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be still my heart — Swift River 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>The yearling was only vaguely aware of Marsh's arrival but he was absolutely grateful that he had also answered Corinna's cry. He had also brought his younger sisters. When Ice, the very being who Fenru declared was his shelter in the storm, appeared on the scene, Fenru could not even dare to think of withdrawing from her. When the Guardian settled at her side, the boy merely planted kiss after kiss to his mother's crown. It was only when Aiyana crept underneath him and filled the space between him and Corinna did Fenru finally acknowledge the pack, their family, around him.

He met Aiyana's gaze, taking in her shadow-like frame, cradled between him and their broken and now only parent. Addressing the confusion and bewilderment that had so easily formed on her dark features, he immediately brushed his nose to the side of her face in endearment. <b>"It's okay,"</b> he cooed, his heart nearly breaking as he offered his sister the two simple words he wished he could have heard when Indru had gone missing during his own childhood. Kisla was quick to arrive and take over for him. She protectively drew Aiyana to her and Fenru let out his own sigh, relieved that she was here. His sister, his littermate, now the young woman he was sure he would always look up to for the strength and confidence she often exuded.

Corinna began to speak and his eyes immediately went back to her. Indru was gone and he had supposedly taken the path over the mountains to keep Corinna from following. Disbelief washed over him first before it gave way for fury. As quickly as Indru had built up Swift River, he had <i>ruined</i> it just as quickly with his absence. The thing that got to Fenru most about this particular situation was that not only had Indru just left, he had broken Corinna's heart. Though somewhat hurt that the River leader called to Kisla by name, he did not let the gesture get to him. He knew deep within that Corinna appreciated his presence and then some, that there was a reason why her name had been uttered instead of his. He placed another soft kiss to the base of Corinna's ear and quietly looked to Kisla, ready to tend to Aiyana if need be after taking a few steps back to allow his sisters some space.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Not too much musefor him but I feel like I gotto post him here.

Hotei was distraught. His happy feelings were what usually kept himself sane, but now. No. With his brother gone. He had just returned? Why did Indru have to leave? And he took more family with him. Hotei's mind was a mess. He had been purposely staying away from the rest of the pack spare for a few members like the pups or Jessie. Even when he stayed away though Hotei continued to watch the scene unfold. He watched as Corinna grew more and more tense as each day passed without a sign or scent from Indru. The dark wolf felt particularly bad for the alpha female because even if Indru had left shouldn't he have taken his mate with him? But no, instead he left his supposed love here with the rest of the pack.

Hotei padded near the den but farther into the forest covered wolf packs territory. He continued to watch the family freak out from his place in the shadows. Hotei just didn't feel close enough to anyone yet to join them and try to comfort Corinna. His packmates were supposed to be family but even so he felt a huge rift between them. This did not bode well for Hotei. Even though he was a part of the pack he was still alone. Forever alone.

Ice made the loneliness worse whenever he gave Hotei his suspicious look. Somewhere deep inside Hotei was losing faith. He began to think that he would never be able to be friends with Ice. Another reason Hotei disliked the white warrior was because of just how close he was with the rest of the pack. Hotei longed for that closeness and was envious at how Ice could happily join the rest of the pack during meetings or hunts. The dark wolf also felt jealous of the white wolf. Of how everyone laughed around him and didn't look over his body as if he were a zombie about to eat them.

Hotei stumbled around in the undergrowth. A headache made a snarl come upon his muzzle. "Why?.. WHY! Why does everything have to be this way!" Hotei snarled to the empty tree's around him. Then the sound of a cry peirced the air distracting the wolf from his pain.The pain of searching for her mate had Corinna crying now. Of course.. Great.. What the fuck are we supposed to do? What's the use crying over an ass like Indru? the switch was almost instantanious. Burn snarled fully then banged his head on a tree and closed his yellow Tainn eyes.

"I can't trust anyone's honor around here...A fucking alpha is supposed to stay with his pack. He's supposed to especially stay with his beloved..." Burn opened his eyes again a raging fire lit in their yellow depths.

"How the fuck low can you get Indru!" With a huff the wolf turned around and began sprinting through the territory just trying to work his frustration off. He didin'g plan on going any closer to his so called family. Not right now. Instead he headed up to the last place he'd seen Indru.

