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Hunt you like an animal — The Wildwood 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<i>Where are you going?</i> asked the ghost of his father. The black figure as always was walking at the real black wolf's side, shoulder to shoulder like they had never stood in real life. In some ways, Rhysis must have known that the mirage of his father was just that, a specter, a fragment of his mind so powerful it caused him delusions... but he found comfort in having the father he should of have back. As soon as the snap sounded and his little princess fell to the floor dead, his father had appeared. Not to comfort him, but to spur him on with life. Rhysis knew he wanted to die, every bone in his body ached from trying to pull him towards the nearest cliff or body of water, but the ghost of his father spared him time after time, encouraging him to move forward, to give him purpose in his life. Yet today, Rhysis led the way.

<b>"Home."</b> replied the wolf to the ghost, his tone serious yet empty as he followed his paws, one after the other as he used only instinct to find the log he had spent the past winter. His old life was forgotten, but the more time he spent within these woods, the more certain he felt he belonged here. Fragments of his past would appear as blurred images, distorted voices or even smells, but he couldn't piece them together. Heck, he couldn't even remember his own name and had been using the alias <i>Wolf</i> whenever the need for an identity should arise.

He was a ghost. Not an imaginary friend like the black wolf who walked, for once, silently at his side, but a wolf with no purpose, no identity and no reason to carry on. Sometimes he wished his father would vanish, so he could end his existence, but at other times, like today, he was grateful for some company. No matter how deranged and just fucked up it was.
Eventually the large hollow tree, and the hidden entrance came into view. A surge of remembrance bubbled up within him, but subsided again as he lowered his nose to touch the bark and inhale the scents. His had long been washed away and the area smelt sterile yet dirty. No permanent scent was burned into the tree's flesh, but there were several who had passed by or even used his home for shelter. The bastards. That was certainly going to change now he was here.

In silence, he moved around the area like a feline. His shoulders rolled with each movement, his head hung low as if he was on the hunt. His gaze eerie but focused as he made sure anyone close by would know that the big bad wolf had taken back a roost in grandma's house... and no girl in a red cape would take his home from him again.
Satisfied that he had done enough to secure his home from terrorists, River wolves and females (some of the few things which he had remembered) he set off on the hunt for some food. Surprisingly, his condition was not nearly as bad as it had been when he had last been here, despite the turmoil he had been through the last few months. The mind of a cold killer didn't wait until it was hungry to feed, he took what he wanted when he saw it and had often wasted a life for no reason. He'd fallen fawns just to make mothers cry. He'd killed rabbits just because he could. He left meat, blood and gore in his wake, eating more often then he needed to... just because he could and it gave him something to do, if only for a moment.

His footfalls were silent, as if he hovered above the ground, as he meandered the lanes and aisles of the wood, his nose to the floor every so often as he tracked something alive to slaughter. A shadow slipping in and out of darkness, he was a wolf on a mission. For no reason at all.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew

<blockquote>They were not hunting, only scouting. Considering it important to be close to the pack, to know how they functioned and how they moved and how they fought, Marsh had taken two of those he knew least - Jessie and Hotei, Cali's sister and Indru's long lost brother - for a long patrol. Jessie reminded him of Cali in many ways, though milder. That may have just been around him, though. The white sisters had only earned his respect, and he was pleased for their presence. Hotei he did not truly know, save for the uneasiness in his chest whenever the Tainn was around. Marsh was not one for superstition, nor irrational prejudice, but something about the burned wolf made him wonder. That was one reason he had chosen to bring the lowest ranking member along. With Swift River becoming more and more of a stable, united pack, rather than made of drifters, he thought it of utmost importance that he knew each and any wolf and their capabilities.

Silently he took them through the trees, across the river, and into the forest on the other side. The Wildwood was nearly as familiar to him as the Grove itself, he had spent so many long months prowling the both of them. He almost turned towards the ashy part, but thought of Hotei and reconsidered. Marsh did not know what had happened, but even he could remember the smell of that fire. No doubt the memory filled the large Tainn's nostrils all the stronger.

They sought game, they sought dangers and kills to steal and rivals to intimidate. The pups grew older and stronger, but it was not his right to rest until they were grown, and even then his work would not be done. Licking his lips, the copper wolf padded on, saying not a word but for the silent commands he gave the pair. <i>Follow, be careful, be aware.</i> No doubt they knew it all, they were not infants to be mothered. He was not here to protect them or teach them. He was here to learn their ways.

