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years in the future — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Shadow who has 43 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rissa Tainn
There may be no creature as orectic as a wolf cub. They hunger for food, for knowledge, for danger (even if they don't classify it as such). Every scent and every sound is a new experience just waiting to happen, and when you spend most of your time under the watchful eye of a parent, adventure is something incredibly welcome. Rissa never strayed too far though. She knew well enough the dangers, although sometimes her paws would just keep going and going. She'd never left the grove though, so the toddler supposed that these green walls were relatively safe. As long as she didn't leave them, then what could possibly happen? The ever-listening, ever-watchful eyes of a packmate could certainly fish her out of a sticky situation. Rissa probably believed that she could be just as capable. However, any "kind" adult could turn the child into a servant.

It was morning, and with a full belly, Rissa explored. She loved the sounds of the birds, though their sound seemed to have faded over the past few weeks. The once warm air that she faintly remembered seemed slightly colder and less comforting. But the sun was still making its way up the sky, so it would be warmer yet, she hoped. That was what the sun did, right? It made everything warm. It couldn't possibly be cold when the sun was out. Stout legs had been carrying her for quite some time now, and were finally given something of a rest when she spotted a squirrel, just begging to be made into a snack. In a way that she thought was quiet, she dropped down to her belly, though the grass made a odd swishing sound as she squashed it. And her hind end was up in the air, her slowly fluffening tail waving about excitedly, stirring the wind and adding to the noise.

The squirrel already spotted her, but had decided, for some reason, that she wasn't a threat. A low puppy-growl came through her teeth, and the rodent had had enough, scampering up a tree just as she bumbled at it. "Squirrel! Here! Now." She barked at it, hind legs holding up her front end as her forepaws scrabbled at the tree. That's what she'd have to do. Learn how to climb trees. The squirrel could do it and it was just as fluffy as her. Obviously it wouldn't be that hard for her to learn. Squirrels were stupid anyway. That's why they were food.

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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
Rais must have a death wish, that must be it. Often, Rais was a confusing boy, with perhaps a contradictory nature born from his desire to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. This time, he had confused even himself.

On his very first venture into Relic Lore he had come to this place. And on his very first venture he had been chased right back out. Swift River's border patrol, the white wolf Cali, had caught Rais snooping around and chased him out, only to find he had sneaked right around her and back into Sacred Grove. Cali had found him again, but in Rais' haste to escape he had ended up running deeper into the territory rather than back out of it. But when Cali had yelled after him that he was heading right towards the den full of <i>puppies</i>, well, he wasn't going to mess with that. A loner running into a pack with pups was just asking for trouble, and while Rais <i>did</i> often ask for trouble, it was much more trouble than it was worth.

However, he was back. His curiosity hadn't been sated by his first visit, he hadn't felt he had seen enough of the grove, yet. It really was a nice place, strangely calming and divine. It had its own sort of gravity that pulled Rais in and hummed up his paws through the river-moistened earth. He allowed himself to enjoy the leisurely stroll through the mossy trees and lush foliage. Much nicer than the spooky, burnt up place that lay to the north. He thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't encountered Cali, or anyone else for that matter, when he crossed the river that served as a border.

Rais had heard a noisy rustling ahead that caused him to freeze mid-step. Had someone found him? He would really be in for it if Cali caught him again, though he hoped she hadn't told any of her pack mates about their run in either. They would be especially displeased at Rais' repeat offence. He wasn't sure if we was relieved or even more worried when a tiny voice yipped out. Oh no. Here were the puppies he had been warned about. He sniffed at the air, but didn't catch any other scents besides that of a female pup. No adults, for that matter. He didn't feel like he was in the heart of the territory yet, so what was she doing so far out, alone?

It wasn't so much any feeling of concern for the girl as it was curiosity that brought him to investigate. Seeing no need for silence or secrecy he strode through the closely growing trees to see a rotund cub leaning against the side of a tree, looking up at something stowed away in its boughs. <b>"Little lady,"</b> he called towards her in a sing-song voice, then asked <b>"Do your parents know you are out here, little miss? They must surely be missing you."</b> He didn't really care whether she had permission to be out or not. It wasn't too long ago he had been a pup, breaking both his parents rules and boundaries. If she got lost out here or eaten by an eagle, well, survival of the fittest and all that. He wanted to know whether his head might soon be torn off by angry packmates for running into the wayward princess.
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Kisla too?! Posted because it said AW.. will gladly delete this post though if you guys meant to have it as a private thread. <3

Kisla was a ghost of Swift River – the Yearling who would reveal herself every so often to aide the pack, and yet remained in the reclusive shell that she had found herself clinging to the moment Marsh had come to her protection. Shame still burnt deep within her – knowing that she had put him in such a position, and that she had been so utterly naïve to the world and the monsters that lurked within it.

