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Duck — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
June 28th Sunset / dusk 67 degrees partly cloudy, half moon

The silver female looked at her surroundings. She seemed to
like coming to this place. She'd been here three times now and every
time the female looked over the landscape she was awed by its beauty.
Though summer was now at hand, the flowers still sprang up and colored
the landscape. She felt happy and alive here.

Now she was searching for a good meal. Something that she could
bring back to the packs caches. She didn't want Reed to be the only one
bringing food back. She would not be outdone with the only thing she was good
at. So Narimé traveled to Fireweed Rise since there might be deer grazing around its edges.
I wonder if I will find anything... There's gotto be a fawn or something out here. She
used her bright blueish eyes to take in all her surroundings. Nothing moved, nor made
a noise within the flowery meadow.

The yearling could scent deer but they were a bit further away. Probably
grazing right around where those mushrooms were growing. Narimé wondered if
maybe Elettra could have used those mushrooms for something. Maybe if they
were still there she would come back after storing her catch at the den and bring them to
Elettra. She said she was a healer right? So then maybe she could use them...
Narimé padded along towards the deer scent, but after a few yards past she
began to scent another smell. Wolf. In particular, a wolf she somehow knew.
Willow Ridge pack scent which was still new to Narimé clung to this wolfs scent.
Who else is out here? I wonder if they're hunting too. She stopped and looked around
again. Then gave some soft "woofs" to alert the other wolf where she was.

Maybe we could hunt together? I gotto ask them. It may help to get a bigger deer if there's
two of us working together.
She waited for a response and to see who exactly was near.

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde

The bright colours of the flowers were to see as far the eye could reach. Such a nice view. Kyrie took a deep breath, after the first meeting with the pack she felt a bit troubled. She still didn't know if she was fit to be a hunter or if she should do something else. In the silent meadow her thoughts could spin a web and may catch a answer.

The scent from a deer caught her attention, she still wasn't any wiser about her decision. Even so, her paws stretched out and began to follow the scent. A deer might be a bit much for one little woman but maybe it was wounded or sick. If luck was with her she could bring food back home. Home? Yes it should be home, it felt a bit awkward to see her home being by someone else. Someone else other than family. A other scent mixed in the wind,this time it wasn't the deer she was tracking. Kyrie sniffed the common scent she recognized as Willow Ridge. She still was unsure who it was, it seemed female so then it should be Remy or Narimé? Soon she soft woofs. Her ears pointed forwards, it didn't sound as Remy's voice so it was Narimé? Kyrie gave a soft howl back. 'Narimé?' Brown eyes searched over the flowers searching for the hidden wolf. That was good, now they could both hunt. More chance that the hunt will succeed. Pleased her tail wagged in they air. They had only to see each other and think about a plan before they could go loose in the hunt.

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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé was delighted when the other she wolf answered back.
So it was Kyrie? I wonder if she's doing the same thing as me. She
padded through the grasses towards Kyrie's voice and finally found her.
The white she wolf seemed just as excited to see her as Narimé was.
"Hello Kyrie." She wagged her tail at the small wolf and smiled warmly.
"Fancy meeting you out here! So are you hunting too?" the silvery yearling
cocked her head with curiosity. She hoped she was out here to hunt.

Narimé could still scent the deer and she wondered if the two of them
would be able to take one down. Narimé might have had the strength,but
Kyrie seemed to be more of a speed and stamina type of wolf.
Well it's still worth a try. She rolled her shoulders and stretched
next to her packmate. If Reed were here she would be more confident
about catching a deer, but like always Narimé was stubborn and wouldn't
just quit when things looked bad.

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde

The scent of her fellow packmate become stronger when she came closer. Before she knew it the gray she wolf was already before her nose. 'Hey Narimé.' Her brown eyes glanced at Narimé. She was still young but she had power in those legs and she would grow in a fine big wolf if she reached adulthood. Kyrie was sure of that. 'I smelled deer not far away, but I wasn't planning to hunt it down before I heard you.' Kyrie smiled, there was no way she could get a deer down all on her own. She lacked the strength and body weight to get a deer down on it's knees without any help. Even if it was sick she would had a high chance to fail in the hunt. With Narimé at her side it would be easier, they both were quite fast and the grey woman had the strength she lacked.

'Shall we give it a try? It won't be easy but a challenge is always a good opportunity to learn.' Actually Kyrie came to think but fate choose otherwise and she was fine with that. Coming closer to the other female and working together would be good. She didn't had much friends yet and Narimé seemed a very nice wolf. 'I think it's the best if we first go a bit closer to the prey and than make a plan. I don't smell any sickness from the deer so it could be a long chase.' Kyrie talked while trying to see the hunt for her eyes. A healthy prey was hard to take down. It took patience but she herself wasn't someone who would rush into things. Narimé didn't look like that either, or she could control it very well. Since their strong point wasn't power making a long run would give them more chance to success. Well so did she thought. 'What do you think?'

