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into the sun — Swift River 
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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Though he had never seen them, Marsh knew plenty about the newest generation, and was as devoted to their safety as he was to their older siblings, if not more so. Fenru, Kisla and Rihael had all grown without incident, and were fine creatures in their own right now. No doubt Rissa, Torrel and Aiyana would be the same - certainly, nothing nefarious would happen to them if Marsh had anything to say about it.

The summons came, and for a moment, Marsh hesitated. He had not been impatient to meet them, content as he was to protect them from afar. Still, it would be good to put faces to the scents.

With a huff, he turned away from the riverside, loping slowly towards the den. A small part of him disliked knowing that the majority of the pack would be absent from the borders, but he knew that the meet would not take long - and how much more well-guarded could the den get with the entire pack crowded around it? Yes, they would be fine, and finally he allowed himself some measure of innocent excitement at the prospect of meeting the children, silly as it was. He would be seeing plenty of them in the coming year, after all - and maybe even beyond.

When he arrived, most of the pack had gathered, and it pleased him to see them all together. Cali and her sister, Angier, the older brother Fenru, Indru and Corinna, Triell, Ice - and there, the main event. Little dark brown and little black, two of the three. Aiyana and Torrel, he presumed, though his assumptions regarding which girl was which could be wrong.

Posture low and respectful, Marsh passed Indru (offering the customary lick on the way) to reach Corinna. With a quiet, congratulatory whine, he pressed his nose to her cheek and then lingered there, his head below her own, turning his gaze towards Torrel. He shared Rihael's spark, it would seem. snorting softly - affectionately - his tail wagged once behind him, as he watched his life's purpose enjoy their first day in the sun.</blockquote>
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>His father's howl rang through the woods, impossible to miss, and Rihael clambered to his feet. His perch atop a large log had played the role of a comfortable place for him to sit and think— something he'd only recently given thought to. When the call came, he knew exactly what it was. As he hopped to the ground, large paws and frame absorbing the shock, Hael could fight the mix of emotions stirring somewhere deep within him: excitement, and anxiety.

His thick tail swished at his ankles as he stepped through the trees, nose to the ground. Then, his head swung upward once more to survey the wolves who were now in his company. Dad, Mom, Ice and Uncle Triell, Fen and Angier, Cali and another female, Marsh of course, and... His orange gaze settled sturdily on the objects of everyones' attention, two very mini-sized wolves.

Hael's heart nearly stopped. They— they were <i>way</i> smaller than he ever remembered being. Like, barely the size of rabbits, or something, or that one weird thing he and Fen had killed that one time. Slowly, he drew nearer, eyes moving to his parents' faces. He altered his course in their direction, his posture low, eyes moving around the faces of his packmates with a roguish sort of excitement; this... this was a big day for him. While he was used to the adult ranks, this was the first time he and Fenru would be grown-up, for real. There were pups now. He wasn't one of them anymore.

As he reached his father, he stopped momentarily, giving him a lick beneath the chin and a playful nose-poke to his cheek. He did the same for his mother, though after doing so, he stepped back, the eyes that were so similar to his father's taking in her comforting features. Then, with a deep breath he hoped nobody noticed, he turned, his attention fixed on the weirdly little new munchkins as he moved to sit at Fenru's other side. He greeted his brother with his usual brotherly lean, though it was a markedly more gentle shove than normal, as his eyes were glued to the tiny dudes. One was dark-furred, resembling Uncle Triell, and it seemed she was one of the girls, either Rissa or Aiyana. Silently, he tried to guess which one she could be, associating each name with her tiny frame. Then, he stared at the other— the other was tawny, so he guessed that had to be Torrell, the boy. His new little brother... he guessed, glancing sideways to Fen, that his other little brother wasn't so little anymore, huh?