Trailing the paths of the Grove, the pale tawny she-wolf drew her own panicked surprise when the scent of Rissa was fresh and farther from the den than was comfortable. Swift River looked after the pack’s youth as a whole – as was the nature of the wolf – yet the youngest litter were also primarily the responsibility of Kisla and her littermates, and the sickening thought of anything happening to her baby sister lured her forward at a much faster trot.

Rissa was not far, and Kisla’s ears perked forward as she heard the cub’s demanding voice filter through the calm summer air. Elated that no harm had come to the girl, Kisla rounded the corner, her tongue lolling from her muzzle in contentment as she was about to greet her sibling with an affectionate cuff to the ear when the stranger found her vision.

Halting from initial shock, the Yearling stood poised, regarding the other wolf who was so dangerously close to their pack lands. The meager part of her screamed to turn and run – back to the safety of Marsh and the pack, and yet one stolen glance to Rissa stirred her forward, her lissome figure prowling between the whelp and the stranger protectively. There was no welcome in her green eyes, and she lifted her muzzle with a curl of her lip at his presence. She did not speak – he would know why she was upset.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 43 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rissa Tainn
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>fine with me. i think ice was going to make an appearance at some point, actually. lol</span>

Meters above, the allusive squirrel mocked the youngest Tainn. "Dumbly squirrel. Get down here now!" She barked at it, as it clicked and chittered at her. "I need to eat you, or I'll die." The girl moaned, tossing her head back, and the rest of her body followed. She landed with a soft thud in the grass, and rolled about for a moment, reveling in her own amusement. Stupid squirrel. Grunting, she rolled onto her belly, head tilting slightly to eye the tree. It was gone. One day she'd catch one of the stupid things. She'd have to ask mother to show her how. She would be the best and the first. It would make Aiyana and Torrel so jealous, and then they'd want to learn, and they could have fun races to see who could catch the most squirrels. Of course, it would always be her, because she was the first and the best...Well, after Corinna showed her how.

Comfortably on her belly, Rissa almost felt ready to doze off when a voice pulled her from her heavy-lidded stupor. A stranger! Was she the first to meet a stranger? Maybe not. But she'd be the first to play with one and talk lots with one. "I'm not little." She responded, tumbling around until she could get on her feet to face him. Her tail gave a slow wave, and she eyed him cautiously for a moment. He spoke so nice, though, and called her miss. Even if it had started with "little". It was something Queen Rissa could easily overlook. As long as he knew that she wasn't little. "I 'unno. I walk around lots. I gotta know all this place! It's big, you know? And I gots a scent, so they can find me. I bet they could find you, too. So...We'll both be founds." She nodded, and took a step closer too him. "Why you so far away?" The words hung in the air for a moment, before the girl gasped. "Are you 'fraids of me? I understand. Is okay. I don't bite, I promise! Only stupid squirrels." She laughed, and skipped forward a few more feet.

"My name is...Rissa Tainn!" She cheered, rump dropping to the grass, and she wagged much faster. "Now you go." She stared up at him, wide-eyed, obviously expecting him to basically repeat what she had just said, but with his name. "You gots ta say it like I did." She whispered, eyes shifting as if there were someone else around to hear. But she didn't want to embarrass him. And then, despite the morning light, there was a shadow, and it suddenly engulfed her, making the stranger wolf disappear. "Kis!" She cheered, happy to see her bigger sister. Had she come to meet the stranger, too? "I met him first, Kis. I win!" The round tawny child moved around the older wolf's legs, though stayed beside her upon noticing the elder Tainn's expression. "Whas wrong? He didn't do nothin' wrong, Kisla. He called me miss. He's a gentlemans!" She gave green-eyed Kisla a toothy grin, hoping to alleviate the odd tension. It didn't feel good. Why was Kisla so upset?

