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what a mess — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
Random Event - There is a small landslide on the mountain.
All welcome! Any Poison Path wolves wanna come save your leader?

Thunderstorms - Current Temperature: 73° F/23° C

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
When she left the den this morning, the land was in a daze. Clouds littered the sky, not allowing any baby blue color to show. The land was darker than normal, but she still wanted to go to the mountains. She hadn't been able to go visit them in a while, since the cubs. Her usual routine of waking up in the morning to see the sunrise and going back in the evening for the sunset has been on a temporary halt.

And she missed it. Dearly.

She even though there was no sun, she still wanted to feel the rough surface of the mountain underneath her pads. As she reached her outcrop, she laid down and sighed lovingly as she felt the coldness of the rocks underneath her. It felt so good to her. Most love the feel of grass and the smell of tress, but it was different for Athena. The rough and cold surface of the mountains sooth the darkest of her demons. This was way she came here. To get away from everything. Especially her demons.

But as she felt the unpleasant feeling of rain, the nice feeling was gone. The Leader decided it was best to get back to the safety of Poison Path's den. As she began her descent down the steep mountainside, the clouds exploded. All the water that was held in their fluffy material, fell on top of her like a waterfall. She moved on though, as there was no shelter close by. She came to the bare part of the mountain where rain and wind eroded away the rough rock surface, replacing it with loose dirt. Her sight was limited and she didn't see what was about to happen.

Before she knew it, everything was muddy and she was sliding down the mountain.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
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Steel Kaldorr
<blockquote>Steel had traveled the borders, securing and marking them in his potent scent. The sun was going down and he had had enough of 'duty' for one day. He needed to escape the borders that bound him. Athena would have to understand that if he didn't venture out from time to time, he would lose it. The boundaries chaffed at him and he was honestly doing his best, but this evening he needed to roam. The jagged mountains called to him. Their rugged appeal was only foreshadowed here in the foothills and around the lake. He remembered the thrill that coursed through his veins when he first came upon the rugged terrain, rather that the soft comfort of the grassy plains and forests.

Tonight, he would explore the mountains that begged him to come. With a small growl, Steel crossed the invisible barrier that bound him and set himself free, at least for a short while. Tonight was his and his alone. As he looked at the slowly darkening sky, thunderclouds gathered, but they concerned him not at all. The dark blue-grey of the sky was mirrored in his own stormy blue eyes and her reveled in the uncontrolled wildness of the coming storm. It pulled him as if he was on a string, a puppet to it's master. He didn't fight it, instead, he reveled in the wildness brewing in the skies and within himself.

About half way up the nearest side of the mountain he picked up a scent. Only a week ago, he would have ignored it and gone out of his way to avoid the wolf that had passed by here before him. But it was not a week ago, it was now and the scent was familiar. <i>Athena.</i> With a growl, his first thought was that he was not alone on his mountain. Somehow it had morphed into <i>his</i> mountain. Then he wondered at her being out here alone, with the coming storm. Most normal wolves would have avoided being caught in it, unlike him. Then, he was most certainly <i>not</i> most wolves.

His newborn sense of duty kicked in and he knew that he needed to find her and make sure that she was safe. He was unsure what he would have done had it been any wolf but Athena. His loyalty to her had come fast and hard and it was unbreakable. He didn't understand the why of it, but it just <i>was.</i> For her, he would move mountains. With that thought, he looked ahead of him when a huge deluge of rain came down in a great sudden torrent. Movement caught his eye and he saw a small part of the mountain rearranging it's shape.

With horror, he saw a flash of pure white fur tumbling down with it. Before had even fully processed the thought, he was off like a shot in her direction, uncaring of the rough rocks that tore at his pads, making them bleed. His feet were toughened from constant travel, but the mountainside was a new kind of vicious and sought to keep him from his leader.</blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx was on a daily patrol, but knew today it would be short. He had descended from the lake region to explore more of what the mountain had to offer. The sky was darkening, and although the temperature was not that bad, there was rain to be expected. He padded along the rocks with ease, the cool stone beneath him cooling his rough pads. Tail was straightened out as to act as a balancer for himself. A cool wind began to blow, and the rains began to fall.