The border no longer had Indru's scent upon it. In frustration Burn marked the border thoroughly then turned around and began sprinting back into Swift River territory. Again the dark wolf avoided the rest of the pack. As he ran and began getting tired Burn felt a rush of memories swim through his head. Memories that seemed so old now. From years ago, the brothers playing together, older siblings watching them quietly from the den. Parents out on a hunt. Ruiko and Indru joining in their younger siblings fun. It was too much for the wolf.

Far from where the rest of the pack was gathering around Corinna Hotei raised his dark head and cried out to the heavens same as the sad female alpha had. His voice would echo all the way to the others as he was not outside of their territory. Half howl and half snarl both Hotei and Burn screamed out their frustration to the world.

Indru! Your promise was not kept!

Theme Song
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Aiyana and Rissa moved forward at his urging, and the moment they left his side, Marsh's feet froze to the ground. A deep cold permeated his spine, and he wished for Ice back, to help thaw him. It was a pain like no other, watching the misery written into every line of her. Torn between fury and anguish, he stood there, accepting the silent greetings from his packmates as they arrived, each touch warming him marginally. Yet there he stood, frozen. He watched her family surround her, and though he wished to join them, a larger part of him cried out for revenge. <i>He will not do this again.</i> As Rhysis and Naira had once left, their scent committed to memory, the reminder of them enough to raise his hackles and raise his thirst for blood, so Indru joined them. Corinna had sung a song of misery because of Naira once, and that had been enough to warrant her blood. The sound that Indru's betrayal had drawn from her promised a terrible retribution.

Never had a wolf fallen from grace so quickly.

He felt his legs shaking. From somewhere in the territory, the howl of a packmate - a Tainn, a Tainn - struck the air, and Marsh felt a boiling kinship with its raw anger.

Blinded by it, he stepped forward and raised his head, joining his own song of anger and hurt to Hotei's. A pack was a family was a pack, and wolves who sang together were one. Swift River had suffered a terrible insult, a terrible loss, and he would sing to it.

But they were strong, too. Indru was gone, and he would not shatter them again. He sang to their future.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The day should have been something that was a faint memory. It should have been a regular day, it should have been one without meaning. It wouldn't be. It would be another day that would change him. For the worse or better it would have to be waited to see. It would leave its mark, it would once more put him in a place he did not want to be.

He could hear Corinna's heart in that song; it struck him worse than any blow, jutting into his own heart, freezing his body with anguish. His eyes sealed, and his dark muzzle was marred by a grimace. <i>No no no no.</i> He swiftly thought, over and over. How could he do this? Seemed like the second echo. Who would Triell be fooling? Hadn't he seen the signs? His brother starting to wander again, his departures lengthed. No, Triell had thought how could he again? There was something more to that song, that sad song of heartbreak. It was a mother's song. But...who would be gone? Instantly life seemed to shoot through him, and he threw himself onward through the grove to that awful cry.

It was not a scene his eyes wanted to behold. No, he did not want to see this again. Triell felt inclined to be there, to make up for his...

His walk his diligent, rigid as he enters the scene to see what is of his pack. Corinna looked like hell, but that was probably just a sliver of what was going on within. He did not let his eyes hold her long, he sees the small faces, and Triell wondered if he could feel the child in himself begin to writh and die. He had had to see who was here because the name Indru had become a curse, and he too would not let him back. Seeing the girls, and Fenru he guessed it was Hael and Torrel that would not return. He felt himself go numb because he would not feel his heart. No, Kinis was the last Tainn he would grieve for, and today he would think of Indru as good as dead.

Ice yes, he looked to Ice to hold his composure he looked to Aiyana, Kisla, Fenru, and Rissa. They needed him, and there was no point in chasing a cruel demon. There was no point in Triell losing himself, and losing them. The name Tainn did not need to be tainted to rust and crumble. He would show them it was a good name, and that one Tainn would be there for them. Cori needed that to, didn't she? A part of him was grateful he did not resemble Indru, and Ruiko crossed his mind. He did not see him doing any more but being angry, and trying to comfort their sister. Cori was just that, even if they did not have the same blood she counted a deal greater than others who did.

