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be still my heart — Swift River 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Okay, this has been a long time coming, and I'm very sorry for keeping SR stagnant while I muster up the muse to make this post. This post would have been made before Corinna left to tell Ruiko that Indru had left, and so at this point, Indru and Torrel would have only been gone a few days. So this thread is technically set back in August sometime, I think. Anyway, here it is! Also this thread is not mandatory for SR wolves, but at this point, everybody should become aware that Indru and Torrel are gone.

<i>Dusk - Cool Winds</i>

Gone Tomorrow

The moon was just beginning to make its appearance in the night sky, absorbing the rays of the freshly disappeared sun over the horizon. Coming down from the steep heights that barred her home from the unknown on the other side of Serpent's Pass, Corinna's green eyes had been blinded by the setting sun. But now that she had returned to the forest floor, the leafy giants obscured her view, plunging her into a state of semi-darkness. But no external lights could brighten her heart, which had grown darker with every step of descent.

Corinna Donata hated heights. She had not traveled into the mountains until Indru had tricked her into climbing Riddle Heights with him, the same night that he had asked her to step up to leadership of Swift River and become his mate. Her legs shook, and her eyes darted back and forth anxiously with every step she took. It had taken a damn good reason for her to climb the mountains even a little bit, but her fear of heights and falling to her death had been overpowered by an even greater fear. Once again she had climbed the heights in order to follow Indru, but this time it was not a walk with a pack mate. Indru, the love of her life, had once more disappeared, leaving his pack and his family. And while she would have searched for Indru after his disappearance, Corinna was far more concerned about the other wolf who had gone absent. Her youngest son, Torrel.

Their trails had left Swift River territory, and Corinna, after becoming increasingly agitated over their prolonged absence, had set off to find them, leaving her daughters in the care of the pack. Leaving the comforts of home behind her, she began her winding trek, following the scents of Indru and her son for as long as they allowed her to. There had been no hesitation in climbing the mountains, not when her son was at stake. It was only after a few days searching that Corinna had no choice but to concede defeat. There was no evidence that Indru and Torrel had perished, but their scent had faded in a late summer rain. She lost the trail, and looking into the broad expanse of land ahead of her, she had been terrified, lost, confused, and angry. Her howls of anguish rattled the skies, damning Indru for his betrayal while at the same time beginning for his return of their son. Indru had disappeared before, but he had never been arrogant enough to take what absolutely belonged to Corinna - their family.

The sorrow and despair had taken over quickly after that, as the last bits of hope disappeared into nothingness. She could almost feel the ice cementing around her heart as she began to head home, angry and irrational. It had been fortunate that no others had crossed Corinna's path - a mother's rage was nothing to be trifled with, and she was nowhere near stable enough. Anybody who got in her path was a target, and there had been more than one rabbit who had experienced the chase of his life fleeing from the vengeful demon. It was anger, it was rage, and it was a sense of failure and guilt. She had failed her son by allowing his father to get too close, knowing that Indru was a free spirit that could never have been tied down by anything. How many times had he abandoned her in her time of need? How many times had she allowed him to sit beside her, directing the wolves of the River who had come to be her kin? She felt stupid and used and betrayed. That it had resulted in the loss of her son...that was unbearable.

Crossing the river was not a celebration, and landing upon Swift River lands, she merely stood on the banks. Cori didn't bother to shake the cold water from her fur - what icy water was a match of the internal anguish that was tormenting her? Exhaustion had taken hold at some point, she couldn't remember when, and she had fallen to her stomach. Her stress and refusal to let up on the search had deprived her of all sleep, and even after only a few days, her face looked ragged and her fur unhealthy. But her call to the wolves of the River, that was strong. Parting her lips, the leader let out a shrill howl, a desperate cry for help. No words were needed, the anguish of her soul clearly framed in the dissonant notes of her howl. She did not care who came, but she needed somebody. Indru had left a void, but it was for her son that she mourned. It was for him that the pack would mourn, and it was for him that Corinna would desperately wait to come home.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>Something akin to a <span class='word'>fracas</span> had swelled deep within the young Tainn's being. The initial inklings of it had been quelled by Ice's words a few months ago but now it had resurfaced. Instead of fear of the unknown, the pain of worry plagued his thoughts day in and day out for the past few weeks. It had begun when he noticed his father's lack of presence and availability. It pained him; for as often as he patrolled and kept along the paths that the Guardians had already laid out for him, it only made sense to the yearling that he would have at least caught the slightest glimpse of the River patriarch.