[I'm on vacation so I won't be able to post any time soon sorry :c]
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé smiled when Kyrie asked of a hunt. She had not yet tried going
for a deer with only one other wolf. Would they be able to get it?
"Sure! It's always worth a shot when we're getting a good meal for us
and enough meat to fill the caches back at the Willows." Narimé quickly stretched her legs
and dug her claws into the soil. I could use a good run too...

Glancing over her shoulder towards the direction the scent of coming from
Narimé scented the deer. Kyrie was right. None of the deer scents that reached her seemed
to be sick or injured. This would make the hunt even harder. Especially since it was only
the two females going for it. Narimé could only hope that luck would be on their side.
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea to me." She stepped forward quietly watching
her pawsteps to keep from stepping on noisy twigs and kept her tail held up so that it
wouldn't knock around the bushes and make noise.

Narimé traveled very slowly waiting to see if Kyrie would want to head out to the
grazing herd first. Maybe it was a better idea to let the more experienced adult lead the hunt.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Kyrie smiled at the girl and began walking. They weren't close enough to see the deer but it could be fatal if they were making noise from the start. For a second observed her eyes the ground. Even if it was cloudy now the ground was a bit dry. She had to watch out to not make any noise while walking. Kyrie wasn't really worrying about the stalking point, she was pretty sure that Narimé and herself could soundless walk to the prey. However it kept playing in her head how they could bring it down without getting kicked or hit by antler. It would be a problem if something like that would occur.

The white woman glanced slightly at her partner. Narimé travelled quite slowly, did she want to give her the lead? Well it didn't matter to her, slowly she took the lead. Soundless she walked further following her nose to the herd. Her heartbeat was still calm but within minutes it would probably begin racing like crazy. That was for later, now she had to keep her head cool. The wind was blowing to them so that was lucky. The smell became strong, Kyrie lowered her body a bit, slowed her pace. Trough the grass she could get a glimpse of the brown animals grazing in the moonlight. It didn't seem they were discovered yet.

The white woman lie her body down on the earth. From here they could still talk, yet see and observe their prey. Critical she judged the deer before her. None was like she thought sick or injured. However most of the time there should be one that was more weak than the others. Till now they seemed quite strong. Well fed and no youngster spotted yet. Tonight's hunt wouldn't easy as expected. 'If they are all in this state, we may have a better chance in getting one by running them out than taking them down with force.' She softly muttered in herself. A good fed deer would be nice for diner and it could feed the pack for a long time if they could get it home. She saw a deer with a antler. Definitely don't want to be hit by that. However this deer mist the other side of his antler, so they had some luck. Her brown eyes watched Narimé. What did she think, the deer with the missing antler could be a option.
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé had followed slowly just behind Kyrie's shoulder.
At first the two wolves were a bit far away to even see the deer, but
eventually as they crept closer the herds scent began to becoome overpowering.
It was thanks to the wind blowing toward them that the two females could
scent the deer so easily.

Their pawsteps were silent as the two shadow-like wolves
moved towards their prey. Narimé paid no heed to other things right
now. She was entirely focused on the hunt. Entirely focused on working with
her pack mate in order to bring down their quarry. The young she wolf would thank her
father for teaching her to hunt at such an early age. She thanked him after every meal
she brought down. With her father's proud gaze flashing through her mind Narimé smiled
as she and Kyrie came upon the deer. The moonlight lit their backs and gave the deer
a better view of the wolves had they not been hiding themselves already.

Pausing at the same moment Kyrie did Narimé looked over the herd. All of them were
subadult deer,and it looked like most if not all of the deer in view were males.
Trying to peer around the deer Narimé confirmed to herself that they were all male.
Then she noted their scent. All of them were fit as a fiddle. Whatever a fiddle was
Narimé had no clue. The word just kinda popped into her head. Flicking her ears
back instead of shking her mane and causing noise, Narimé threw the strange thought
out from her mindset. The only thing to do now was to choose a target.
Flicking her pale bluish purple eyes to Kyrie she wondered if she was trying to sort
a target too.

Nariméflicked her tail along Kyrie's flank to get her attention then pointed her nose
to the exact deer Kyrie had been thinking about. The buck with only one antler. It
seemed great minds think alike. At least in this case of hunting both she wolves
had come up with the safest target to pursue.