Howls were distant to his dark ears at first, and when he realized the red wolf was singining the dark song tugged at him. He was grateful for Marsh and Ice or he probably would be the little boy without his own father again...without anyone. The black wolf raised his mouth, and added to it with his own deep voice of betrayel, loss, but it came out in the end as if a triumph was to come. He would not be defeated, there would be no more suffering.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Slowly, they drew together; the past few days the Swift River wolves had stuck close to the Grove, not daring to go far for fear of missing Corinna's return. But perhaps they were not wishing they'd been elsewhere, so as to not witness the grief that tore at them all. Aiyana came forward, but Ice wasn't looking at her, nor at Rissa shadowing her dark sister; he wasn't even looking at Corinna, despite touching her with gentle caresses. He was seeing something - someone - else. Indru had left before, when Ice hadn't been with the River wolves long.. exploring on the mountain, caught in a storm, trapped in a landslide. It had been a reason. Gradually, as spring warmed into summer, the white guardian had come to forgive him. It hadn't been deliberate. Exploring had been, yes, but getting trapped? No. But this time... What other reason, than disappearing, would one have, to take their young son over the mountains? A son not yet old enough to live alone, without a pack? His sides trembled with a growl, old anger and resentment waking in his blood. Ice knew what it was like to have a bad father.

He didn't know what it was like to have a beloved father who upped and left.

Cali and Jessie where here, too, he realized; Fenru was soothing Aiyana before relinquishing her to Kisla. Triell stood by the side, looking awkward. That only left Hotei unaccounted for - and he wasn't surprised. It was just another burning brand in his mind, searing into his heart; had he taken after his older brother and left? Was Triell and Fenru the only Tainns worth their honor? He felt too angry to lie here, even as Cali shoved herself down on Corinna's other side. Too angry to comfort a grieving mother; angry enough to rip the culprit apart.

He tried to rein himself in - to stay put for Corinna, but it was hard, when fire was throbbing in his mind and in his veins. Whining softly he stuck his nose just behind her ear, trying to breathe. "He's made his choice," Ice said, voice rough with lashed-down anger. "I won't let him come back here and take more from us." A whisper, a promise. He'd already taken more than he ought to - was allowed to - made a life-altering choice for young Torrel... Ice would be the guardian in the night, to make sure he did not take either of the girls away. From the look on Aiyana's face, the drawn, tight, grief, he guessed that one wouldn't go willingly; but Rissa? His gaze went up to Marsh, as a terrible song of retribution split the air. Hotei. It was Hotei howling, from within the Grove - he knew what had happened, then. Perhaps not so bad as I thought... But he was too angry to mull over what it meant now. Marsh's deep voice rang out, intertwining with Hotei's, joined in by Triell. Ice lifted his head, his heart nearly bursting; he wanted, desperately, to clamber up and brush his side against Marsh's, to feel the mingling of white and auburn hairs - the steady comfort, the presence. But he forced himself down. Forced himself to stay put. He could feel Corinna's body moving beside him, but wondered if her mind was still home.

His white head tilted back, his own sound joining in theirs; he sang of memory and vengeance, of retribution and of pain. He sang of guarding, of love, of strength; of becoming one in the aftermath of such a blow.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Their mottled, broken family trickled in, one by one; there came Cali and Jessie, Kisla sliding up next to Marsh for a moment, dark Triell at the edges... But she had eyes for none of them, only for Fenru, drowning in his auburn eyes. Corinna was warm against her flank, Fenru a shield towards the world on her other side. His muzzle brushed against the side of her face, and closing her own golden eyes, she leaned into the touch, the soft touch of his fur against hers, tickling her eyelashes. "It's okay," he tried to tell her, but she wasn't sure she believed him: Corinna was broken, their brothers were missing, and their father. How could that be okay? How could it be okay, after it? Hadn't Indru shattered them, with that final blow? From somewhere in the depths of the forest, Hotei's enraged voice rang out; Kisla drew Aiyana's form closer to her own tawny frame, her breath warm upon Aiy's black head. "Fenru..." she whispered in the moment before they drew apart, something soft and gentle and sad in her voice and eyes; she wanted to comfort him, too, but found nothing in herself to give except confusion and that terrifying, cold resolve, echoed by Ice's vehemence and the wrathful anguish in Hotei's voice. Marsh's head tipped back, his rough voice cleaving the air - unlike Hotei's darkness, his turned to strength and hope, union. Triell sang of overcoming, Ice of enduring. Before she knew what she was doing, she'd leaned her head back against Kisla's throat, allowing her own emotions to escape in a rush of sound. She was lighter in pitch than all of them, but as her body was nearly done growing, she had some of the strength to make it carry: in so many ways, her world had been shattered. She had adored Indru - believed him incapable of this blatant betrayal. She sang out her fury, her confusion, and her promise to never, ever do the same. Aiyana Tainn would not leave her family to suffer.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
You guys are all fabulous. <3 This will be my last post with Cori in this thread, but I'll leave it open until December 1st for people to reply to before archiving it.