Onward they moved, the scents of loners and other predators and long-gone prey filling his nose, when suddenly the memory of a song came to his mind, unbidden, seemingly out of nowhere. The queerness of his brought him to an abrupt standstill. The memory of many voices, and they sang under stars... falling stars... <i>traitors' stars...</i>

The scent filled his head, his nostrils flaring as they caught it, and it was one with him. The coarse hairs on his neck all the way down to the tip of his tail stood on end, his steel eyes widening as old furies fanned at the sudden heat in his throat. The growl came from him unbidden.

Sweeping his head down, he sought the scent, the trail, and found it easily. A traitor's stench. Male, young, <i>strong</i> - and so close to his home, it nearly sent Marsh into a blind rage then and there. He had to keep his head, for the sake of his pack, of the children. Rhysis would not come to the Wildwood for no reason. His home was in the mountains, and any closer than that was too close, too close. The black wolf may as well have been perched on the edge of the river as far as Marsh was concerned.

It was a walker's trail, for the wolf had come this way, cutting across their path almost exactly. It was not stale, either. The promise of blood on his tongue almost had him at a lather. Had he been alone, he would have stolen after the traitor and had it finished with here, alone be damned. But he was not alone, and he doubted that either Jessie or Hotei understand the sudden wroth that had come over him, the reaction he had had to this one particular loner's scent.

But... that was not right. The fire left his eyes for just a moment as he dipped his head again, studying it, but he was not wrong. He had assumed Rhysis had come down from his mountain perch, but there were no pack smells to accompany his own. The wolf was alone. Was it a trick, some deception? But the nose did not lie, and it told him very clearly that it was so. What had happened? Had Rhysis ran out on his own pack of traitor-lovers just as easily as he had Swift River? Perhaps he had taken a fancy to a different bitch and traded her for Naira.

None of it did any good for his temper. Alone or not, Rhysis had a score to settle with Swift River, with <i>Corinna</i>, and it would do Marsh great pleasure to deliver her his life. Yes, great pleasure indeed.

Turning to face the pair he had been running with, Marsh stepped aside and gestured for them to come forward, lowering his nose at the trail. They had best learn the scent well. It was to be their new prey.

Afterwards, he lifted his head, and let loose a low, deep chord of warning. <i>We have your scent, we have your trail. Run, Rhysis, if you can. I'm coming.</i></blockquote>
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Her sister had once warned her not to talk too much Marsh, and she had heeded the warning, and so, she was shocked when the male had taken Hotei and her out to scout. She had not minded though, for she didn’t mind having bonding time with her pack mates, mainly Hotei, but she also wanted to get to know Marsh’s ways better, and so she instantly came along. She padded along side her pack mates silently, her ears perked and eyes never failing to scan the area carefully. She didn’t mind going on a scout, though she was not a guardian, this scout could easily help with her tracking skills. Her emerald eyes watched the trees as they blurred by her, her gray paws walking quickly to keep up with her large pack mates. Her small form easy to pick out among the two large males, for their dark coats easily blended into the burnt areas of the wildwood. She huffed and puffed along the way, her jaws clamped shut. She would not speak unless entirely necessary.

As they went along many scents overwhelmed her, it went from rabbit, to squirrel, to deer. The scents would make her mouth water in wanting, but she would not budge from her spot next to her second. A small grunt would escape her mouth in restraint to her muscles refusing the feeling of her muscles rolling for a hunt. His eyes remained scanning the area observantly, her tongue lolling out of her mouth lazily. Her emerald eyes became much sharper when the fresh scent of another hit her nostrils. She wasn’t sure if it was just her, but she was positive she scented another. . .it would seem as if the other two had not. . .but it had only been for a few moments before Marsh seemed to notice it too. Jess’s nose bolted to the ground, her nostrils flaring as she inhaled the scent. It didn’t seem as if the wolf was traveling with another, and it seemed fresh enough to her. Her head zoomed back up, her eyes taking in Marsh. His posture was giving off negative signs, making Jessie tense.

Her fur started to rise much like his own, and her lips slid back, her fangs now exposed to the outside world. They were pretty white things. . .until they were coated with blood. This scent was dangerous to them, an enemy. Their prey. When Marsh stepped back in welcome to them, her body instantly crept forward and inhaled the scent once again. She was now on a hunt and she had a new prey. When she was done scenting the male’s trail she stepped back for Hotei to join. When a small growl escaped Marsh’s mouth she knew, and her eyes became sharp. It was not excitement that she would get all too often when she would be hunting for food, but ready to help her pack mate take down a danger. Her nose quickly tapped him on the shoulder, telling him easily that she was ready for this, and that she would follow him in the new hunt.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Oh Gawd...Timing this after his first meeting with Rhysis, before the meeting with Jessie and the pup, aaannd...after the pack hunt? or before? I can't remember. Gotto figure that out later. XD

The trees. The forest. The scents and sounds. They mixed together with Hotei's senses

Dark paws thudding on the ground, tail stuck stiffly out behind him, Hotei was tense. He hadn't
felt this...odd? No, agitated. He hadn't felt agitated like this in a long time. Marsh had steered
the party away from the burnt part of the forest, but Hotei still recognized the area. His
memories sent chills down his spine. He could feel where the fire had burnt him. It felt
as though it were burning him now.

