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The Flame That Hungers — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
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Vium Nysot
Dusk. Cool, but not cold.

His paws brought him to these lands. Away from his pack. Away from the new alpha...a wolf he would refuse to serve under. His father had grown old, and so Vium decided it would be right for him to leave. He didn't really care where he would end up, as long as food and water were plenty...which seemed to be true here.

Smooth brown eyes peered through the weaving trees as he scented the air in silence. Deer. Perhaps a fawn was around? He felt his stomach churn hungrily as he thought of the flesh tender of the young prey. Smiling to himself, the black-tawny wolf began to slowly slink through the moss covered trees. His tail swayed low as he crept like a ghost. He parted his jaws, allowing a strand of saliva to string to the forest floor. Within minutes, he had reached his target.

A well-fed doe was grazing contently upon the emerald grasses in a small clearing. Beside her: a fawn. The creature was beginning to lose its spots. Ducking down as the mother gazed in his direction, Vium formulated a plan within his mind to catch the long-legged deer.

He paced around the edge of the clearing, keeping low to the foliage as he did so. Every time the doe looked up, he would freeze and hold his breath. Chocolate eyes remained steeled upon the fawn as he neared their rears. With a powerful push of his legs, he was off, leaping toward the young critter. The mother dashed forward frantically, fluffed white tail raising like a flag of alarm.

He wasn't extremely fast, but what he lacked in such, he made up for in strength. Within moments, the dark male had the animal within his jaws, snapping down upon its neck and ending its life within the blink of an eye. With heavy panting, Vium shook his pelt out before beginning to eat...
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
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Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali was restless. Not that she tired of being in her new pack, she just wanted to go farther than the river that marked their lands. She hadn't stepped over but once with Marsh when they were investigating the young interloper hanging out near their borders. Even that had only been for a few moments. She was proud to guard her pack, but needed a break from border patrol. So she made the short crossing across the river onto the opposite bank, outside pack borders. She hadn't seen anyone from her pack today and longed to hunt. And to truly run.

This was how she ended up so far from the River borders. Her inborn speed and love of running. The wolf loved feeling her long slender legs eating away at the ground beneath her and the wind combing through her pristine white pelt. She laughed for joy as she fairly flew southwesterly through a path of the forest where the trees were more spread out, allowing her feet to fly unhindered by the need to dodge to and fro. After a while, she saw a pretty grove to her right and she slowed to a walk to cool herself and catch her breath. Knowing better than to just stop after a wild run, Cali continued on, taking in this part of relic lore that she'd never seen before. She hadn't made it very far, before joining Swift River.

Cali didn't regret it, not for a second, but she did miss the adventure of seeing new lands. She wouldn't be gone long, but she felt refreshed of spirit already, despite her long run. She could scent the borders of a pack to her left and veered away from it. She had no desire to cause trouble between her pack and this one, so she skirted wide and northward into an area that was thickly wooded and had an unusual amount of underbrush. Well, she'd wanted different and this was definitely different.

As she skirted the edges of the thicket forest, Cali took in as much as she could before the light was gone. Wait! Before the light was gone! With startled green eyes, she realized that the light was indeed about to fade and she was far from home. What was she thinking, coming so far and by herself? She wouldn't make it back before nightfall. She wouldn't even make it back to the grove by then. Now, her dilemma was did she hole up for the night here, or start back home? Either way, she needed to rest first.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
Teeth tore at the flesh of the kill as the wolf ate greedily. He gulped down chunks of chewed meat; his brown eyes glowing with hunger. With his ears flattened against his head, he muzzled into the animal, eating every bit his teeth could get a hold onto. Then, there was a noise. Was it another deer? Eyes now growing fierce, he pulled his head up, muzzle stained dark with crimson blood.

The light was slowly fading into darkness. Soon, he would be enveloped by the foliage, blending in as he traveled within the night. He would have to rest in awhile after such a meal, though. A safe place would be rather easy to find here. With a grunt, the male seemed to grow testy. He could not smell the air properly, for his nostrils were accustomed to smelling the fawn's blood as he ate. He could rely only upon his hearing and eyesight.