Gone Tomorrow

The figures moved about her, and with dead eyes Corinna could barely acknowledge who had come to her rescue. They were amorphous shadows passing before her, pressing against her and moving around one another to find a place. More than anything else, the leader was registering their scents. They were all there; minus the three she had damn near killed herself trying to find. It was for those three that her heart ached and yearned for. How selfish was she? Laying in a pool of self-pity with her family close around her, and all she could hope for was the sudden reappearance of her mate and two of her sons. But a mother's love was no logical thing, and selfish it might have been, Corinna would have offered to Mother Nature her health, her sight, a limb, anything that would be a fitting tribute for the return of Rihael and Torrel.

The rise of voices broke through the fog that had befallen the leader ever since she had collapsed on the embankments. In furious howls of rage and triumph, the wolves of the River howled. Ice's harsh words ringing in her ears, Corinna could only nod along in agreement. Indru would not be welcome back here ever again. Once upon a time, he had chased her from the Swift River territory, a nasty bite to the shoulder as a reminder of where she belonged. Her offense had been to travel an inch too far into his territory. Should the tawny brute dare to show his face here again, he would be leaving with far more than just a limp. Hearing the rage in the voice of Marsh and Ice, Cori knew without a doubt that not even her word would be enough to stop her two guardians. Indru would be slaughtered; and at that moment, there was no punishment that was better suited to his crimes.

Mustering up what little physical strength she had left, the remaining River leader hoisted herself up. Leaning to one side, she pressed herself firmly against Fenru's chest, ducking her head beneath his chin to breathe in the scent of his fur. It was reassuring and balsamaceous. Her remaining son was the spitting image of his absent father, but his scent was very distinctly his own. Maybe that's what gave her the energy to pull back, her eyes open, and allow the fog to gradually disappear? She wasn't sure, but when she finally did pull away from her son, she looked him in the eye. The heart break was not gone, nothing would ever fix that, but there was something about her gaze that had changed. It had gotten harder, perhaps, more determined. Not even Corinna was sure. But as her muzzle tilted upwards, and her alto voice met the cool air of evening, it was not as defeated as it had been not even an hour ago. Her voice rose and fell with those of her pack mates, their collective emotion exploding in the night sky.

Swift River would not fall, no matter how badly this had broken them nor how long they would be reeling from its effects. Their pack was stronger than the individuals it was made up of, and even the disappearance of Indru was not enough to bring them down. They knew how to deal with that. It was going to be coping with the loss of Rihael and Torrel that would be the hardest. But they would, and perhaps with time, the sting upon their hearts would not be so unforgiving.

As her song began to die out, Corinna let her head fall back to level, the weariness of her emotional and physical journey breaking her down. "Shall we go home?" To the den. She addressed the pack at large, her gaze falling upon each one in turn, the gratitude clouded by pain, but still visible. With a muted grunt, the she-wolf came off the ground and onto all fours once more. Her first couple of steps were hap-hazard, but that was bound to be the case for a while yet. Looking around her to seek agreement, she took a few steps towards the den, waiting for the rest to follow. They would sleep in the comfort of one another tonight, not inside the den, but outside of it. That was what they needed, and in the morning, they would see.

