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To Be Part of the Wave, Can't Stop — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Bridget who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Idala Fontero
Afternoon; sunny.
This was the land of the strange- well, thus far, it was. She had met Rais, a liar of a wolf. Why he lied to her, she did not know, for they were merely acquainted. A rather poor start to her new life, but ah well. Then, there was Shadowstorm, a wolf who seemed to caught up in her memories to hold a proper conversation. Who was Idala? It seemed as if she was just a wolf. Nothing more.

The sun was warm upon her dark coat as she moved out of the forest and into the clearing. A small waterfall was before her; ears perked as they tuned into the rushing sound of water. With a small wag of her tail, she bounded forth, paws seeming to barely touch the small pebbles and stones scattered among the shoreline. Lowering her head, Idala approached the waters, lapping greedily as the cool liquid. After a few moments, she lifted her head, a satisfied grin now upon her muzzle.

Carefully the wolf seated herself, not to land her rump upon a pointed stone. Being a lone wolf was becoming rather tedious; she was tired of being alone and hunting constantly. With a sigh, she began to wonder if the pack life would be proper for her once again. Shaking her head, she now watched as a cloud drifted toward the sun, covering it for a few minutes. Eyes falling back to the water, Idala watched minnows dart to and fro in the shallows of the water.
(This post was last modified: Sep 04, 2012, 11:24 PM by Idala.)
<center>user posted image</center>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
It burned. The pain. Shit it burned. Like the sun melting a snowflake, his body sizzled with pain each move he made, each breath he took. A red fog clouded his gaze and had not lifted for some time. The glossy layer of his eyelids were sore, as if coated in sand and each time he blinked the sand would scrape across his eyes, like a million tiny daggers being thrust into the soft globes.
The fever. The heat of his body made him feel sick. His skin so hot that he had a constant film of sweat between flesh and fur. Each pore prickled as he moved, each follicle felt like a mosquito bite, itching and sore with no relief to be found.
He ached. His body heavy, his bones tired, it has been so long since he slept, really slept. He found no peace in sleeping now, no peace in sunbathing as he once had. He slept little at a time, always moving, paranoid he was being followed or that he would miss <i>something</i>, but he had no idea what.

His aliments were not physical however, they were mental. Lost. Broken.
The King had fallen. Hard.

Rhysis, a wolf who had been so powerful in his eyes, a leader, a fighter - everything he had ever dream of, was no more. Perhaps he was lost inside the hollow wolf that walked through the forest. His leather pads hit the terrain in silence, moving as quietly as a shadow, but far more deadly and far more lost. At least a shadow belonged somewhere. He had no purpose, but since he had entered into the lands of lore, something inside him had felt calmer. Perhaps not enough to change his somewhat sadistic ways of late, but enough for him to feel as if this is where he should be.
A the land turned greener, the scent and sounds of running water wafted towards him, hitting him square in the fact, a feeling of thirst came over him. He didn't think anymore, he just did and without much grace or care, he slipped from the forest and into the clearing before the falls.

His grey eyes looked up to the peak, watching the cold water cascade from the edge and tumble down into a pool at the bottom, but he saw no beauty in it. Just a tool to stop another feeling inside him. He knew if he drank it, he wouldn't feel like his mouth was dry. Life was just that simple these days. Without a sound, he strolled to the edge of the pool and lowered his handsome head to allow his coral tongue to snake out of his rubber lips and taste the fresh liquid. So focused was he, he didn't even noticed or detect the female not too far away. No longer did he calculate... he simply was.

(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2012, 09:32 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Idala Fontero
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/idalatab.png) top center no-repeat; background-color: #aa998a;">
The calming rush of water sent her into a daze, for her eyes grew blank and dull as she sat in her own comfortable silence. The thoughts that whirled within her mind drowned themselves, leaving her to a strange nothingness. No complaints on her behalf. She continued to sit, eyes set on the rushing waters. As the sun reappeared from behind a cloud, the minnows scattered frantically, as if the sun was to kill them. The dark figures in the water left her line of sight, and the woman shifted.

There was a scent, one that seemed disturbed. It filled her nostrils, almost telling her to stop breathing, for something was wrong. With careful eyes, the orangey gaze of Idala flowed to her right, where a dark figure hung at the edge of the water. It drank greedily just as she; his coral tongue slapping the water as he took in his fill. With her ears pinning back, she did not stare, taking her gaze off of him every ten seconds or so. There was something wrong with him.

Idala mastered the emotions of others; she could pick them up as well as her own. The dark vibes that cast themselves off of the man made her muscles tense, but she dare not move just yet. She continued to sit for a moment, finally deciding to move. With liquid action, she swept her body upward, elegantly rising to all fours. It was then she slowly turned her frame toward him, breath shallow as she awaited a possible reaction.<b style="color:#786c61">"speech."

table by bryony
(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2012, 05:25 PM by Idala.)
<center>user posted image</center>
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Burn was confused. He had woken up this morning in some sort of pack and
he knew not how he'd gotten there. Nor did he know why he had the packs scent on him.
Shaking off his weariness the dark wolf left whosever packlands those had been and
began searching out for a meal and a calm place to just think about things. He really didn't
want to be bothered by wolves right now, but of course life wasn't going to let him have
his way all of the time.