With Indru's absence, the promise of Angier Lyall's loyalty and service to the pack had fallen through and it had become apparent to Fenru that something had to be done. But what? He imagined it was useless to have the man affiliate with his family if he no longer pulled his own weight. Corinna, the pups, his family could not bear to look after someone other than his younger siblings. Especially if they were a skilled hunter just <i>using</i> Swift River's scent to protect himself. As he traveled along the trampled paths he tried to keep his head and tail high. After a few meters his lanky figure gradually sank downward. His father's return had brought to the pack a time of good tidings, the hope of better days, and even new siblings with the chore and purpose to look after them. He growled to himself, irritated that everything was just getting to him.

<i>Why had Dad gone? Was there something more beyond his family that was worth caring for?</i>

It troubled him, but somewhere in the depths of his mind, an idea sparked. His eyes lit up, searching the darkening forest around him. Rihael would know what to say, what to do. He sprinted through the Grove at a pace that ate up the ground and left bits of forest floor flying behind him. A searching bark sounded out through the trees as he ran towards the old den where he and littermates had been born, but as soon as he had reached his destination, it dawned on him that no one else had been there since his last visit. Two weeks ago. <b>"Hael?"</b> his deepened voice quivered with uncertainty, the mature tone almost sounding as though it had belonged to mere pup. He trotted to the old log where he and Kisla had usually played together when they were younger and tried again. <b>"Hey Hael!"</b> The sentiment was called out just as it had been when he was calling his brother out for a game of tag or some sort of adventure. But instead of the call being answered by the family member he sought out, it was Corinna's haunting howl that seemingly replied.

The boy's eyes widened and his head jerked in the direction the song had come from. Concerned beyond his wits, he set off again at a frantic pace. The cold wind whipped past him and bit at his eyes. By the time he came upon his mother's figure his fiery irises and dark pupils were glossed over and his brows were raised in distress. He had been so busy memorizing every inch of his family's territory and making sure that his sisters - Kisla, Aiyana, and Rissa - were well taken care of that he had not even noticed or bothered to check up on Corinna. A pang of guilt struck him; it had not even occurred to him that she was not well... with suspicions in the air and the stress of having to shoulder what her mate had left unattended to. He immediately rushed forth to press his face, the bridge of his muzzle and forehead into his parent's neck and shoulder. <b>"It's okay, Mum. I'm here."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2012, 09:10 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Hope 'tis okay that I had Marsh babysitting Aiy and Rissa while Cori was gone, and so encouraging them to come too. If anything needs changing, Bry and Fen, let me know!

<blockquote>The first cry had chilled his blood.

She had left them, making sure that her daughters were safe with the pack before turning to go. Marsh had watched, silent, promising that he would watch them until she returned. Her children were safe with him. Corinna had turned to go, and he knew her intentions without anything needing to be said. He had noticed the fading scent as well as anyone else. It seemed a sad pattern was repeating itself.

But as much as it pained Corinna, Marsh was not equally troubled by the possibility of another of Indru's absences.

Patiently he had waited, sitting with Aiyana and Rissa as they played and contented themselves around the den. He was more distracted than usual, and yet more alert than ever before, with an ear always to the sky, waiting, waiting. He wanted nothing more than to hear that song of victory, of recovery, to announce that everything was okay. It was a misunderstanding, perhaps. They would be whole again.

She did howl. The fury and anguish tore his heart in two, and he knew.

His lip curled over his teeth, and for a moment he saw Indru's throat in front of him. Ever since the day the Tainn had shown how he truly felt about Marsh, who had always considered himself a loyal servant to their family, his love for the leader had starved. Now what little was left was shattered by this.

