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rise & rise again! — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
<blockquote>Remy's pride went unblemished by the minor disturbance that was Koda, though the distraction of a fifth member was helpful indeed. Only briefly did the large female look over her shoulder at the creamy-coated woman that approached, little confidence in her steps. The furrow in her brow remained for a short moment as Elettra began to speak and then Remy could care for nothing else besides the words of her Queen. Red ears perked forward she would give nothing less than her full attention, in the same fashion that she would give nothing less than her full <i>anything</i> for this - for Willow Ridge.

Everything that was asked of her - <i>commitment, trust, care, work</i> - Remy would offer however much of it she could. Dedication was easy to provide, for she trusted the dark-coated woman. Even if it meant confronting each of the others and determining a way they could receive her respect, though none of them had wronged her yet save one. And they all earned the tiniest amount of credit for displaying no signs of desertion when Elettra requested of the faulty loyals to disperse. The command reinforced the fierceness of her gaze, and though it never lacked in such ferocity. Personally she vowed that any wolf who chose to remove themselves from their ranks without honor would be fought off by her own tooth. The determination of it shone from within, standing tall on her legs with her head held proudly. No one could proclaim any doubts about her steadfast loyalty.
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
I'll be skipping Narimé this round since Tabs is on absence.

Not a single one moved from there placement, determined as they were, showing Elettra that they were as loyal thus far as they said they would be. Remy stood with pride in her decision, Koda shifted even still closer to her with certainty and even Reed's small warning to those around him did not go unnoticed. No one would leave and with this, Elettra's smirk grew to a smile, something which had been rare growing more and more pronounced amongst her group. On to the next chapter...
”On the behalf of Seconds, our right hands paws- Active, dedicated members who long the high placement in the pack will require of course, what it entails: duty in aiding the leading pair, as well as keeping the pack stable and happy.” Elettra's attention falls firstly upon Remy without an ounce of question, before slowly falling over Reed. Reed was the only other male in the pack and thus, had little competition for the placement. Remy, on the other hand, had two other women against her. However, with Kyrie's softer nature and Narime not even into adulthood, Elettra was sure Remy would have no trouble holding onto her placement. ”I don't ban members from practice spars, nor dominance matches. If placement for second is what you long, then you must fight your way into this spot.” This should be everything of obvious to them. As any wolf whom been within pack life, the Second, as Elettra had been for a full year in Grizzly Hollow, was usually amongst the strongest within the pack. Protecting the leading pair from challenges and by what they did, gaining a more 'aggressive' role — whether receiving or 'dishing it out' to make sure the wolves are kept in line. Not to mention, harboring a sort of 'senior role' in their chosen task.
”Now to the subject of tasks- a good handful of you have already shown me your skills...” Her eyes flicker to Remy and her show of power. She could hunt, but she was the enforcer, the ending act that took down the kill with might. She was nothing less then a warrior: a knight. Then went her silvery gaze to Koda at her side, another one to show acts of loyal guardianship. He did not hold the ferocity of Remy, but an endless passion to protect which he loved even if he would rather shy from aggression. He was a guard, through and through much as Remy but in different ways Elettra had come to know. And then to Reed- his body structure alone (though did not outwardly prove the largest and bulkiest, then again, neither did Elettra) proved he would be a well fighter, but his skill in fishing was something Elettra prided him for cause she could not do this her own. Would he be a third guardian within the pack, or a hunter? Her eyes flicker then to Narime, whom spoken of being a well huntress and Elettra could not doubt this with the powerful, long limbs she harbored, though had yet to see it herself. And lastly, was Kyrie. Though she was the first to join Elettra's group, she knew little of the woman's skills. Elettra had liked her and this alone had brought her into the pack. Assumption could only make Elettra believe she would be benefiting for huntress, healer or msybe she worked well with children? But as said, this was only assumption.
”Though Koda, I have learned, excels in guardianship and I, healing skills, our attention will be vastly upon doing the obvious- leading the pack. For the moment, official tasks will not be handed out, until I further see your skills put into place. As everyone will be pulling their weight, I am sure this will be in no time. Remy, I assume you will strive for Guardian? And Reed...perhaps Hunter?” Then, after a moment's time for her new-found Seconds to answer, her attention turns on Kyrie. ”And what is it you would like to do?” She would await the woman's reply and take note to look for signs of the woman doing what she wanted within the pack before moving lastly to the youngest wolf within the group. Elettra was happy with the diversity which she had obtained not only in abilities and color (there would be not an ounce of color hatred as their had been in her birth pack's tradition) but age as well- her and Koda nearly being the same age, Reed the eldest, Remy nearly a year under her and Kyrie under that and then, of course, Narime's youth. ”Narime, until you have reached adulthood you cannot formally claim the role of huntress, though I expect you to train and work for this and in time if you have done well, it will be yours.” She pauses only a moment, before her attention flashes elsewhere in thought. ”..Which brings me to our next subject: Youths within the pack will have nothing required of them savor their pack's, or parent's lessons until they reach the age of one. At this point, they will begin training in the task which they hold interest. It will provide plenty of time for learning, as well as time to change things, should they not be satisfied with what they've chosen before they are two.” However, this was something not to worry of for some time, less a mother with kin joined the pack. Already Elettra had roamed into a rogue couple as this, but had yet to see them again. Though it was unlikely many children not of her own would join, it was not impossible the least.
”As for our Codes....” (AND HERE IS WHERE ELETTRA MENTIONS ALL THE RULES LISTED HERE. THIS POST IS ALREADY LONG ENOUGH, AND IM MUCH TO LAZY TO TYPE IT ALL OUT ICLY. :D) As she finishes, her attention scans each of her four subordinate members for any questions they may have and, as well, does her attention shift to Koda. Although he had originally been meant to be just another member in the group, now he was her leading male at her side. It was without a doubt who was truly running the show, but Elettra had already made it clear Koda was to be respected as her equal, whether or not others believed him only as a figurehead or more. With this, she leaves her eyes to befall upon him to which he may add anything else he believed may need clearing up.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
It almost felt surreal standing here next to Elettra. Everything had happened so quickly. He'd intended to stand in support of Elettra Archer all along, but just days ago all of that had shifted to a new level. Now he was to be her 'King' and rule at her side. For long moments, everything seemed a bit skewed, but as she addressed everyone it all settled into place and just fit. It might not be the ideal leadership, with two loving mates standing besides each other. But, together, their strength would birth and grow her pack. One day she might find another, one that would love her as she deserved, but for now he was her choice and he would not let her down.