Quietly, keeping uncharacteristically calm, Hael waited to see if one of the dudes would come up to him— though there were many other new faces for them to meet. Of course, he couldn't stop his tail from thumping the ground behind him.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jul 07, 2012, 05:57 AM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Rach gave me the go-ahead to skip Kisla this round. She will be joining us tomorrow. Also, <b>Lightening</b> your table code is not properly closed. Please double check that before posting again. Steph, assuming Rissa has come out to join them now. =)

Gone Tomorrow

Today would be a day to test their emotional abilities, at least for Corinna. The last time her cubs had emerged from the den, they had emerged into a world where most of their pack had abandoned them. So she was not in too much of a different boat than her newborn three, despite having been a mother once already. But some aspects to this game never changed, and it was with a wave of relief that Corinna met Indru. He was tense already, but the excitement on his face could not be lost. Dipping her head beneath his, she pressed the top of her head to the loose fur of his neck. "Ready for this?" she whispered, knowing already the answer. Of course they were.

Stepping back, Corinna turned her attention to the den entrance, where a tiny wolf face peered at her. In no time at all, Torrel had gotten his legs to work and was plowing his way out of the den. While he had come to her side initially, the excitement of freedom quickly drew him from her. Instinct made her start towards her son, but Indru was quicker to intercept him. Watching her mate lay down the law for today, that the cubs were allowed no farther than their parents permitted, Corinna settled herself. "Tor," she cooed before turning her attention back to the den. Aiyana, their oldest daughter, had also made her way out of the den. Not as rash as Torrel, the oldest Tainn cub was sticking closer to the safety of Cori and Indru's protection. Stepping closer, Cori lowered her head and licked her daughter's ears. This would be a big day for them all, better to provide comfort now while they were still able to have some privacy.

But not all of her cubs managed to climb out of the den. Rissa it seemed, was more reluctant to leave the comfort of home. But today that wasn't an option, because home was becoming a bigger place. Walking to the den Entrance, Corinna lowered herself down onto her stomach, peering into the darkness. "Rissa?" Cori's voice was soft and inviting. "Come on out. I'm right here." Cooing into the den in the hopes to reassure the youngest of the litter, Corinna sat up, alerted to the presence of incoming wolves.

Ice was the first to venture into the den area, and while a smile was plastered to her face at the sight of her friend, her tension also increased. The large male slid onto his stomach at Indru's feet, his gray eyes glued to the cubs. It made her feel angst, having others' peer so resolutely at her offspring. But that was what today was all about, so she would have to get over it.

The rest came in due time, apparently all having been waiting for the call. Each paid their respects to Indru, though Corinna, seated as she was on the far side of the circle, was not approached. As Fenru appeared, Corinna split her attention away from her newest offspring to her youngest older son. With a whine, she cried at him, affection and love clear on his face. Having been so preoccupied with Aiyana, Torrel, and Rissa, her previous litter had needed to take a step back. But she wanted Fenru to know that she loved him no less, and it would be with confidence when she introduced the siblings.

Almost immediately though Corinna's attention was drawn to an unfamiliar figure who had entered the den area. She smelled of pack, but Corinna's confinement to her den had not allowed her the privilege of keeping up to date with the River wolves. Stepping over the young bodies of the cubs, Corinna stood over them protectively, green eyes tracking the female from the moment she appeared in the grove to the moment she took a seat next to Cali. Though she did not growl or snarl, her face had morphed, and the aggression and hardness to her look was more than clear. Indru's mark had made it acceptable for the stranger to be here today, but it would be some time before Corinna trusted this newcomer around her precious cubs.

Marsh appeared then, the only of the River wolves to invade the circle of protection to reach her. He was smart though, and walked on the outside before coming to rest beside her. She greeted him with a nudge to his cheek, pleased to feel his tail brush her leg as it waved behind him. Her Second was utterly devoted, and the mother had little qualms with letting him peer so closely at the generation he was charged to protect. Looking up, Corinna saw Rihael, and whined at him, just as she had to Fenru earlier. The two brothers sat next to one another, and looking down at Torrel, Corinna couldn't help but imagine the future, when the three of them would sit next together with some camaraderie. Hopefully Kisla would be there too, and all six of her cubs could come to see themselves as what they were - family. But Kisla remained absence, and with some worry, Corinna shot a look to Indru, green eyes inquiring as to where their oldest daughter was lurking.