It was a downpour. He was soaked within moments, his pelt of white and black dripping as he decided it was time to turn back. As he went to turn his massive frame, the earth below him began to droop. With a snarl, he didn't know things could get worse 'till he spotted a white wolf not too far off- Athena? Athena! His eyes widened in terror as he watched his woman start to drift down with the descending mud.

He didn't care how much it hurt to run through the sliding rocks and mud. He began to bound toward her, yelling out her name. As he approached, He saw another wolf- what was his name? Hell, he didn't know, and now was most certainly not the time. Tlarx began to allow the ground to take him with it in order to catch up to where Athena was. He winced as sharp rocks dug at his limbs. The rain blurred his vision, causing him to blink rapidly.

There was no giving up. "Athena!" He barked aloud, about fifteen yards from his beloved.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
The woman was in good condition. Her body had not only adjusted to the mountain side, but had embraced the rough life-style with little complaint. Her raven black paw-pads were like sand-paper, built to endure glass sharp edges and slippery slopes. She wasn’t extremely quick or strong, but her endurance was admirable, as was her bravery. Any marathon runner would stare in envy. The woman was built for challenges, for danger. There was a thin line between suicidal, stupidity, and pure courage for the female, and she’d cross it. The risks she took daily were not without reason, and not without consequences. It was wolf instinct to protect their life above all else. Yet, the woman was wired differently, wrongly. Survival was a game, and she held the luck. She’d fight against those thoughts, they’d push her forward. She’d rebel against her own mind and do the unspeakable.

Her fur was becoming heavy. She had a thick luscious coat, now weighing down with each droplet of water. The liquid pulled each strand of gold, white and black to her body, making her figure more noticeable. Her pelt did not stick out like a drowned rat. Instead it relaxed flatly on her spine, muscles beaming out. Her eyes stood out like a sore thumb against the dark clouds, her long lashes framing them both magically. She could not hear, see, or feel the approaching landslide, yet she was on the path. It was a terrible coincidence. The first time Treena had made the journey up the mountain. Athena had been captured. Her leader had been taken. It was not fear Treena would shortly feel, but anger, because life was not being fair. The cards had been stacked against Poison Path the day they were created, and now the freshly new leadership could be ruined. The pack may not be strong enough to suffer through another accident, especially one this dramatic.

The moments leading up to the danger were spent thinking, about nothing. Her wide beady eyes were focused the sky, caught up in life. She thought mostly of Ash, her mate who had newly joined her home. Though Treena didn’t desire a pack of her own, breeding was quite different. Though that privilege belonged to Athena and Tlarx only, it was hard to ban such fantasies. She did it well, instantly shunning the image after a moment or two of guilty indulgence. She instead thought of Belladonna and Datura. Only two pups to be shared among the pack. The female would be protective and loyal to them both, and hopefully grow a strong bond with them both as they grew. She’d teach them what she could, and they’d learn the rest themselves. Just like pups in packs should.

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted quite quickly. She started hearing the distant shouting and crashing. She could smell it. It hit her like a brick wall, and she was momentarily stunned. It came out of the distance at a shocking speed, a white head peeking through the rubble, two large males running after. One was unknown to her, a large burly male. She could only get a glimpse of him. There was no time to focus on curiosities. Like all the males in Poison Path he was large and burly, maybe a new edition to the pack. He wasn’t in great condition for racing down a mountain, especially now, but no wolf was. Not even the training Poison Path wolves could take this lightly.