Hotei despertely tried to push the memories away. His yellow eyes focused on Jessie
in front of him. Her sleek form kept his attention from their surroundings and his god awful

Suddenly the two wolves in front of him stopped. Hotei didn't notice until he ran nose
first into Jessie's tail end. Backing up quickly the Tainn fumbled around an apology.
The now nervous man's nose crinkled while he tried to hide his embarassment.
Then Hotei realized that Jessie and Marsh had become very stiff. His first thought was
that he had offended both of them somehow. Jessie backed up a bit letting Hotei through
to scent exactly what they were so agitated by.

Stepping forward Hotei scented the ground. His eyes grew wide. I know this scent!

"This is.. umm.. I know who this is but... I can't recall his name.." Hotei felt just like he
had when he'd first met Jessie. He knew the scent but couldn't
put a face or a name to it. However the
scratches in his pelt stung just thinking about whoever this scent belonged to.

When the dark man looked back up he realized that the two wolves were angry
at whoever this was who's scent was in the air. Why do I know this scent?
Whether he knew the scent or not, whoever this was must be an enemy. Even Hotei's
own coat was bristling at the scent. As if it was angry at this unknown stranger. His
fluffed out coat made Hotei look twice as big as normal.

"Ready when you are.." Hotei growled softly to Marsh waiting for orders. Were they
going to leave the stranger be? Or were they going to hunt this enemy down? For some
reason unknown to Hotei he longed to chase after that scent to its source. Whoever that wolf was,
He wanted to hurt them.

Theme Song
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Jealousy has no real place in a wolf's life - it's a concept that had little do do with anything you normally encountered. Jealous of the leader and his mating privilege? Challenge him or shut up.

Jealous of your soulmate taking two others on a long, out-of-the-territory patrol? What, challenge him? It wasn't quite as simple, and besides, he hadn't know about it until he ran across their trail. Marsh, leading out of the Grove. Jessie following - that was okay. Good, even. He wasn't worried about that kind of thing. But what was worse, of all stupid reasons, he'd brought Hotei along. Ice still didn't like the wolf despite the fact that he was usually pretty cheery and decent - something about that first meeting had etched itself deep into his soul, such a firmly rooted skepticism that he scrutinized everything the black wolf did and always found it lacking. So why on earth had Marsh dragged that pair out into the bush? Feeling a bit left out but uncertain what to do with it, Ice had trailed after their scent, not bothering to attempt to catch up. If the stars willed it, he'd find them sooner or later, and find out just what made Ice unsuitable for this task.

White paws whispered over the terrain, long, thick legs easily carrying him across the familiar ground. Left, right, left, right, his tail a relaxed extension of his spine. Nothing unusual. Scents of prey. Scents of loners. The wind rustled yellow leaves and pawed them playfully across the ground, like a child's toy.

The River wolves path intersected another, and the moment the scent entered his brain, Ice froze. One paw in the air, tail stiff, every nerve alert, muscles tense - again, he drew in the scent, confirming it against the one stored in the memory bank of his brain.

A growl rumbled in his chest.

"Rhysis," the name spilled from snarling jaws, lips pulled back to reveal a set of hungry, saliva-coated teeth. How could this be? He was supposed to be gone, along with Naira - having disappeared back in summer, god's sake! Had Ava lied? Had- had he returned? Why? His head whipped in the direction of the trace - Marsh had taken the pack mates in that direction, following it. Ice need not come from the same place, but how could he track the black bastard if he didn't stay by his trail? Hesitating, he sniffed the ground again, before shrugging. The scent of his pack mates' passing was strong, wafting against him each time the wind blew. Trusting in that, and that he'd find his way back to the trace should he lose it, he stepped a few yards to the side of the scent trail and followed it, a relentless ice revenant stalking its black-shrouded prey.

