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rise & rise again! — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
This is the story of Elettra's past, used from the gateway Random Event of 'Elettra having a nightmare'. Everyone is free to read, but do keep in mind there is very 'tense' and simply cruel scenes, even if its not graphical. This also seconds as Willow Ridge's pack founding thread! All those who Elettra had formerly accepted as founding members of Willow Ridge (Koda, Remy, Reed, Kyrie, & Narime) must participate this meeting if they which to join.

She awoke in a land far from that of Relic Lore, but nothing less then familiar to her still. In fact, she knew this world far more then she had known and likely would know, in all her life. It was the country of Torbine, surrounded in protection at every side by vast ocean savor to the north which in the sea's stead was a chain of mountains, jagged and treacherous as every story of them described. Her silvery pale gaze blinked rapidly, taking in the scenery of a large, flowing plain of golden poppy and dandelion. Though she was not at the main pack's quarters, she slept in the fields knowing not a single soul would dare lay harm to the princess of Torbine.
Foggy and gray, the world swirls from her grasp and before she knows it, she is walking, no longer the five month old pup laying in the fields, struggling to rise from a groggy nap. She is a yearling now and with each step she shows an ever-more renounced pride that she had made it to her first year alive, and strong. With being the only daughter within four sons, she had learned to fight fiercely and without an ounce of holding back. By now, in her year of age, she only held three brothers she called her own. Murder had taken her fourth brother, the youngest of them all, from the family. It was a murder, no less, handed down from Elettra herself. Though years from now, in a land of Relic Lore, she would be shamed for having killed her own brother, within the lands of Torbine the wolves of the country sought her as brave and mighty in her youth. After all, it was her brother which had sought the life of his sister, attacking her whilst she rest due to a buried jealousy turned to hatred. He could not stand to be the lesser of the litter, mainly to a
woman and so, had attempted to rid the world of her and find himself a way to prove worthy of his name. No longer was their unrest in the Archer litter and now, they were as strong as group as ever.
In her strides, protected from the front and back by escorting warlords, does she walk the country side in exploration. The princess was on the move and to each band of wolves which they crossed (only few whom were allowed to stay in the family's lands, if only by following strict rules and offering of support and food) would all bow before her as she passed them. It was with these things, did her arrogance rise, did she know that she would forever and always be royalty. And it is here, too, that she meets a man known as Lycus Corvius. He is the leader of a bachelor gang of males. He is older then her by a full year, though everything about him catches Elettra's attention: he is black, black as the darkest of nights with a tuft of snowy white at his chest, a slashing through his right ear and deep, deep roaming eyes of liquid gold. He holds a mysterious, dark air about him and a charm that was unmatched. He took her affections with a possessive paw and obsessive grip, though none of which would be relieved beyond that shimmering gaze. Elettra was different in much ways and in color. This intrigued Lycus, not to mention her being the only princess of the litter. All of Elettra's family through the generations had been light in pelting from creams to grays to tawny, and nothing ever darker then natural timber patterns. That is, until Elettra's mother.
It had been her grandfather to first rise as King of the lands and finally taking the family's royal placement in the court to the very top. He had been enslaved by the traditions in which the elders had served for many generations: the lighter the pelt, the more 'pure' you were. White women were reserved only for royal men, to lighten the generations to come. The lands of Torbine were ruthless with their customs and would steal women of white pelts and cream away into their lands in order to heighten the ability for lighter litters. Though the ending of this came with Elettra's father's ruling and a new revolution. Taking a dark colored woman as his mate, he shatters the code and rises the pack into a height of power in had never exceeded before. Now, Elettra realizes, she is sitting beside her mother, along the rocky formation fitted for the king and queen. She is amongst her brothers, close to her. She could feel their warmth in her coat, smell their far different scents and hear their mumbled words. Elettra's eyes drift over the sea of wolves which were of their pack, and of the gangs and bands which resided in the country. Elettra is smiling- a true, undeniable smile and in moments, her gaze flutters upwards to her mother, with more pride and happiness then she would ever known.
...She awakes again. This time, is is within a large, hollow log of a red wood tree. This time, she is not alone. Next to her slumbers Lycus, so dark in color that within this log and within the night, he is nearly invisible to her. But there he lays, cuddled at her side, his breathing long and deep, his toes twitching ever so often in obvious dream of the hunt. He is everything of beauty she knew him to be back when she had first met him and now, it is eight months since then. There time together grows more and more frequently, Elettra's need to sneak away from her pack and into his arms at the outskirts of the land. Tradition had once told her the darkness of their pelt reflected the darkness of one's heart. Elettra Archer knew this not to be true. She loved him. She loved everything of him and she knew that he, too and endlessly, loved her....
