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unchain the colours before my eyes — Swift River 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn

Faint light began to trickle through the entrance of the den, tickling warmly at Tri's tiny black paws as he slowly blinked awake, baby blues squinting against the morning glare as it snuck its way into the dark, cool comfort of the caverns. A little pink tongue soon peeked out from between his lips, arching forward as the young Tainn yawned, little body stretching languidly as a little yip escaped his maw before he snapped it shut.

Suddenly he was up on all fours and racing around, tail waggling happily as he lowered his nose to the ground curiously, looking for his big brother Indru. Ever since the fire little Triell had latched onto his eldest brother as if he was his own father, still young enough to be able to fill the whole his deceased parents had left. Teetering awkwardly on his disproportionate limbs he whined for his siblings, even his sister Borlla whom wasn't one of his favourite wolves in his tiny world. A fresh musky scent suddenly passed by his nose or rather his nose passed by it. Turning suddenly on his heel he tumbled to the ground as he snuffled eagerly at the spot where Indru's scent was the most fresh.

Triell was soon rushing off, basic instincts taking hold as he tracked his brother, nose to ground and tail swaying a mile a minute beat to the rhythms of the rushing river close by. Indru! He yipped noisily as he rushed beneath the thick brush that covered the floor of the grove.

(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2010, 05:53 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn

A faint yip told Indru that one of his youngest brother's was now awake and a smile came to his face as he heard his feet thumping through the brush of the Grov completely lacking the stealthy grace he would gain as he aged. Triell was the quickest of them all, his limbs strong from the many explorations he takes himself on, and Indru peered down at him as he flashed out of the foliage. Hey there! Indru greeted his black furred brother, ducking his muzzle down to the young boys height to try and nudge him affectionately, his furry tail sweeping behind him as he did so. How are you? The male cooed to him, sniffing him lightly before trying to lick his muzzle like their father had done to him every morning as a pup.

Indru was not far into the Grove, still well within the boundaries he had marked for the pack, as he would not leave until the pups were awake and their carer for the day arranged and ready. Indru and the pups shared a den so he took it on as his responsibility to watch them until one of their other siblings took the role allowing him to go hunt, stretch his legs and check the borders. Have you seen anyone this morning, Triell? From as much as he could remember it was Junai's time to watch the youngest of the Tainn's today, but unsurprisingly she was nowhere in sight. Kinis is still asleep? Indru queried, sitting down on his haunches and smiling down at Triell, the most boisterous of the youngest boys, as he knew the pup would know where Kinis was if only to protect him from Borlla.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

As soon as Indru came into view Triell yipped his success, tail wagging so hard his long awkward limbs wobbled as he approached his eldest brother. The young Tainn's tiny, wet black nose snuffled at all the strange new scents on the lighter shades of his brothers fur upon his legs and underside, head tilting this way and that in curiosity. When Indru nudged him Triell aimed a few well aimed licks to his brothers nose, hopping on his hind legs to continue his affectionate and submissive routine as his alpha raised back to his full height. When Indru asked how he was Triell yapped happily, running a full circle to show just how good he was feeling this morning, nuzzling into his brother as he sniffed him and flattened the fur upon his muzzle with a well practiced lick that sent a thrill of familiarity and comfort through the young pup.

At Indru's next question Triell shook his head vigorously before falling to his side as a wave of dizziness washed over him, his little chest heaving as he took up a pant, little blue eyes peering up intently at his eldest brother. Couldn't they have an adventure? Now, now, now! Triell whined when he mentioned Kinis. Of course he was still asleep! He was just trying to fool Borlla into leaving him alone, but Triell would protect him. The dark little Tainn pushed himself to his feet and puffed out his chest as if to prove his inner monologue true before offering a shrill bark and bounding around his tawny brother. Can we go? He seemed to ask silently, for he had not spoken since his parents death.

It seemed the traumatic experience had affected the pup more then he would let on as he had not spoke since, though he was still to young to understand the strange emotions that flooded him when he thought of his parents. He still thought he would see them again and whined pitifully at night for them even though he had Indru and the rest of his family close. It just wasn't the same. Though today would be a happy day and the young pup did not let his thoughts wander to far from the here and now.

(This post was last modified: Sep 11, 2010, 03:37 PM by Indru.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn

Excitement, especially for adventure, was a constant state for his brother — the pup had boundless energy and never seemed too tired to do anything. A grin was stuck on the older brother's muzzle through his and Triell's affectionate greeting and Indru's tail waved behind him each lick he received merely causing it to wag harder. Triell bounded around Indru to show his pleasure and Indru watched him disappear behind him before reappearing the other side then stopping to nuzzle against him. Good, I take it? The older Tainn laughed, now used to the pup's silence with words even though he hoped that eventually he would speak again, but Indru would not push it.

The young pup shook his head at Indru's inquiry about his family and then fell down, dizzy and tired from his burst of energy. Indru quickly dipped his head to nudge Triell's chest affectionately with his nose, feeling his racing heart under his dark fur and skin. Easy now, a lick was then placed on the young pup's head to try and calm him and Indru turned towards the way Triell had come, scenting the air hoping to pick up fresh smells of their family. Out of the corner of his eye Indru saw that Triell was soon on his feet again, his puppy resilience allowing for quick recovery, and the young pup puffed his chest out in pride. Yes, you do a good job protecting Kinis. He was sure that Kinis would suffer at Borlla's slightly overbearing nature a lot more if it was not for his good natured, wild brother. A bark drew Indru's attention to the dark Tainn again, Triell's eager's eyes making him smile and he nodded, let's go, little brother. Rising up from his haunches Indru started to walk forward, turning back round to peer down at Triell, want to join me patrolling the borders, buddy?

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

Triell's eyes lit up at the moment he heard his brother speak of bringing him along. It was as if they were attached at the hip. As if he could read the younger Tainn's very thoughts through some instance of subaudition. The black youngling's blue gems shined with silent admiration for his elder brother, a grin spread wide across his quiet lips, tail set in spinning motion behind him almost like a propeller waiting to take off. Surely, he would have been able to fly to the moon and back if he had been more aerodynamic. Such was his happiness that his brother was happy to consider taking him along. He loved him and was glad that he was not a burden, but a welcomed second on this trip.

Following his brother's lead, he stood on his shaking legs and kept close to Indru's heel, chest erect and eye's very sharply peeled. He was ready to learn what he could, and help defend his home while his parent's were away. Very eager and ready to perform his duty. With a quick glance up at his tawny sibling, he waited for what was to come next.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Fading to black :D

If there was one thing Indru knew Triell loved it was exploring; following new scents and finding small 'treasures' was something Indru often caught him doing so he knew a trip around the borders would be something he would enjoy. It didn't seem he was wrong either from the sight of his younger brother's tail threatening to lift his small body of the forest floor. With a small laugh Indru started heading towards them, glancing down at his young brother often as they walked through the Sacred Grove. Triell was still silent, he had been since the death of their parents, and though it was a worry for Indru he was unsure on what to do — if in fact he could do anything. Often he considered mentioning it but he wondered whether highlighting the fact would make it worse and decided instead to leave it be, hoping that his speech would return as his life settled more.

When they were not too far from the edge of the borders Indru stopped and turned towards Triell, why don't you have a go at finding them? It was a similar activity that he had done with Borlla to great success and he knew that Triell had more practise in following scents than his somewhat disobedient sister. The Tainn offered him a encouraging smile, lifting his paw in hopes to nudging him forward gently and embolden him to lead the way. Together the pair then departed the pack lands at a much slower pace than if Indru was on his own, intending to try locate their siblings location in relic lore.

(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2011, 02:02 AM by Indru.)