In place of grief for the loss of Indru, Marsh felt only cold fury. It was Torrel he mourned for, and Torrel who haunted Corinna's song.

Time passed, and she called again, weary and desperate and so close. Instantly he rose, huffing to her daughters that their mother would need them, stiffly marching ahead to lead the way. She would want her children, those left, to comfort her and show her that there was plenty to live for yet. Indru may have shown his true colours, and the pack may weep for the loss of their youngest son, but they had others to fight for. She would need her daughters. Onward he pressed, blinkered to all but Corinna's need, and when he arrived he saw - with relief - that Fenru had already answered that need.

By the edge of their forest he stopped, hesitant, wanting nothing but to comfort her but unsure whether his presence was as soothing as her own blood. Quietly he chuffed at her two youngest, encouraging them forward, but he held back. She would see him there, and if she wanted him closer, he would know. But she would see him, and she would know that he had come, that he was there.

She would know that he would always be there.</blockquote>
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
In his time in Swift River, Indru had disappeared twice. The first time had been before Naira and Rhysis betrayed them - and in the aching, starving, hollowing pain they left behind, it had been Ice who comforted Corinna. Ice, who patrolled with her. Who helped her chase off intruders. Who stood fast by her side, who hid her weakness with his own strength. Never assuming a position above his own, but there if she faltered. And then Indru had come home, not the first time he had left and returned, and been forgiven. Fathered new cubs. Things had returned to normal - or as normal as they got. He did not understand the pain the pack had suffered when they had been betrayed. Somehow he had alienated himself from Marsh, but Ice had, in time, forgiven him that, too.

And now he had disappeared again. He'd been gone - what, longer? A while. And as if that hadn't been enough... Rihael had gone with him. Ice liked to keep tabs on his pack mates, and he'd not seen Fenru's brother in a long time. And, worst of all, they'd taken Torrel. That was the final blow, the thing which sent Corinna out to search. He'd seen her pain, heard it, smelled it even. Knowing that it was something she had to do alone, he'd allowed her to go, watching her, and returning to Swift River's heart to keep vigil. Marsh had declared himself the Master Babysitter, and so he'd done all sort of stupid things to pass the days - play with the cubs, patrol with Fenru, stare suspiciously at Hotei as if he'd eaten the three missing males, stretch out in the sunlight next to Marsh, copper and silver fur blending... They would've been good days, had not that constant anxiety and worry plagued him. Each hour Corinna did not return was one hour that frayed at his patience, until he nearly fled into the Height himself to find her and bring her home. He was afraid he'd search herself to death, looking for her lost son.

He'd just been coming back, intending to spend some time with Marsh and the girls, when Corinna's anguished howl split the night. Ice paused where he was, gathered his feet under him, and stared down the length of his pale muzzle. His paws were embedded in the moss. Neatly side by side. The light was failing, and another cry, furious and pained, split the night. A call for help.

If that bastard ever comes back I'll break his legs so he can't ever leave again.

And then he was off, a flurry of moonlight in the dusk.

The river was dark and foreboding, Corinna's body slumped on their shore. Defeated. Broken. Fenru, bless his heart, was there, nuzzling her, and Marsh, with the girls, stood in the shadows. What the lack of Indru meant for the pack was something he didn't think of now. They'd deal with that another day, when Corinna was better. All he did was fling the copper male a warm look, before padding over to Corinna. "You're home again," he murmured, taking in her wet fur. She'd catch a cold this way. He couldn't have that happening. Aiyana and Rissa needed her. Gently, the large male folded his legs and sank down beside her, white pressing against her tawny fur. He wriggled around until he lay comfortably, nearly on his side, and starting with her head, he began to gently groom her. He offered no more words, uncertain of what he could say, and merely let his pink tongue drive the water from her fur. If she couldn't take care of herself, he'd do it for her. They'd have three missing pups instead of one if she didn't survive her heartache.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Torrel sometimes went on adventures without her. That was okay. Sometimes he spent time with Father without her. That, too, was okay. So why was it so strange that they'd gone, with Rihael, disappearing out across the borders? They'd be back soon, right? So why worry? Mother was half out of her mind, and had taken off to find them. It'd just been a few days! And he was with Father, so... Aiyana sighed, and rolled over in the sun.