Elettra is two and she sits within the heart of a deep, thick forest. She pants, but not in fear or anxiety, but nervousness. As the night falls deeper and deeper still, does Lycus Corvius finally emerge in all his glory. He is not of royal blood, he is not even a great knight or a member of the pack, but the leader of a bachelor gang and still he moves in an air of utmost confidence. Each stride he takes into Elettra's direction, she quivers with guilty pleasure, her spine tingling, her tail rising to not dominance, but invitation before realizing it's wrongs and clamping back downward. She is an adult now and he three and she, in heat. As he comes to her, he embraces her without pause, his hot breath at her neckline before his muzzle plummets into the tick mixed grays of her nape. His rough voice whispers his unmistakable, unbreakable, love for her yet ends in a feverish growl of obvious lust. Though her body quivers furthermore, she trusts ever ounce of him, her defenses in never a need of settlement within the presence of Lycus. “I can't....My family will not condone it. I know it. Fear not, my heart; my love.... We will be together one day. I- I'm...” She wasn't ready. ”I don't know if I want to be a mother.” Her words were soft, a softness that after this event, she would never have the ability to hold again. Delicately she speaks to him, breaths into him as her cheek rubs along the white tuft of furs at the middle of his chest. She doesn’t know if she ever wants to be a mother, she had only just made it to adulthood after all. And not only was Lycus not of the Pack, but he was not royal blood, ether. She knew she would have to leave Torbine for him, but could she? Her trust in him was never wavering: her love, her devotion, her loyalty.... She would have never saw it coming.
Before she could react, she was shoved face-first into the dirt of the forest floor so hard that her muzzle flashed with white hot pain from nose to jaw. She could feel the liquid warmth of blood from her nostrils, just a moment's distraction of what was to come next. Realization struck her, as her body lay hunched over on the ground and teeth, long, razors clamped down into the thick of her scruff, without an ounce of sympathy. They sunk deep, slicing past fur and sinking into flesh, but even this was only worth a moment's distraction for her. Nothing compared to it's finale... But even as Lycus pressed himself upon her backside, even as he swallowed her whole with such hunger for the taste, such greed for it all and such uncaring ruthlessness to finish his 'meat' he had craved for so long, Elettra's body was but a vessel in all this. Even as the rape continued on, it is not this which pains her most. Is is the broken trust, the lies, the betrayal, the utter
anguish of her heart breaking apart. Lycus has hurt her in ways no other wolf has ever, and as Elettra would not allow any other to get close enough to even try. When Elettra cries out, it is in sheer pain not of the body, but the tearing of her heart.
This time when she awakes, it is alone, cold and hungry. Pains shoot through her sides and down her spine, her body shifting uncomfortably at her side where resting of her full, rounded belly could not be accomplished. She is thin and full of children, which eat every ounce of energy she harbors. It has been months since her rapist (her love!) had raped her and left without thought nor care. It has been just as long since Lycus Corvius execution as well. The moment Elettra had returned and the moment the vile smell of forced breeding was sniffed through her family's muzzles, did Elettra's father take off, her brothers and their closest royal guard in pursuit. ...There is a clearing of a throat near the entrance of her hollow and without even looking up Elettra knew who it was: Deacon. “Sister....I'm so sorry.” Eletra's brother's words were a delicate whisper, such a tone she had heard him use of her and no other. He was the youngest of the three remaining brothers, older over Elettra. Though he was clearly and had proven numerous times that he was the strongest in the litter, it was he which visited her where her other brothers would not allow themselves to see their sister in this state of
tainting. ”You must eat. It will all be over soon, I promise.” He spoke as he entered, nudging a large hare to Elettra's front. He touches his deep silver and gray mug to her forehead in which Elettra turned from with a sigh. Though Elettra's attempts at starving herself had failed, even near birthing, she still begged for abortion. It was a risk, however, the family was not willing to take. To damage their only daughter internally (or just the possibility of it) was too great.
The pain was unbearable. Though Elettra had been locked up away so most of the pack would not know of her innocence (and purity) being taken from her, all the lands would know it now with her screams. Her mother had not seen her in weeks, unwilling where it pained her too much to see her daughter in such a state and, in her position, unwilling to allow others to see the weakness (the soft spot) she held for her daughter. No one was supposed to know. In the den, were the best of healers and nurses, all of which Elettra snapped at each moment she could between screams and gasps for breath. When it was over, four children of blacks, silvers, grays and highlights of gold, squirmed around for warmth and milk. There sexes were unknown to her, their arrangement they had been born- they held not even names. Though Elettra could not see the innocence in their sealed eyes, their yips and grunts for their mother broken Elettra further. They cried on the outside and she, internally. Their innocence demanded justice, care, understanding and forgiveness- none of which the family offered to them. Elettra, though for the first moments of feeling something motherly, would not be allowed a single lone moment with them. When it was clear the birthing was over, Elettra's father and his head guards came into the den one by one, scooping up one child for themselves and without a word, her litter was taken away. Elettra never saw them again.

