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wide awake — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RaisTable2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Before midnight, mostly cloudy — Current Temperature: 59° F/15° C

Big, puffy clouds scuttled across the navy blue sky, allowing the glow of the moon to shine through only occasionally. It was quite dark, but there was just enough light for Rais' beady eyes to catch, two glowing orange points in the dark. He ambled along the edge of the marsh, careful to walk far enough on the edge so that his feet wouldn't get wet and mucky. His ears twitched at the croaks of frogs calling out from the water. He had come from the strange shimmering lake to the south, drawn towards the bog by the noisy rumblings of the amphibians. He wasn't tired, after all, what wolf would be with the night so young? Curious and alert, the yearling would see what this swamp had to offer.

The ground was damp and spongy against his paws, and he scanned the ground in front of him as he walked. Suddenly, a splash and a splat was heard from the water, and Rais jerked his head towards the sound. Sitting there in the tall reeds just at the edge of the swamp, and just a few feet from Rais, was a big, fat, lumpy bullfrog. "Ha! What are you doing out here, little friend?" Rais laughed at the tiny creature. The frog croaked, its throat pulsing with the sound, then it hopped again, a little bit closer.

"Don't you know what I am? You should get back in there before something eats you," he grinned down at the amphibian, then pointed his nose towards the water. Of course, it couldn't understand him. What a silly little thing. Rais moved closer to the frog and lowered his nose so that it was just inches away. Glinting orange eyes met buggy green ones. This frog was unshakable, apparently. The frog simply sat and stared right back at the boy, its throat palpitating all the while.

[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
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Steel Kaldorr
The ground was soft beneath his white paws, almost spongy. He'd never been in terrain like this before and he was unsure how he liked it. With momentary consideration, he decided that he much preferred solid ground firmly beneath his feet. However, for the moment this was where he was and he might as well make the most of it. He was nearly past the huge lagoon and decided that he ought to get a drink before pushing on. Who knew when he might run across another convenient water source. He made his way over to the shore and took a long refreshing drink of the cool water.

Immensely refreshed, Steel stepped away from the water into the inky shadows cast by the moonlight through thick clouds. As he did, he almost seemed to disappear, black fur fading into the shadows and white fur casting only the palest hint of ghostlike shape. The black and white wolf enjoyed this time of night. The dark mysteries hidden by the night appealed to his almost dark nature and there were no others to interrupt his solitude.

Since entering relic lore, it seemed that he'd done nothing but run into strangers, an all females to boot. His patience had been tested to the limits. He hadn't had that much interaction with any other wolves in his entire life! He had avoided others completely in his solitary life. So, until just this past couple of weeks, the only other wolves that he had <i>ever</i> spoken to were his mother and his sister. Thinking about the recent encounters, made him agitated and made his fur crawl. He shook them out of his thoughts and began circling the lake with an unconscious and powerful grace. This was his time and he was alone... just as he liked it!

Just then, his peace was broken as he came upon a lad apparently having a staring contest with a large, emotionless bullfrog. <i>Seriously? What was he doing?</i> His lip curled with distaste at the scene and he decided to change course to avoid the boy. He made no noise and was nearly invisible in the night as he attempted to skirt the boy's position. He didn't hide or slink, rather walking tall and silent. Steel Kaldorr didn't hide from anyone.
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RaisTable2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Rais was mesmerized by the frog, the remote depths of its two bulging eyes seemed to be hiding some secret that the boy had to figure out. Most of all he wondered why the damn thing just sat there, statue still except for the thrumming of its neck. Did the frog know something he didn't? Finally, the frog flopped forward and again issued another croak, which caused Rais to break his concentration.

No longer hypnotized by the frog, he noticed a prickling sensation along the back of his neck. He had the slightest feeling that someone, or something, was in his presence, and he doubted it was the frog making him feel that way. Slowly, he turned his head and looked behind him. Nothing, except the forest rustling in the breeze. Hmm. He looked the other way and narrowed his eyes, trying to discern if something was there.