He drank in every word that she spoke, as avidly as any of them and when she was done speaking and looked to him, he knew that it was time to speak to his new pack as their leader. He felt a moment of nervousness, but it passed and he gave Elettra a regal nod of respect before turning to the founding members of this grand new endeavor. He met the eyes of each member, standing tall and proud, exuding the strength and confidence that was expected of a leader. He had noted the small details that Elettra had given for each of them and hopefully he would soon know and experience for himself.

Each had been more than attentive to his Lady and for that they had earned a good bit of respect from him. Contrary to Remy's belief, he was not just some happy go lucky male, he had been born to a strong pack and had seen excellent leadership in action from the time he first stepped out of the den. It was not necessary to be a brutal wolf to be a strong leader. His parents had shown him that strength, tempered by compassion were strong tools for great leadership indeed. After their new leadess' speech, there really was little for him to add regarding the expectations of the pack. So, he merely needed to inform him of <i>his</i> expectations as a leader.

Koda didn't let an iota of weakness show. Right now everyone needed to see both of them at their strongest and most confident. He gave a nod to each of them, noting their strengths as listed by Elettra. Then he began, in a strong sure voice, <b>"I know that most of you do not know me and I do not know you, but I assure you that I stand by Elettra in all the expectations that she had laid out before you. I expect each and every one of you to abide by them and support each other at all times. There will be no quarter given to offenders. It simply will not be tolerated."</b> His eyes showed his intent to follow through on his words. Although they echoed what Elettra had already said, it showed that he to would enforce them, just as strongly as she. <b>"That said, I like to think myself approachable and look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. It will not take long for all of us to blend together as a family and I am confident that the strength of Willow Ridge will be something to behold!" </b> His voice was deep and filled with unquenchable pride and his golden eyes were dark with feeling as he spoke. He could almost <i>feel</i> the desire of each wolf here to belong to something more than before. Willow Ridge offered each of them that opportunity. The chance to grow and become something more than one's self.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Wolves came, and those wolves surrounded her. In aw Narimé felt that her heart would almost burst. This was her family. This pack would be her friends, her trusted companions, and her most loyal family. They would all help eachother through thick and thin. This blended pack would form the heart of a new family which will rise and become strong. The gray youngster felt pride for the few wolves who stood before Elettra. Narimé had a new family, and this family she definately would never leave. Not until she died and left for the blackness.