"Fuck..." Burn scented the wolves and came upon one of them; a dusky brown and
black female. The wind had changed direction the last moment and revealed her and the
male wolf scent to Burn, but he did not have enough notice to change direction. Instead of
passing around the wolves it looked like he would have to entertain them if they were nice.
If they were mean bastards then someone was gonna get their face ripped off.

Pausing, Burn watched the females reaction to him hoping she wouldn't be all
pissed or annoyed. It wasn't his fault he'd almost run into her. Even so he would
gladly apologize if it meant that he could leave soon after.

"Miss.." He flicked his ear in greeting then peered around their surroundings. Burn
couldn't yet see where the other male was until he looked past the female. The scarred males
eyes narrowed as he watched the male suspiciously. Seems thirsty..He's completely
ignoring the female.
Burn was fine with not talking. He just wanted to pass through.
That was if the female wouldn't stop him for something.

Theme Song
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<i>They're looking at you, boy. Judging you.</i>

That voice. So familiar yet so distorted. He knew it was his father, scolding him as ever, leading him down paths he didn't want to go, filling his head with illogical thoughts and emotions. Ever since he had snapped that white neck within his jaws, his father had followed him. Tall like Rhysis, but much thicker. Graying around the muzzle with battle scars worn proudly upon his ugly face, black with silver flecks... like Rhysis, yet somehow he didn't look as evil. His father was a warrior, he met battle with strength rather then cunning as Rhysis once had, but now, under his father's influence, Rhysis' mind was subject to the babbling of his father, helpless to do more then obey his mental state like the loyal dog that he was.

His half chewed ear flicked forwards as the caught the voice of another male close by. He hadn't paid attention to anything but the water before him, but now the voice in his head had drawn his attention to the pair, he couldn't help but listen in.

<i>They're talking about you... Can't you hear them?</i>

Purred his fathers voice, like silk against his eardrums. The lanky males hackles bristle, standing on edge as he strained to think straight and see through the red mist that clouded his vision. Through the haze he made out two figures - shadows more then bodies, but unmistakably two separate beings. It only made him more angry that he couldn't think straight, nor see straight. It was evident on his face as his lips curled into a snarl, wrinkling at the nose and grey eyes. His hackles stood to attention whilst his body was poised, like a viper ready to strike.

<i>You should tear them limb from limb, talking about you like you're not even here. I bet they don't even know who you are...</i>
<b>"No... I bet they don't. Should I teach them?"</b> he said outloud, his strong southern accent ringing bold and strong as he spoke to the voice in his head.
<i>Yes... teach them my son.</i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 06, 2012, 04:37 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Idala Fontero
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/idalatab.png) top center no-repeat; background-color: #aa998a;">
It was within those few moments she was standing that another had appeared. He was dark like the one before her, but this one had obviously been burned. Idala peered to the side where he walked and flicked an ear, speaking to her. Miss... She could feel her muscles tense at the situation of being enclosed by two large males, but she kept her cool. With a casual tone, her lush voice spoke out toward Burn <b style="color:#786c61">" 'Lo...."

The other wolf near her was most certainly mad. He spoke aloud, blabbering something about teaching. With her ears flattening, Idala watched the lips of Rhysis twitch and rise in a snarl. Immediatly, the tan-brown woman stepped back, her own teeth flashing for a second. Allowing her lips to settle back down upon her fangs, she felt the cool water surround her hind paws- she had backed into the water. Confusion was written across her face clear as day; what was this wolf thinking?

With a sharp turn of her head, she looked to Burn, not knowing what he was to do. The two seemed quite bulkier than she; Idala was quite positive she'd be able to outrun them both if they were to attack.... <b style="color:#786c61">"speech."

table by bryony
(This post was last modified: Sep 06, 2012, 06:58 PM by Idala.)
<center>user posted image</center>
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Burn started to move around the female when he heard the dark male
say something. Teaching something to someone? hmm... He watched the
broken male silently. His own hackles beginning to rise as Rhysis' own fur crackled
with energy. What the hell was wrong with this guy? Burn stared into the rogues
cold eyes and saw something that reminded him slightly of himself.

"So who's teaching who what exactly?" Burn stepped past the female and
stood between her and the black beast. The grass bent under his weight as the dark
scarred male stopped around ten feet away from the other wolf. His yellow eyes bore
into the male judging his reaction and waiting for him to make a move. Burn had no clue
why the man was in such a mood all of the sudden but he wasn't going to let him tear
up any wolf without a good reason for it. Say if the other wolf was trying to attack the male
then Burn could justify his current reactions, but not when everyone has been as calm as
they have. In the back of his head Burn sighed. He'd just wanted to pass through. Now Burn
would have to worry about yet another thoughtless fight. He'd had enough of those as a loner.


He was waiting for the male to either attack or speak. Burn's muscles tensed as
he evaluated his possible opponent. He was taller and bulkier than the other dark
man so he would have more strength than him, but Burn knew he'd have to worry about
the rogues speed. Even so, if he could land one hit Burn would be able to do considerable
damage. All those fights out on his own in the lands past Serpents Pass made Hotei and
Burn into experienced fighters.