She was getting worried too, though. Mother had been gone for days as well, and her brother still wasn't back. Nor was her Father. She had Rissa though, and Marsh. She liked Marsh. He was silent and.. different. She didn't mind him, and sometimes tried to goad him into play, but when he grew bored of her antics, she just mauled Rissa instead. Or, tried to. It wasn't always that she won. Not always that she lost, either. But it was fun, though they didn't go on any large adventures at all. Barely went out of sight from the den. Marsh was like a hawk, and on occasion, even Ice had stopped them and shooed them back. At least they didn't break up their fights, like Triell did. She'd learned to not try and beat Rissa when he was nearby.

She knew that voice. It was Mother's. But why was she sounding so terrible? So - angry, as if she wanted to swallow the sun and bathe the world in darkness? Slowly, Aiyana came up on all four. Too young to understand, but frightened by this stranger crying out with her mother's voice. Uncertain, she looked to Marsh, but his eyes were like iron. Obedient for once, she trailed after him in her customary silence, though she felt a question bubble in her throat. She bit it back. Marsh wouldn't be able to answer her anyway, she thought bitterly, and plodded on.

What she saw... was not at all what she had expected - if she'd expected anything at all. Marsh stopped at the treeline, but tried to urge them on. But Aiyana didn't want to. She pressed herself against his hind leg, trying to understand. Mother was lying on this side of the river, looking sodden and dead. Fenru was there, trying to nuzzle life into her, and like some moonlit ghost Ice came from the shadows, lying down next to her. Why? Why were they doing that? Why wasn't Mother standing, to have her chin licked, greeting them with her sparkling green eyes? Why was she just lying there?

And were where Father, and Torrel? Be brave, she told herself. After she'd gathered enough courage, the little black Tainn padded out towards the river. She crouched and passed brazenly under Fenru, coming between his large body and Mother's. In silence she sat down, her small flank pressed against Mother's. She could feel her breathing, her pulse, and nothing in it spoke of health and joy. Just despair. Her eyes drew into a concerned mask, stark golden now that they had developed fully, and with a very confused question in them, she stared at Fenru.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">It hadn’t been long since she had noticed the slight attitude change with some of her pack mates. It was as if something had happened that she did not know of yet. She had been by the border a few times, her eyes narrowing as if she were trying to pick out an invisible invader who had come to harm her new family, but yet, all she could find were the fleeing scents of Indru and two of his sons. It had not occurred to her until later when another day she had been going on another round for the borders when she had scented Corinna leaving to. It was then some sort of sense had knocked itself back into her system. The male alpha had gone. She did not wish to believe that the male that had so readily accepted her was now running. Why would he disappear on his family and at such an odd time? Her heart ached for the rebel leader of hers that went out searching for her own mate.

As she waited for the return, she would prowl the territory in search of prey, her need to support the growth of the pups and the rest of her family in her blood. She had caught little, but with what she had caught she had given to Marsh to give to Rissa and Aiyana. The sun was just starting to creep up, but Jessie still remained in the shadows, her small dark and light form making her slightly obvious to the creatures of the night. Her nose was set on a rabbit, one she knew she could catch with her speed. So far her tracking at been successful and she was close to her soon to be food. The night remained silent for so long, and when the rabbit came into view, she remained quite. The wind for once in her favor. Her muscles bunched, and when she leapt her claws and fanged sunk into the soft flesh of the animal, but in the same instant the heartbreaking howl of her alpha pierced the air.

Her head snapped up, the limp rabbit in her jaws, and eyes wide in terror. What had happened? Her jaws clamped fiercely around the rabbit and her short legs took off towards the sound of her alphess. She did not grunt of moan as her muscles begged her to stop. . .but instead she pushed on, her emerald eyes taking in everything around her as she dodged around trees and jumped over bushes. When she entered the small area her eyes scanned what she could see.

