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Precisely. — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
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Vium Nysot
About a week after his visit to Whisper Marsh.
Dawn; cool. Partly cloudy.
The air spoke of rains that were soon to fall, but this did not halt his travels. He was exploring this new territory in which he had fumbled upon. So far, so good. There were no complaints on his behalf. The land seemed to very greatly in its terrain, from marshes to forests, leading up to mountains. It was rather wonderful....a lot better than where he had come from. As he padded along, his paws soon hit stone, and he froze. With a smirk upon his muzzle, he leaped upward, landing upon a jagged rock.

Flicking his dark tail in what seemed to be amusement, the dark man seated himself. Brown eyes watched the sun begin to rise. The view from the mountains was a lot different from being down below in the forest. He could see everything. Perhaps he would make his den here. Yes, that would be nice. He found himself physically nodding his head along to his thoughts. Tittering at himself, the man bounced down from the rock with a light grunt. Now, where to find a good den site.

He figured that his home would consist of a rock overhang and a stone floor. No problem. He could easily collect moss and pine branches for warmth and comfort down below. It seemed too easy. Survival was not a challenge to Vium; it was something that he enjoyed. With a careless pep in his step, he began to hover around the heights in search of a proper home...
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Had too XD

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
Bella was with Tlarx and Datura was with Ava, so luckily for Athena she had a free day. She could patrol the borders for a little while or go hunting. Explore her adored mountains or even go for a trip outside her territory. Either way, she was going to enjoy her "day off" of mother duty. The kids were going to be safe, she didn't feel too worried. As long as Tlarx didn't accidentally step on one of them. What a disaster that would be. She was sure, though, that her dear would be careful with the young ones. So she hoped.

She decided to head towards Riddle Heights. She knew some much of the mountains, every path she knew by heart, but Riddle Heights were still not extremely explored by her. The slopes weren't high enough for her. She headed out, not afraid of the incoming storm that was threatening to explode anytime. She could make it back towards Poison Path if it started to get too ugly, if not she'd find shelter somewhere. If she couldn't find shelter then she'd hunker down somewhere and wait it out.

Her alone trip would soon be interrupted by another. As she leaped off an imposing boulder, her keen nose caught the whiff of another wolf close-by. Loner and positively male. Curiosity got the best of her when she didn't find anything familiar in the scent. She gracefully bounded from boulder to boulder until she spotted the male about 20 yards away, bounding towards her. She stopped upon a large rock and studied the incoming male, waiting for him to notice her.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
HAH, Tlarx stepping on a pup XD. I died <3

As Athena spotted him, the man turned his body suddenly, gazing at a small outcropping of rocks. The space below was deep and wide, sufficient enough for his large stature. Grinning slightly to himself, the man put half of his body within to make sure no other animals were using the shelter. There was a faint scent of fox, but other than that, there was nothing. Perfect. He turned around now, muscles rippling slightly beneath his dark pelt as he exited his new home. He was to look for soft lining, now.

With a few steps, the wolf stopped yet again. His body tensed as his dark eyes fluttered upward to meet the fiery gaze of a woman. Her pelt was white, just as Cali's was. What was it with all these white wolves? Frowning, his eyes lay still on hers as his tail flicked. Well, are you just going to stare at me? His muzzle wrinkled in a bit of annoyance.

Releasing a grunt, Vium lowered his head, beginning to sniff out some fresh moss that grew on some of the rocks. If this woman wished to have a conversation with him, she would have to start it. He was in no mood for some holly-jolly chit chat.
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Haha, yeahh I had to say something about him! XD

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
Her calculating gaze explored every part of his large body that she could see. His dark coat on his back remembered her of her black saddled mate, held a good amount of muscle. He was in good shape for a loner, but getting into a fight with a pack wolf won't for sure go in his favor. His frame was a little lanky, but with more food to eat, he could be as large and healthy as Tlarx. As the man below her exited the space below an outcrop and saw her, she gracefully leaped down from her perch and began her approach.