A glance around the circle showed the mother clearly that the attention was on the cubs nestled beneath her protective stance. Stepping back, she allowed a clearer view to them. "Aiyana, Torrel, and Rissa," she stated each of their names, touching each on the forehead as they did so. "This is your pack," she explained to the cubs. Shooting a look to Indru, the leader fell silent, willing to turn the rest over to him.

Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Aiyana paused where she was, one paw hanging clumsily on the air, and peered over at the dark shape of Torrel. It was hard to see him clearly at this distance, her eyes not yet being fully developed, and she frowned. What was he doing? Something bad, she guessed, for father had pushed him over, then nudged him back inside his and mother's range. The tiny wheels in her head turned, and she came to the conclusion that they were not supposed to go further than that. In the same way she's grown to accept that she was not allowed out of the den, she accepted this fact. She was just about to keep going, however, when Indru tossed his head back and howled. The sound boomed across the clearing, and so far it was the loudest thing she had ever heard. Stupefied and awed, she fell down heavily on her hind end, staring at her father. Had he made that sound? How? It had sounded so.. so powerful, rolling across her in ways not even the wind could; the wind teased and touched with playful hands, but that noise had shaken the ground beneath her, shaken her. She'd heard similar sounds from within the den, of course, but never up close. If he could.. maybe she could, too?

Clearly, she couldn't; the noise she emitted was high-pitched, squawking and awkward. It didn't shake the soul in the exciting way father's had. Her face fell, and she was glad that mother had gone back to urge Rissa out - no one would see the fleeting disappointment on her face, that she couldn't be like father. Sighing softly to herself, she remained sitting where she was, enjoying the sensation of grass beneath her. If she enjoyed everything slowly, one thing at the time, it'd last longer, right? Content with this philosophy she yipped a customary greeting to mother when she came out with Rissa.

Then everything changed again.

All of a sudden, a lot of the pack scents closed in on them, and a large, white shape came sliding out of the surroundings, ending up by father's paws. Was that.. was that how wolves behaved? She kept blinking at Ice's pale form, not quite sure what to make of his dramatic appearance; while the sudden motion had nearly startled her, he smelled of nothing unpleasant, just family. There was no reason to be afraid. But more kept coming, somewhat blurred shapes that all smelled of pack. None of them slid in like the first, though, so she assumed his appearance was not usual. It made her frown in his direction. But everyone was still so far away.. and she had no real desire to go over to them. They were too many. It was better she check them one by one over time, and still, still... something in her called out, to go to them, see who they were. But where to start? She gave a soft, anxious whine.

He made it easy for her. He came to them, where she sat by Corinna's paws, looking at everything with large blue eyes. He wasn't much larger than mother, but thicker, and his fur kept going in weird directions in some places. He took a place by mother's side, and Aiyana guessed he belonged there, then, or something. She could start with him - but then mother bent down to touch her head, saying her name, saying they were pack. Of course they were. Why else were they here? She craned her head back to try and give her nose a nip, but it had already moved away. Oh, well. Still somewhat graceless, she clambered up on all four and took the few steps necessary to end up in front of the male she'd picked out. She yipped a greeting, then sunk down to sit again, head tilted back as she stared at him, trying to drink in all his features, from the copper shade of his fur to the steel of his eyes. He looked... like mother and father, except different. She guessed that meant that he looked like a wolf. And that was good. Wolves should look like wolves.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
(This post was last modified: Jul 08, 2012, 08:10 PM by Aiyana.)
Played by Tara who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torrel Tainn

Seemingly out of nowhere Torrel suddenly found himself on his back, a light but firm weight upon his chest, and timidly he lifted his gaze to meet the fiery one of his father's—where a stern look had replaced the usual warmth. Tor felt his father's growl rumble against him through their connection with his paw and instantly his ears slicked back, his tail curled between his legs and he wrinkled his muzzle in a appeasing grin as small whines and yips escaped him in apology. He was held for a moment more before he felt the pressure lifted and, with a helping nudge, he quickly toppled back onto his feet and reared up to lick his father's chin before he bounded back a few paces from the invisible border.