Theme Song
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<i>She is pretty, isn't she, Son?</i>

<b>"Yes... I suppose. But I am not tempted."</b> came the drawl again, the grey eyes of the black wolf never leaving the other two. He watched the greeting, watched the male clock him at last and step forward to shield the female. The tension in the air was thick, rolling off him like a heat wave as he simply watched whilst listening to the mad voice in his head.

<i>I would have taken her. Why don't you? Females have some uses my Son and you have avoided those uses for far too long.</i>

The smirking vision of his father stood next to him, as real as the wolves before him but only for his eyes to see. His father was much like him, but not as thin and not as handsome. He had received his softer features from the whore that had been his mother, a mere omega of the pack that his father had abused and then raped to produce his heirs.

Rhysis looked to his right, his eyes leaving the pair for a moment as he looked at the imaginary figure of his father, standing shoulder to shoulder with him at last. Yet even after all this time, he simply could not use a female as his father had. Rhysis hated females- that was fact, but he would rather kill one then abuse one; there was no joy to be had there.
Once... of course once, but the tawny wolf who had been his own was lost in his memory, nothing more then a blur- a smudge on his mind that he just couldn't get rid of. All he remembered of Naira was that she had been there, but nothing more. No name, no scent or face - nothing. He did not even remember his own children, the son he had lost, the son and daughter he left behind... the sickly white daughter who's neck he had snapped a month or so ago now. They were all just dirt on his clinically clean mind; dirt that haunted him, asleep or awake.

<b>"No. Nothing can be gained fr-"</b> he paused his sentence and the wind wafted, dragging the scent of the male towards him. It was so familiar, but so far. It reminded him of a river, of gushing water and... hate? He knew that scent and he didn't like it... but he didn't know why. His mind had wiped all memory now, buried it beneath his rage, suppressed it for so long it was all but starved of oxygen.

<i>We know that smell... don't we, Son? We hate that smell. He smells like one of them.</i> his father purred in his ear, walking right up to his boy whom he hated so much, and nose him in the side, encouraging him to let go.

<b>"River wolf..."</b> he whispered, the term flying back to him like a smack in the face. Still he remembered not why he hated them so, he simply felt he should and instinct was all he could run on these days. The question now was, what to do next. He might be mad, but his logic was still there. Two against him in his poor condition wouldn't be wise, but he would remain to see what came next, poised as ever should the need arise.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Idala Fontero
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/idalatab.png) top center no-repeat; background-color: #aa998a;">
The way the dark man stood, his fur bristling and his cold eyes upon she and Burn- it was so intimidating. Why hadn't she turned tail and taken off yet? It was the wonder that was holding her back. She was wondering what on earth was wrong with this wolf. He spoke again, this time of temptation. Temptation to do what? Murder? Her eyes narrowed as her fiery eyes gazed at his cold ones. Her blood was like gasoline now, and it had been lit on fire.

With a snap of her head, she looked at Burn when Rhysis spoke of a River wolf. It must be a pack that lives within these lands. With her mind burning, she stepped forward now, her hind paws leaving the cool water of the falls. Carefully she took a few steps forward, pads pressing upon the cool pebbles that lined the shores. <b style="color:#786c61">"What has tangled itself in your fur, may I ask?" It was her way of saying "What the hell is going on with you?" With her eyes still on him, she stood solid, fur smoothed as she remained calm. The fire in her veins burned, though. It begged to scorch through her body and set her fur on fire. No. Resist it.

Her tail was low and motionless. Her muscles tensed for a heartbeat, but she forced herself to become lax. Do not show aggression. It was obvious this wolf was dealing with some sort of mental forces, but she nor the scarred wolf beside her would be able to guess what was truly going on within his mind.

table by bryony
(This post was last modified: Sep 09, 2012, 05:30 PM by Idala.)
<center>user posted image</center>
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Oh great. So now the wolf knew he was from Swift River. Somehow
the dark wolf seemed more angry after he realized Burn had Swift River
scent on him. This worried the scarred male. He didn't know what Swift River
wolves had caused to make the stranger hate them so much, but he didn't want to
be lumped in with them. Hell, he didn't even know why he had the scent on him in
the first place.

Burn ignored the male now. He was bored with the guys insanity, but he did
continue to have a tense body ever waiting for the male to bound over and attack.
Burn would not be caught off guard. Instead he shook his patchy mane and flicked
his yellow Tainn eyes back and forth between the male and the female beside him.
She had gathered up her courage now and was questioning the male. Burn thought that
questioning such a nutso was a waste of time and a bad idea but he had to respect her
for speaking up in such a situation. She was surrounded by two big males with serious
issues (thought different in nature) whom might be dangerous to her, and yet she
was speaking calmly now.

His gaze flicked back to Rhysis wondering what he would do after being
spoken to by the female. Burn was ready to protect the now confident looking female.
At least she had his respect. The dark bat across from them had none of his respect.

Theme Song
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]