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Sink Or Swim — Copper Rock Creek 
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Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn
<blockquote>So save yourself
Because the tide is rising high
It's sink or swim
It's hit or miss
What will you pick?</blockquote>

<blockquote>Middle of the night, 55° F/13° C, pouring rain - <b>flooding densite</b></blockquote>

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NiosTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 205px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Nios did not awake happily in the pack den. He awoke startled and soaking wet, brown fur sticking to his lean bone structure unnervingly. Much like a drowned rat, the pup placed his tail between his legs and looked around fearfully. It was the cold chill which had startled him into awakening, body shaking in both lack of body warmth and confusion. His baby blue eyes were wide and blood-shot, resembling a deer caught in headlights. Like suddenly awaking from a nightmare, seconds past before reality really kicked in. It seemed so dream-like, unreal. The toddler was still half-asleep and unaware of his surroundings. Everything looked different, altered in appearance. It took a moment before he realized where he even was, and what was happening. He gulped a jagged inhale before trying to get on his feet, an impossible task. A child was slow to start with, but the water made it worse. A boy of his age and size could not touch the bottom. He had never been in the Creek before, and swimming was a foreign language. Nios was gifted with instinct, and with strong genetics the tyke was almost guaranteed leadership qualities. That was why he did not let the fear of drowning overpower, but instead let it sit in the back of his mind. He put aside his excuse of age and knowledge to focus on the voice in the back of his mind. The pup was born resilient, an admirable trait for someone so young and youthful.

A medium wolf could stand up in this flood and it’d be to their chest, but a month old pup could easily die. Nios would not let himself die, nor would be let his siblings be taken from him. He knew his brother was strong and reliable, capable of keeping both his head and his sister’s above water. He knew his sister was almost as savvy as he, and could take care of herself if need be. None of that would be any use though if they were still asleep. A howl left his mouth, back-legs determined to keep pushing, neck strained and ears pinned to his head. "“Vaeta! Mirren! Swim!”

There was no joking in his voice, no light humor which normally broke through. He was demanding, for his own survival and theirs. He knew his siblings name well, though his vocabulary was still limited. He screamed the words, voice hiding the fear he so badly felt. If they awoke to his stress and his utter fear, they would begin to panic as well, and that would help no one. He wished he could howl like father and mother, but his vocal cords were weak and developed poorly. He was barley as loud as a house-cat, unlikely to awake anyone outside of his own den. He focused on paddling, only inhaling two mouthfuls of water. The pup had never ordered anyone around before, and he didn’t like it. Of course his siblings and he often fought harmless dominant battles, but Nios never took any of it seriously. He’d prove himself one day, and everything would work out.

Another mouthful of water easily filled his small lungs, making him choke up in pain. While most pups would whimper and cry, Nios was still to alert and sugar-high to focus on the real danger he was facing. It was too exciting for reality, and if Nios was nothing if not lucky. He had never taken on a challenge with this high of a risk. He had bitten Vaeta once, with mother watching. That was pretty ballsy. This didn’t even compare with that, this was life or death. While upsetting mother could be life or death, Nios had never upset her to that extent, and probably never would. Swimming may have been pleasing for the young child had he had an option, or could touch the bottom. There had been no option. He had woken up to the painful realization of a flood, and the struggles to overcome death. "Help!"

Something happened. It was his minimal endurance, fatigue, and youth. While his mind ran on over drive his body could not keep up. He became stiff, body sinking. He tried to fight it, but only his forepaws seemed to cooperate. In the darkness of the night his sudden disappearance could go unnoticed. While it was cruel, it was instinct in a wolf to save only those who could be saved. Ruiko and Aeylen should only spend those minutes searching for the pups would were making the noise and alive, or should any pack member waste time on a dead pup rather than one still breathing. Each second he drifted lower, lungs gasping, trying to breathe air through the liquid. His paws wouldn't move as quick as an adult, he couldn't swim properly though he tried. He needed someone to help him.
(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2012, 02:45 AM by Nios.)

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">It had been a peaceful night, the breeze had been calm and pleasing, drinking everyone into a deep slumber. . .and that had been the case for Nina, until the storm had hit. She had fallen asleep near the herb sanctuary. . .a place quite close to the Creek and denning area. Nothing had seemed to be wrong at all, but it was when Nina awoke did she panic. The area was flooded. . .completely flooded by everything. . .and something briefly screamed in the back of her mind. . .go. . .go find Koda, see if he is alright. But she couldn’t. She had to go and find her leaders and the pups. Oh Gods, the pups. She knew she shouldn’t run. . .it would only injure her leg again, but the pups might be in trouble and that was a good reason to run.