Her gut clenched, but there was nothing she could do but endure. There was no way she could run away, not in this weather. The panic made Treena sick, but her mind still worked. It shifted into overdrive and each pebble was noticed. She could leap up, towards a small ledge. She could climb out of the landslides grasp. It would be an easy leap, not too steep. For a loner, it would be nearly impossible, but Treena was trained for this. It was a safe option, the smart one. She could chase alongside Tlarx and the new male in hope of Athena’s safety while staying protected. Or, she could be an idiot and try to fight and get to her through the mud. While option one was the less reckless, and the most responsible, Treena needed to make sure Athena kept her head above the landslide. This choice was important. If Athena died, Treena would not only hate herself, but she’d return empty-handed to a pack. Treena would not go to Ava and explain her own failure. She would not regret this decision. That moment it was clear on her face she noticed the escape route. She saw it, debated it. She just couldn’t find it in her heart to take it. Instead, she waited the extra second, pulling back like a lioness on the hunt, back-legs preparing until the mud and rock was at her paws. She could not fight the landslide once she was in it, but right now she could. She jumped forward and into the racing natural disaster, trying to push forwards her alpha while keeping her head up. She instantly was being taken with the current, straining her head towards her alpha, making sure she was still breathing. <b>“Athena!”</b>
(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2012, 12:47 AM by Treena.)
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
<blockquote>Ava's intention of laying out on her sun rock had turned out not in her favor. Early morning was often a bad indicator of the weather further in the day. Just because it was grey and nippy didn't mean that the sun wouldn't come out eventually. Of course, that day it did not, and instead the dark female was pelted with droplets of rain. It was far from what she had wanted, and with a frustrated snort she disengaged from her previous activity and began to stalk down the landscape toward her home. In passing she could see further down the valley, picking out all sorts of minute details. The trail they four had taken originally to claim the land. The protrusion where her swan dive had caught Kade's eye. The makeshift cave where they had spent one beautiful night.

His scent no longer existed anywhere on the mountainside. Instead it was saturated with her packmates, to no surprise. They did love their mountain, even if it wasn't technically their's, though it was awfully strange to find a loner up here. These rocks were never kind.

And speak of the devil. A large clusterfuck of smells were brought to her by the breeze of rainfall, all particularly fresh. Strange, why were there so many of them up here? Were they running a special border patrol sans invitation to Ava? Curiously the female started toward it, droplets of water leaving her coat as her speed increased. The further her paws took her, the more she got a strange feeling of dread. There was a commotion going on that she could hear, and it wasn't just the rain or the howling wind. Was that... was that her packmates yells she heard? The female wasted no more time and bounded toward the noise, only to be stopped by a large rock as it flew just past her nose. Able to focus now on her surroundings, she saw mud slipping away a few feet in front of her, and above were several shapes coming fleetly down with it.

At the forefront was Athena, flying down the mountainside accompanied by the slick of mud and rocks. Steel's burly figure chased after her with Tlarx in hot pursuit of them flanked by Treena. Her heartbeat tripled; despite the comic nature of their literal downfall, the mountain was not kind. Their slip-and-slide did not end in a joyous splash of harmless water, that much she was sure of.

Ava's brow furrowed and her figure tensed, brilliant eyes no longer locked on to the four wolves as they tumbled down but at the falling ground to see where it lead. It was all well and good if one of them managed to catch her, but they would not be able to stand back up on their own in that mess. All four of them would crash into the rocks at the bottom and injure themselves. So instead of joining the parade, Ava turned and ran downward, following the fall of the terrain until it began to even out and slow down. This would be their only chance to get out before the trail grew worse. At the bottom of the slide she stood, tail lashing while an anticipatory growl thundered in her throat. And when Athena came close enough, Ava would leap forward from her perch and try to tackle the smaller woman out of the slipping terrain, all while the other three came tumbling not too far behind.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Nothing could get as dramatic as this. There were two options. Athena could keep going with the landslide towards the rocks that lie there, which would mean serious injury; or she could somehow leap out of the mess, which was almost impossible. Mud and rock flew into her face, almost blinding her, as she slid down the rocky surface. The once beautiful white coat was now cloaked with a combination of thick mud, rocks, and possible goat dug. Perhaps today, she should have stayed home.

She had no way of knowing who was all here trying to get her, but she heard some voices yelling out. What she did not hear or even care for at the moment, she just wanted to get out of this. Her paws painfully tried to gain purchase on anything that could stop her downfall. The black pads soon became bloody, but she didn't give up. At one point she caught the side of a boulder, but with the mud flowing down, her paws lost their grip and she continued down the slip-and-slide.