The youngster looked around at the other wolves who had answered Elettra's call. A big rusty male sat to Narimé's left a little ways away. Then next to him another gray and white female sat alone as well. She seemed to give everyone a good judging stare. Narimé wondered if she would ever prove herself to these new packmates. Then another white she wolf joined them. She seemed a little nervous at the other wolves, but like Narimé seemed to show pride in Elettra as she stood atop the high rock. The male who stood next to Elettra seemed to have a more gentle gaze than the silver and white females steely one. Narimé noticed this and wondered if he would be a good kind leader. As much as she looked up to Elettra; Narimé thought she could be a little more nice looking. That was just her opinion. But not all wolves are meant to be nice, and maybe a more stern wolf is needed to rule a pack. She told herself this quietly while sitting herself down nearer to the rusty male.

When Elettra spoke she listened. All of the rules her alpha spoke of sounded oddly familiar to her old packs rules. All packs need rules, and I guess the rules arealmost the same depending on the alphas of each individual pack. All packs need that rigidness of rules to keep them together. She nodded slowly as each of the rules was spoken. Then was surprised at one.

Another wolf can challenge for second? But why would they need to be second? Why not stay third or forth as long as you can be of use to the family...? She still couldn't understand what being power hungry was. Nor what greed was. The young silvery wolf did not know that some wolves craved the highness of being dominant over other wolves. All she knew was that when you were of good use to the pack and protect it, or hunt for it, that your actions would be noted by the alphas. I guess all packs are different, but I'm still happy to be in this one. She smiled as Elettra finished her part of the speech.

When Koda spoke he spoke sternly about rules also. About how they would be respected and enforced. Narimé also nodded her head agreeing to every word he spoke. Rules were never to be broken unless a family or pack member would be hurt other wise. At least that's how she looked at it. She also agreed that everyone here should get to know eachother. If no one knows eachother than no one can trust one another. Its not good to have no trust in your packmates. She looked around to all the wolves joined under Koda and Elettra. Then nodded to each of them with a new determined serious look on her face. She would be good for this pack. She will be of use. She will help this pack grow!

Then both alphas were silent; watching their new packmates with proud gazes. Narimé smiled from ear-tip to ear-tip and her long tail began to thump on the ground. She wanted to howl out all of her happiness. All of her hopes. But she would hold back until someone else started to howl. Or maybe no one would howl at all. Maybe she was too excited now. Narimé couldn't tell as she looked up at her leaders lithe bodies.

Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
<blockquote>Remy bowed her head low as Elettra's pale gaze was cast upon her for the rank of Second, accepting the honor without a moment's hesitation. If duty above and beyond the call was what Elettra requested of her then she could have asked it of no better wolf. All she craved in her life was to serve a suitable leader with her very life; it was perfect. Briefly she turned her head to glance at Reed, the red-furred male whom she had watched walk in, and lowered her muzzle a tad. It was a miniscule nod of recognition as to not disturb the meeting as it happened, and yet she required him to know as her equal she would give him the necessary amount of respect. Beyond that, well, that would have to be discovered. From there her attention returned to the dark woman in charge, refusing to glance among her at what could be her competition if anyone ever wanted it. Remy was built like a rock and just as sturdy, yet the thirst for power did not come from muscle. Should the day come that some female had want for it, she made it clear through her hard stare that she would defend her title with the same ferocity that she would defend the pack.

Her voice rang with pride as she responded, “<b>I accept the position of Second and will do nothing less than to honor you while it is my privilege to hold it; and if you <i>both</i> would find my abilities suitable, I would ask to serve as your most loyal Guardian from this conception until the end of time.</b>” The claim was perhaps often used in fanciful terms – oh, I’ll love you <i>forever</i>. I’ll follow you to the ends of this earth. Yet Remy’s words actually held meaning, for that had been her promise to Elettra in the very beginning. The vow she had made was indefinite. Should their dark-coated leader ever decide to retire, to abandon the pack, to move on from Relic Lore, the Mackenzie-blooded female would follow her still. Perhaps the lady knew of her intention to be absolute, or perhaps she thought it to be fanciful words indeed. But Remy would prove herself, one way or another.