Maybe she should not be so rash and come up to strangers, but she really had nothing to fear. He could smell other wolves on her pelt and that usually meant part of a pack. If one was as stupid as to attack a pack leader or even a member and not fear her pack to come after them, then he was something else. Plus, she had fighting experience under her belt, enough for her to hold him off or her speed and stamina could get her to safety. However, she wasn't here for a fight all she wanted to do was to see what this guy's got. Perhaps a little hunt?

Her head was held regally, however, her tail was held in a neutral position. If he were to be in her territory, it would be different, but they're on neutral ground. She stopped about 4 wolf lengths away from him, a comfortable distance in between them. "Care to hunt with me?" Short and to the point. She'd get to introductions later perhaps.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
The white woman came forth, her fiery gaze still on his dark one. She asked him to hunt. Him? He grinned politely, but on the inside, it was a devilish grin. He nodded. "Why not?" Vium flicked his tail in an amused manner. He could use a good meal. Being a loner definitely had its downfalls. Hunting alone for smaller game was a pain in the ass, but he coped with it. With the grin disappearing, he stepped a bit closer to her, awaiting her to take the lead to wherever they may hunt.

What would they catch? Perhaps...perhaps a mountain goat. Delicious. He had not tasted the flesh of one in a long, long time. Feeling the blood lust begin to flow through his veins, Vium clawed at the cold slab of stone he stood upon. Turning his head ever so slightly, his brown eyes peered at her from their corners. "By your air of confidence.... I am going to assume.." pausing, he kept his head cocked a bit "...A leader. Am I correct? No, no.... don't tell me. I love mysteries."

He looked at her face-on once more, his grin now returning. It was more of a smirk this time, pulling at the right side of his muzzle. He silently walked past her, paws cold against the rocks. Making his way about ten yards behind he, Vium spoke without turning around "Shall you lead the way?"
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
His words pleased her and walked closer, looking out towards the mountains at the same time. Her tail flicked to and fro in excitement for the hunt. She wouldn't be taking him for an easy trip down Riddle Heights towards the forest. Oh no, they're going to the mountains. Athena's kingdom. If Vium could keep up with her or even be as fast as her, she'd be impressed, but she had to know what he's got. Time for the ACT's.

Her golden eyes were still towards the mountains, but she still kept him in her line of sight. She scanned the mountainside for her obvious prey, the mountain goat. She knew a good-sized herd moved through and perhaps they could get their paws on one. His words make her ear twitch towards him, but she remained still. A slight grin crossed her features, but it was barely noticeable. "Mysterious is my middle name." She said. On the inside she was laughing, but no sound was heard. If he wanted a mystery, he'll get one.

He walked away from her and she began to follow. He questioned if she wanted to lead, but what would that do for her little challenge, nothing. "Why don't you take this one?" She said, catching up to him and facing him with a smirk on her face. "I want to see what you got."

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
He smirked almost excitedly at her words. Mysterious is my middle name. Tactful was his. Pursing his lips, his dark eyes slid back to the mountains after he gazed at the white woman."Of course..." His growly voice quieted as he began to pad away, nose lifted to the air. Nostrils flared as he tested the breeze, deciding to travel downwind. It would be the best bet in the mountains. Chasing prey here could be dangerous- a pointed rock or a tumble could cause serious injury. Oh, danger was fun.

He crept along, paws lightly touching the stone as he scaled a small pile of rocks. Allowing his head to surface just over the peak, a wild grin spread across his face. He slowly whipped his head to the side, eyes glowing in a devlish manner toward Athena. "Luck is on our side today....miss...mysterious." He whispered. It was odd to hear him whisper, for his voice was so gruff it because difficult to understand. With his tail lowering, he peered over the mound of rocks once more, gazing upon the prey down below.

Four goats. There was one that seemed to be the lame of the bunch; it was smaller and seemed to be generally weaker. A perfect target. With one glance at Athena, Vium knew she was swift of paw, so it would be her duty to chase the goat toward him. Making a big brute such as himself run right after such a creature would be silly. With a flick of his dark tail, the man beckoned the ivory leadess to look.
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
His voice reminded her of Tlarx's own gruff voice. She started to feel guilty for leaving him behind to care for Bella, but she needed to get out of the den. Bella couldn't be left alone, so someone had to stay back with her and it just happened to be Tlarx. She couldn't be guilty for wanting to get out after being cooped up for so long. He had to understand. So she turned her attention away from her guilty conscious and back towards burly man. It was quite comical to see the man stick his nose in the air, tracking their prey. However, if it got them to their prey it was perfectly fine with her. Whatever works.

