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My Word! — Bramble Falls 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé had followed the cold stream which had filtered into
whisper marsh up far into the woods. The forest she now walked was
a different one than she was used to. Narimé looked at the arrangment of oaks,
birch, maple, dogwood, and scattered pine tree's that made up whatever woodland
she was padding through. The young girl was not so entranced by these woods
anymore. At least not since she trotted away from her unsuccessful beaver hunt at
the marsh. Now she just let her paws lead her as she wandered further away from
her awkward meeting with Vium. He had helped her get out of the mud after she got
stuck in it chasing the beaver. At first she thought he was nice, but then he turned a bit
aggressive. So she decided to leave right away after cleaning herself. Now the silver
she wolf was angry that she still had not caught anything for her pack today. The caches
were filling slowly with her and Reed's hunting efforts,but even so the young wolf
wanted to prove herself to be the better hunter.

The silver female was dragged out of her thoughts by the sound of water. Not
drops of water, but the sound of faster moving water. Like that of a roar. Narimé
recognized the sound of a waterfall and her tail began to wag. The first thing that
actually reminds me of home!
She could remember playing by a smaller waterfall
which was situated right by the packs second Spring den site. The yearing could
also remember her brothers and sister pushing her into the water at the base of
the small waterfall constantly.
The girls tail stopped wagging after she was reminded of this.

With a bored look she started to lope next to the stream as it became
wider. She followed it until the sound was much closer, and the young wolf
realized quickly that these falls were larger than the ones she was used to. Her
excitement came up again and her tail lifted as she strode confidently through the wood.
After a minute of traveling she came upon the sight. A beautiful waterfall surrounded by
prickly bushes. The brambles pulled at her fur as Narimé padded closer to the water and
stared up at it in wonder. Her eyes turned that bluish purple hue as they reflected the
shining light off of the water. The silvery yearling watched as the mist floated in front
of a ray of light penetrating the treetops and created a misty rainbow.

"It's so beautiful!" She wagged her tail ignoring the brambles throns which
pricked at her tail's fur as it swayed back and forth.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali was outside the borders again, this time alone. At least for the moment. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her and there was something that she needed to check out. The other day when she and her sister had been out hunting the deer, she had thought she heard a strange sound far away. The hunt and the subsequent meeting with the curious fae Shadowstorm had distracted her, but she just couldn't rid herself of the incessant curiosity about that unfamiliar noise. So here she was, away from home once again, to sate her curiosity. This was the one thing that she had missed about being a loner. The traveling that brought her to new lands and experiences, even if it was only as a side effect. She loved to see new things.

As she traveled through the thickening underbrush that seemed to be teeming with sharp brambles she was grateful that it was still relatively early in the day. She had not forgotten her last encounter out alone. Night had fallen and she'd run into the most sinister, creepy wolf that she'd ever seen, Vium. He had seemed to feed off of the fear that he brought out in her. She had tried to hide it, but had only been partially successful. Luckily, he had not followed when she had finally run off, spooked by his strange behavior. She gave a shiver at the memory. She would not be away from her pack after dark again, if she could help it.

Bringing herself back to the present, her snowy ears flicked as the sound came to her again, only louder now. She was getting closer. With and excited skip to her step, Cali hurried forward, unmindful of the brambles that pulled at her coat. Even at this time of year, her coat was quite thick and lush, easily protecting her from the thorns. She would soon be quite miserable in the rising heat, but for now she was grateful for her protective pelt. As the sound grew, the trees and bramble bushes seemed to thin a bit, opening up to a most spectacular view.

Her emerald eyes were pulled upward first, to the top of the waterfall and her mouth opened slightly in wonder. She had never seen such a thing before and it literally took her breath away. Her eyes were bright with excitement and her fluffy white tail swayed back and forth, unconsciously. Here gaze followed the water down the length of the waterfall, the innate power of mother nature was just amazing. Literally tons of water flowed unimpeded in it's journey to crash into the pool of water waiting at the bottom of the falls, before flowing seamlessly into the river in front of her.

