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To find a friend... — Sacred Grove 
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Played by --- who has 35 posts.
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Brenton Nelson
Brenton had been relatively angering himself, he should have never let Jessie go, even if she insisted, he should have at least gone with her. It just felt stupid to search, there was no guarantee that she was still alive. But she was a fighter, he knew. So he could not give up hope until all hope was lost. Little did he know that Jessie was safe, that she was happy, that she had found her sister. That she was residing as a pack member in Swift River. The only thoughts that he could process were to find her. He would, he would search the ends of the earth to find his best friend. But soon, the hunger of his stomach was noticed for the first time since his last meal a few days ago, he hadn't thought to stop and hunt.

The scent of vole reached his slightly parted mouth as he breathed in the scents around him. The vole then went to his nose, sniffing out the scent, listening as the volant leaves swayed from side to side on the sturdy branches above. The crystal clear skies above made everything peaceful. He saw the vole in the corner of his eyes. Stalking it carefully with precision until the final second. Leaping to land on the vole a thud and a crack as his paws landed on the voles neck, killing it swiftly and painlessly. Sitting down to eat, all was peaceful, so he could let his mind wander as he ate. It was a good time. It was peaceful.

He noticed the faintest smell of a river up ahead. A river meant water, which meant a water source and prey. Maybe Jessie would be here? One could only hope to find they're best friend again. It was his life's dream. If he did, all would be good. If he did, he would have accomplished his goal to find her. He'd looked for so long, could it be he'd finally found her? He could hope. The last thing he noticed, was the scent of a pack. So he sniffed out the borders, standing at the edge to see if a wolf would come along.
To find a friend...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">It felt as though it had been forever since she had joined Swift River. Though, since joining, her sister had been quite scarce. Jess had expected that anyways considering she was second, and she probably had plenty of things to attend to for the pack. Right now she was slightly content with her life. She had close friends and strong pack mates. Hotei and her had been getting quite close, or at least she thought they were. The scarred male made her happy, though the whole thing with the Rhysis incident had scared the shit out of her. She hadn’t taken Hotei as dangerous. . .expect for when he was Burn? She didn’t know. . .it was quite a confusing concept.

Her paws were taking her around her territory, towards the border. Her nose was loyally following the scent of vole that she desperately wanted to catch for one of the pups. She didn’t think she had caught one of those for them yet, and perhaps it would be exciting for them to have something new to eat every once and awhile. Her nose twitched when a familiar scent twisted its way around her nose and her head snapped up. She knew that scent. . .but why would it be here. The image of a dark male with dark brown eyes came into picture and her paws darted forward, her nose working its way towards the border. She did not mean to be harsh when she arrived, but he was almost on their borders and that did not fare well with Jessie’s protective instinct.

A sharp growl escaped her throat as she barreled towards the large male, her tail stiff and high and ears pricked forward in a dominant stance. When words came out of her mouth, they were sharp as thorns, “Stay away from the border, sir. Being close does not go well with me.” Her brain still hadn’t processed the male in front of her, her predatory instinct taking over. She would protect her family within the borders, even if it meant shredding her best friend’s ears off.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
<i>“Stay away from the border, sir. Being close does not go well with me.”</i> Brenton noticed something about her. could it be? Was that really Jessie? Or a friend of hers anyway? <b>"My apologize. I am looking for Miss Jessie Swiftpaw."</b> He said, he knew it was her. <b>"Perhaps you remember me Jessie? I'd be hurt if you didn't. You managed to convince me to let you go out alone. I was stupid. Please say you remember your old friend Brenton."</b> He said, a small smile on his face. He prayed to god that she remembered him. He was stupid to have ever let her go. But he was here now, she was here. Hopefully she could forgive him. But she seemed so defensive. What had this pack done to her. Did she find Cali? He wanted the old Jessie to make an appearance.

