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come out, come out — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
FOR RUIKO. Though others (Kano, Volkan?) are free to join up a bit later if they'd like.

Though the constant need to keep on the move had left her warn, the woman moved still fluidly and with purpose. Her days as a rogue had not been far long and sadly as it were, she felt little difference as a rogue in many ways then she did as a member of the Grizzly Hollow pack. There, she felt a constant need to watch her own pack, always having to back up her actions with explanation and never a moment of easy as she went to relax. As a rogue, this was the same and it was these facts which led her still to believe that she had made the right choice in leaving....
Here, in the vast open lands between the boarders of wolf territory, she had no one to watch but herself and no one to care for but herself. Within Grizzly Hollow, she had worked her ass off hunting for them, scouting the lands, constantly collecting herbs should her assistance be needed. And for what? Critical stares, words of doubt whispered behind her back, and fueling hatred. The very thought brought her hackles to rise, her teeth to grind as a growl echoed from her mug. She would never return.
In due time, her body would lax (more often it did this now that she was not surrounded by her enemies) and she would creep forth in a slower motion, weary and her ears high-alert to the place she was approaching. She had heard of the Copper Rock Creek pack through Kanosak (whom she had trained) and Volkan, learning of Ruiko's success in forming a pack of his own. She figured, in the very least, she might as well pay a visit to an old friend and so made way towards the boarders. Her toes played at a small creek bed, prodding at the coppery-red stones from within. She made no call. If he was destined to find her here, he would.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Each day the sunlight would creep to his den, and each day he would arise, kissing his beautiful mate upon the crown of her head as she slept before slipping out in to the early light. Each day he would stride to the borders and would round them, casting his mark upon the lands and reinforcing the Creek as theirs – but his heart was not fully in to it as it had once been, and his bright eyes would stray from focus in attempt to catch a glimpse or sign of anything he had missed since Kinis’ disappearance.

The pain did not ease as they said would – time healed all wounds, but his brother’s sudden disappearance and assumed death was still very much a knife to his gut. This day he was more sluggish in his pace than usual – the rumble of his stomach the only hint that he had not eaten in days. His food was taken promptly to his mate, and he ensured the full bellies of his fellow pack mates.. but never could he seem to fill his own stomach as it churned hatefully.

His large paws wove his way down stream, and briefly his eyes flashed to the shallow depths, wondering if Aeylen would prefer a fish for a meal this day. His eyes were just skimmed the waters when the wind brought an interesting scent to him. Pausing only momentarily, the tawny male pulled himself from his small hunt and trailed to where he believed the source to be. It was surprising to see the she-wolf so far from home, but his features were blank – emotionless. “Not a sight I expected to see here,” he called out, rounding his way closer to the female who at one point, he would have taken as a mate.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
And there he was, the man which she had sought out for, though had never claimed for herself. He was a stone- his face emotionless. It was something she could have only expected from him, if not marred with disinterest or scorned with an act of dominance. It was these things, the both two prideful, to bull-headed which made the couple not a couple, in the long run. Though he was everything of the large, powerful beast she may have taken at her side, he was nothing, emotionally, what she needed. Her gut twisted at the thought of Alexander Dieudonne. Still, he remained within the confines of the Hollow. The man was older then her by years, but every ounce of her anger, her snapping attitude, her dark shell, was swallowed up by the older man and taken in stride. It was these qualities which she needed in someone at her side. Emotionally, Alexander had handled her and opened Elettra up in ways no other in these lands could. But physically...? Her eyes fluttered over every inch of Ruiko Tainn as he crept towards her.
"Whilst I had plenty of time on my paws, I thought I might pay a visit." She spoke, and as her came forth to her, did she come forth to him. Her chest perked still with a pride, her head lifted high and, titling ever so slightly to meet the gaze of the larger brute. She had been lucky enough he'd found another to get mingled up with before the breeding season (now just passed), for had she met him during, she might have been tangled with a mess she could not afford. "Your male Second had come to me for herbal training, with Volkan. They informed me of your...accomplishment." She stated, her eyes of silver lingering past him a moment to his home beyond the boarders filled with trees, creek and mountain side alike.
(This post was last modified: Apr 30, 2012, 02:31 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His eyes studied the she-wolf before him; a regal and beautiful creature he had once thought to claim for himself even though their interludes had been brief, and filled with despair during harsher times. Elettra had been unattainable though, unwilling to allow another soul in to her life – the clash of their similar personalities had sealed any potential fate between them, and Ruiko had stepped away from the opportunity. Naturally, it had been for the best, for he never would have met Aeylen.. without his mate, he knew he would still be within Swift River borders, unwilling to challenge the pack Second as it would solidify the fact he would be staying under his brother’s rule.

