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monochromatic matriarchs — Poison Path 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(Slight PP in assuming that Athena's in the den with the kiddos if that's alright :3)
<blockquote>It was no surprise to Ava that she could not find the solace she sought laying silently within her cold stone den. The meeting had long since transpired and yet she had only caught sleep in winks, spending most of sunset and night time awake and staring off in to space. Sometimes her thoughts were rapid; other times her mind was blank like the stones around them. Before she knew it, the sun had risen once again and now it was a <i>brand new day</i>. And just like she had promised herself, she had to start anew. Ava did her beast to embody the phoenix as her weary form rose from the ground, but she knew she was no mystical fire bird. Just a common blackbird in disguise - but oh what a disguise she would wear!

Her head was lifted proudly as she ghosted through the packland, ignoring the hollow thump of her beating heart. There was business to attend to today. Quietly she would approach the main den while from within the scent of pups and Athena came up to greet her. Her chest felt strangely in that moment; she still couldn't really make any sense of what had happened. Of course, the current situation that demanded to be dealt with was not making sense of it and Ava highly doubted she ever would. They could very well move forward without understanding what had happened that day, and that was what Ava needed to focus on.

Her tail would wag low, standing in the mouth of the den. There were shadows within that she couldn't properly see anything, and she imagined against the bright summer daylight her form was silhouetted as well. Yet she made sure her ears were flat against her head and her tail was low enough for the female to see submission in her body language despite the darkness and delicately called forward in a voice gentle for the children's ears, "<b>May I join you?</b>"

It was vaguely reminiscent of their first real meeting, up at her sunbathing rock in Riddle Heights, minus any aminosity and confusion that had surrounded them in the early days of Poison Path life. Funny how back then they had spoken of Naira and Rhysis' cubs, and Ava had been certain she would hate them for the bad memories they brought to her. And now there they were, the subject of their conversation that past day, nestled somewhere within the den safe and sound and parentless. They were just one of the many topics that swirled through her mind as she stood there, awaiting permission. For a moment she felt her facade begin to break, but Ava swallowed her feelings and refused for it to happen. They would rise from the ashes today.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jun 12, 2012, 06:15 PM by Ava.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
(It's fine <3)

Her leader's disappearance took a big chunk out of her. Her moods always fluctuated. One day she thought that she was over it, then all of a sudden it hit her again like a ton bricks. She was abandoned again. Once again, by the ones she trusted. Indeed, her first abandonment was more violent, but it still hurt to know that she wasn't good enough to get an explanation. The pack wasn't worth it, but it hurt more since she had been there even before the pack started. She felt bad for Tlarx to see her this way. Always moping around, but somehow always there for the cubs. She knew that they felt the same feelings that she felt. Hurt, betrayal, confusion, and despair. The one other wolf besides her and the cubs that could even come close to feeling those feelings would be Ava, but she didn't have the strength to go see her in this condition.

Although, Ava had been the first being she had told her whole past story to, she still couldn't bear Ava seeing her like this. It had to be pathetic. Poor Tlarx had to see her so down and all the wise words and phrases were being to fall on deaf ears. In all actuality, she needed Ava more than ever. To feel the warmth in her smile, the touch of her fur intertwining with hers. She needed a friend. Someone that knew how she felt and could express her feelings. The pups were good at comforting her, but they still couldn't form a sentence that could sooth her mind of her sadness. And when the sound of paws against the ground entered her ears, her once gloomy face was replaced with a delicate smile. The smell that came after pleased her even more, the smell of her dear, dark friend. She could even call her a best friend if she wanted to. Her new second, the one she had full trust in.

As the dark figure appeared at the entrance, tail low and ears flat, her tail thumped against the ground in happiness. Her initial question was similar to how she once asked to join her a top of a shared perch out in Riddle Heights. "Yes, you may." She said, quiet enough for the children's sensitive ears. Sooner or later they will be able to explore outside the den. A time that her anxiety will be sky rocketing.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
<blockquote>She couldn't contain the wag that begin in her tail, nor the small grin edging upon her muzzle as she was given permission. Even though she was the embodiment of a zombie today, it pleased Ava to know she could still feel something when she was allowed permission into the den. It rang within her heart vaguely like gratitude, and comfort. Some day, she was certain, they would return to her. For now she would have to take whatever scrap of emotion she could find within her emptiness, so Ava grabbed on to that tiny flame Athena's welcome had ignited and stepped through the mouth of the cave toward her Leader and both the literal and symbolic future of Poison Path.

Ava eased closer, certain her abrupt presence would cause them at least a little discontentness. They were barely a month old now, weren't they? It would still be some weeks before they were weaned of milk, and that was the least of their worries. Weaning was but one step in raising the cubs - actually <i>raising</i> them into adulthood. Luckily for them Athena had the affinity for children, or else they would've been shit out of luck. Chantille, perhaps, could conjure up a motherly nature but Ava and Treena were really... not the type, to put it politely.

The black she-wolf eased herself down, belly to the cool floor of the den. Her position was respectful, far enough away that she wouldn't overcrowd Athena and the little ones, but close enough that she needn't raise her voice. She didn't want to disturb them anymore than the white female did. It would've felt extremely strange to name them, Ava though, as she watched the little ones nestled to Athena's side. If there was one thing to be thankful for, it was that they'd at least gotten word of the cubs' names before their former leaders took off. Datura was a little ball of golden fur, whose cloudy blue eyes seemed to be staring right through her. His coloring was so pure, and brassier than the tawny of Naira's fur. The other one, Belladonna, looked more like her mother, if Rhysis had went ahead and shed all over her. The dusting of dark fur gave her a look equally as unique as the honey-hued male of the litter. Inwardly, she gave a little sigh of relief. Neither of them was the spitting image of either parent. That would at least save Ava some heartbreak.