Nina got up from her sleeping place and ran, it was hard considering how high the water already was, but she needed to get to where the denning area was. . .and on her way there she would run into the Creek. After several pulls on her part she finally made it to the denning area, where she heard a small shriek. Her leg hurt, the piercing pain she was feeling was hard to ignore and the strain hurt her dearly, but she needed to get to little Nios. Just as soon she started her making her way towards him did he scream again. It terrified the young healer badly, and she needed to get closer.

Just as she was about to grab a hold of his scruff he was pulled under. Nina’s eyes frantically searched the water and she briefly saw a flash of brown in the water she dive. Her whole head was in the water now and her jaw closed around something soft and furry. She could only hope it was Nios and not a common herb that she would find as she yanked up. She wasn’t sure if she had grabbed the right thing, but the only thing she could do was blink her eyes and hope that soon her vision would clear up to see if she had grabbed the little angel or not.
(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2012, 04:25 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane woke to the torrent of rainfall and the slosh of rising water. He slept near the border, for it was his to guard. That was his purpose and his job now... to protect the borders of his new family. Really, he'd only met his Lady and Nina so far, but that did not lesson the importance of his new position in the pack. He scanned the borders and it was easy to see that no stranger would want to cross any time soon. His new home was soggy and getting worse by the second.

He had been out of a pack for so long, only depending on himself, that his first instinct was to get to higher ground. But his highly tuned brain redirected him to more important matters. He had a pack to protect now and that was more important than his own life anymore. Whether the threat was a marauding wolf or mother nature. Once his mind was on the proper track, he thought first of Nina in her still-weakened state. He knew that she slept near the den in case her healing skills were needed by Aeylen or her pups. <i>The pups!</i> Finally, the true danger hit him and he was off like a shot, headed for the den and the puppies.

When he arrived at the den it was to the site of even deeper water running into the den. The inside was lower than the outside, so the pups and possibly the leaders might be in real trouble. The size of the adults would save them, but their undoubted efforts to save their young would put them in danger. He arrived in time to see Nina duck into the den, presumably to help and he breathed a sigh of relief. At least she was all right. He waited to see if she came up with a pup, ready to dive in to save the next one as soon as there was space. He didn't want to foul up her rescue efforts, so he waited in complete readiness, muscles tight as a drum.
Knight of Honor
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko had not strayed far, but it was mother nature’s deceitful ways that were about to tear his heart once more, just as they had with Kinis. The storm that raged on was what had initially awoken the large male – his figure curled protectively upon the other side of his and Aeylen’s sleeping children. The three had banded together, fitfully sleeping within one another’s warmth and surrounded by loving parents who would break the back of the world to keep them safe. Yet a nagging feeling had stirred him away from his family, and ducking out in to the treacherous storm, Ruiko had not even bothered to look back in to the den at the time – after all, he would only be gone for a few moments.

He rounded the borders quickly – the tawny of his pelt stuck flat to his sinew as he prowled the night, searching for any signs of what had given him a feeling of foreboding. Lightning flashed the sky, and within seconds the thunder crashed over them. His search brought up nothing, but he was alarmed at the rise of the creek from the rain. He had never seen it so deep since they had taken claim to it.

Prowling back, Ruiko’s gaze reverted to the darker corners of the trees each time a flash of white lightning would bold the area. All was quiet within their home spare the storm, and knowing Aeylen would be worried should she wake to find him gone, Ruiko quickened his pace toward the den site.

Rounding the corner, the vision before him took a moment for his brain to recognize the trouble that lurked in the once safe enclosure. The water had deepened now, and as he neared, his eyes fell upon the pool of water that was the entrance to his home. A barking snarl escaped his muzzle, and the Leader was quick to push his way in to the opening. Dipping lower with the land, his paws grasped mud and water, noting how high the waters had risen in his absence. “Aeylen!” His tone was urgent, and yet he was not met with the view of his mate, but of Nina.. attempting to grasp his son.