Then she would fall silent and allow the rest of the requests to be made, for whatever skill the other wolves desired. Those who would chose to Guard would gather the most interest from her, for they would have to connect on a level even above packmates. Nothing told of a pack’s strength quite like a unified welcome wagon whenever a wolf approached their borders. If one greeted them with a big wag of tail and friendly banter and the other with teeth, their unity was shattered and the pack’s worth deemed questionable. There would be no such occurrence under her watch.

Of code’s and Koda’s words alike she made good sense, having no urge to <span class='word'>stymie</span> the commands issued. Support, abide, obey - all such things were within her line of duty. From this night forward, things were looking up for not only herself but for all of them. Professionalism was among her highest of authorities at the present moment, yet excitement was quickly rising with each beat of her heart. Soon the formalities would end... and the family would begin. </blockquote>
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Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Reed listened to Elettra and Koda speak. Hunter. Did he wish to uphold that position, or did he want to be a guardian? Biting his tongue, he was about to speak when suddenly the silvery girl and another woman spoke their words. With a flick of his tail, he sat politely, observing the wolves as they spoke. The group seemed excellent thus far. Willow Ridge was certain to have a great future ahead of it. Glory....for the glory. Loyalty and glory. It was what flowed within his blood.

He rose to his feet proudly, stepping forward. Head dipped before his golden eyes met Elettra's steely ones. "I would take great honor in providing food for Willow Ridge. If need be, I will be capable of proving a loyal guardian." He kept his words short and sweet...there was no need for sugar coating. He looked to Koda now, and nodded before stepping back once more. He took his seat again, the silence falling over him like an iron curtain.

He was excited. This pack seemed to already be better than his old one. The terrain was different now, as well. Food and water was easier to find as compared to his homelands. Why hadn't he left earlier? Even as a lone wolf, he would still live better here than within his home pack.
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Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde

Seconds, short her eyes glanced at the other members. It wasn't really hard to see who it would be. There were only two real adults with them if she didn't count Elettra and Koda. Her eyes went back to the leaders who were still speaking. It seemed that everyone got some kind of role. Slowly Kyrie could begin putting names with the faces. The large grey female was Remy, together with the red Reed they were the seconds. Kyrie nodded in agreement, they would be good seconds. Dominant matches. Well there weren't any other males than Reed and Koda. The youngest among them, called Narimé, still was too young to have a role. Even if it was already sure she would be a fine hunter. Kyrie didn't think there would be any fight soon among them. She herself didn't feel quite fit into the role of second. The white woman felt the eyes of Elettra looking at her. Fast her eyes went back to look into a pair of grey eyes.

Kyrie flicked nervous with her tail. What did she want to do? She wasn't a bad hunter, she had confidence in her speed and agility. A warm feeling spread out in her body. The burning feeling made her slightly red. Ashamed she looked for a second at her paws. Everyone knew already their speciality, only she was still unsure. Should she say hunter? Her mind threw that option immediately away, if she wasn't sure she should think more about it. This sort of thing was important. The she-wolf took a deep breath and watched into Elettra's eyes. Calm but still a bit blushing she spoke. 'I'm still not sure what I want to, if it's possible I want to think about it more.' It was a unpleasant feeling to be the only one being not sure, but she had to deal with it.

Her fast heartbeat slowed down a bit while she concentrated on Koda who was speaking. For a moment she could forget the embarrassing moment and listen to the other.

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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Last post for Elettra!