When she finally awakes, truly awakes, Elettra does so in a panic, her body jerking from it's lay and backing up into a sitting position. She is panting, her body trembling in nothing of anger, but everything of fear: everything of true pain and horror of her past come to light, so fluidly, so vividly. She awakes as though she had lived it all again, to the point where she could still see the expressions of her her children's faces and still hear the whispers of disappointment from her father. ...Still smell the thick, musky scent of Lycus...
Her body still very much trembling, she lifts from her make-shift sleeping area: a dug out curve in a ground nestled along the side of a willow's trunk, its branches turning downwards to which its long, whipping vines flowed over like a veil from the world. She steps out with shaky footing, her silvery gaze blinking away the cloudiness of just waking. Still, it is night which drapes all of Relic Lore. Though the darkness is not deep and engulfing, but a delicate twilight- the sky is clear, not a single cloud in sight. The moon is full and pregnant, this night, and kept company by an array of vast sparkling stars. Such a beautiful night to bring such horrid memories.
Shaking away her past and the fears from within it, the woman takes a deep breath before inhaling the chilly air. She adjusts herself, to stand high and proud and back once more into the woman she had grown to become. Her past had made her stronger and she knew now never to be so foolish again. Knowing sleep was beyond her grasp now, with the past images still tugging at her mind, she pushes forth physically, as a reminder of herself to keep pushing forth emotionally as well. Within the Drooping Willows, she travels to the east towards the mountains, destined yet still to find her territory she could finally call home.
When she finally finds it, it is almost a shock to her then anything else. She pauses as the formation appears in her pathway: it is a formation of rock collected together, likely here which she drew nearer and nearer to the mountainside. She sniffs as she approaches, cautious, but without finding any trace of another creature's presence. She scales the formation before she enters it, taking in the view of the territory around her. The Drooping Willows is the most open of the forests and from here, she feels as though she could see much of the landscape around her. She could see far to the east beyond the patchy forestry of willows the Riddle Heights in all their mass of gray glory. She knew from this position, she was not far from both the Hush Meadow and Fireweed Rise. The den itself provided a height advantage for overlooking the territory and, with the small river just south, from here it could be heard delicately in the background of the wild. Here, the pack would have everything lied at their feet: shelter, water, and various territories plentiful with food (goat from the mountains, rabbit and deer from the meadow and rise...) of much variation.
Atop her placement, she can no longer hold back the smile upon her lips. Her nightmares but a backdrop in her mind now, as her dreams she had so longed for becomes a reality for her. She bounds from the top of the rocky formation, darting into the open cave from which her new home would be formed: her herbs would reside in here, storage over the winter, children (should they ever be) and already she could see her fellow members gathered together in tangled of limbs and fur for an afternoon nap. Her tail waves and after her small investigation, she rushes outward, determined to mark what little she could to begin her stake of claim. When she was finished, she stands outside the cave's mouth, her pallid lips parting as her muzzle lifts, calling out for her brethren with her claim of these lands: this as hers. This was Willow Ridge.
(This post was last modified: Jul 03, 2012, 02:34 AM by Corinna.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda was alone once more, hunting and living for himself. He knew that this state would not last long as not only was he to join Elettra Archer as a pack member, but events had come about that shifted his position drastically. He was now to be her right hand man, her support and her partner. He would soon stand beside her as her equal. The very thought still caused his mind to reel as events had unfolded rather quickly these last few days. Much had changed and much was to come.

Perhaps a week ago, he and Nina had professed their undying love for one another when he escorted her home. She had barely survived a vicious attack from her very own brother. Then he and Kashi had battled the very same demon when Koda had left her safe with her pack. Upon his return, he responded to the call of Elettra Archer to learn that she wished him to partner with her and stand by her side as leader. They had agreed to be partners in support rather than the heart. Elettra had understood his love for Nina and amazingly had traveled with him to tell his love of his future change in rank. That had been a rollercoaster of emotion, but had turned out as well as could be expected for such and unconventional arrangement.