Rather suddenly, once a communicative glance had passed between his parents, his father's muzzle rose as he called the pack—a sound that had always been muffled and distant with his weakened hearing and sheltered experience in the den. While Torrel had never witnessed this behaviour before it felt familiar and his body flooded with adrenaline, his fur tensing, as he felt the power and instinct behind it. The young cub hesitated only a moment before instinct took over and soon he howled his first howl—his erratic, high-pitched tenor mixing in with his father's and sister's.

Caught and lost in the howl it took Torrel a moment to notice that they had company and when he did his howl ended in a abrupt yowl of surprise, his blue eyes widening as he peered at the pale stranger that was now lying submissively near his father. Fascinated, Torrel stared at him hard, not yet understanding the implications of such a stare, and his eyes darted from the grey wolf to his father for reassurance. Not long after a black wolf—like 'Ana!—came into view and the young boy's nose rose skyward as he sniffed gently at the air, drawing in their scents. Soon, soon, more and more came and Torrel's eyes fell on each of the arrivals in turn, dazed, as the number of wolves he had met went beyond double in such a short period. Behind him he heard his mother speak and a sense of rightness washed over him as he peered at them with fresh, curious eyes—pack.

With a curious gaze shifting back to his father first, who gave him a reassuring nod, Torrel began to approach the pair that had drew his attention the most—their scent had a youthfulness about it, an innocence, that most reminded him of his siblings and they looked so familiar, so much like dad, that he immediately felt a kinship with them. When he was a couple of metres away he paused, leaning on the very tip of his paws and he stretched his nose forward to get his nose as close as he could. They smelt like dad, they looked like dad, and without much further ado he bounded forward excitedly, yowling, as his body curled like a snake as he smiled with not just his wrinkled muzzle but his whole body. Rearing up between the two of them Torrel's muzzle went rapidly from left to right as he tried to lick each of their chins in greeting, his ears slicked back in his desire to please and greet them both.

(This post was last modified: Jul 12, 2012, 01:28 PM by Torrel.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The Tainn watched Cori try to coax out their youngest daughter with a smile, he wasn't surprised the prospect of leaving the den was so daunting to the young cub. However his attention was soon taken from them when the rest of the pack started to show, responding to his call, to come and greet the newest additions to the pack. Indru's ears twitched in greeting to each wolf but his posture remained tense, his ears perked forward, his tail risen and his harder stare showing the added dominance he posed than normal. Each wolf responded in a way to please him though, with submissive licks to his chin or glances, and their arrival went without incident or challenge. The tension eased a little though Indru raised his hackles slightly in a non-verbal message to Jessie that she was to approach with greater caution that the other, proven, members of the pack. Indru's keen gaze watched Marsh as he continued around him and his gaze did not leave the oldest male until he saw that his and Cori's invisible circle around their children remained unbroken. So far, the cubs remained safely between their mother and father.

Unsurprisingly the mass increases of faces was a sight for surprise for the young cubs and Indru watched them with an adoring smile, offering nods of encouragement when they were sought from him. Aiyana and Torrel had both begun to approach the pack with curiosity—each picking a different 'target'—and Indru's eyes fell between them all, watching both his cubs for signs of stress and the wolves they had picked to greet. It was the cubs job to gain the pack's acceptance, to show their strength and vigour and to earn the pack's protection in their own joining ceremony, but equally it was the pack member's place to show their leaders their loyalty by giving it to their children.