A tiny glimmer caught his eye, and once he focused on that the rest of the shape came into form. The gleam was from the eye of a large wolf trying to quietly move behind Rais. The wolf easily blended in with the dark night, his dark upper matching the forest behind him. He wasn't sneaking though, just moving with the silence only a wolf could manage. He would have gone undetected had Rais' keen senses not alerted him that something was up. "Hey you!" he barked at the wolf, then trotted towards the stranger. He glanced back once at the frog, muttering "And you stay put," though he doubted that the frog would do anything but that.
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2012, 09:37 PM by Rais.)
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
The night was aiding him in his 'escape' from notice. The young man seemed intent on the bullfrog and Steel scoffed at the silliness of youth. It was not his concern and he was nearly past the odd pup when something attracted the boy's attention. He'd not made a sound, so it must be that fate's were laughing at him. Let him think that he'd dodged the bullet with another random encounter and then <i>BAMB!</i> Throw a crazy pup at him. He did <i>not</i> have the patience for this!

The young male called out to him and trotted boldly in his direction. Steel's reaction was to turn towards him with hackles raised and a snarl exposing long sharp fangs. A deep warning growl erupted from his chest and his tail raised in aggressive dominance. That boy had better keep his distance or he would joyfully shred him a new pelt. As he looked at the bothersome child, the white female, Athena's words came back to him...<i>No bothersome loner nagging at your tail.</i>... He snarled again as he pushed her words away.

Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RaisTable2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Rais hesitated at the display of teeth, pulling his head back and lowering his tail, more startled than anything else. "Woah, woah, woah, calm down! I was just saying hello." Rais had only wanted to show him the strange bullfrog, maybe chat a little, but it seemed the big male had other plans for the night. None of which involved indulging Rais in any verbal conversation. Everything about his stance sent a message of 'bug off!' But Rais would never simply 'bug off'. Once his mind was set to something, he had to follow through with it.

The idea entered the boy's head that maybe the man was simply having a bad day. Maybe taking a look at the silly frog would have some positive effect on the grouch. He couldn't invite him to see it though, no, the wolf would just snarl off the offer and disappear into the night. Rais would have to bring it to him. Then they could both have a laugh over the stupid thing and the wolf's bad day might turn into a good one.

"Just give me a second," Rais told the male. Without a word further, Rais turned back around and returned to the frog, who he happily noted had not moved an inch. Rais gently picked the creature up in his jaws, and the frog wriggled at first but held still once it realized it wasn't being eaten. It looked quite ridiculous, the long rubbery limbs hanging out both sides of the wolf's mouth and the big buggy eyes staring out at nothing. Once Rais was sure the amphibian was settled, he turned around to seek out the grouchy stranger. Hopefully, he hadn't run off.
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
It seemed that the young male read his message loud and clear and Steel was about to give him a parting snap and leave when the crazy youngster said, <i>"Just give me a second," </i>turned and left, clearly intending to come back. <b><i>Not bloody likely!</i></b> Steel turned and moved of at a steady walk. He wasn't about to run, but he wasn't going to just stand there and wait to see whatever the pup had in mind.

He hadn't gotten far though, when footfalls sounded behind him once more. He whipped his head around once more, a snarl already rising in his throat. It died almost instantly at the sight that met him, for the image was enough to startle it right out of him. The yearling was headed towards him with the huge bullfrog in his maw. It wasn't that he was carrying it exactly, but the complete image that did it. The shadows of the night joined the two so that they looked to be one creature from another world. The pups' jaws were stretched wide to accommodate the amphibious creature and it's large legs hung out either side, webbed feet splayed wide. It's head stuck out the front, bulging eyes staring straight at him now.