He now felt as if he was in a limbo since leaving his love at Copper Rock Creek, once more and parting ways with Elettra upon reaching the willows. He knew that her plans were to come to fruition very soon and although he was confident in his ability to be a strong leader, there was no doubt that it would be a totally new experience for him. Although he thought of little else these days, it seemed as if his thoughts of her had carried her voice through the air straight to him. For a moment, it seemed as if he had dreamed the summons, but he knew that this was not the case.

The time had come. She called for him and she called for the others. As of yet, she was the only one that he knew of the future pack. The time had come to meet the rest. To lift her up before her pack mates and to take his position at her side, co-ruler to her subjects. A shiver of nerves passed over his pale coat and his golden eyes darkened with emotion for a moment before he reared his own head back and called to his queen, his voice filled only with strength and confidence. His brief song spoke of his devotion to her and his impending arrival.

Then he set off in the direction of her summons, thinking on the note of happiness that had laced her call. He could only think that she had found what she had been waiting for. A land that called to her. His pace was brisk and it didn't take long before he came near her location. Her call had faded away, but had led him close enough to pick up her distinct scent, one made up of her personal scent and also that of very fresh territory marking. This potent mixing of her scents spoke of confidence and of her bold claiming of the lands about them.

Although the pack was truly meant to be 'hers', as co-leader and alpha male the instinct to add his own scent alongside hers overtook him and it came naturally to do just that. And so it was that the stretch of land between himself and her own regal form was strong with both of their markings. He finally came upon her and he could do no less than to smile at her obvious look of peace and contentment. It may not have been her intent, but it rolled off of the lady in gentle waves.

He paused for a moment and gave her a nod of greeting and moved over to stand by her side. He gave her muzzle a brief nuzzle of greeting and friendship. Just because they were not to be mates did not mean that they would not have an affection of sorts between them, built on respect. Koda was an emotional wolf and he had no doubt that they would indeed form a relationship that fell into its very own category.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
As his arrival into the Lore was still fresh, he had formed an alliance with a wolf by the name of Elettra. With simple words, he had vowed his devotion and skills toward her and his new brethren that he was moments away from meeting. He would belong in a pack once more. The red man would hunt for them, fight for them....die for them. Whatever they needed, he was there for them. Prairie Clan had his heart once, but now it belonged to a new family. Willow Ridge.

His pale yellow eyes glistened within the clear night as he padded through the lanky trees. His movements were ghostly; his paws stepping carefully. The air was still; it seemed as if the world around him was holding in its breath. Wearily, he crept along, ears perked and tail still in caution as he did so. His well-muscled body jerked and stiffened as a howl rang through the twilight. Elettra. It was time. A wave of excitement fluttered through him like a large butterfly, and his head grew light. He picked up his feet now, beginning to travel at a fast lope.

The scents grew stronger. There was a few of them. One was most definitely Elettra, but the others- he did not know. His heart beat strong within his chest as he entered the clearing, coming to a slow. Eyes shifted around the massive carved willow, soon finding the curvy frame of his new leadess. Ears dropped and tail followed as he showed his submissive posture. He padded up to Elettra, offering a lick to her chin in respect. "Good to see you" was all he said. With a dip of his head, he retreated back, gaze now following the moving figures of other wolves. He nodded in greeting to them before seating himself comfortably on the soft dirt.
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
A fresh killed rabbit lay in a tattered heap next to the blue eyed yearling.
She'd killed it that morning while trying to trace Sloanes scent. Then
she rested in a nice pile of tall grass allowing her comfortably full belly to lie still.
Then, from her resting place by Hush Meadow, Narimé heard the howl.
At first she didn't recognize the wolf. She was still full of memories from
the gray male Sloane who had left her earlier the previous day. However
as she listened to it a ringing in her mind told her it was someone she'd met.
She listened for a time with the face of the wolf just at the tip of her tongue.
Is it Treena? No she's too far away for it to be her. Who is it? It's a pack howl I
know that...
She jumped up her eyes suddenly bright with excitement.

"Elettra!" The silver she wolf twisted her ears and angled them towards the howl.
It was coming from Drooping Willows, Narimés new favorite place.
I got to get going! Why'd I go so far out? Then she remembered Sloane
and shrugged her shoulders. Okay so I was a little distracted... The female
picked herself up lifted her head and excitedly let out her own howl to tell Elettra
where she was. Then the yearling stretched her legs and began loping towards her alpha.

