</b>" Her words were not skeptical or angry, but rather quite curious. Remy was a wolf built on loyalty (needless to say) but pride as well, and she would never keep from another what leader she served unless it was absolutely necessary for protection. Besides those rare circumstances, the pale-colored wolf would be quick to inform any company of her most strong and wondrous pack. Perhaps the only thing she ought to be careful of was not being too much of a bitch to her pack mates, but Remy was doubtful that her attitude could be kept in check. After all, those who tried to dominate her would simply be oblivated, and then her right to speak would be divine just short of Elettra's. The look in her eyes was, for once, not cold but quizzical as she stared at her <span class='word'>agemate</span>.

Though, there was an intensity to her eyes that demanded the truth. Remy was not a <i>completely</i> changed wolf. She'd not found god (though she certainly thought Elettra to be close) and repented all her sins and removed the evil from her life. She was still haughty and pushy when she wanted to be. It came as a side-effect from her curiosity, at no fault of either wolf.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AshTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">It seemed as though his friend caught up on his words immediately. He did not think of her as stupid. . .for she was, indeed, smarter than most wolves in Relic Lore. His head lifted slightly and tilted to the side as he took in the female. She was watching him. . .in curiosity, a trait that he had not seen in Remy. His hard, cold eyes stared back at her. He had changed since the last time they had met, and he was no longer the relaxed male he had been when he had first entered the lands. No longer would he sit back and relax, he would protect his soon to be pack mates and his mate, along with his leader and friends. No one would be able to stop him from the path that he had laid out in front of him. He had a best friend out whom he had bonded with over time and the two of them had ended up loving each other, whilst others would stand their oblivious to the fact that they were bonded, it was quite hilarious at times.

He contemplated what he was going to say to her in his head over and over. He couldn’t think of what to tell her. He had told her to be careful, in a teasing sort of way, and he had no way to back up his statement. There was no need to anyway, Elettra had seemed like a nice lady, only if one were on her good side though, which seemed to be an easy task, as long as you didn’t insult one of her pack mate’s mates. Oh, how that male had fooled him all so well, claiming that Nina and him had not been mates, but then later he had ended up saving her. . .saving her, and she had not bled out and died, she had lived and that had blown any of Ash’s chances in killing her.

Later, in a fight that had involved Koda, Kashikoi, and Treena, Ash had found out later that Nina was no longer a Hervok. . .but was now a Reinier. . .which killed his chances of killing her completely. It was law in their clan that if they didn’t have the name, then nothing could be held against them, and now, nothing could be held against her. Ash could no longer kill her, unless he wanted to be known as a killer by all. His father would be disappointed in him, but even his father knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything anymore. . .it was now against the way of the oaths.

With a clearing of his throat, Ash finally replied, shaking his thoughts, "It is always in everyone‘s best interest to watch their backs."
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
<blockquote>Remy noticed the change in her acquaintance, and yet she was not left suspicious by it. His sudden lack of desire to spew words forth from his maw without any restraint could not possibly be detrimental to her contentness. If anything, now that he had found himself a home and a leader and a woman, he had happily shed his <i>damn friendly loner</i> demeanor and turned into a wolf whose company Remy might actually enjoy. The hardened look in his eyes bothered her not for she often wore a similar icy stare. Though it was, perhaps, irritating to have to wait so long for an answer, the Mackenzie-blooded female shook it off and waited... <i>patiently</i>?! No matter. Certainly her faith and goodwill was a rare and random occurance somehow caused by her lack of care.

It seemed like an eternity had gone by and Remy had grown old (of course she would die bitter and alone without children) by the time Ash finally cleared his throat and came up with a little piece of wisdom that had been beaten into her by three months of age: <i>it is always in evryone's best interest to watch their backs.</i>. Remy raised her chin slightly and shrugged. "<b>You never struck me as the philosophical type,</b>" she commented dryly, wondering if he actually had it in mind to teach Remy lessons or survival, or if he was only making small talk. The red-eared female was no good at the latter, though with the former she truly did not require help.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AshTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">The creamy female seemed generally annoyed by his late response and completely unpleased by it. His eyes then flashed. . .but who would know what it was. Anger? Annoyance? Misconception? In all, he was not pleased with her reaction but he said nothing to her for that response and thought about something new to think about. He wouldn’t say or do anything rudely to her, for that certainly had not changed about him. Remy did not strike him as a wolf who would relax around other wolves easily. The fact that she was merrily talking to him was probably a good sign.

He then spoke quickly, "Then it is good to see that you are doing well. I suppose we should both be going our separate ways."

His tone was hard and bitter. There was no denying that it would be in both of their best interest to leave things as they were, while they were still light. No scuffle would be in session this day, for Ash would have feared he would have severely injured the girl if given the chance. And that was exactly why he was steering his way clear of fights. After the fight with the little pack wolves he wanted to stay away from all fighting. . .for now, for his paw was still in the process of healing.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
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