Ice and another gathered around Corinna as if shielding her off from the rest of the world. When she saw the broken leader her throat clenched in her throat and her head tilted towards Marsh, laying the rabbit down in front of him. Aiyana also stood not to far off, staring at her mother but Jess made no attempt to promote the small girl forward to comfort her alpha. She was sure that the silent gesture towards Marsh was enough to tell him that the rabbit would now be for Corinna, though she was sure that he already had gotten the signal. She had already brought a few meals during the days to keep the pups healthy. A frown now penetrated her face, her eyes blazing in a soft fury. Why had Indru done this?
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
The common phrase was that when it rained it poured, and yet it was a thunderstorm that raged on in Kisla’s heart. Her green eyes – the very ones inherited from Corinna – cast out in the direction of the painful howl, and while she felt morose and regret at losing her brothers, the anger that stirred within her was much like a wildfire, and if the young she-wolf was not careful, she would let it consume her.

Hunting had been pointless that day. Her mind elsewhere, the Yearling had missed the obvious cues from her prey and had missed each opportunity for an easy capture. Still, the Tainn girl was determined to bring Marsh home a meal for her two sisters, but come Corinna’s final cry for help, she knew the effort was fruitless. Hunger had likely fled them all.

She moved fast now, weaving her way through the familiar foliage and trees of her home. She came to the heart of the river where her mother rested, her eyes icy cold as they stared at the silver lady’s downed figure. Indru had done this. No longer did he deserve the title father, and once more she recalled the days she had grown up only under the careful watch of her mother.

Her eyes swept the scene, noting Fenru and Ice as they attempted to wash away Corinna’s pain with tender touches and kisses. It would not work, and yet while Kisla longed to propel herself forward and attempt to aid the two males, her eyes would cast upon a quiet Aiyana and Rissa.

Moving to them now, the pale tawny girl nudged Marsh’s shoulder in greeting, though her eyes were fixated upon her younger siblings. Blinking her green eyes, Kisla attempted to keep the fury from her gaze, instead she bent down to cradle her dark sister toward her figure, her muzzle bending to smooth a kiss upon Aiyana’s crown as she exhaled a shaky sigh.

sparking up my heart

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Since Bryony has dropped Rissa, she can be NPC'ed.

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna's desperate cry had broken the relative quiet of the autumn evening, and it had its intended effect. There were no calls in response, just as all of her previous calls for Indru had gone unanswered. But the pack of Swift River did one better, and they appeared almost out of nowhere, coming to the aid of their broken leader. Collapsed as she was on the bank, the she-wolf had needed to lift her head slightly to pick out the forms of her family as they came to her side. Fenru reached her first, and with a giant leap of her heart, she forced a smile onto her face, and the slightest wag of her tail. Fenru was her baby, even though he had grown into the spitting image of his father. Ears flipping back against her skull, she whined into Fenru's cheek, resting her head against his shoulder as he nuzzled the loose fur of her neck. Breathing in his scent, she took comfort from it, memorizing everything about it. He carried the scent of the pack, of course, but there was something distinctly Fenru about it that made her broken heart beat just a little bit stronger. Fenru had not abandoned her, and she would not abandon her remaining son.

There was movement on her peripheries, and Corinna tilted her head to focus in on the three shadows that had appeared. Two small wolves and one very large one. Marsh. The russet male had been her guardian and her loyal companion forever. She had known that he would be there when she returned, her two daughters with him. A louder whine escaped her chest, pleading almost for her daughters to come closer. Corinna had lost two of her sons, and Aiyana and Rissa had lost two brothers and their father. They might not know it yet, but their short lives had been drastically altered. They both came forward, Aiyana leading the way. The girl slipped herself between Fenru and Corinna, and without hesitation Corinna leaned in closely, pressing her flank as close as she could against Aiyana's body. She would refuse to move from this position, and it would be a sheer miracle if any of Corinna's cubs, regardless of which litter they came from, would be allowed to move more than a yard beyond her line of sight.

Ice joined the growing pile of wolves surrounding the fallen leader. His comforting embrace brought warmth to her body, though it was not strong enough to penetrate into the icy mass that had become her heart as her journey had yielded the worst. "He's gone. Over the mountains. He knew I couldn't follow him there." Her voice came out a mere whisper, almost stolen away by the wind as it left her lips. Ice would know who she was referring to, the whole reason that she had been forced to leave the pack acephalous for a few days.