The world seemed to stop then, as if everything was doomed to move in slow motion. Nina’s advanced to save his son quickened his worry – where was Aeylen? Mirren? Vaeta? Shoving his way through forcefully, the now panicked wolf did not even notice the figure of the other male, who was waiting for Nina to grasp Nios so he could carry him to safety. Instead, the tawny male pushed his muzzle under the water, seeking frantically for the tiny forms of his children. His life. Had Mirren and Vaeta already gone under?
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The rain fell in heavy sheets. Volkan moved forward swiftly, head bowed against the onslaught. Luckily, her natural inclination as soon as the storm had strengthened had been to make rounds near the birthing den; a little light shower was one thing, but when things were this bad, she figured it would be a good idea to check on things, just to be sure. Aeylen could be needing something, or one of the kids could be off wandering around. Quickly she trotted through the trees, the leafy canopies above her providing momentary shelters as she passed beneath them—

—Her ears perked as the unmistakable sound of Ruiko's voice pierced the air. Underscored by the heavy thunder, it seemed desperate; she quickened her pace, breaking into a full gallop, weaving through the trees. She covered the short distance to the Creek in no time— but when she arrived on the scene, the image before her was shocking.

"...Fucking shit," she breathed. There was water, brown water <i>everywhere</i>, as if the Creek had exploded— water <i>rushing into the den.</i>

"Ruiko!" She cried out, panic now escalating her voice into a roar. Her pale eyes narrowed, the stormy wolf shot forward, skidding to a stop beside Sloane just as Ruiko buried his head beneath the dirty waves. For a moment, she stood, chest rising and falling as she caught her breath, eyes frantically searching the watery mess that was the den. Where was Aeylen— where were the pups?! Nina was there in the water, and Ruiko, too— there wasn't even room for her to help—

Desperate for the help of her pack mates, Volkan lifted her head to the sky and sent a loud, shrill, pleading howl into the raging sky. She could only hope it would echo over the thunder. A flash of lightning lit the world, and she sent out another. There was no way in hell the Creek wolves were going to let a little storm destroy everything they'd worked for...</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
<img src='http://i45.tinypic.com/2cniceo.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

The young wolf was heading back to the dens during the storm. When the storm initially hit he was finishing up his rounds of the borders. Every so often the landscape would be lit up seemingly freezing time for an instant. Kashi was looking forward to going into his small den beneath the tree and licking himself dry of the the water that which clung to him. When he came over the rise he saw what could only be described as horror. Their was such a <span class='word'>surfeit</span> of rain that the creek had flooded. The den that he called home was at least a foot under water.

When the thunder let up for a moment howls and screams crashed into his sensitive ears demanding his attention. The dens! His den was the least of the packs worries, Ruiko and Aeylen's den was submerged and the pups, Where were they?! He quickly crashed into the water that had once held wonder for him and now held nothing but horror. As lightning lit the land again he was able to see the rest of the pack surging into the water to help their leaders and future leaders. Trees creaked and groaned in the distance as they collapsed but none of that mattered as he rushed over to where he last seen Nina.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Her nap was interrupted by the horrific roar of water. Her head rose up as her eyes opened wide; she could not believe what was happening...but she would have to. It really was happening. Water splashed into her face, and she jerked her head backward before rising to her paws in time. The water overtook her, almost sending her toppling into the food cache. With a growl, Pakuna began to paddle, brown pelt soaked within moments. Cries pierced the air as she eyed her other pack mates around her. Panic was upon their faces, as well as frustration. She swam toward the den in which the pups resided. The pups... save the pups.

Nina lowered her head toward the spraying flood, reaching for a pup. With strong paws paddling, she hollered out to the woman. "Nina! Ye ok?" Pale green eyes scanned around the flooded den site. Volkan looked...pissed, and Ruiko was looking for Aeylen. Copper Rock Creek would not fall apart. They would stay strong.

Water continued to splash in her face as she pushed her way through the raging water toward Nina. She would make sure the brown toned woman was alright, since she had been attacked by her brother. Pakuna was not sure if she had fully recovered yet or not.
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Forgive me, I am so very rusty. It feels strange to stroke the keyboard...Bit of power play.

<blockquote>There was rarely a restful night to be had since the birth of the children, and in the shadow of the fairy tale that was her life now, even the shewolf's dreams seemed to lack their usual vibrancy. Where once she'd looked forward to the night time - when she would curl up, nestled close to Ruiko's side - it was now her waking hours and time spent with her family that she longed for the most. Sleeping was reduced to something of a chore, or a self-responsibility. Many evenings she would lie awake and just listen to the humming of their heart beats, to the deep, rumbling of her mate's soft respirations. Who needed to dream when reality was so utterly perfect?