As she neared where the territory was supposed to be she was
hit full force by a scent marked border. She slowed to a stop and smelled
the scents along the brand new border. She remembered Elettras scent dangling
proudly in the air, but the other scent, an adult males scent intrigued her.
At last I get to meet more of the pack members today! She sniffed around
the border suddenly wary of crossing it. Every other border she had come across
she knew was dangerous. Packs sometimes kill loners. She knew this, but this time
she ignored her fear. This pack was hers... Her new family that she will help to protect
and hunt with. The silver yearling revved up her courage and decided to leave her own
scent if barely onto the border. She did so by quickly swiping her tail marking the place
where she would cross the border at. At the moment she didn't have time to go
around marking everything.
Then she jumped back into her fast trot and continued towards her new alphas.

It took her waaay longer than she expected to get to Elettra since
she didn't want to run on a full stomach. However once she got into sight of
Drooping Willows Narimé took a deep sigh of relief. Only a few wolves were here.
Or maybe this IS all of us.. she looked around cautiously then spotted Elettra.
"I'm here!" She yipped while slowing to a quick walk and panting. Then once she stood
several feet away and caught her breath she added,
"Sorry I took so long, I was a little farther away than maybe I should have been."
Narimé dipped her head, tail, and body in submission to Elettra while glancing around.
How long till the others come? the silver yearling asked quietly in her
head while she panted.

Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
<blockquote>Every morning and every night the anticipation of a pack built on strength had engulfed the Mackenzie-blooded wolf like a fever dream. She had finally found her calling, discovering within the realm of damn friendly loners a female with sense and ability. The dream of her future kept her nearby their to-be territory, enjoying the comfort of familiarity and habit. Something so irrational and out of the ordinary as a howl cutting across a silent night sky would've typically irked the soldier woman, but that night it did not. That was no idiot's howl; it was the rallying call for all followers of Elettra.

Remy had not been far from the call; several swooping steps of her earth-eating gait could bring her to her liege within moments. Yet the dark-backed female hesitated and moved slowly, for within this shining moment there presented itself an opportunity of which Remy had been craving. In the darkness there would be more than just her, coming to join the seat beneath Elettra. Now Remy would be able to observe them, and judge their worth to a woman so perfect. Within the shadows she remained, her red ears perked to the sound of glory and her pale green eyes flashing to catch the motions around her. Elettra's scent was strong; she was almost near to the meeting site. A few paces off Remy would stop.

The first to arrive ignited a flame of annoyance that her lady's call to arms would snuff out. There had been that obnoxious, jovial, damn friendly loner who'd gotten his tail where the sun didn't shine about her attitude. Surely <i>that</i> was not the aspect of his personality that Elettra had found worthy of him? Perhaps he was a loyal wolf, but weren't they all. It would take something extra from Koda's actions to prove to Remy that he wasn't as awful as she had first perceived him to be. Standing beside Elettra as one unit would <i>not</i> cut it, although the motion did bring a curl to her lips. How... tedious that was. As easy as it would be for her to consume her throats with loath for the naive male, her attention was caught by a motion of red. Silently Remy swivelled her head, peering into the clearing as another male came to join the group. There was less to say about his build than there was of his fur, which danced with russet colors like iron and flame. The unique color of the male was challenged by a streak of silver, something gangly and youthful leaped through the surrounding territory and rushed to Elettra, spouting a lengthy apology in a voice that grated Remy's ears.

A formation of yellowed rocks that curled inward on one another, creating a spacious cave seated on a rise in the Willow's terrain as though it were a castle. But it was; it was their great stone den, the seat of the throne and her Queen, the centerpiece of everything she would serve. Just as symbolically positioned she found Elettra Archer poised in the den's mouth, her song streaming from her elegant jaws and to the sky. Its magnetism had brought her here, but the power of persuasion her voice had was equally as stunning as the vision of her Leader, chest high with pride and legs straight. Standing before her throneroom she looked as though she had always belonged there, as if she had been born of the stone and come to rule it as was her birthright. There was no wolf Remy would be prouder to serve beneath as knight.

There was much to make of this jumbled activity, much to discern and much to put in place. Yet that was not important just yet. Enough time had been spent in the shadows, like a metaphor for her own life. It was time. A deep breath was taken from the cool air and expelled through her dark nostrils, her skin tight with readiness. The she-wolf emerged on the <span class='word'>noctilucent</span> scene, hulking and full of pride, and approached her Queen and <i>King</i> with her ears flattened against her skull and her tail low to the ground. It was a difficulty to force her muscular form to the ground but she maintained the lowest of postures, her pink tongue reaching to the bottom of Elettra's chin. And while she did not straighten yet, Remy made certain to flash Koda a devilish look. As she backed off her eyes would not leave his form. Some respect had to be given through his position itself, but the rest? That would be earned.

