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A Little Morning Jaunt — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane was in perfect sync with little Blue Eyes. He nodded as she indicated her targeted doe and motioned him to the right. Had she shown any hesitation or bad judgement he would have stepped forward and interfered, but her actions and plan were faultless. What did it matter who led the hunt, as long as they were successful in the end?

He quickly moved off to the right, giving her the opportunity to set her trap and he saw old man Follko mirror him to the left. It wouldn't be long now before Narime' would set the plan in motion. He crouched down, hiding his russet bulk as well as possible in the tall grasses. His size was both a blessing and a curse when it came to hunting. He had spent countless hours learning to be silent despite it, but it took far more effort to hide. In the attack, however, it served him well. His bright amber eyes now focused intently on the sick doe. She would likely die in the end anyhow, as far as the infection seemed to have gone. They would merely hurry along her demise and her passing would serve them all well. Finally, hidden to his satisfaction, he waited for the herding of the deer towards he and Follko, making sure to keep his eye on their chosen quarry.
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé gripped the ground with her paws getting ready for the chase, but
first she had to move herself into its position. Slowly she crept around
choosing the tall grasses to hide her silvery frame in. Finally she was in place.
All there was to do now was chase the herd towards Sloane and the elder.
She hoped silently that the elder wouldn't be a burden on them for this hunt.
That he was strong enough to be of help. Sloane she had high hopes for.
She knew he was strong and a good hunter on his own.

The trap was set and the wolves stared hungrily at their quarry. With a bark
Narimé leaped out of her hiding place towards the deer, specifically the doe.
She cleared the distance easily with her long legs and began snarling towards the doe.
The female deer bolted sideways at first towards the meadow and Sloane, then she
tripped slightly and began leaping in between both Sloane and Follko. Even if the doe had an
infection her reaction time to the wolves was still good. Narimé nipped at the does back legs
and ducked everytime the deer kicked out. The excitment that ran through the
silvery yearling gave her more speed to dodge the does cloved hooves.

Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko watched everything as the events soon played out. The
silver yearling took her place and as the two males waited she began
the hunt. Follko kept his place determined not to let the selected doe to escape.
When Narimé sped after the doe chasing it to the males Follko gingerly moved himself
from his place to help the female. As the doe ran towards Sloane, Follko began to
move with it keeping in front of the animal to slow it. He nipped at the doe's front legs
then went after her throat. He missed the first try as the doe bucked and Follko bit
down instead on the deer's shoulder. It wasn't a good place to be with two sharp hooves
right underneath him. So Follko shook his head violently enough to do some damage to
the animals shoulder, then he jumed back waiting for a second chance to show itself.

Until another chance to grab her throat came Follko continued screwing with her legs
as the doe bounded along. Blood leaked from her ankles as Narimé and Follko sank their
teeth into them, and the does neck and shoulder were slowing her down now.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The hunt was on! Narime' had them on the move and expertly herded the doe in their direction. He did not think that she'd had much opportunity to hone her large animal hunting skills as she was only a yearling. That meant that her hunting skills were instinctive and that made them all the more impressive. A feeling a pride for his little Blue Eyes welled up in him at the same time as he prepared for the oncoming meal on thundering hooves.

Narime' was doing an excellent job of harassing the doe from behind and he saw Follko running alongside her, helping to slow her down and herd her further towards his waiting jaws. The old man made a valiant attempt for her throat, but fell short, damaging her shoulder instead. An attack like that was never easy on a moving target, no matter the level of skill and experience and he was grateful for both of their efforts.

As the doe was about to run past him, he lunged towards to area in front of her, so when he met her, he was even with her head. With a great bound he launched into the air, aiming for her vulnerable throat. She sensed his intent and lowered her head as much as her headlong run would allow. Instead of connecting with her jugular, his deadly fangs sank deeply into the muscle at the top of her neck, directly behind her ears. Not a death blow, as he'd intended, but not a useless one either. He allowed his momentum to continue to carry him forward, effectively slamming into her and knocking the doe off balance. He refused to release his grip on her neck and she began to fall in the old man's direction, as he was opposite of Sloane.