This night, however, the leadess slumbered without interruption, untouched by the luminesence of streaking lightning which lit the midnight sky, and with only deaf ears spared to the rolling thunder. She would lie motionless as Ruiko stirred, eventually taking to the borders, and it was not until an unrecognized chill took hold of her body that she would wake herself...

Water. For a moment, and as her drowsy eyes fluttered open, the thought that she was in the midst of some chaotic nightmare crossed her mind. <i>Wake up! Wake up!</i> she told herself, but there was no mistaking it - <i>this</i> chaos was the reality, the frigid swell of water that had already covered the den floor was real, and so was the danger imposed upon her children. Though panic coursed through her veins, the matriarch gathered every ounce of strength and will as she peered down to count the three little heads that meant everything. Their wimpering tugged at her heart strings, and she dipped her head to nudge them each reassuringly. <b>"It's okay, darlings. Keep your head above the water..."</b> she cooed, pierced by the thought of what it would mean if they were unable to do so. She had to act, <i>now</i>.

Vaeta - inarguably the smallest and least brawny of the bunch - would be the first to go, and without a second thought the tawny regal clutched the young princess by the nape before fighting the rushing current that spilled through the den mouth. They would be safe higher up the outcrop, the pedestal-like rock which overlooked the den sites themselves, and it was not far. The stony surfaces were slick and unforgiving, but no hindrance to the woman who would risk it all. Upon reaching the chosen location, she would gently place Vaeta in safety's reach, back against the sturdy rock wall, before issuing her only daughter one last lick before swiftly descending into what seemed like the pit of hell itself. It had been only minutes, yet the rapids had taken all but only a small space of the cavern of what was essentially her home. To her brief relief, several others had already reached the site of destruction, and her eyes fell upon the galliant Nina as she stood, head in the water in search of the boys.

<b>"Quickly!"</b> she roared above the thunder and crashing of water. It was then that Ruiko's form came to view as he, too, searched for their sons. Thrust forth by instinct, she pushed past her subordinate directly to where Mirren and Nios had stood nearly devoured. It would seem as though everything was fallilng apart, or ripped at the seams, as she joined in the rescue, roving through the darkness with her muzzle for what seemed an eternity before finally locating her eldest, half-drowned son. With the strength of a thousand wild horses, the leader snatched the boy from death's slimy, putrid grip. Mirren's body felt lifeless as it dangled from her jowls, but it did not deter her. No, he would survive, she knew in her heart of hearts. Just as quickly as she'd delivered Vaeta to safety did she Mirren, and as she laid his still form beside the cold, drenched body of his sister, she prodded his chest and side, trying with all of her might to bring the life back. Worry took her like a fang to the jugular until the young cub eventually coughed up the water from his lungs, fluttering eyes looking to his mother as though he'd come back from the dead and wasn't sure just who she was. Heaving a heavy breath of near-relief, she poked him further to keep the coughing going.

Only when she was sure that he and Vaeta were both okay did she leave them behind once more to return to the sides of her pack mates, hoping and bargaining that Nios would be recovered...alive.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jul 13, 2012, 05:31 AM by Aeylen.)
Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
Sorry for the wait guys!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/VaetaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 205px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">
Her dreams of meadows and flowers were rudely interrupted by the cold and unwanted sensation of water. Indeed, she's never really felt water, but the saliva on her mother's tongue when she was getting her bath was enough experience with the damp sort. This was far worse, however. She woke up in a start, backpedaling suddenly away from the water until her back hit the side of the den. A desperate and cheerless whine rumble within her. She could see the silhouettes of her family, expect for the lumbering figure of her father. He must be putting an end to this. He had to be.

She struggled to get back to her mother as the water was getting too high for her to touch the bottom. She wanted out of this mess before she got too soaked. Her fur was already started to stick to her back and she didn't like the cold, wet feeling of the murky water. Her tiresome swim back towards her family took a lot out of her legs and she could feel the burn. Her legs couldn't hold her any longer and she started to slip underneath the surface, her front legs frantically trying to gain purchase on anything. Luckily, her mother grabbed her before she went under and she was soon out of the den of hell.

She was suspended from the ground for a little bit until her brave mother found a good spot for her to sit, thankfully out of the water's grasp. Her whines soon seized and once she her little paws touched the hard surface of the rock, she turned around to face her mother. She leaned in affectionately towards her mother's cheek, whining one last time. As her mother began to leave her, her mother's sense of security was gone. She was alone and Vaeta didn't like it. Her whimpering and whines started up again, until she saw her mother once again, carrying one of her brothers.