<i>All in due time</i>, Remy reminded herself as she joined the red man and the pale yearling. One final necessity was satisfied by thrusting her pale head to the sky with a howl bursting from her jaws, marking herself a servent of Elettra, a member of <i>Willow Ridge</i>.
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Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
Warm and cuddled up Kyrie lay hidden under a old tree. With her eyes closed she tried to ignore everything around her, every sound, every smell. It was like a impossible task to do, however necessary if she wanted to catch a bit of sleep. She just wished for a couple of minutes to drown in her dreams, a wish that would not be granted. It was tiring, ever since she was in this new land called Relic Lore she felt a big excitement in her chest. A funny feeling that made her want to explore and seeking for adventure. At the same time at night, under the cold gaze of the full moon, she felt uneasy. Every sound and every smell, she still didn't adjust well to this new land. Even though she found someone she respected and looked up to, there was this feeling that would sneak inside her giving her a bad feeling. What is exactly was she didn't know. If she knew she would easily get rid of it, thinking about happy things while laughing and living her life just as she supposed to do. The day gave her enough to do, just the night when everything was strange this feeling would come up.
Frowning she tried to not open her eyes and begin wandering like she would do. Just wait, waiting for Elettra to call for her. If she would be called then this eerie feeling would disappear without a single thought, that was what Kyrie believed. Until then she would try to adjust at this new environment as soon as possible. Not thinking just move forward, move to where the light will shine.

A strong mighty sound would come above all other. For the first time since night had fell the white wolf opened her eyes. The silver and black scenery was just a blurry spot before her eyes. She didn't really looked at it, she did just listen while a little smile would appear on her muzzle. She was called, finally. Slowly she came out of her sleeping place. Carefully she listened to the sound of the howl who called for her. Which way?
When she targeted the sound her paws would go for the running. With that same cold silver moon shining above her, lighting her path Kyrie moved forward. A place she hoped to call home if the time would come. A place to start all over again, in order to forget the mistakes of the past and move on to the future.
The fast beating of her heart resounded in her ears, the sound of the howl was gone but she remembered the direction it came from, the only thing she had to do was use her nose to smell the known scent. Along the scent from Elettra there was a another scent. One she did not know but would know soon enough. Who would be the other members of the pack? How much will she grow and learn in this pack? Kyrie hoped for the best, no she would not hope she would believe.