( I'm guessing he's only a few minutes behind Marsh and the others. Let me know if you want anything changed. ^^ )
wolf by dawnthieves.de
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Is that everyone? Aha, not sure if anyone else will be joining? If so they'll have to tag along after this. <3 I'll leave this kind of open so everyone can either attack, talk, whatever. :D

The rabbit had no clue he was there. It grazed like the stupid creature it was, with the wind blowing to drag its scent to the dark beast who lay hidden beneath the shadows of the trees. Watching. Waiting. He wasn't hungry. He didn't have to eat right now, but he wanted to kill something. To hurt something. To hear something scream. The rabbit was going to be that someone.

Cautiously, he lowered his head. He let his shoulders roll as he slithered like a snake forwards, using the cover of darkness to hide his every move. He was silent, like the ghost that followed behind him. Creeping ever closer, until the rabbit was but a few bounds away. With his muscles bunched, he lowered himself to the ground and prepared to strike. A viper, ready to take down his prey in one swift move... before he would tear it limb from limb whilst it was still alive.
His claws raked the terrain, feeling the earth beneath him as he readied himself for the move. The tension within him yearned to move forward, snatch the animals in his jaws. Sink his teeth into those fleshy eyes... yes, that was the best place to start.

The rabbit bolted.

He raised his head. Utterly confused for a moment, until the sounds of moving bodies graced his tattered ears. One... no, two? More. There were more. Large bodies, moving swiftly. Coming his way. He couldn't smell them, they were coming from behind, following his trail no doubt. Oh, he was almost excited to find out who it was. Half of him wanted to run towards them, half of him wanted to run the other way. He didn't know who they were or what they wanted, but he wanted to find out.
That side of him won.

He turned. And ran towards the noise of the oncoming wolves. He would meet them head on. Maybe death was waiting. Maybe it was nothing. He would soon find out.

And he did, but it was not what he had expected...</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
You and Rhysis were in SR while I was on a lengthy absence, Tyrant, but technically Marsh was in the pack the whole time. I hope it's okay, therefore, that they'd know each other on sight moderately well - it's how I've had him know Rhysis by name and scent so well. You can have Rhysis aware of as much of Marsh's personality/manner as you like <3

Also, though I don't know how important it is, I figure we could set this after the pack hunt?

<blockquote>Jessie's reaction warmed the cockles of his heart. It was likely that she did not recognise the scent, but that she was so ready to accept him as a foe just at his cue was perfect. He decided that he approved of the Swiftpaw sisters very much, very much indeed.

Hotei was a curious matter. The fur rose, but the aggression did not reach his face. When the burned wolf spoke, Marsh did little more than ignore it, instead reading from the larger male's manner how he felt. Confusion reigned, but then the beast growled and Marsh heard the affirmation. Good. Whatever issues the Tainn had, he needed to get over it - but his assistance was not vital. With him and Jessie, they already outnumbered the traitor. Hotei could act as valuable additional intimidation material.

United in sentiment once more, the trio moved on, the copper wolf oblivious to their ghostly tracker for his nose and head was so full of Rhysis.

Before long, so was his vision.

Marsh had been making no pretense of their advance, hoping to catch up to the black beast and discover what his reaction would be. Would the traitor run, or would he fight? Marsh ached for the chance to rip his throat out for the old insults. The bitch traitor would get her own due if she turned up, though it had been Rhysis to steal her away, to impregnate her when he had no right.

When his eyes fell upon that face coming directly at them, the fire burned so hot in his chest that he nearly combusted. Instantly, he halted, paws planted squarely in the ground as if he were receiving a charge. Ears thrust forward, and the low growl rolled from his throat as his muzzle tipped downwards, shoulders rising as his chin pressed closer to his chest, tail rising as the customary posturing began. Though he doubted that it would prevent a conflict - he didn't <i>want</i> it to prevent a conflict.

If his companions had any sense, they would halt alongside him and add their own intimidation. Oh, how he wanted Rhysis to fly at them so that they could dance, dance so sweetly together. Last time, he had brought the pack a bloodied patch of white fur stinking of this man. This time, he would bring them a larger trophy.</blockquote>

I assume that Ice and Rhysis will exchange words? Since Marsh isn't so great in that department, I'm holding him back for now C:
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">When Marsh was ready Jessie gladly took her position next to him. She was ready for anything that would be thrown at them and she would aid the larger male in whatever he was doing. Her paws skimmed along the ground, her muscles easily moving beneath her shoulders. She was more of a huntress then anything, but her sister was not one who would easily give herself up to a fight, but Jessie on the other paw, wouldn’t think twice about stepping into a fight when her superiors ordered for it. The odd comment that Hotei had made stuck in her head though. . .that was almost the same exact reaction she had from him when she had met up with him a second time. She shook it off in the back of her head and she slightly lifted her head in the direction behind them, was there another following them?