He wanted the sweet, kind, compassionate and impulsive Jessie. Not the one that didn't recognize, not the one that was threatening him to stay off the pack lands. But if was Jessie non the less. <b>"Did you find Cali?"</b> He asked, curious, maybe he could talk to Cali a bit too. After all, Cali is the reason that Jessie left in the first place. He began to wonder, had Jessie given up on finding her sister? Or had she found her and this pack, and joined to get to be with her. This territorial Jessie nearly scared him to death. He hoped she would snap out of it soon. The small fae was kind he knew. He stood tall, not in dominance, but because he was much larger then her and had no choice.
To find a friend...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Canines flashed at the male soon after she had finished talking, her fur slightly startled to bristle when he stayed in place. Hadn’t she just commanded him to step away from their borders. A warning growl sounded from her throat as she stepped closer. Step away. . .this dark male must stay away. When he spoke it was more of a rambling riddle, and Jessie didn’t have to think about what he said to understand it. She blinked at him, the realization of what she was doing flashed in her sparkling emerald eyes. Brenton. . .the one she had missed so dearly since she had returned here, right in front of her, he was. She nodded his head at him, cautiously throwing a glance over her shoulder. She butted his shoulder with her muzzle to get him to back further away from the borders, her eyes sparkling dangerously in the shadows.

Her heart pounded in her head as she stared at her large friend, her eyes taking him in closely. How she had missed his handsome dark highlights and his dark, never ending eyes. Her breath almost stopped, but she made sure to continue breathing so she could stay at a professional level with him. The scent of dead vole passed over her nose and her head turned to see the carcass of the dead vole. She cursed to herself quickly before turning back to her friend. She once again nodded his head, “Yeah, I found her. We live in Swift River together.” Her tone was brisk and serious, her own mental terminal failing for a small time period. Perhaps things would get better now.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
<i>“Yeah, I found her. We live in Swift River together.”</i> Brenton took a few steps back in respect for his friend. She she had found Cali after all. <b>"Jessie, I apologize, I never should have let you go by yourself. I knew deep down you could handle it, but the problem was your too good a friend to lose. Please forgive me."</b> He said, sorrow in his eyes, his voice. His ears a bit drooped. She almost didn't recognize him, if he hadn't rambled on about how he should have never let her go, she could have killed him over the border. She really was loyal to her pack, for that he gave a tip of his hat. His eyes almost pleading for forgiveness. <b>"So you found a nice new home then, a pack that takes care of you... I guess you don't need me to hang around then."</b> He said, he turned his pack and sat down near a tree. Depression hurt, but she didn't need him, he wouldn't bother her if she didn't want him there. He didn't want to intrude.

But the fact now was that she nearly scared him to death. If she hadn't recognized him, she could have continued threatening him. then she saw the vole. He'd respected the pack border when it came to hunting, he hadn't crossed the border either. But she nearly flayed him. She wasn't the sweet and innocent girl he once knew. Something had happened to her on her travels. She was different now. As if a hollow form of herself. It frightened Brenton a lot. How could he have let her become this? Sure it was for pack loyalty, but still, she didn't even recognize an old friend.

It was like she had an instinct to protect the lands, he knew all pack wolves did, he once had that too. But now the fact was that she would have shredded his ear probably just to keep him from being there. He took that as a she would never forgive him and wanted him out of her life. But it made it worse. He became sadder. He was like a needle in a hay stack. He just didn't fit into the equation.
To find a friend...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">The muscles in her back relaxed as he stepped further away from her territory and it was then that her eyes softened. The only reason she didn’t want him there was to make sure one of her other pack mates wouldn’t have shredded the handsome male to pieces. She tilted her head at his words and she restrained herself from shaking her head. You’re wrong. I’m not strong enough to handle it. That is why I am the way I am. Her green eyes watched him closely, his last words stabbing her in the heart. No, he couldn’t leave. . .he had just come back, he couldn’t leave her again. She padded up to him by his side and rubbed the side of her face against his strong shoulder in a caring gesture, “I missed you so. . .so much.”