Her paws stopped running, in a more relaxed pace she saw her new home. There were already others she didn't know of. Curious her brown eyes looked at them. She felt a bit small, actually really small. Since this wasn't a new feeling for her she smiled warmly as she dipped her head respectfully at Elettra and the big male by her side. Kyrie took a nice spot and sat down. Waiting to her the first words of her new alpha's.
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
It was to no surprise to Elettra that Koda Reinier was the first to answer and to arrive to her call. She remains high in her stance, silvery-gray pale gaze seeking endlessly over the patchy forest of her home, thick in foliage by bushes and brush alike, shadowed with massive, hanging willow trees in all their beautiful glory. But it was open still, open enough to where herds of deer would not grow weary of becoming to inclosed and trapped. It was open enough still, to where her brethren could run fast and free and happy with all the world to see around them. The mountain-side was not far, a small stream off-branched from the Heartleaf to water the region.
When Koda arrives, he pauses but the briefest moments, offering a nod of respectful greeting which she follows up with her own before he comes to stand along her side. She is glad to have him here, to have her help her by standing at her side despite what risks might be taken on his part. He is devoted to her, to the pack and so, she offers her very own devotion to him. With his touch, grazing her muzzle, she pushes hers forth, so moving the tip of his nose along the length of her own in a moment of happy embrace. There was little which had the strength to bring her own this twilight.
A fiery attention was then demanded of her, causing her gaze to dance over the form of Reed in all his russet and red glory. He makes way to her easily, darting out his tongue for a lick which caused Elettra's breath a moment's pause as he retreated to settle in the dirt and grass. A flashback would overcome her, an image of one of the various guards often made to walk with the young Elettra in her travels around her home in Torbine. She remembered the intensity of that guard's gaze, as he narrowed it down upon a small, sniffling wolf. “We do not touch our peasant tongues to royal hides.” He announced, offering a snapping of his words with an actual snap to the muzzle. It had been so long ago and since then the gesture outside of the lands had been offered to her numerous times, even by Narimé herself, whom expectantly knew not to do it again by Elettra's tension. This time, the outward tension did not come and though she still could not find herself used to it, took it as it was- a sign of submissive respect.
Thirdly was then the young, silvery painted girl, with an enchanting gaze of such a delicate blue, rimmed with the glow of purples reflected off the water at the rising of the sun. She was seemingly made up of mostly limbs, which were long and just a willowy as the trees around her. She bounded into the scene, panting and spilling apologies, which Elettra would snort to- there was no such need for them. ”Ease yourself, Narimé, you've made it just in time.” She speaks this to the young girl (though in her height, she already grows past Elettra's proportions) and wills her to settle down and relax. There was much to discuss.
It was with time did Remy arrive, a new certain pride forming over Elettra which brought her to an even further attention. This time, with the licking of the chin, she would accept it, a smirk forming deep over the expression of the new-found Queen. This was one woman she would not have enjoyed doing without and though she had not questioned Remy's promises before hand, was certain of anything and everything Remy had offered her, knowing it only to be true. If Elettra ran a matriarchy, without a second thought, it would be this woman which stood at her side. If it was Elettra's voice, it would be Remy's force behind it.
Then, lastly, did Kyrie arrive. The young small woman crept forth out into the rocky area to which Elettra froze, her attention locked upon her. Kyrie had been the very first recruit for Elettra's new pack and not to mention, the only out of the group which Elettra had asked (nearly stumbling over her words) herself. In a way, she was surprised to see the woman, for after what seemed to much time she had no seen her until now. To her dip of her muzzle before she settled, Elettra visibly smiled. Though it was Koda which would stand at her side and make the pack strong, Remy and Reed to enforce their titles, Narimé to take effort in the hunt (surely with Reed's skills packed on) it was Kyrie and Kyrie only which Elettra knew nothing of her skills or interests. Still, Elettra had worried if she would come and now that she was here, obviously happy of her arrival. She was the soft, delicate, sweet girl which eased Elettra's mind and calmed her body. Without Alexander here for her, Elettra would need this woman move then ever, even if she was not fully aware of this...
She takes a moment then, looking over her founding members: five of them, two men and three woman of all sizes and variety, of all types of qualities from fighting, hunting, fishing... She knows she has picked them and picked them well and with a deep breath, the meeting begins with her sit. "Welcome to Willow Ridge; your home, your pack, your family." She sighs before breathing in deeply once more as her speech begins. She can remember once more now as her past had come to life, her own mother's words, the sureness in her voice, the unshakable determination in her gaze. There would be nothing less of Elettra's mother imbued into her very soul now. Elettra Archer was not made to be greatness, she was greatness.
”I am a woman scorned and with it, had my share of betrayal and abandonment.” Her eyes seek them, her brethren, each one given her attention for moments at a time before fluttering to the next as she speaks. "I will not stand back and allow for my pack to feel such of these things as I." She promises them that with their trust, respect and honor, she will protect them to the bitter end. ”This pack craves commitment and nothing less. We will learn to trust one another, care for one another and work with one another. It is with these acts of loyalty, that we will be strong and we will prevail.” Her eyes fall upon the large, creamy, tan and silvered male, Koda, whom stands at her side. For a moment, there is the briefest pang of pain in her gaze, swallowed up away from view as quickly as it is offered. Though she trusts that Koda will do his best, she has not forgotten whom she had originally longed to take this placement. ”As I have told Koda a time before; delicate yourself to me,” But a single moment, her eyes flutter from Koda and onto the pack once more with an ever so small smile. ”...delicate yourself to us, as your leaders and delicate yourself to your pack, as family.”
It is with this creed that she pauses, her attention seeking them all once more for reaction: good or bad. She looks for worry, for hesitation or fear in each of them. This was her final judgement. ”If any of you feel as though you cannot handle this, feel free to leave now, for deserters who disappear from their family suddenly, and without true purpose, will not be allowed to return.” She would not allow what had happened in Grizzly Hollow to repeat here in these lands. She would not stand for those to run off only to come back months later begging for forgiveness without regard. She would not allow her pack to suffer without punishment, as Grizzly Hollow had suffered so horribly. She waits with these words now should any question themselves here, before she continues on forth about the new pack. After all, should anyone decide to leave, they were not worthy to hear of Willow Ridge any further.
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde

For a moment there was a silence. Not for long but she felt suddenly a bit nervous. What for? She didn't have to talk for the whole pack or do something great, she just felt her heartbeat increasing. Hopefully she wasn't the only one who felt that way, it wasn't strange if she thought about it, she knew the others but it was also the same for them probably. They looked nice, let's hope she could get along with them. It didn't seem she was the youngest one.