"Kisla..." Corinna's low whine broke through the quiet sky, just loud enough to be heard over the sound of the running river behind them. Her oldest daughter had appeared as well, standing with Marsh and looking on. Kisla, Fenru, Aiyana, and Rissa. Corinna had brought six wolves into this world. She had watched Rihael grow up, had watched him and helped him hunt his first squirrel. She had explained the concept of day and night to Torrel, had watched his eyes grow wide with wonder at the appearance of a shooting star. If only she had a shooting star to wish upon now. She would wish only for the reuniting of her family. Not Indru. He had broken her heart for the last time. It was a sign of his cruelty that he would do it by taking away her son.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Silently watching by the sidelines, Jessie took in the amount of damage her former alpha male had caused the group in front of them. Though there was something else in the air. . .the tension around everyone was undeniable. There was one thing that she didn’t know about but the small girl made no mention of it as she watched in worry at the group around her. After a short while of her being here, one more arrived before any signs of others in her view started coming about. She watched closely as the pack members approached her leader, and unsure of how she should do so, she silently picked up her rabbit and made her way forward.

Her body was low as she did so, her tail tucked and ears low. She did not know Corinna well. . .she had only exchanged names with her briefly when Swift River had been called to be introduced to the pups. She had not been properly present at the meeting, for she was a fairly new member of the pack at the time, but now, she had been within the strong pack for quite awhile and she was confident that she could fit in. When she finally got close enough(yet, not too close) to Corinna she set the rabbit down and nudged it towards her large alpha female. She was not sure how Corinna was cooping, nor how much she had eaten, but Jessie was sure that the leader would need food sooner or later. . .and Jess was going to be there to provide it.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali performed her duties happily. Aside from the occasional sight-seeing foray to soothe her love of discovery, she remained within the boundaries of her family, content with her life. She hunted, she patrolled the borders and she adored her pack. Something had changed though. Indru and Torrel's scents had left the borders of Swift River. They might have simply gone on a hunting trip or were having some quality father/son time. But days had passed and they had not returned. She knew nothing of Indru's penchant for leaving his pack unattended for long periods, but she did know that a young pup belonged at home with his mother. They had been gone far too long.

Then Cori had disappeared to, in search of her missing family. Now she had been gone for what seemed like forever. Marsh had taken charge of the two youngest Tainn girls and she and Jessie had brought bits of food for the trio. The snowy fae had focused on gaurding the borders, but how did you gaurd against the leaders disappearing? What did it all mean for the pack? Were the Tainn males and Cori all right. It had all left Cali somewhat stressed to see her new family in such turmoil and there future unsure without their leaders.

As her tumultuous thoughts raged through her mind, they were interrupted by a desperate call. It was the voice of her leadess, but the strength was gone, replaced by a mournful wrenching sadness. Something had happened to the others. She and Corinna had not become close, but respect had built. The only thing that she knew in her heart was that Cori needed her. Her family, her pack and so she obeyed the call and her own tender heart. How could she not be there for Cori?

Before long, she exited the trees to a heart-wrenching sight just inside the borders. Corinna looked half-dead. Soaked, dirty, gaunt and haunted. Many others were there already. Her older son, Fenru, her baby girls, no doubt brought by the brawny Marsh, Ice by her side, bathing her and even Jessie. Corinna looked...defeated. There was no other word that better described the sight before her. Although Cori was older than her, Cali's maternal instinct reared it's head and she moved forward fluidly to stand by her leadess, sparing a worried glance at the others as she did so.

"Corinna... We are all here for you." Always, she had been intimidated by Corinna, but without a thought she moved opposite of Ice and lay down, offering her own warmth to the broken leader, framing her in snowy fur, between her and the large male. The once proud leader was surrounded by her remaining family, both blood and pack. Cali longed to see the strength and vitalitly that embued Corinna. She wanted nothing more than for things to return to the way they were, but it was apparent they would never be the same.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...