An ivory figure was not too far off, making its way steadily toward him. Nose wrinkling, Vium nearly released a snarl, but turned back to his meal instead. He continued to munch away, hoping that perhaps the other wolf would turn away.
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali was looking for a safe place to rest. Unlike most wolves, the darkness was not her friend when it came to concealment. Her coat fairly glowed in the growing darkness, a beacon to both friend and foe. She was making her way deeper into the thicket in the hopes of finding a place to hide herself for a while to rest. As she looked about, nothing seemed right so she would simply have to pick a place and hope for the best. As she slowed, scouting the immediate area, the shadows seemed to move ahead of her.

Her heart thumped in her chest. She had hoped to run into no one else on this venture and could now only hope that what lay ahead was not dangerous. Or, better yet, did not know that she was there. Just as she was deciding to leave, the wind shifted slightly in her direction and bringing her the distinctive scent of another wolf. And blood. Not a good combination when you were a wolf alone, shining like a beacon for all to see. Cali held her breath as she stepped backwards away from the male. Disturbing a hungry, unknown wolf in the middle of a meal wasn't a good idea on any day.

He didn't seem to have noticed her, or at least hadn't reacted in the form of words or snarls as of yet and she wanted to keep it that way. She would let him eat in peace and be on her way. She stepped back carefully, not making a sound, keeping her eyes focused on the shadowy form of the other wolf. She had backed up two steps already and then on her third, crack!, a brittle branch broke as she stepped on it in her blind backwards path. The sound was not loud, but it was clear and Cali froze, waiting tensely.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
She saw him. Good. The sound of paw steps had ceased, and it was quiet for a few moments. With his ears now perked upward, Vium almost grinned as he heard the snap of a twig. He turned his head slowly, left brown eye peering at her. "Well.... are you going to leave, or stay?" With this question, he kept his eye upon her, almost staring her down in silence. It was an uncomfortable silence, but that was something that he enjoyed. With his tail-tip flicking, he grunted, lowering his head down to the remains of the fawn.

Jaws crunched on bones as he finished up his meal; he was cleaning off his teeth now. As soon as he had finished, he ran his pink tongue across his muzzle. The flavor of the blood was still on his tongue, and, pursing his lips, the man whipped around quickly. As he turned, he lifted his rump slightly off the ground, as if he was to rise up- but he did not. He was still sitting. Now, though, he was facing her directly.

The darkness was claiming the land. The pelt of the woman seemed to glow in the fading rays of the sun. What a pity. She was so easy to spot. How did she possibly hunt at night? Closing his lids, Vium rolled his eyes before peering back at her. His brown eyes were focused upon her, piercing through her own gaze.
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">She had every intention in leaving before the twig had broken and announced her as loudly as a bull horn. Perhaps he had already detected her, perhaps not, but now there was no doubt as to her presence and exact location. Of course her white fur was a beacon in the growing darkness so it only sped up the inevitable. The old Cali would have likely bolted and run away trembling in fear before the stranger in the shadows, but that Cali was gone. She was not foolish, but she also did not cower. Her days of servitude were over and despite being alone and away from her pack, she refused to bow down before her fears or the stranger.

"Well.... are you going to leave, or stay?" he asked in a no nonsense voice. She could still retreat with dignity, but an unfamiliar part of her rose to the thrill of an encounter with a stranger, with night only moments away. Should she stay or should she go? After another moments hesitation, she spoke in a soft yet confident voice, "I think that I shall stay. I am Cali." If he chose to attack, she had learned a few tricks that would protect her until she could run away. She seriously doubted that he would be able to catch her if it came down to a chase. She was certainly no tawpie that would engage in a battle for no good reason. She did value her hide after all and had a responsibility to keep herself whole and healthy for the good of her pack.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
Vium nodded as she decided to stay. He lay casually; he was obviously not on edge. Lowering his head, he licked a bloody paw, and eyed her as she stated her name. "Vium" his voice rumbled in his chest. Brown eyes began to adjust to the darkness that was claiming the land. The woman smelled potent- she carried the scent of other wolves, although it was faint. A pack wolf, most likely. Wrinkling his face, he looked to the bones of his fawn before sighing.