Settled, and content that the cubs had gotten accustomed enough to her presence, Ava eased a sigh from her throat and gave a small smile toward Athena. "<b>No point in looking back,</b>" she mused, for both their benefit. This right here was the start of a new life. As much as the past would sting them, they had the choice of not looking back. Time would heal their wounds, and until then, they could stop picking at the scabs.

"<b>You and Tlarx will be good leaders,</b>" She stated a little more definitively. Even if Tlarx wasn't their leader yet, Ava wasn't stupid. Kegan had the right to be the next-most dominant but she had no desire to serve under his paw, and she was certain both Athena and her man recognized that as well. Looking back toward the pale-furred female, she added, "<b>Will you be their adoptive family?</b>" It was a sincere question, one that she'd pondered ever since she saw the two of them together the day before. Ava had every intention of seeking out Tlarx, perhaps once he was their true leader, and getting to know him a little better than she'd ever known Rhysis, especially if he were to father the kids she'd been anticipating for so long. And even if by some odd swing of chance he did not impress her, she would trust Athena's judgement enough to let it slide.

Ava had signed on to serve beneath Rhysis, but her loyalties had slid more toward Naira and Poison Path in general during her months of servitude. That was what she still served above all - the <i>family</i> that they were. </blockquote>
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

As her dark-furred friend approached, she couldn't hid the smile on her face. This was probably the first time that Ava has seen the little ones, unless Naira allowed her to come sneak a peek before they disappeared. Her tail thumped quietly on the ground in happiness and contentment. She was happy that Ava was here to see them, in fact she was excited to tell her what she wanted of Ava. She wouldn't be able to nurse both of them, she didn't have enough milk for the both of them. Ava would have enough for one of them and so would she.

She had decided a little while ago, that Ava should nurse and become one of the cubs adoptive mother. It was almost like a gift for her loyalty and friendship. She would still love and care for both cubs the same, but Ava needed something to get her mind off things. Ava spoke, her reassuring words made her smile grow and her tail thump louder. "Indeed." No point in thinking of the past. It was time to live in the present and think of the future. Poison Path will soon enough become strong again. Stronger than it ever was if she had her way.

"Thank you." She sure hoped they would be. The only thing that stood in their way, at the moment, was the rank challenge that was soon going to happen. She wanted Tlarx by her side, not Kegan. She doesn't trust Kegan as much as she does Tlarx. Kegan hasn't earned her trust yet, Tlarx has. He saved her life and helped her though the toughest part of her life. Soon enough, Ava and the others will trust him as well. Ava continued, changing the subject. This was exactly what she wanted to talk to Ava about, the cubs future. "Yes, but I want you to become apart of it as well. I want you to become one of their mothers. You deserve to be happy and so do they." She said, looking down at the two little ones. Their baby blue eyes flicking from Ava to her. So innocent they were.

"I won't be able to nurse them both, I do not have enough milk to provide for them. You, however, have enough milk to nurse one, if I'm correct. We both will become mothers for them. Our own adoptive family." And family was all she wanted.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
<blockquote>Ava lowered her head and smiled at the little ones as they sniffed the air and stared at her, wavering like all puppies did. They were so funny when they were little, for they lacked so much balance until they grew tails, but their constant shakiness was almost charming. Both of them were wiggling about, restless as little puppies were, though Ava had no doubt that they would fall asleep within a few minutes, only to wake again after another few and whine and make all their cute muffled puppy noises. Yet for all their movement, they seemed quite content where they were. Her eyes flickered between the children and Athena as she spoke, comforted by the easy flow of conversation. Ava was more than pleased with the closeness that existed between them - they would always be solid. But the next thing Athena said caught her off-guard. <i>I want you to become one of their mothers.</i>

Ava would have never expected it, but the gesture truly humbled her. Especially as the white female went on, <i>You deserve to be happy, and so do they.</i> Awe and admiration shone in her amber eyes - what a truly selfless leader, who dedication to her family knew no bounds. Her ears slicked back to show her respect and reverence for the female, and she truly meant it. "<b>I would be able to nurse one,</b>" she confirmed. The idea was entirely strange. Most she-wolves longed for pups of their own, and Ava was certain she would like to have a family some day - she just never imagined it would happen so soon. Yet it awoke a strange, curious excitement which made her smile gently upon the little ones. "<b>And I would be extremely honored to raise one.</b>"

Datura, Belladonna, and Sticky were all wards of Poison Path now, and she was grateful for the opportunity to lift some of the weight off of Athena's shoulders. Sticky wasn't even awake yet, and Athena had plenty to worry about now anyway. The black female decided to keep the secret, at least until the pups were old enough to leave the den and they could rope someone else in to cub-sit from time to time. There were happier things to fill Ava's mind, finally. Looking back to Athena, the dark-furred girl asked, "<b>Have you picked one? Or shall we let them decide?</b>" She intended the last part as a joke, seeing as the pups were too young to really comprehend anything. Besides, they wouldn't really care as long as there was warm fur and milk to feed them. </blockquote>