Her voice held the general caring she held for every being, but mainly for him. . .and probably Hotei. Brenton was like a brother to her, he was her best friend. Her mouth reopened and reassuring words escaped them, “I could never forget you. You are my brother.” She nuzzled him gently on the side before stepping away again, her eyes sweeping over the vole once more in disappointment. She was sure she could find one by the river though, so it shouldn’t have been a problem, and it definitely wouldn’t be. She would find another vole soon for the little angels. She turned her head back to Brenton, her voice echoing a thought, “What are you doing here though? I thought you were saying back at your home?” It was no longer her home. . .Swift River was her new home.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
<i>“I missed you so. . .so much. I could never forget you. You are my brother. “What are you doing here though? I thought you were saying back at your home?”</i> Brenton looked at her, that was why he was here. <b>"Jessie, how if where your with your family. The only home I have is when I'm around you and Cali."</b> He said, it was the truth, he'd thought long and hard about it. It was the best he could come up with. His ears perked up and his nose smelling around. Oh how much the little fae he once knew had grown. It made him happy that she stayed strong.

Brenton peered at her. It was a different Jessie, mixed with the same old Jessie. Brenton had been relatively angering himself, he should have never let Jessie go, even if she insisted, he should have at least gone with her. It just felt stupid to search, there was no guarantee that she was still alive. But she was a fighter, he knew, now he knew she was alive too. So he did not, would not give up hope until all hope was lost. She had found her sister. That she was residing as a pack member in Swift River. He would search the ends of the earth to find his best friend, no, not his best friend, his <i>sister</i>.
To find a friend...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Her emerald eyes watched her friend closely as her words processed and the answer she got was well worth the effort it took for her to make it. She had missed him dearly. . .there was no denying the facts and it had been quite hard on her for awhile to get over the fact that he wasn’t here, until she had met Hotei. He had helped her through her anger and sadness, though he may not have known it, she was extremely happy to have him as her friend. She nuzzled him briefly on the shoulder before backing away, a small smile on her face. "So where are you gonna go now?"

Her tail wagged behind her, curiosity digging in her pelt as she stared at his dark form. It would be nice if he came with her, but she was unsure if Corinna would be happy with that, considering the current circumstances with Indru leaving. She wouldn’t offer anything to him though her question did leave him open for any opinions. She didn’t want him to leave quite yet. Call her selfish, but she didn’t want him to leave.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
<i>"So where are you gonna go now?"</i> Brenton had no idea where he would go. he wasn't sure if Jessie, Cali or they're packmates would have him as a member. But he would check. <b>"I don't know. I was wondering if maybe you had room in your family for one more..."</b> He said, his eyes sparkling in the noon sun. He wanted to be with his family. But right now, that wasn't seeming to happen. It sounded like Jessie didn't want him still. He felt a bit hurt. <b>"If not though, I understand. You have a family to take care of. No doubt there are pups in your pack. I would be surprised if there wasn't."</b> He said.

Brenton had been relatively angering himself, he should have never let Jessie go, even if she insisted, he should have at least gone with her. The words haunted him, because they were true. He never should have let her go, now he felt like he lost her forever. He hoped it wasn't true, but it looked so true right now.
(Ehh, so sorry it's short)
To find a friend...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
OOC: Do you want a different thread for his joining for just leave it at this one?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
The small girl briefly wondered if she would have her hunting partner back yet. Though Brenton was quite large, he was still a marvelous hunter, and it was one of the many things Jessie liked about him. The words he spoke was like a prayer to her ears, and a small smile spread across her gray face. She wasn’t sure how Corinna would react to the sight of another male, but it was worth a try. Either their female alpha or Marsh would answer her call and the decision would rest within there paws. She, however, could not promise Brenton anything and so her simple reply held, "We can sure try and find out."

Her tail wagged behind her as she looked over her dark friend. He seemed healthy enough, and apparently if he had caught something his hunting abilities hadn’t wavered, perhaps even gotten better than they had been before. Her emerald eyes were now a light with happiness at the return of her friend. Perhaps now she could have something normal within her life. She quietly butted him on the shoulder, turning on her heel and walking towards where Swift River territory would be.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]