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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
A single ashen brow rose as Rais considered the girl's declaration of her size. He had expected that she might be startled, or even run off at his appearance, but she was a rather bold girl. She had no fear of talking to strangers. Luckily for her, Rais was pretty innocuous as far as rogues went. <i>"I bet they could find you, too."</i> At that, the boy felt an uneasy tingle up his spine. This was dangerous. She moved a little bit closer to him, wondering if the reason he stood so far was if he was afraid of her. He barked a laugh, no, not of her. Not the girl, she couldn't even catch a squirrel. But if any of her relatives came upon the two of them, or even after the fact, caught his scent, he'd be in trouble. Again, thoughts of Cali entered his mind. She knew both his scent and appearance. If he got out of this alive, he would be leaving the Sacred Grove alone for a good while. He rather liked to keep his hide attached where it was.

She asked about his name, but he stood silently, working his jaw as he thought. The prickling up his spine was stronger now, and instead of Rissa he was watching the trees behind her. Someone was coming, and though he had first been distracted by the amiable pup, his instincts were screaming at him in warning. Through the trees emerged a tawny female, at first startled but after a moment's hesitation settling into an aggressive stance and taking a stand between him and the cub. Rissa was chattering away behind her packmate, was it Kis she had been called?

He took several steps back, eyes catching on her bared white fangs as he studied her. Those teeth were sharp, but like his own they owed their points to inexperience. This wolf, Kis, was just a yearling. No seasoned guardian or weathered fighter. Maybe she would fall for a trick or two of his, and they wouldn't have to resort to using fangs. He could just run off, of course. He had the agility to avoid most wolves. But if he ran away, then he would be automatically guilty of something, whatever it was he was guilty of. Trespassing? Though he was guilty of that, he wanted to at least clear his name a little bit. He couldn't have Swift River hunting for his head after two trespasses.

The grey boy ducked his head down, ears folding back and tail tucking between his legs. It was an act, he wasn't really intimidated by her, but it would be best if she thought that he was. <b>"Oh! I'm so sorry, madam. I ran into your pack's little miss here, and she looked a bit lost. I didn't want any harm to come to her, say, if she ran into a bear or wolverine. I was just about to try to point her back the right direction to her den."</b> The lie slipped as easily from his lips as the truth. A small, seemingly earnest smile crossed his face and he lifted his brows in a regretful expression.
(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2012, 06:53 PM by Rais.)
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Rissa’s innocence was painfully familiar, and the golden she-wolf stole a quick yet fond glance down to her baby sister. The whelp was new to the world.. Rissa did not understand the evil that could and would lurk behind any tree. Marsh had been the one to save Kisla from such an evil.. could she save Rissa? Bending her muzzle down, Kisla swept her tongue across the cub’s forehead, though her pelt bristled dangerously as the presence of the other could not go ignored.

Ignoring her sibling’s chastise, Kisla took a step toward the male who was her age as he stepped back, making sure to keep between he and Rissa. “There’s no such thing as a good wolf that nearly trespasses, Rissa,” she murmured in turn, her tail giving a flippant flick. Both ears preened forward as the stranger explained himself, the explanation in itself allowing the she-wolf’s gaze to soften.. but not her insistence on keeping her sister safe.

“As you can see, she’s fine now. There’s no need to linger near our borders.” Her tone was firm as her figure straightened slightly, her bright green eyes studying the male’s orange. If anything, his eyes reminded her of her father. A wolf who she knew would not be welcoming to a stranger so close to not just his home, but his children. Indru wouldn’t have even bothered with words –she knew her father would have dove right in to the male’s neck, eager to scare him away from lands and business that did not concern him. “You’d best be on your way,” she reiterated after a short pause, in case he didn’t get the message.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 43 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rissa Tainn
Rissa understood smells. Like how she and Kisla smelled different from the still-nameless stranger. And she understood looks, like how Kisla was getting all bristly and the stranger seemed a little bit smaller. What she didn't understand was why. What was the big deal if he got a little bit close to their smell? On the other side of it was still just grass and trees and animals. What was the harm? Though, her opinion likely would have been different if the stranger had decided that she looked like a tasty morsel. Right now, Rissa had thought that she'd be able to make a friend, a different smelling friend who had used nice words at her. Kisla had called it trespassing. Though she could easily say that she still didn't get it. "But..." Her voice had just perked up to trail off as Kisla went on speaking to the stranger.