Ruiko dipped his muzzle to her words, fully acknowledging the gracious help she had given his two pack mates. “Thank you for offering them your knowledge – we have benefitted from it a few times already.” Kanosak and Volkan had been eager to learn, and Ruiko had only encouraged this – though now, with Nina in their ranks, Copper Rock Creek was far better off than they had been before.

“Free time?” The question was left open – last he had conversed with the darker she-wolf before him, she had been extremely busy within the ranks of Grizzly Hollow.. though the scent of the pack was noticeably faded from her now. Ruiko could not imagine Elettra had left her beloved home. Her beloved Jaysyek. “Last we talked the Hollow had you run ragged,” he murmured, not mentioning the circumstances in which he had found her at their last meeting.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2012, 02:28 PM by Ruiko.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She dips her muzzle in turn, her silken black ears flickering to his words of having her training been of use already, and was left to wonder if all was well within the pack. Though Kanosak was seemingly a good wolf to have around, and having grown quite an interest to Volkan, Elettra bothered not enough to ask if all was well. He was their leader, and he would handle it. Elettra now would have much of her own to worry about. "Glad my teachings have been of use." She says only to this.
Her tail drooped, ever the slightest as he caught her words of having much time to spare as opposed to the constant dedication of which she offered to her former pack. She nods ever the slightest before confirming with him the new information- there would be no sense hiding it. ”As you know, I blame much of what happened due to Borden's inability to lead his wolves correctly...” She pauses, thinking back to the breakdown which she had during their last meeting in what seemed, so long ago. ”With his return is the return of his leadership. A few other wolves who had abandoned the pack have also returned without so much as a slap on the muzzle. Somehow, with my questioning of them, my own intentions became questionable...” Her hostility to the other wolves whom had formerly betrayed her alphena made her seemed like an evil, violent being just for sport. She would never forget the weariness of Jaysyek towards her, despite all Elettra's decisions based on her need to protect her. The thought made her features pull into a tightened, grim line. ”I decided it was best I leave.” Though Jaysyek had promised she was welcome at any given time, the need to return had not yet crossed her mind. Grizzly Hollow was behind her now, and everyone within it.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko allowed his gratitude to the darker she-wolf to pass as she inclined her muzzle. With a nod to her words, the regal Tainn allowed the topic to settle there, not bothering to mention that Kanosak had left them. Loyalty, it seemed, was a hard thing to come by, and he was grateful that Volkan, Kashikoi, Nina and Pakuna seemed to be settled within the ranks of the pack. If any of them were to leave.. the pack would have been devastated by the loss, just as it had been with Kinis’ disappearance.

His brows lifted slightly in a moment of expression for surprise – never before would he have considered Elettra leaving the Hollow pack, for her loyalty to Jaysyek had seemed unwavering. It had been, perhaps, one of the other reasons he had not pursued the she-wolf. Listening to the story quietly, the Leader gave a gentle flick of his tail as he considered her words. It was clearly the short version, and while Ruiko was not one to delve in to another’s business, he briefly wondered how Jaysyek had questioned the she-wolf who stood before him.