The large russet wolf could only hope that he was spry enough to get out of the way as he and the deer both slammed to the ground with a great thud. The wind was knocked out of Sloane with a great whoosh and he lay slightly stunned before shaking his head to clear it and rising to his feet with a chunk of the doe's neck still in his bloody maw. He was just winded, but his legs shook slightly from the adrenaline an the fall. It would be up to the other two to finish off the doe that lay thrashing on the ground, try valiantly to rise and save herself.
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
taking control of Follko a little since he's mine anyway. :P

Narimé lusted for blood. Her jaws quivered as Sloane and Follko
tried their best to trip the animal. With the two big males pushing the doe around
the yearling knew the doe would fall at some point. Then her heart lept into her
throat when Sloane tore into the doe and sent it off balance. The doe teetered for
a second and fell towards Follko. Luckily Follko was spry enough to just dodge the
doe as it slammed into the ground.

As soon as the doe hit the ground Narimé lunged to the animals exposed throat.
She was lucky enough to sink her canines into the doe's jugular and taste the warm
blood as it tickled down her throat. A heavy sigh came from the animal even while its legs
thrashed at the air. Wide eyes betrayed the life leaking out of the doe as they dimmed slowly.
It's almost done... Narimé flicked her tail one way then the next while she waited for the
animal to take its last few breaths. The yearlings eye flickered to Follko making sure he was
okay, then to Sloane watching his noble body to see if he was injured. They seemed fine.

Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko had indeed been able to save himself as the doe rushed towards him
threatening to crush the wolf. Not two seconds later as the doe thrashed about on
the ground Follko watched as Narimé took the opportunity to finish the damn creature.
With a sickening snap of his jaws Follko followed suit and grabbed a hold of the doe's
thigh and pulled so that the animal was almost on its back. As long as it couldn't touch the
ground Follko knew this animal was not getting up again. So he made sure the doe continued to kick in an surfeit amount at the air. He also used his bulk to keep the doe
from rolling itself over to get up.

A few minutes passed and the doe began to grow more and more limp. Its blood
draining from Narimé's final death grip on its jugular. We probably could start eating now.
Follkos first thought was. Then he laughed through a mouthful of fur. He laughed because that chase just happened to be a fun one. Not too hard but not too easy either. At least
this time he didn't get a rolled ankle to heal up for a few days afterward.
"Thad wuz peddy goot eh..." The words came out bad through his full mouth but
Follkos wagging tail should assure the other wolves of his good will.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
As Sloane caught his breath and his legs stood firm beneath him he took in the action before him. The older man had indeed been quick enough to get out of the way of the falling doe and he was relieved. He may not like him getting to close to Narime' and making her uncomfortable, but he hadn't wanted to see him harmed either. Then his heart swelled with pride for his little Blue Eyes as she leaped for the creature's throat and severed the jugular as he had intended.

While she kept her grip, delivering the killing blow, Follko had grabbed one of the hind legs to still the beast as it's life ebbed slowly onto the hard earth. By the time he had recovered his breath, it was done and the doe lay still, it's large eyes dull now that it's life force had left it. He walked up to the others with a sense of pride. They had worked well and accomplished their goal together. <b>"Not bad for three loners, eh? We shall all eat well today!"</b> He gave a respectful nod to Follko. For Narime' he had a charming smile and a wink for a job well done. She had done something few her age would have even attempted, no less accomplished! He was more than proud of her. he was, well... <i>more.</i>
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé didn't want to let go of the doe. Even if the life had left it.
She'd never felt this way before. The young she wolf felt like chomping
down harder and tearing it apart. She relished the blood of the animal as
it covered her maw and dripped down her throat. This feeling scared her.
The yearling barely acknowleged Sloane's proud voice as the bloodlust filled her.
With a yank she tore herself away from the doe closed her eyes and tried to calm herself.
When she opened them again her breathing had slowed and her blue eyes were set upon
Sloanes. She smiled ruefully through the doe's throat which was still clamped into her jaws.