It wasn't until her eyes had followed the path of the water to this point that her emerald gaze fell upon another form. In front of her, near the shoreline, a young silvery fae that was already about her size was staring up at the falls with nearly an identical expression of amazement on her face. So, she wasn't the only one that felt the thrill of this awe-inspiring sight. She took a few steps forward and gently cleared her throat before saying, "Incredible, is it not?" Her voice was a bit breathy with the wonder she was still feeling.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé flinched when she heard the voice of another wolf.
Her hackles rose for a second and then she relaxed again. The voice
didn't sound angry or dangerous. With a sigh the silvery yearling turned herself
around and looked over the stranger. She was a beautiful white she wolf with
bright green eyes. Narimé relaxed further and sat down where she was. Lowering
her head in submission she smiled at the white female.
"Yes it's absolutely gorgeous." her head turned back around to view the waterfall.
While she had her head turned she scented the air for the females scent.
Though the breeze was pushing the white wolfs scent away from Narimé not
towards her. So she couldn't smell much. She couldn't tell if this female was a part
of a pack or not.

"I'm sorry to be bothering you. Is this your place? I will leave if you want." She
looked back to the blue eyed female with her own blue eyes and smiled.
Now that she was a pack wolf she would have to be more careful around other
wolves. Narimé didn't want to be caught near other packs lands.
I don't think Elettra would like it if I came back bruised and bloodied cause I
accidentally overstepped a boundary looking for da..
She wondered what Elettra
would look like when she was angry. Firey eyes and sharp teeth came to mind.
I really have to stop imagining her like that when I don't even know if that's
how she would react!
The yearling scolded herself silently while taking a
sidways glance at the other female.
(This post was last modified: Aug 02, 2012, 03:26 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
(Cali has emerald green eyes! ;P )

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali saw that she had startled the younger fae and gave her an apologetic look. Then the girl seemed worried that she was intruding on her place. Noting the young woman's show of submission, she gave her a very friendly smile and her emerald eyes lit up with it. The display was not really necessary, given that they were on neutral territory, but the silver fae's manners could not be faulted. "No, you are not intruding at all! Honestly, this is my first time seeing these falls, or any falls for that matter. I heard them the other day when my sister and I were hunting and was intrigued by the sound. I've never seen anything like it!" Her soft voice was filled with an excitement that she hadn't felt in a while. The excitement of discovery!

She moved closer to the other wolf and the water's edge, craning her snowy head upwards to get a better look at the height that the water was falling. This close up, she could feel the coolness of the damp air caused by the pounding water. It was actually quite refreshing and her fluffy tail wagged in the joy of wonder. She wasn't sure why, exactly, but somehow this experience was bringing back a hint of the youthfulness in her. She wasn't old by any standards at only three, but she often took life too seriously. A side effect of the harsh realities of life, she supposed, but she would enjoy the moment while she could.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé felt a little nervous when the white she wolf padded nearer
to look at the sparkling water. The mist was beginning to form dew drops on the
ends of the silver yearlings coat after standing near the falls for so long. She
shook off her fur quickly and turned her pale gaze to the waterfall.
"There was a waterfall where I used to live, but it was a lot smaller than this one." the
girl smiled while watching the mist spiral around them. Dew drops began to form on
the white she wolf now too..

After a minute or two she began to relax further. The white female was
showing no signs of aggression, and she actually seemed to enjoy seeing new
things and new places just like Narimé did. Maybe she used to like exploring when
she was my age.
Light gray ears tipped forward as the grayish yearling
listened to the rumble of the waterfall. She enjoyed the sound of water splashing. In
fact it was actually reminding her of the wonderful night she spent swimming with Slaone.