Steel snapped his jaw shut, for it had gone slack with surprise. He had almost recovered from the shock of the strange image when the bullfrog puffed out it's throat hugely and sounded out loudly, making it seem as if the young wolf had made the sound. Steel snorted and couldn't hold back a single chuckle at the bizarre scene before him. He was even more surprised then, for he had never laughed. Never in his entire memory.
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RaisTable2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Luckily, the male hadn't gone far and the boy was able to approach him with his amphibious charge. He had turned towards Rais with a growl in his throat, but the sound died out before it emerged. Instead, the man's jaw hung open in shock. Rais wasn't entirely sure if that was a good sign, but it was better than a snarl at least. He kept moving forward, but paused when he felt a rumbling in his mouth accompanied by a loud croak from the frog. With a bewildered expression, Rais crossed his eyes and looked down at what he could see of the frog hanging out of his jaws. An even more surprising sound was heard when the stoic male let out a chuckle. Not aware how ridiculous he looked, but pleased that the man found something funny about the scene, Rais would have liked to smile and laugh along. However, the frog was sort of in the way.

"Ishn ish ing razhy...?" Rais tried to speak around it, but wasn't very successful. The bullfrog became upset at the jiggling of the wolf's jaws in his attempt to speak and renewed its wriggling efforts. Finally Rais set the poor creature down, and immediately it started to slowly hop back towards the marsh. "Anyways, I was trying to say, isn't this thing crazy? Never seen anything like it," Rais commented, jerking his head towards the frog still making its unhurried escape. Rais was smiling at the man with his mottled grey tail swishing in an excited rhythm. He was glad that he had gotten to share the bizarre creature with someone.
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
Steel's eyes were still wide with surprise. He wasn't entire sure if it was because of the strange scene before him or the brief sound of amusement that he himself had made. Mother had never approved of laughter or having 'fun', so any hint of it had been quelled with viciousness. He had learned quickly as a tiny pup that playfulness was unacceptable. It had been harder for Jade, but she learned to at least show none in front of Mother, after a time. So his reaction caught him totally off guard.

As he analyzed his reaction, he saw the pup nearly cross his eyes trying to look at the frog in his mouth, increasing the bizarre image. Then the young man attempted to speak, causing the amphibian to thrash about frantically. He finally set the creature free and they watched it hop off. unphased, back towards it's watery home. Unfortunately, then the boy spoke clearly.

Bullfrogs he had seen. Impudent pups, not so much. His spark of humor fell away and he was once again the dour faced loner. He grunted noncommitally at the youngster and started to turn away once more.
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RaisTable2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">The man turned to walk away, and Rais watched him tread off into the night. He faced back towards the marsh, expecting to have his slimy-skinned friend to return to, but the frog was no-where to be seen. Rais rushed to the water'd edge and looked around frantically, but all that was left were muddy smudges where the frog had leaped along the ground and rippling water between the reeds. Rais huffed a sigh, both annoyed and disappointed.

All was not lost, though. The solemn wolf couldn't have gone far, yet. With nose to the ground, Rais set off after the man's trail at a canter. Rais was pleased to find that his intuition was correct, and he found the man had not gone far. Without a word the boy followed after him like a shadow on his heels, if shadows were three-dimensional, furred, and annoying.
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
The odd brat moved off after his water loving friend when Steel turned away. Ahhh, finally... peace! The large surly wolf continued on, more grateful than usual for the the silence of the night that surrounded him following the retreating footsteps of the young wolf. He allowed the fur on his neck and shoulders to relax and flatten against his body. He had been in a constant state of irritated readiness since the moment he'd first laid eyes on the strange boy. Well, at least he was gone now!

Just as he was settling into his peaceful solitude, a very faint sound came from behind him. It had been nearly undetectable and had his senses not been as keen he would have easily missed it. He was back <i>again!</i> Did he never give up? For the third time that evening, Steel turned to the boy with a snarl, only this time it did not go away. His white fangs gleamed in the darkness and his eyes appeared nearly black with anger. He snapped at the air between them, spittle flying from his maw. <b>"Leave me alone! Just. Go. Away!"</b> The barely leashed anger in his voice was unmistakable and if the lad didn't take leave of him and soon, he would not be responsible for his actions. All he wanted was to be left alone!

(Sorry he's such a jerk!)