The silence was broken when Elettra took a deep breath and began to talk. All the nervousness disappeared and she only concentrated on the black female who began her speech. It didn't look like she was nervous, the voice that was filled determination without a single moment of doubt. While she spoke her lips formed a big smile. This really the female she had met the first time she entered Relic Lore. Actually, Kyrie didn't expected less from her. The way she looked, choose her words, it wasn't a speech blown up with pretty words and promises. Everything clear, there was no way you couldn't understand what Elettra meant with her words.

Taken by the words she nodded sometimes. Her eyes were drawn a second to Koda, the silver wolf next to Elettra, as expected he had a important place in the pack as Leader. You wouldn't hear her complain, even if she didn't know him yet but he wouldn't be a Leader just because of his looks or size. Kyrie didn't really look at the others so she couldn't see their expressions. All she was focused on were the two before her. She didn't have to think about leaving, without a doubt she wanted to be a member of this family. Eyes set with determination but sparkling like a young cub. Kyrie smiled she didn't have to worry about the leadership or anything like that, everything will be alright.

user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Reed was seated comfortably, listening to every single word that Elettra spoke. He found himself nodding along, his eyes fierce with loyalty as he did so. With a flick of his tail, he peered around, waiting to see any wolf get up and leave. He would flash his fangs and deliver a snarl, but so far, no one moved. Good. Loyalty and trust was already beginning to show its beautiful face.

Two men and three women. Not bad. He and Koda seemed to be strong enough for the start of the pack...but there would definitely have to be more. As soon as they were discovered, they'd have to be on full guard. He would have to question Elettra later if she was wanted for anything she had done in the past. With an almost inaudible grunt, he lifted his head proudly, ears perking forward.

user posted image
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
(Please, watch the posting order, guys! Koda should have been after Elettra... )

Koda stood proud by Elettra's side. She may not have been his mate, but her confidence and her strength, which rolled easily off of the proud woman were a source of pride to him. She was his pack mate and fellow leader. He would have been just as proud to stand before her as beside her and her confidence in his ability to aid her cause was humbling indeed. As she had returned his affectionate greeting, a feeling on contentment settled over him. He would ever want Nina by his side, but he felt that he was where he needed to be at this moment in his life, supporting Elettra Archer. The rest would work itself out in time.

As he stood beside her and the various members of her fledgling pack answered her call, he silently took in and appraised each one. Their dedication to his Lady was unwavering to a wolf. Every one of them had confidence in the black fae, but their reactions to him standing by her were entirely different. Some didn't acknowledge him in their fervor for her and some did. He would not fault them for it at this moment, but they would have to accept him as their leader or this whole thing would fall apart. He wasn't overly concerned, but two wolves did stand out to him. Reed, the only other male gave him an appraising, yet respectful look. The the red hued male he gave a small nod with head and tail high in confidence.

The other, as it turned out, was a familiar face. <i>Remy, of the slinking and haughty nature.</i> He had run into this large female before and they had definitely rubbed each other the wrong way. She bothered him less than he had apparently bothered her and her lackadaisical greeting to him spoke volumes. He would have to watch her or she would undermine his authority. Authority given to him by her Queen. This was where Elettra wanted him and this was where he would be until she decided otherwise. Until such time, all of them needed to respect him unconditionally as their leader.

All of these thoughts flashed through his mind in the moments before Elettra began her address to the motley crew gathered here. When she spoke, he too listened attentively. All of the qualities that she expected of her family rang a note of <i>rightness</i> in Koda. He could understand and expect each one of himself as well and he would whole-heartedly enforce them for his Lady. Her continued words warmed his heart with pride and affection...<i>”...delicate yourself to <b>us</b>, as your leaders and delicate yourself to your pack, as family.” </i> With that statement, she took away any doubt as to his position and he looked over his new pack mates thoughtfully.

Though they were few, they seemed to cover a wide range of type and ability. They were off to a good start for a well-rounded pack. From young to well-seasoned and all abilities by the looks of it, as well. He looked forward to getting to know each of them better. He would be well involved with his pack and not a distant ruler. That was the way that his sire had done things and it had kept them strong. Tight family bonds were absolutely essential.

With Elettra's final words, he looked around, proud to see that no one moved a muscle to leave. He did not miss Reed's quick look about as well. Good. He would be an excellent enforcer. Koda shifted his weight and took a single step closer to the woman at his side, letting the others' know, without a doubt, where his loyalties lay. Moments passed and he waited for any more reactions, satisfied that at least none would leave, forsaking their promise to his Lady.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.