When Aiyana yipped a greeting to Ice Indru smiled, giving the pale wolf a look that granted him permission to approach and break the circle. His gaze turned back to Torrel and he discovered that the boy had already bounded up to his blood brothers, and it didn't take long for yips and yowls to escape his slithering body as he bounded over the protective circle before the permission could be offered. These are your brother's, Torrel, Hael and Fen. Turning his gaze northwards his eyes lightened on his sons affectionately as they greeted their newest brother for the first time. After a pause Indru stepped in and across the boundary he and Cori had kept in a sign that the pack could follow and greet the new cubs now that they had made the first move to do so, though he kept a careful eye on the newest wolf as his watchful gaze drifted around between them all.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
First he might've been, but certainly not last. Triell's black form slid up to settle close to him, and he tossed his pack-brother a fond glance, but remained where he was beneath Indru's watchful eyes. The rest of the pack streamed in, but the Guardian paid them no heed - he returned Corinna's smile, though, pride in his gaze. He hadn't been around when her first litter was born, but here she'd produced a second one; a fine one, too, if he had anything to say about it. The smile widened into a grin, and he tried to convey comfort to her across the distance, but couldn't hold his eyes off the pups for long. Marsh - Marsh stole his attention too, and he gave the copper wolf a long, fond look. Aiyana, the black girl, seemed just as taken with him, perching in front of his feet and gazing up at him with large eyes. Ice had to smile at it; it seemed she'd picked the closest wolf available to peer at, but with a fleeting of emotion of hesitant affection he agreed that Marsh was a very good thing to look at. Who wouldn't want to stare at him all day, hm? Ice had spent too much of his time doing just that already, knowing most of his scars, the way the sunlight set off the red highlights-

He grinned, sheepishly, to himself, startled from his reverie by Indru's movement. It seemed that they were welcome to approach, but he was not sure he wanted to crowd in on them - especially not on poor Rissa. Ice sat back up on his haunches; here was all of Swift River, Jessie included - well... all except one. He couldn't see Kisla's tawny, lissome frame among the gathered wolves, and frowned, then shrugged it off. She probably had her reasons, or had just been far away. Deciding not to worry, at least not right now, he clambered to his feet and brushed up next to Triell. Fenru, uncertain as he'd been, seemed to have found some peace with Rihael beside him, and little Torrel eagerly greeting them. The Guardian gave his black friend a smile, pressing his side against him, before seeing if he could catch Fenru's eye; if he could, he'd give him an encouraging grin and a wink. For now, though, Ice was content to stick close to Triell and see if any of the three pups were willing to come to him. Aiyana, it seemed, was glued to Marsh, and Ice gave a hushed laughter. He nudged Triell's cheek, then pointed his muzzle in their direction. "Sweet, hm?" he murmured, warmth lacing every syllable.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Angier watched the scene unfold in front of him. The pack had assembled and everyone's eyes were trained on the circle that encompassed the den that the wolves around him had helped build and the inhabitants within it. The tension in the air was thin but it still created quite a barrier over the calmness and youthful energy beneath it. Once Rihael had arrived, Angier took a slow step backwards and reclined onto his stomach. Fenru should be alright then... now that his brother was there at his side to help buffer whatever emotions shocked his system.

He continued to survey everyone, a warm smile lifting his tawny features, but as the young girl ventured forth to inspect Ice, Torrel, the boy, dared to confront his older brothers. The Lyall cast a sideways glance at the three of them off to his side, suppressing a chuckle in his throat. Though the yearlings easily towered over him, Torrel still attempted to win their acceptance, the excitement and eagerness to bond with them clearly written all over his small, mousy-pelted body. Indru introduced them and to avoid staring the Hunter turned his gaze toward Corinna and the girl she had brought out into the sunlight. Rissa. His tail thumped about behind him, a hint of pride ballooning in his chest. <i>Was this how his uncle had felt when he and his siblings had first met him? To be honored and grateful to have been allowed to meet the pack's legacy?</i> Not everyone, he deduced was simply allowed entrance into Swift River, but he, an outsider and member of a fallen pack, had been welcomed after swearing his loyalty. This... this was what it must truly feel like to be apart of a pack. His bond with the others might have been nearly nonexistent but, here, in this very moment, calmly sprawled out before the heart of Swift River, he could not have felt more attached to this particular family... the Tainns who currently held the center of attention.</blockquote>