“What are your plans now?” His tongue slipped past his lips, wondering if it wise to invite the woman within his home. Aeylen did not know of his brief interlude and attraction to the she-wolf, nor would she ever need to, for nothing had arised of it. Still.. he also would not leave her out in the cold – besides, it had been likely his attraction to her had only been one-sided.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
sry for the rly late reply. XD this is just so old. i think were destined to only post at this once a month. lol

The surprise in his features was obvious, and for this, she could not blame him, as well as had expected the exact thing from him. Ruiko, perhaps more then any other she had met outside of the Grizzly Hollow pack, knew the ferocity in which she had felt for her pack and for her leadess. There was little, if nothing, that Elettra would not have done to protect her leadess, her second, and the children in which they had raised a time before when it was only they which had stuck together. However, Jaysyek's forgiving nature had butted heads with Elettra's unforgiving and for that despite their trust and friendship, they had been pulled apart.
"I will build a pack of my own." And when she says this, it is without doubt, without question, that it will be done. Perhaps a time or two before it could have been she who stood at Ruiko's side in a pack. Perhaps together, the dominant couple could have built an army before the lands of Relic Lore. But this would no longer be happening. Ruiko had made his decision, settled with another, and Elettra felt there was nothing that could be done of it, nor anything she would do if she could. Elettra Archer did not need Ruiko Tainn to build a pack, this was clear. "Until then...I suppose I'll be on my own." She speaks with a rolling of her shoulder blades. Though the life of a rogue was far beneath the paws of royalty, she crawled up from this place before and would not suffer to do it again.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
He considered her words carefully – he had expected such a response. Elettra had made it very clear on the brief interludes he had with her before that she would become an exceptional leader when she was ready.. now, with her break away from Grizzly Hollow, it seemed the opportune moment had arisen. A nod was given as his gaze drifted over her – she was a fierce creature, he had met her fangs and knew the anger that could dwell in her. At times, he had wondered what a true spar between the two would come to. At other times, he was sure his pride did not want to know.

“It won’t take you long,” he said after a moment’s pause. Her determination would see to that, and the regal tawny male doubted very much she would have a lack of followers for her future plans. Relaxing slightly, the male gave his neck a quick shake to ward off a horse fly, his eyes flickering between her and the trees that surrounded them. “Do you know where you want to claim yet?” More importantly.. would she stay within Relic Lore? And, who would lead at her side in the end?
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Her weight shifts, each paw dipped in a salt and peppering quality feeling the earth below her paws - Copper Rock Creek earth, and she longed the feeling of a piece of land which she would call her own. Something of which she could lay down and relax within. Sleep, truly sleep, without the tension in the back of her mind that she would be woken by tooth and claw. And she would protect it fiercely, endlessly, as she was sure Ruiko before her would do the same for his own home. When he speaks of her goal surely not to take long, a confidant (or arrogant) smirk forms to her gray-rimmed muzzle, silky black ears fluttering briefly. "I've an eye for the Willows." She admits honestly, though she had yet to determine exactly where along the long stretch of landscape between the Lagoon and the Serpent's Pass she would choose from.
A deep breath takes her then, the shadowy colored woman, draped in black and grays, highlighted in silver and gold, would sit. Her body remained erect, proper even in her settlement, content to spend her time with this man, if only for a few moments longer. Surely, he would feel the need to pull away soon, though the rogue had little more to do for the time being then to relish in a man in which seemed to her, the past. "...How are you, Ruiko?" Her voice does not loose it's serious nature, though it is softer with its lighter breaths, as though meant for only he to hear despite none else being around.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It seemed the dark woman had a plan, though that came to no surprise to the male. Elettra seemed to be a meticulous type – planning her move and calculating what made sense for the time. Ruiko gave a nod regarding her destination – the Willows were a beautiful place, and he could see why she would wish to claim them. “You have the Creek’s support,” he offered, his tail giving a light lash in the air. They were a small band of wolves, but an alliance of any form was certainly better than none.

Her question drew a small shrug of his broad shoulders. Life was painstakingly full of surprises – none more so than the disappearance of his brother. “My younger brother is dead,” he murmured, unwilling to fully go in to details. Ruiko never was one to share his life story. “He was under my charge when our parent’s died.” That was all the explanation he believed he needed to give her. The pain of his loss was much like losing a child, and most times it rendered him breathless.

“But the Creek will welcome a litter very shortly,” he offered as good news, his eyes studying Elettra carefully to see how she would take the information. Obviously the litter was sired by him, and a woman that at one point might have been her.. had they both not been too stubborn.
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