<i>Fade to black; assume Corinna leaves as others follow/accompany her.</i>
(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2012, 09:57 PM by Corinna.)
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
It was not long after her closeness to her alpha did a howl split the air. Jessie’s small head swung towards the noise, her emerald eyes clouded in what now…could only be called out as grief. Her tail lay dead behind her, not daring to make any movement as a mere song of sadness and anger pierced the air. Marsh was first to join in, followed by Ice and many others. The voice that had first called out to them registered in the back of the small gray female’s brain, but to no end, no name would be connected to the voice. Her own song soon flowed through the air as her neck was exposed to the land as she sang. Her howl sounded more like a high pitched whine more than anything…but it resonated. Within her song was pain, sadness, and an underlying anger, she was now letting them all out of her and into the word.

When her head lowered all she could do was silently follow Corinna back to where they would all be staying for the night. The rabbit she had caught was now forgotten as her paws almost dragged on the ground. She never noticed when she stopped though and it seemed like her path would never come to an end. The sadness and anger could easily fill her empty stomach for a meal. And that was even if she felt like eating something. That would not be the case right now…and she knew the only thing she could do was stay there and protect her alphess from the male that had torn all their hearts.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali lay next to Corinna, sharing her warmth and giving what comfort she could to the broken woman. Seeing her so torn up was heartbreaking and Cali wondered at the cruelty of Indru. She'd never seen sign of it herself, but her fondness for the male that had taken her in melted away in the face of his actions. He had left Corinna, left all of them and taken two of his sons with him. He had driven a knife through the heart of Swift River and she knew that she could never forgive him.

Everyone appeared, she even thought that she saw an unfamiliar dark wolf on the perimeter for a few moments, before he melted into the shadows. Not long after that a howl pierced the air, filled with hate and anger. Others joined in, one by one, voices filling the air with more of the same, but also with notes of love, commitment, strength. They would stand together and get through this. Even be stronger for it.

She too stood, just after Corinna and followed suit when the other lifted her muzzle, their voices blending in with all those already in song. Their combined song spoke of strength, unity. A bond that was tempered with heartache and betrayal and stronger for it. United, Swift River would survive, this Cali knew. She felt more wild and more a part of her adopted family than ever. When Corinna spoke of going home, the white fae felt the pull and knew that she would not ever think of this pack as her adopted family again. This was her family and she would follow Corinna to the ends of the earth. With that thought, she fell into step with Jessie and followed where Cori led...

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn

Fora few moments Burn lay his head agains the tree he had clawed and bitten to shreds. Its bark hung off in pieces after the black wolfs onslaught of bitter anger. Catching his breath Burn looked back into the territory and wondered why he was still there.

"Why should I care about others when clearly no wolf would care about their closest family..." Burn snarled and added yet another wolf onto his shit list. Rhysis, Indru, and an old acquaintance away from lore named Gankai were all wolves whom Burn wouldn't mind taking their lives. These wolves deserved to die.

Is this why we fled from the flames instead of helping our family out? Because us wolves value ourselves over others? He paced back and forth snapping at the air unable to actually leave the territory but unable to go near his pack mates. Emotions warring inside him Burn turned and began sprinting through the territory again. Though this time he did not care if he ran into a pack mate and was seen. Let them see my anguish. Maybe that Ice bastard will finallysee that I do indeed have a soul.

The tree's rushed past and somehow the dark mans paws brought him right back to Corinna and the others. Slowing as he neared the burnt wolf lowered his head submissively and looked over everyone there. Corinna didn't seem as crushed as she had sounded before. However Burn could see that she was hiding her emotions away now. She wore a mask of steel her eyes hardened to the pain. The black wolf had seen those eyes before when he looked into the water at himself.

Perhaps there is a reason to stay.. He noted each of the others moods but completely ignored Ice. He didn't care what the white wolf felt about all this. He wasn't even family to begin with. Nodding to Corinna Burn understood her actions. She had to be strong for the others still even if shitfur was gone. Burn shook his patchy mane and breathed deeply trying to let the anger and stress go; then followed Corinna taking his place at the back. Like hell he would drop as low as Indru and leave his family. Not unless it was life being torn from his body. He would not leave even then.

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