Now the silver girl viewed their surroundings. Other than a fewbushes it was
clear and open. Thedeer would be able to run anywhere. So the best way to take was to
just run the creature down.
Narimé's heart began to pound and excitement began to tense
her legs just waiting for the chance to go at a full out sprint.
However she waited for Kyrie's call before she made a move.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Her chest moved slowly up and down as she was breathing. Kyrie concentrated on her breathing, take a deep breath and let it the air slip out her mouth again. A flick against her flank snapped her out of her ritual. Narimé pointed with her nose, following it with her eyes she came out by the same deer she thought about. She grinned and nodded at her partner, good they had their prey. Her heart beat steadily in her chest as she watched the terrain. Clear, not many obstacles that could hinder them by a long run. This was a open place, he could run everywhere. If it could Kyrie preferred to drive it to a dead end but she knew there was none in this area.

Her legs tickled to go on moving. Careful she rose from the ground. Her eyes fixated on the brown animal. 'I'm right.' As she spoke the words she shoot out of the bushes directly to the deer. Out of instinct all the other gave her enough room to move freely. The hurt was young, they hadn't much experience in being hunt and followed their instinct, saving themselves first. It was easier that way, the deer with his one antler began to run. As she ran Kyrie began to course to the right side of his flank. Snapped at him to get him run faster. The white she wolf didn't saw Narimé, maybe she was behind or already on the left? There was no time to look around seeing where she was. She trusted the grey fae and her experience in hunting. Her own heartbeat was the rhythm of her run. The hooves rumbled on the ground.

For a second she let herself fall more behind, giving it a extra snap and let it run. A grey glimpse what seemed from Narimé, Kyrie wasn't really sure but now she gave her friend the lead to chase him. She wasn't tired yet but it was could to just ran with the deer in order to keep him on track while waiting for the time he became tired. Even if they had to run him out what was her forte, she didn't forget the last stage when he was indeed tired. Taking him down. She was light as a feather, they had to really on Narimé for the strength. Kyrie ran next to the deer waiting for a move from Narimé.
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé focused on both the deers movements and her partners.
When Kyrie dashed out she pelted along after in unison then split
off to the left side. Running not to quickly but not at a sprint the girl watched
Kyrie drive the animal. Once the white female started to head off their quarry
Narimé swung closer and began snapping at the creature on its left side.
The silvery she wolf was aiming for the bucks legs trying to trip or injure it.
However the deer wasn't tired enough to have any faults in its stride. It ran swiftly
while the gray girl continued to drive it along.

Her heart was pounding, but in a good way. The grayish girl had long strides
which helped her to run longer even if she wasn't as fast as Kyrie. She was able
to keep up with the animal by powering along beside it. After a time Narimé decided to let
Kyrie have some fun too. She began to drift ever so slightly away from the deer waiting for her
hunting partner to begin her second drive. The yearling lookedfor Kyrie's white pelt and
once seeing it waited for her to get along it's right side again.

The young she wolf knew this was going to be a long hunt, but she hoped that with
a few more turns whilest driving the deer that it would start to slow and begin tripping or
something. Hell maybe they'd get lucky and itwould snap it's leg on a groundhog hole.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
As the went the hurt behind their back would look shocked at their male who was chased by two wolves. Only the two would never see it cause being distracted from a hunt is nearly impossible. The blood was racing in her veins, pumping the oxygen through her whole body. They only had to run out the deer and let it trip before it would turn around for a counterattack. Something like chasing, some wolves would think it was something easy and just dream away. Especially those long runs. Kyrie herself was a dream away too except for hunting. Seeing everything around her become a blur because of her focus on her target. Feeling the urge to put her fangs in it's flesh and rip it apart. This may be the not so soft side of her. Something she did in every hunt, letting her instincts run the show.

Narimé gave the lead back again. Instantly she gave a extra spurt, snapping and trying to bite him. The deer was healthy, had power in his legs. He was not tired yet, Kyrie guessed they had to switch the lead some couple of times but that was okay. It may be better if she was the one with the last chase. Narimé had more power, if she could recharge in the time the white wolf had the lead she may make the deer trip. But that was all in the near minutes now she had to have attention the deer wouldn't try to break out of his line. They were just with two, a young arrogant male could think that he could just fight is way out. A sharp glint in her hazel eyes watched him closely as he tried to give himself more room. A loud snarl came deep from within her stomach. She waited and snapped at his flank. She couldn't do more than a scratch. With a flick of her tails she ran further making him move his legs more.

Could they have done something different? No not really. Two wolves was way too little too make a full plan of strategy. For something like that you needed at least three wolves. Every thing they could have possibly done would turn out in this chase, and Kyrie liked it. Her legs were short, her body light. It felt like she wasn't even hitting the ground. More like flying. Her legs had to make twice the distance Narimé did with her long legs but she was used to it. Her breath became a bit heavier but not enough to make her stop. If needed she would only stop till her body would drop down from dehydration and overheat. Not that it would come so far.
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