"If you wanna know...My name is Narimé." She glanced shyly to the white wolf.
"What's yours?" the curious yearling cocked her head giving herself a curious expression.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)

(Sorry! XP )

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali smiled encouragingly at the young fae. She seemed a bit nervous when she first came closer but appeared to relax after a few moments. Enough to remember the manners that Cali had briefly forgotten in her wonder of the spectacal before her. She introduced herself as Narime'. Cali responded to her inquiry with a well hidden blush and a friendly voice. "I'm Cali. It's a pleasure to meet you Narime'."

She wondered briefly what this young fae was doing out here by herself, but who was she to talk? She was perhaps a year older, but what was she doing out here? The heat returned briefly as she thought of some of the adventures that her curiositly had brought her in her younger years. Some even with her sister Jessie as she grew out of gangly puphood. This young fae wasn't much older than Jess had been when Cali had left the pack with love in her heart and her mate Grayson at her side.

And now here she was in a still strange, but well-loved land, far from the home of her birth with no one to love save her sister and her growing adoptive pack. That bonding took time and Cali was eternally grateful that Jess had found her and given her a tiny piece of something so dear that she had thought lost forever.

She shook her head internally to dispell her bittersweet train of thoughts and gave the silver fae a small crooked smile and gazed at her with curiosity emanating from her brilliant emerald green eyes. She seemed like a nice young woman and Cali had missed talking to others. Until Jessie had arrived, her main companion had been Marsh and he had no penchant for talking at all. With a silent relaxed sigh she turned her eyes back towards the waterfall, laughing as her white eyelashes were quickly saturated with the mists from the waterfall.

"I don't suppose that this is something you get to see every day!" Her voice came out light and airy, sounding a bit younger and less like her current so-serious self than she was used to. She found herself laughing lightly and the sound almost startled her. She hadn't laughed in far too long. Since Grayson and the pups...

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/230/6/f/6fdf36f22e24f95e36c07739cb8591a2-d5bkwky.jpg) bottom center no-repeat #003377; outline: 5px solid #003377; border: 1px solid #fff;" valign="top">
Cali's friendly voice carried warmly through the chilling mist that sprayed onto the wolves pelts. As the female spoke her greeting Narimé felt secure and safe. Not only their surroundings helped her to feel safe, but the kind demeaner of the white female made the yearling feel quite comfortable. Gray ears twitched as Nari listened to the falls and the creatures behind the two wolves chattering in the forest.

Glancing back the girl caught Cali's crooked smile and wagged her whispy gray tail in turn. This woman almost reminded Nari of Chantille. The green eyed she wolf gave off a warm kind personality in waves. Just like Chantille had, and this made Narimé a bit excited. She loved to make friends and to have someone that you could talk to when you were having troubles. urhaps she could gain another friend out of the female.

The kind lady turned her regal head back to the waterfall and laughed. Curiosity pricked at the youngster. Why is she laughing? She wondered quietly while taking a look at the waterfalls herself expecting to find a fish trying to dance to Thriller somewhere on the bank. Whatever Thriller was Nari didn't quite know. The word kind of just plopped into her head like the image of a fish dancing something stupid.

When Cali spoke about the waterfall Narimé perked her ears to listen. No, she didn't know how that felt. She had grown up by a waterfall, so the silvery girl was used to the majestic sight of the glittering water feature.

<b style="color:#FFFFFF">"Actually back where I used to live we had a waterfall right outside of our den...So.. well. I guess I saw something like this a lot of days!" She grinned sheepishly turning her deep purply eyes to her new companion.
<b style="color:#FFFFFF">"But of course, this one was bigger than ours was. Like I said before... If you want to see a really pretty place you should visit Iridescent Lagoon when the moon is round and bright. It's really beautiful." She looked back at the water remembering her first visit to the Lagoon. It had been when she was still a loner, but that night however hungry she'd been, was one of the funnest and best nights of her life. Nari wondered quietly if Sloane had found a pack yet or not. She hoped that he was able to find a family like she had.

code by bryony

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali's snowy ears flicked to and fro as she listened to the silver fae speak and the quiet thunder of the waterfall. She nodded her head in appreciation of Narime' growing up in such a lovely terrain. It must have been refreshingly beautiful. When the young woman spoke of Irridescent Lagoon, both ears swiveled towards her in total interest. A little-know fact about her was that she missed seeing new lands like she did as a loner. She would never give up her pack life, for she was home and they were her new family, but she did miss the small thrill of exploration.