Her belly rumbled and the thirst for blood came over her again. She snapped up the
flesh that was in her mouth and ate it. It felt good... going down her throat.
"Yeah we will all eat very well." She commented slowly still trying to keep
herself from turning around and tearing into the still warm animal.
The silvery wolf had almost forgotten about Follko until now. She watched him
still gnawing on the doe's leg.

"You did really well for an old timer." She attempted to make friends with the rusty black male.
Especially since without his help they might not have gotten the good meal.
"So you're from a pack right? I hope you won't be in trouble for being
gone so long from them." She kept her muzzle neutral again. She had noted his scent
before the hunt ever began and wondered why he was away from his pack, wherever
they may be. I wonder what pack he's from. Definately not Poison Path pack.
She moved closer to Sloane and hoped the other male wouldn't find her comments offending
any way.

Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
Follko lifted his head away from the doe as it slowly left this earth.
Now that the doe was finally dead they would all be able to enjoy a good
well deserved meal. I guess I should thank them huh..... He nosed
around at his ankles which had healed up well after the last moose hunt
just making sure there wasn't any pain. Then the old wolf stood up and watched
the two youngins. Sloane seemed happy with himself and their catch, and the
female was still latched onto the doe.
"Its dead now miss you can let go!" He laughed and watched as she tore the throat
out from the deer and stood facing them with her eyes closed. He could tell she was
trying to calm herself. She'll make a fine hunter, especially with that bloodlust, and
her determination.
He nodded to himself slowly and turned back to Slaone.

"Yes that was fine hunt. Got my blood thumpin." He smiled casually and lifted his head
happily. The scent of the doe was alluring and Follko couldn't wait to take a bite of it.
"Oh and I must say thank you both for letting me hunt with you." He dipped his head
to both wolves then turned to look at Narimé. She seemed calmer now.

"You did really well for an old timer." He growled at the comment but let it slide.
"Yes little miss because I have experience..." He quickly corrected his growl and switched
to a casual grin again. No pissin off these youngsters. Especially that male.

"So you're from a pack right? I hope you won't be in trouble for being
gone so long from them."
He turned a bit serious again. Was she trying to get
information out of him about the pack? She wasn't a part of one yet it seemed.
Perhaps she might wanna join... He placed another smile upon his face.
"Yes miss I am a part of a pack, but don't worry your little head off. They won't miss me
since I finished my chores anyway. " He smiled and wagged his tail slightly.
That's all she's gonna find out about us too. He turned his head to the carcass and
began gnawing on the leg again. He liked going after the bones
and the good stuff inside of them.

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane watch intently as Narime' seemed to be trying to calm herself. The thrill of the hunt was certainly an intoxicating thing. Especially went the prey was large and swift. The adrenaline and bloodlust was a potent combination. Finally she seemed to regain her composure as she ripped a large chunk of the deer's throat out and looked at him a bit sheepishly. There was absolutely nothing wrong with being an enthusiastic hunter. It was a side of her that he hadn't seen the night before, but that wasn't to say that he didn't find it quite appealing.

Sloane felt pride well up in him again and he nearly forgot the presence of the old man. <i>Apparently, a strong and confident female was an intoxicating thing as well,</i> he thought as he watched her silently for a few moments. Thoughts raced through his head before he firmly tamped them down. Now was the time to feast, not think... about things. With a shake of his head and a playful smile for Narime', Sloane moved forward to partake of their hard won bounty, placing himself firmly between Follko and Narime' at the shoulder.

Narime' complimented the older male and thanked him, gracious as always. Sloane gave a nod of agreement, but didn't add anything. Follko didn't seem too inclined to give any more information, other than that he was with a pack. No skin off of his back. As long as he didn't intend harm to either of them, especially Narime', he would be fine. And as long as he kept his distance from her. He had not acted improperly in the least, but she was obviously not completely at ease with the older man. Sloane felt a jolt of happiness when the young fae moved closer to him for security, which he did not bother to hide as his thick tail wagged and he smiled again as a bit of warmth crept up his neck.


Knight of Honor