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>The yearling managed to smile at his parents, to even make the smile that had manifested on his face into a more genuine one the moments when Angier's touch let him know he was going to be 'okay' and his brother appeared at his side. Rihael lent him his customary greeting and Fen leaned back into him in return before focusing on what his siblings was fixated on. While Hael's plume-like tail excitedly flailed about, Fenru's remained still. He was somewhat afraid any movement on his part would startle the small, familiar creature who hurriedly approached them. "Familiar" in the sense that at one time, he remembered Hael being about that large [or <i>small</i>] in relation to their parents... meaning... Fen, at one point, must have been a tad smaller.

It was both amusing and frightening to think that he had been just about Torrel's size. He observed as the boy fearlessly romped forward. Now he <i>definitely</i> reminded him of Hael. His eyes went to the girls Aiyana and Rissa but his attention was snagged as his younger brother momentarily planted his small forepaws against his arms. A gasp caught in his throat as he braced himself, his ears flattening against the sides of his head. <i>He was being attacked!</i> His teeth gritted and he tensed his muscles. <i>Muuum!</i> the cub-like voice cried out in his head. <i>Help!</i> Trembling slightly he opened an eye just enough to see that he was not the only one who was being 'pummeled' by their baby brother's affection. A small whimper rose from his chest and he slowly lifted a large paw, finding himself unable to even touch a hair on Torrel's hide.

<b>"S-s-stawwwp,"</b> he half-pleaded, half-mandated. <b>"I... We got it. H-hi?"</b></blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

This was much better than last time to see mother, father, and children all together. Triell kept himself quiet, and his face thoughtful as the rest of the pack came, and his oldest nephews lingered. It was strange sight to see so many wolves, all with the same goal. He wondered if this was what his father's pack might have been like when he was born, everyone gathering to see the new faces. He would smirk to the silver wolf, his tail beating the air, as he caught his attention. He looked to be enjoying himself, and a bit more relaxed than Triell had expected. He caught his eyes flickering to Corinna too, and marveled at her strength and grace she continued to possess through it all. Briefly he noted the tension toward a new comer, a female he had not seem much of either. He took a time to shift his yellow-orange eyes to the new wolf, taking account of posture, size, and coloring. When a huge red mass entered, he could not help but let his eyes drift to the elder male. He could swear there were more scars on his coat, and his brows touched wondering from what. He recalled Poison Path wolves, and pushed it from his mind. He was not surprised Marsh stuck beside Cori, and she accepted him there. Triell no, he did not dare. As he kept telling himself, who knows if this time he would be staying. That was probably why he did not go closer to the pups. Almost not wanting to know them.

Torrel was on his way to inspect his brothers, and Aiyana was captivated by Marsh. This brought a broad smile to his open jaws. How much they would all learn from each other, and it pained him to think what he could miss out on. Indru moved, introducing his sons, and opening the invitation to come in closer. Triell hung back, not wanting to overcrowd them. He was starting to feel guilt breathe down his neck when he could feel Ice right beside him. His untouched side he half flinched, breaking free from his own burden of thoughts. He composed himself with a crooked grin, noting Ice was looking to Fenru, who did not seem exactly ready to be confronted by his little brother. He could see the panic, even if Fen was a yearling now there was no mistaking it. Tri wanted to move, to do something to help him, but what he did not know. He dug his toes into the ground, knowing Indru or Hael may ease the tension. A bump to his muzzle, he let his attention drift to Marsh where little Aiyana had found herself. Something about her, rather it was because she was with Marsh, or she was a dark Tainn like him his smile was curled in his own fondness. "It is, and I soon bet she'll have us wrapped around her little paw."

(This post was last modified: Jul 28, 2012, 03:18 AM by Triell.)
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are you with me through it all?
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