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They see me rollin'... they hatin' — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shade had been running the same constant border for about half the day. Just going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth as the ever so apparent sun began to set in the night sky. His eyes filled with worry and concern for his pack. He was no longer concerned for his well being. What happened happened. If it was for his pack, he did not care. But he could not shake his promise to Nina. To stay out of trouble and make sure to not try and kill himself. His mouth parted slightly as a yowl for Koda arose from this throat. He needed someone to talk to. He knew Koda was a good person to talk to, Koda was a kind leader. He was the comfort, Elettra was the brute force. That was the leading combo that would rule above the others.

"Oh Dear mother, father, I know you don't like packs, or the decisions I made to join a pack. But help he through this." He begged, knowing there would be no answer from them as they were dead. He waited, pacing the border still as he looked for any trespassers. He himself hadn't seen Koda since the he first joined, then again, he heard rumors of a pack meeting soon. So he'd see him again then. His point was is that Koda had seemed scarce these days. Reed as well, but they were important to the pack ,they were going to be busy.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">The large cream and silver wolf lay contentedly on a large cool bolder. He had completed a round of border patrol and strengthened their already strong markers. With the pack growing in leaps and bounds and working like a well-oiled machine under Elettra, he was just adding to the growing ferocious strength of the pack. He knew that he was mainly a figurehead and Elettra did as well, but the rest of the pack treated him with the respect his position deserved and he was pleased. Pleased, yet slightly uncomfortable with it. He felt often as if the mantel just didn't fit right, pinching and pulling at him. The feeling was slight and of no real concern, but it hung in the air nonetheless.

Destpite the truth that he and his Lady knew, that he loved another and would never be a true mate to her, he would stand by her until she needed him no more. As much as his heart yearned for Nina, his devotion and loyalty to Elettra was unwavering. He accepted this fact and Nina had too. When they had become mates, both had responsiblities that they just couldn't walk away from. Loyalty was the foundation of both of their make-ups.

Lost in his thoughts, Koda nearly didn't hear the call. It was clearly a call for him, but it was laced with and emotion that he just couldn't place. The male, Shade he thought by the timber, was not in danger, but needed him still. With a strong feeling a concern washing over him, he gracefully leaped off of the cool rock and loped in the direction of the call. His pack needed him... a sense of something he couldn't name came over him. Shade needed him. Koda. This was why he was here.

It took little time to find the man and indeed, he seemed meloncholy. Koda's brows furrowed with concern for Willow Ridge's third ranked male. He approached him with head and tail high, signifying his status and reached forward to grip the man's muzzle in a slight show of dominance. Yet, his golden eyes shown with compassion. "Shade? Is everthing all right?" His deep voice also conveyed his concern for his packmate.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shade turned to Koda when he got there. He gave a submissive bow. Was he alright? No, he was never all right. Not with Elettra breathing down his neck to make sure he was doing his job, not to Rose going off with other males and never seeing him anymore. not with Reed always disappearing and not being seen for a few days.His world was upside down. "To be honest Koda, it seems like I'm never all right anymore. My sister is now a follower of a pack Elettra hates. My mate, she's off seeing others and never visits me any more. Elettra's always watching me, like she's looking for a reason to kick me out. The world's backwards, upside down." He said, staring off into space at the thoughts.

His eyes small, decisive. His sister was a Grizzly Hollow wolf. She'd been taken in by the female leader, but she was still 'a follower of Border'. Elettra had yet to know this. thank the heavens or she'd never trust Shade again. "I've been wondering recently if I should take more responsibility for everything around me. I was debating challenging Reed as second since no one seems to see him much anymore. But... I-I just don't know." He said, he was confiding everything in Koda. All his troubles, worries. He wasn't to let Koda know that he'd been up to see his sister, but found Nina instead. She'd given him the news, and when he broke down in emotions about his mate and all. Nina had confined in him that she was Koda's mate, not Elettra.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Koda listened silently as Shade let loose with all of his woes. Apparently, he'd been holding a lot in, which was never good in the long run. The poor man seemed to be pulled in many directions and he could definitely sympathise with him in that respect. Giving a gentle wag of encouragement the large pale wolf took in everything, nodding in understanding. He gave a slight frown when he heard of Rose's actions. Certainly not honorable behavior. Perhaps Shade was seeing more into her scarceness than was real? Or perhaps not.

When the other man finally tapered off with thoughts of decisive action in regards to his position, Koda took a small breath, gave Shade a considering look and began speaking. "I'm not sure what to say about Rosalea's apparent actions, other than if she doesn't truly want to be with you, you are likely better off without her. Don't let her actions influence your own." The words that he said were not typical, as wolves tended to mate for life, but Shade could not stop living because his heart chose poorly. He gave him only a moment to think on that before he addressed Shade's other concerns.

His smooth, deep voice broke the brief silence once more. "I take it that you mean to say your sister has joined Grizzly Hollow? Elettra does not hate the pack. She has history there and a definite dislike for the male leader, Borden. I would not worry overmuch unless your sister develops a fondness for Borden himself, rather than just to be a part of the pack. As for Elettra looking over your shoulder, that is her job, as well as mine. She needs to be sure that everyone is pulling their weight and doing their job. Remember, her watching you can work both ways. She can see your faults, yes, but she can also see when and where you excel. That is what you must focus on. Strengths, rather than weaknesses." His voice trailed off again as he considered Shade's last words, regarding Reed.