With liquid motion, the dark man was to his feet, and he was staring straight at Cali. "I'm going to assume you are from a pack....correct?" He tilted his head a bit, eyes locked upon her own. Ears flickered as a thoughtful glimmer shot through his pupils and irises, but disappeared as quickly as it had shown up. It wouldn't hurt to get the scoop on what pack she belonged in... he had no idea of how many belonged in these lands.

"Dare I announce it...." his voice trailed off, and he smirked before continuing "But I have previously stepped paw upon these lands. Would you mind being so kind as to inform me of the packs that roam these lands...Cali?"
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali was not sure what to make of this male, Vium. There seemed a dark air about him, almost sinister, but she was unsure if that was just her imagination from being in a strange land in the darkening shadows. He had done nothing to warrant such speculation, but she could not shake it. When he innocently asked after her own pack status and of other packs in the land, she hesitated. There was really nothing to hide, for Swift River was a strong and vibrant pack that would defend their lands should danger come to it and there wasn't much which she could share of other packs. She had joined her own family a very short while after coming to relic lore.

Taking in his curious look and admission to being new to the lands himself, she decided to share what she knew. She lifted her head in pride and her green eyes flashed in the darkness as she answered, "Yes. Yes, I am from the Swift River pack. Of other packs, I know of at least two, but suspect that there are several more." She counted Elettra and her unknown pack, since she had no doubt in her mind that the regal dark lady had achieved her goal by now and had a loyal following behind her.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
Vium nodded to her words before pacing a half-circle around her. His tail was low, swaying back and forth slowly. His tongue ran over his top row of teeth before he stopped. "Mmhmm." It appeared that he was thinking, but one could not be sure. With a turn of his head, he spoke. "Perhaps I will consider a pack around here..." Brown eyes peered around before meeting Cali's gaze once again "Perhaps I will not. Time will tell, yes?"

He turned his body away from her, feeling a few raindrops fall on his back that made it through the canopy. With a snarl on his face, he spoke while faced away from Cali. His voice was low, but very clear "Why are you.... away from your pack?" A brow raised, and he smirked to himself. What a foolish woman. Linger too far, and horrific things may happen...

The droplets grew heavier, therefore able to break through the canopy easier. The thick moss on the trees sang songs of joy as the water was absorbed in its sponge-like greenery. The scent of the grasses and dirt around them filled his nostrils. Taking a deep breath in, he closed his eyes.
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">As Vium spoke to her, he slowly circled her until he came to a stop directly behind her in the path that she had traveled to get to this spot. Something in the air shifted and suddenly Cali knew that she had made a mistake in staying. She should be halfway back home by now and not stuck here in these dark shadows with an unknown male. When he spoke again, "Why are you.... away from your pack?" The hair on the back of her neck raised of it's own volition and her ears flicked against her head fearfully for a second before she forced them forward again. His head was still turned away from her so he should not have seen her momentary show of weakness. Never show weakness to the... enemy? Yes, somehow Vium had just shifted from mysterious stranger to potentially dangerous enemy.

Turning to face him, Cali lifted her head and had a brief flash of Marsh circling her in their first spar. Always face danger head on so you knew what was coming. Right now, every instinct screamed, danger! The white wolf had learned long ago to listen when her gut spoke so loudly. Every muscle was tight and ready for whatever came next. Evaluating him once again in the darkness it was clear that she was more than outmatched in strength. That was no surprise for he was a large, powerful wolf. It was also obvious that she was leagues above him in speed. Her name wasn't Cali Swiftpaw for nothing! Her family was known for being fleet of foot, making them excellent hunters and runners. Should things take a turn for the worse here, all she needed to do was get clear of him and he would be nothing more than a bad memory.

With difficulty Cali swallowed her nerves and answered him, her voice betraying none of her inner war of emotions. "I simply went for a run and time got away from me." It was the truth, but she heartily wished that she had a less impulsive reason for being away. No one was even aware that she had crossed over the river borders...

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...