She stalked behind him, graceful as ever. Her lean legs were so used to this terrain that she could tell exactly what path was dangerous and what path was safe. The path they were on now wasn't entirely dangerous, but it wasn't the safest route. However, they reached the peak without any trouble. A smirk would cross her face at his words. He must have found their potential prey. The breeze kicked up slightly, blowing the goat's scent in her face.

She waited for a signal from him that it was safe to join him and as soon as he looked back at her, she was next to him peering down at the goats below. Their bodies were awfully close; she could feel the heat from his massive frame radiating off him. She didn't mean to be so close to him, but then again she didn't move away. Perhaps, she didn't want the goats to hear her if she moved, but that was ridiculous. She was stealthy enough that the boneheads down there wouldn't hear a peep until she was on their tails. Or maybe it was because she felt a strange sensation while being this close to him. She didn't know what it was.

She cast her thoughts away and went back to business. Her fiery eyes observed the small group, picking out weaknesses until she found the perfect target. One that was much smaller, meaning much weaker. Perfect. She glanced back at her hunting partner, "There. The one closest to the ledge." She whispered, nodding towards the tiny thing. It should be an easy catch. She'd be the chaser and he'd take it down. Simple.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vium Nysot
The cool morning air tickled his nose as he peeked over the rocks. Within a heartbeat, Athena was beside him- close. He could feel the heat coming off of her. Resisting a smug look to form on his face, he nodded to her before sinking below the rocks once more. Though he was large, he moved in a surprisingly quiet way. Paws placed themselves carefully upon the loose rocks as he padded toward the edge of the rocks.

Vium turned his head, looking to Athena. Brown eyes told her that he was ready for her to chase the goat. When she brought it around toward him, he would take it down. The man would thrust himself at the white coated creature, sinking his fangs into its flesh and hoping for a swift death. He was hungry. Starving. It would be worth it, though. Who the hell wants to eat rabbits and groundhogs for their whole life? Not him.

He stood, feeling his muscles tense with anxiety as the lust for blood began to flow through him. He licked his fangs, eyes narrowing as his senses seemed to peak. The adrenaline began to make its way through his body in waves. Let's go.
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">
The man moved down the rocky slope in a surprisingly quiet manner. Most his size wouldn't have been so peaceful on their way down. His brown eyes met hers once he was in position. Now it was her turn. She moved towards the left, along the backside of the slope, in case a goat decided to look her way. Elegant paws moved in a swift, graceful manner until she stopped to peak over the side. Exactly where she wanted to be.

Her body moved like a snake, moving effortlessly around boulders, her lithe form snaking it's way towards the group with ease. Most will never have the grace and agility that Athena had in the rocky terrain. Most haven't even seen further than their pathetic bundle of sticks with leaves that they call "forests". Athena was a real wolf, a warrior for having lived most of her live within the toughest terrain. She was born within them and now she continues her live within them. The mountains have become one with her. Sharing their heart and soul with her and her giving them hers. She belonged here and there was no denying it. Her grace and beauty within the rocky formations told it all. She was one with the mountain.

Moving behind a large boulder, she targeted their prey. It hadn't moved much, straying ever so closely to the small ledge. Vium was towards her right in the perfect position. The other three goats were still oblivious to the two wolves and she'd like to keep it that way for a moment while she formulated a plan. If she moved out in front of the other three, crossing their path, they'd want to run to her right towards Vium. Their target would of course want to follow the group, thinking that's the safest route, within the crowd.

Approving her plan within her head, she began her game of cat and mouse. Moving as swift and graceful as ever, she ran out towards the goats, suddenly disturbing their peace. The goats snorted in alarm and moved exactly how Athena expected them to. Their target lagging behind, but still trying to follow the other three. She then turned sharply, running straight for the goat's flank, making him run faster towards it's awaiting death.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||