"Irridescent Lagoon?" Her voice was filled with curiosity and a tinge of excitement. She had heard the name before, but she didn't know where the infamous lagoon was located. Perhaps Narime' could help her with that and she could take a small journey to the beautiful lagoon. "Even the name sounds beautiful! May I ask where is it might be found, Narime'?" For a wolf that tended not to stray too far from her packlands, she was enjoying her current excursion and already looking forward to a possible visit to the lagoon.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/230/6/f/6fdf36f22e24f95e36c07739cb8591a2-d5bkwky.jpg) bottom center no-repeat #003377; outline: 5px solid #003377; border: 1px solid #fff;" valign="top">
Memories of the lagoon further brightened up Nari's mood. Her silvery tail wagged as she thought about when she was hunting near the edge for frogs and stuff then fell into the lagoon. She'd met one of her most beloved friends all soaked and wet at the edge of the lagoon on that pale moonlit night.

<b style="color:#FFFFFF">""Well...It's near Drooping Willows, though I warn you not to head into the willows. There is a new wolf pack there and I'm sure the guards wouldn't like another pack wolf intruding and all.." She chuckled a bit trying to sound amusing then continued.

<b style="color:#FFFFFF">""If you know where Hush Meadow is or Whisper Marsh then you are really close to the lagoon. Keep following one of the water sources and eventually you will reach an area with a few willow tree's and scattered berry bushes. The willows should grow nearer to water where the lagoon is." She really sucked at giving directions, but at least the young girl tried.

Maybe if she can't find it I might be able to show it to her, but.. I guess that would be okay. The girls tail stopped wagging while she turned her head and gazed at the waterfall again. Even though she'd grown up near a smaller one, this waterfall was far more impressive. She wondered absent mindedly how beautiful the falls would look during sunset or during a moonlit night. I could imagine that it's a great place to swim during a warm summer night. She thought quietly.
code by bryony

Don't know how to have them part ways. Either Nari leaves to hunt or something else. XD We'll see eventually.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Her inquiry about the location of the lagoon seemed to please the other fae, indicated by the slow wag of her tail. When she gave a somewhat vague indication of the landmarks surrounding the Lagoon a memory was struck in the snowy fae of her very first encounter in relic lore in that basic region. She'd met a dark woman of great nobility. Elettra Archer, if memory served her well. With the mention of the new pack, Cali couldn't help but wonder if it might be the pack the woman had spoken of forming so long ago. She hoped so, for she had liked the woman immensely and had truly wished her venture great success.

She couldn't help but ask the silvery fae. "This new pack that you speak of. Is it by chance led by a noble lady by the name of Elettra Archer? I know that the question may seem odd, but she was the first wolf that I encountered up reaching the lands of relic lore. She spoke then of forming a pack." If it was her, perhaps she might visit some time. Of course the lady in question might not even remember the shy white wolf that she had been then. She had grown and changed much herself in the time between. As she shifted her weight, she was reminded of the thin scar upon her right leg that marred her pristine white pelt from her first sparring session with Marsh. An endeavor to better hersslf to better serve her new family.

Pulling herself back from her slight trip down memory lane, Cali smiled a Narime' and waited patiently to see if it was the woman that she would like to think of as a friend. They hadn't known each other long enough to be close by any means, but Cali had truly liked the formal and proud manner of the older woman. Had she not been so intent on joining a family as quickly as possible to forget the sorrows of her past, perhaps she might have committed to the grand lady. But the past was the past and she now had a home to be proud of with the Swift River wolves.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...