Everyone seemed in agreement. Though the yearling did not speak up, everything in her body language was enough to show for her excitement and happiness to be in this newly formed pack. Koda's words spoke with much pride and though not nearly as long as a speech as her own, did enough to prove he was in much agreement as well with what she had to say for the pack as a whole. Remy's words were thus favored, her speech professional and proper, buttered up in ways that seemed so practiced before hand. Elettra took favor to the woman and hoped in time this favoring would prove more- something to open up to, someone to call a 'partner' beyond the ranges of just leading a pack, someone she could trust with her life. Though Remy's words would still be tested- everyone, would be tested and continue forth to be. For the time being, Remy's words would suggestion her unbreakable loyalty to the pack, and to her, but to know that Remy intended to stand at Elettra's side beyond the life of Willow Ridge was beyond Elettra's current knowledge.
Reed's attention was given by the mixed gray and black woman once he stood, approaching slowly to her and speak his own word. Though Elettra herself mastered in herbal treatment, it was without a doubt she knew how to fight and fight well, even if she was far from many tanking figures, of the frame of Remy. She hunted well enough, to say the least, yet lacked in the long, thin and willowy body of way, Narime. Much the same was Reed's situation. She did not doubt his abilities to fight, though his ability to hunt for fish was as much as a prize too. When a herd could not be obtained or a hunt failed, there was always the option of the large salmon and other various catches as well. Already, Koda and Remy were seemingly mainly warriors, leaving two of them. Elettra as a medic and Narime, a hunter. Another hunter would be worth wild. After all, when the pack was not doing a full hunting together for caribou or elk, surely Narime would need help in supplying for the pack. And Reed would be that help. Already, as a second, it was his duty to defend the alpha pair and it's kin (should they ever be) so Reed would be left with both jobs it seemed- Hunter and Guardian, if only by his placement of Second alone. Elettra took great attention to this, knowing that Reed would have much of his plate, just as Elettra had when she was both Grizzly Hollow's only medic and their Second.
"Of course, Kyrie. Take your time- I want you to be sure of yourself." She didn't want the young woman jumping into something she did not enjoy. Having to consistently go out on small hunts for hare and groundhog if she did not care for the sport. Having to search day and out for new supplies if being a medic was not her thing... She was still young and still had much time to think, which Elettra would accept. After all, she didn't doubt the woman was able to hunt, having made it this far on her own and surely, even if she was not some head-strong war lord, still knew how to defend herself, and her pack, if needed. Elettra would not think too much on it, assured that Kyrie would find a placement. After all, the pack had a rounded group- guardians, hunters, healers... they would manage fine even if Kyrie was unsure of herself. After all, who knew, maybe she would want to be a Teacher? Without children around, her skills were not so much needed for the time being anyhow.
And now, that everyone had said their peace, speaking of their interests and seemingly in agreement with everything Elettra had said (since there had been no objections) the woman's attention would dance over each of them once more. Her silvery, pale greyed gaze intent upon her members and with a swaying of her tail at her backside, she lifted up her parted frosted lips and howled of their victory. All of the Lore would know of Willow Ridge and the proud members which it beheld.
(This post was last modified: Jul 11, 2012, 10:43 PM by Elettra.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Koda had taken in the reactions and words of each one as the moments ticked by and he watched for telltale body language that might indicate insecurity or unsureness. To a wolf, not one of them showed the slightest doubt in the decision that they had made to become a part of this new and glorious thing that was Willow Ridge. Each of their faces was filled with pride in their placement and none seemed to argue their assessment by Elettra.

Kyrie, obviously not a tawpie requested some time to decide which course that she would prefer to take. She seemed like she would be physically capable of taking on several pack roles, so it was merely a matter of personal preference. It was important she enjoy what she did, lest her duty become a chore rather than a joy to serve her pack.

He took in Remy with considering eyes. He had no doubt that she had not liked him upon their first encounter, but she wisely chose to keep that opinion to herself. He hoped that in time they would develop a better relationship built on trust and respect rather than skewed first impressions, for his of her had not been the best either. Here and now her strength and loyalty, to Elettra and pack, was easy to see and that's all that a leader could ask for.

When Elettra was done speaking once more, she too seemed to look with much favor on those gathered her before her. She raised her dark head skyward and howled and her voice spoke of her strength and of the strength of their pack. Only a tiny moment behind her, he too raised his golden muzzle and joined his own deep sure voice with hers. With their sounding Willow Ridge was born and announced for all of Relic Lore to know.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Blood rushed through his ears, creating a throbbing sensation. It was excitement. Adrenaline. It rushed through him, making him feel like as a feather. He felt as if he would begin to hover if he chose to run. Remaining neutral on the outside, Reed continued to hang on every word of his new leaders. Glory. It was what they wanted, and what they would obtain. Although Willow Ridge was like a newborn pup, it already had the strength of an adult.

As Elettra raised her head, her jaws parted slightly, allowing a powerful howl to escape. Beside the curvy woman, Koda lifted his own muzzle to the skies, freeing his own song. The two howls twined together, speaking of new found strength and pride. Feeling himself swell with pride himself, he tilted his head upward, looking to the night sky. The moon was choppy due to peering through the drooping branches of the willows, but it still remained within his line of sight.

He parted his jaws, allowing his own howl to escape. It started from his chest, rumbling deep before making its way up his throat and out his mouth. The song was low, but eventually rose up in notes as they continued.
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