The lifeless body that was laid besides her, frightened her, but she dared not show it in front of her mother. She was scared to not feel the always beating heart against her side. If her brother were to die right now, she would never be the same. She may fight with them, but she adores her brothers. She wouldn't know what to do without them. With her brother's life in jeopardy, she leaned over his face, hoping he would show any sign of his normal self. His playful smile, his rambunctious growls, or his scornful voice telling her not to jump into that water. She needed something. Anything.

When a mouth full of water sprayed in her face, it wasn't anything that she was expecting. She thought it would have been something less dirty and surprising. Well, it'll do. He was alive at least. She nudged and licked his face affectionately, before turning to mother before she ran off again to go get Nios. She tried reaching out for her, but she was already gone. She could only hope now that Nios was okay.
Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn
I'm really sorry everyone D:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NiosTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 205px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Nios let out a snarl, obviously unhappy about being picked up. He dangled from Nina’s mouth like a wet towel, ears flat on his head and tail tucked between his legs up to his blonde underbelly. Resilient didn’t mean cranky. All the noise was overwhelming, and at the middle of the night? He showed his sparkling fangs in fake intimidation, kicking his back-legs fiercely. Most cubs would be sent into shock, whimper and coward, Nios felt like this was his own private party. He didn’t know where his siblings were, or what was going on, but it didn’t quite matter, not really. What mattered was the energy level. Each pack member gave off more stress and worry, panic, and for whom? His lungs hurt. His entire body was cold and sore. Still, the danger of the entire situation wasn’t acknowledged by the boy, he was too overwhelmed. Instead, he let out a couple angry yips and kicked at Nina’s throat.

His big eyes were fully awake, reflecting the stars above. He looked so handsome beneath the moonlight, a mix of both Ruiko and Aeylen. He had his mother’s wide muzzle, while most his colouring came from his father. The dark brown was all over his body, while on Ruiko it was only on the spine. The boy’s left leg hung straight down to the ground, as if too heavy drenched with water. He didn’t have the strength to keep it up anymore. One day he would, with each passing month he followed after Mirren and Vaeta, desperately trying to be faster, stronger, and smarter. He never tried being better looking. Vaeta claimed that without trying. The youngest boy was a mediocre five when it came to beauty. He wasn’t tall dark and handsome, or at least, not yet. One day he’d be tall and rough-looking, with the manly physique. Right now though, he was stuck looking like a dirty kid, with under-developed muscles and milk teeth.

Both his brother and sister had been rescued by his mother, resting together on a rock. It was only him who swayed in the wind beneath a tight unknown grip. While he wished to feed off the drama, and give the pack what they deserved, he resorted to pointless screaming. Nina’s grip was nice and gentle, so he was in no pain. He hadn’t swallowed any water, and all his bones were unbroken. It wasn’t crying of sadness, or confusion. It was a tantrum. It was almost shocking to hear the notes break through his song, of anger and violence instead of fear. He wanted to scare away the water, much like a pup-battle cry. He wanted to intimidate it until it left his den. That was his home, and yet he was not happily asleep there anymore. Instead, it was him who was wet to the bone. Mid-swat, he realised he was fighting off the wrong person. Nina was not to blame. The water was.

The child had not fully recognized the difference between earth and wolf. The water moved, as did he, so both were alive and capable of pain. He thought for a moment, claws still extended, until it clued in. That second, his entire body went from limp to spastic. He would fight the water, then it would go away, then he could go back to bed. The ball of fluff looked like the Tasmanian Devil. Covered in mud and water, the brat seemed enraged. As dangerous as a rabid kitten, the small brute was erupting with thunderous bellows and grunts. Nina would let go, and he would pin the water down. He would show it who was boss. Of course, he meant no pain on Nina. His tugging teeth and kicking paws were all just show, to try and freak the water out, so it left before he really did have to get involved. “Down!”

The order was pretty clear through his trembling body, glaring up at Nina with respect. He wanted to be put down. It was the only way this could work. His outrage was quite noticeable. He was extremely loud for a child, wailing more than squeaking. He was hoping someone nearby would start the battle, hoping his mother and father would suddenly clue in and team up with him. Together the water wouldn’t stand a chance. “Attack!”

'cause its home, but it's gone