Shaking off the slight confusion she turned her head back to Marsh, to find he had stopped. Her position never changed beside him, she was still tense and ready for a fight. Her lips pulled back until her fangs and teeth were exposed and her eyes held a dangerous glint in them as she let out an ugly snarl. When another form came into view one of her small paws stepped slightly in front of Marsh, her ears pressed firmly against her head and her fur bristling. Danger, this male that was charging at them was a danger. Her tail was now high, though slightly lower than her second’s, and she lowered herself slightly, waiting for the order to spring if needed.
(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2012, 03:19 PM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Following behind watching his friends get more and more agitated, Hotei
was still confused about the wolf scent they'd come upon. He trailed after them until
he noticed Marshe fur standing on end and some intimidating growls coming from
both of his pack mates. Looking past Jessie and Marsh Hotei spotted the stranger
running towards them. His pale ghostly eyes and black form had an instant effect on
Hotei's frazzled mind.

Everything went dark.


Hotei closed his orange eyes. His fur tingled as if electric currents were
running through it. Twisting his dark head to one side the ebony male cracked
his neck. Then he repeated the process in the other direction. After that his eyes opened.

"You again..."

A different wolf was in this yellow stare.

With a voice so low Burn stared dangerously at the eccentric wolf in front
of him. Completely ignoring both Jessie and Marsh the wolf stepped
forward lifting his tail arrogantly, puffing out his patch work of fur making him
look more like a demon than a wolf, and snarled a deafening threat towards his old

"That other woman isn't here to stop me this time you mad hatter...Now we
can have a grand old tea party and play our fun games of luck." His snarl
turned to a sick grin, "I wonder who will be the lucky fellow to end up winning the game?"
His head was clouded. Burn wondered how he'd found this bastard, but even so
he would now get his chance to tear open this slender mans guts.
Burn's nose registered Jessie's scent and another. Surprise filtered into his
face and Burn turned his head juts a bit, not removing his snarl, then glanced at Marsh
and Jessie.

Why are they here? And who's he? Burn was curious, but the fact that
Jessie was here and that they both had the scent of Swift River Pack on them
allowed Burn to relax a little. If anything whoever the other male wolf was he was on Burn's
side. Though Burn still couldn't figure out exactly when he'd been joined to a pack.
At least I've got a sensable woman behind me... He turned his head and continued
to glare at Rhysis waiting for the male to start their little game.

Theme Song
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Whisper whisper went his paws over the ground, grass and moss giving way together with old, decaying leaves. The forest smelled of death and sleep, of frost and rain, and of traitors. The memory of the scent was thick in his skull, ghosts of a black wolf dancing along the rim of his mind. He could see Jessie's mottled shape through the trees, deduced that the brown blob by her side was Marsh - mostly out of view. Behind them lingered another shadow. They had stopped, all of them, and he angled out behind their left. Marsh's tail was high, ears forward, and he caught a flash of teeth. They'd found him, then, and with a low growl rumbling in his chest, Ice forged through the wilting bracken.

But it was not the sight of lanky, loping Rhysis that drew his attention, but of Hotei; the male had some odd look in his eyes that the Guardian had never seen before, his tail enough to challenge Marsh should he but turn his fiery eyes to him. But he seemed focus on Rhysis, growling words in a voice Ice had never heard him use - syntax that was unfamiliar, chafing on his ears and grating on his nerves. Who was this wolf, really? Indru's little brother?

That didn't exactly make it better. Fueled by too much pain and anger, the growl rumbling in Ice's chest rose in a crescendo, rumbling out like thunder from his mouth. Lips pulled back and ears shot forward, stiff tail held high as he stepped out, ahead of Hotei. That man was going to get what he was asking for... later.

"Rhysis," he said again, the name sliding off his tongue, poisonous in the tense air. Within his chest, his heart kept thumping, furiously, spilling blood through every capillary. Adrenaline had sent his body into a high, teeth and tongue demanding blood. "You're supposed to be gone." He held it between them like a broken promise, a tattered, rusty shield; it could not do a single thing, save any of them from injury. Rhysis was here, alive, but what the hell did he want? Why wasn't he in the mountains with his bunch of traitors? And yet that notion sent a swift stab into Ice's heart. Ava truly hadn't smelled of him that summer... but what if she'd just been playing him for a fool?

He scowled.

Who would he trust - Rhysis, or his friend? Rhysis had never given him reason to believe anything he said or did... So it had to be true, then, that he had been gone - but now, for some reason, returned.
wolf by dawnthieves.de
let the stars above shine in your soul