The mountainside began to even out and her downfall slowed slightly, but not enough for her to escape. As she whipped her head backwards to see if there were possibly any boulders falling down towards her, she saw them chasing after her. Steel, Tlarx, and Treena all within the landslide after her. Steel was the closest about four wolf lengths away while her mate raced towards her about six wolf lengths away. Treena flanked them, her head barely keeping out of the muck.

She turned back towards the awaiting rocks, that she'd soon hit. However, the black figure of her beloved Second stood in the way. In an instant, she knew what Ava had planned. Turning back towards her loyal members, she yelled "Get out, quickly!" She'd eventually be saved by Ava, but they might not have that same escape route. By the time she'd get out of the landslide, they'd be already at the deadly cluster of rocks.

She was finally reached Ava and as their bodies clashed together, she couldn't help but wince. Her body flew out of the landslide and landed safety out of the muck. She struggled to get up, her legs badly scrapped and bruised. As she put weight on her front legs, her right front leg screamed out in pain. A whine escaped her maw, but she was determined. Her front leg seemed like it managed to get itself twisted when she landed, so she didn't put any weight on it as she tried to get up. All she could hope was that she didn't see any bodies at the end of the deadly slide.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
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Steel Kaldorr
<blockquote>Steel felt as if he was moving in slow motion in his attempt to get to Athena. He wasn't sure what he would do when he reached her, but he couldn't just watch his new leader careen helplessly to her death amidst the debri of the mountain. He leaped in her direction, rocks and dirt doing their best to hinder his efforts. Eventually, he managed to close the distance, but she was still in the center of the chaos and he was on the perimeter with no real idea of how to get he out of the mess.

In the peripherals of his mind, he realized that other wolves had also shown up to help, he was merely the closest at the moment. Ahead and on the other side of the landslide, he spied a black form that had to be Ava, Athena's loyal second. He was about to try and jump further into the fray of tumbling earth to somehow get Athena closer to the side when the white fae turned and yelled for them to get out before she used Ava's sturdy body to stop her own forward motion. Seeing that she was out of immediate danger, he gave a curt nod in her general direction before making his way in awkward leaps and bounds back towards the outer edge of the fall and getting himself free of the deathtrap.

It was not until he stumbled to a stop on shredded paws that he finally saw the other two wolves that had been close behind him. Rain dripped down his dark countenance as he took in another large white male and a slightly smaller female, neither of which he had met yet. It was obvious that they were pack mates in the way that they had valiantly tried to reach Athena, despite the danger to their own lives. It didn't even occur to him that he, the silent and solitary man, had done the very same thing.

A newfound respect for these unknown pack mates awoke in Steel and he found himself running after the other pair. He was now on safer ground, but they hadn't quite made it out of the slide yet. Again, he ignored his ragged and bloody paws to be ready in case one of these wolves needed aid from him. Athena would not be happy if he let something happen to one of her pack mates. </blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
A bit of pp, if it's a no go let me know :).
Tlarx spotted Ava directly below the mess; she was waiting for Athena to come down. Turning his body sharply, the man rushed down toward the black-coated woman, his brown eyes fierce with determination. His paws were in pain; the rocks scraped and tore at them horribly....yet he ignored it. The adrenaline was ferociously pumping through his veins. No time to think, just do.

He stopped a bit below Ava, now waiting in case she fell with Athena. His eyes focused on the white blur that was his mate. It was horrible seeing her fall, but within moments it was over. She collided with Ava, and Tlarx prepared for impact, and he was soon met by the two bodies of the woman. The impact knocked the breath out of him, and he struggled to obtain his footing. It was nearly impossible as the adrenaline wore off and the pain began to shoot through his paws and limbs. With a hasty snarl, he fell to his side, releasing a loud huff as he did so.

With his head whirring, the man rose up slowly, nudging Ava then licking Athena. His eyes went to Steel, and he nodded at the male. He would have to talk to him later- this would was definitely a Poisoned one.