Dark blue eyes watched the stranger for a moment, and she frowned, unable to keep her potential friend from disappearing. Maybe if she hadn't been so loud, Kisla wouldn't have found her and then she still would have gotten to talk to the stranger. "Thank yous for helping me, strangers." She said, trying to smile, but the disappointment was almost too much for little Rissa to bear. It was hard not understanding things. Why couldn't they all just get along?

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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
<i>"There's no such thing as a good wolf who nearly trespasses."</i> Ouch. That hurt. He liked to imagine himself a good wolf. Sometimes he did things that weren't so nice, but he didn't think that made him a bad wolf. Fine then, he was out of here.

He dipped his head, and a chivalrous smile was given to the littlest lady. He pointedly ignored Kis and her posturing, letting his tangerine eyes meet those of Rissa. <b>"Why, thank <i>you</i> Rissa. It was nice meeting you, madam. Apparently it is my time to leave."</b> With a wink, he turned and slinked off into the trees.

Yeah, yeah, sure. He would just leave, never to be seen again. Swift River could get on with their merry little lives in their merry little forest with no more interference from the little trickster. He would go away and forget about the place, never to return... Fat chance! Like he'd let them win that easily. He'd show her <i>good wolf</i>. Rais sneered, the ugly twist of his lips showing his true nature that he seldom showed others. Often he wore the happy, obliging mask that would get him whatever it was he wanted. He was a tenacious little beast, and once his heart was set on something even an ocean couldn't stand in his way.

Once he was sure he gained an amount of distance between the two ladies, he used his old trick of looping back towards the territory, crossing the border back inside again. He stopped and glanced around quickly, checking for anyone who might be watching. Satisfied that no one was near, he lifted his leg and peed. Peed right on one of Swift River's stupid trees. If they wanted the forest so bad, they could have it, but they would have to keep <i>that</i> too, as a souvenir of their <i>no good wolf</i>.
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Rissa – as innocent as Kisla herself once was – started a rebuttle but quickly shushed, instead thanking the stranger. Silencing as she allowed the two to say their goodbyes, the young she-wolf still stood protectively near her sister, her bright eyes studying the male, narrowing slightly at his unspoken arrogance.

The pale tawny girl watched him move in to the trees, and blinking, she cast her eyes down at Rissa. “I’m sorry Ree,” she murmured, dipping her muzzle down to smooth it upon the crown of her little sister’s head. “But while he might seem like a good wolf, there are a lot out there who arne’t. Even if they seem to be at first.” A soft sigh escaped her as she recalled the icy woman that had coaxed her as much as the stranger had just coaxed her sister. Marsh had been there to save her, but if he hadn’t.. Kisla refused to think of it.

Nudging her younger sibling in the direction of home, the yearling prowled back, feeling unsteady about the situation that had just unfolded. Of course, any doubt she had once felt quickly fell away to ice cold anger as the male’s scent drifted past her… stronger than before. “Stay here Rissa,” she muttered darkly, her tail lashing with agitation as she suddenly turned, making her way back to the territory borders.

It took her only moments to find him, and noting the lower of his leg after marking in their territory the girl felt her rage and anger creep upon her. Bristling dangerously, Kisla elicited a sharp growl as she slunk forward now, her lissome figure in a menacing crouch as she leapt at the other Yearling. Her snarl echoed across the forests that protected her home, and with her agility, the girl pulled alongside him, her jaws slashing the air toward his shoulder, aiming to tear his flesh.

sparking up my heart

Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
Lowering his hind limb, Rais glanced about. He looked quite smug knowing that he had won the last laugh on Swift River. His narrow chest was puffed up and his ratty grey tail held high, an <span class='word'>acephalous</span> pauper masquerading as a prince. He wondered whether it was time to high-tail it out for real, or if he should strut about the now sullied territory and explore what the two little interruptions, namely Rissa and Kisla, had distracted him from. If he was lucky, the River girls believed his exit and would be gone.

It did not seem luck was on his side, as his brief moment of basking in success was abruptly ended by a snarl from behind him. He whirled about, narrow paws kicking up clods of dirt as he turned to face his attacker. He only had the time to see it was the big sister from before and little time for much else. He tried to flinch away from her strike but she held the element of surprise. He hadn't expected her to follow him. A hair too slow, he pulled away with a yelp, the sharp pinch of her fangs earning a small slice along his shoulder. <b>"H-hey! Whaddoya think you're doing?"</b> He squeaked, whilst continually backing away and defensively tucking his round face back towards his shoulders. Playing innocent probably wouldn't work, but it was worth a try.
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]