The red man was a strong member and one of the founding members of their powerful pack. The truth was, he had been scarce lately. A challenge could be a serious thing, but it was also a part of a large and dynamic pack. The strongest and most dependable must be at the helm. After much though, he chose his words carefully. "A challenge is not to be taken lightly. I'm not saying not to challenge him for the position of second. I would recommend settling your emotions regarding the other major aspects of your life first though. Being Second is a great honor and you need to have your head on straight if you wish to be there for Elettra and I... and the rest of the pack." Even as he said the words, he felt a twinge of guilt. Even though he'd was here now, for a time he'd been scarce, even while within the pack borders. He needed to think on his own advice...

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
He listened. Every word burning into his brain. Maybe he was imagining about Rosealia. His mind came back to Nina, how she found out about Ari. He knew it was time to tell. Time to talk. Time to speak the truth about his past. About Ari. "Have I ever told you about my dad. How he was abusive. I guess some of it may have rubbed off on me. For there are things in my past... that... that just prove it. He hated packs as well, believed they were weakness."

"Koda, don't take this the wrong way when I say I might now be able to stay in the pack. It's not that I don't want to. It's for the good of the pack. I-I've done some things in the past, that have come back to haunt me. Things I'm not proud of and I'm afraid they will come back to hurt not only me, but the pack." He hoped he wouldn't have to elaborate on how he mauled a girl, one who was only a pup at the time. How she was here in Relic Lore. How she'd talked to Nina, told her everything even. It was the worst case scenario.

Why was it all the things in life pointed back to that girl? Ari was the bain of his existence. why him? Why had he been in a bad mood that day? He wished so bad, that he could take it back. But she had a permanent scar.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Koda was unsure of how to respond to Shade's words. He wondered what could be so bad from Shade's past that it could harm Willow Ridge. They were a strong pack, filled with much troth. Honestly, nothing came to mind and it didn't appear as if Shade was ready to go into more detail. He also felt that anyone could change and the here and now was what mattered the most. After giving it much thought, the pale wolf spoke what he hoped were words of wisdom to the other male. Perhaps it would be enough.

"I don't know about the wolf that you were before you came to Willow Ridge, but you have shown nothing but strength and loyalty. The wolf that you are now is what matters and the rest of it will take care of itself. I don't want you to leave and I'm sure that Elettra would feel the same. Many of us have pasts that we might not be proud of, hard beginnings, tragedies... many things. The important thing is that you have learned and grown into a strong and dependable wolf." He hoped that his words helped in some small way. Shade seemed like a good man and he worked hard for the good of the entire pack. His willingness to leave was proof of that.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
"I don't know about the wolf that you were before you came to Willow Ridge, but you have shown nothing but strength and loyalty. The wolf that you are now is what matters and the rest of it will take care of itself. I don't want you to leave and I'm sure that Elettra would feel the same. Many of us have pasts that we might not be proud of, hard beginnings, tragedies... many things. The important thing is that you have learned and grown into a strong and dependable wolf." Shade listened. A bit of admiration for Koda as he spoke, Koda was a bit regal. He wondered what would happen with this new pack being led by his mate. Would he go and be with his mate. He knew only of Copper Rock Creek disbanding. But Nina was loyal to her family and no doubt they would want to regroup. He wanted to ask. But held his tongue for the time being, literally. He bit his tongue to stop from asking. It was none of his business.

"Koda, I suppose your right. But I think you should know. In case trouble comes knocking. I will leave if you or Lady Elettra wish it. But I will never stop caring for the well being of Willow Ridge. I was born to a pair of lone wolves you see. They hated packs. My sister and I were raised the same way... taught that if we were to join a pack, we would disgrace the Slayer line. Well whenever we questioned anything he taught us, our father would beat us senseless. Same for my mum when she tried to talk him out of the punishments. He past on because a group of wolves attacked him and my mum while Shadow and I were hunting. She ran I guess. Thought I was dead too. Well I was traveling by myself. Ran into a gril. Barely more then a pup, her name was Ari. She started rambling about packs... back then I was a different wolf. I attacked her, I'd had a bad day. She-She left the incident with many scars. I felt bad about it, but apparently she came to Relic Lore. Told a fae, I understand the pack knows. I know her, you know her. Elettra knows her. Nina. She was told of my wrong doings. I went to visit Shadow before I knew she'd moved on from Copper Rock Creek. Nina confronted me about it. I-I nearly killed myself over it Koda. I never wanted the pack to know of my crimes. So I'm here to tell you before Nina tells you. She said she wouldn't. But how could any sane wolf not proclaim my crimes to the world." He spilled his life to Koda. He could trust the man he called leader. He was the only one in the pack, apart from Rosealia, that he could trust with the information.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">It was obvious that Shade needed to share something, something dark, despite what he'd said about the past being in the past. As he spoke of his terrible upbringing, Koda's heart wept for he and his sister. How could one hate so much? he wondered. When he came to the part about the yearling and his actions, the pale wolf couldn't suppress a shudder and a shadow passed over his golden eyes. Had he been there, he would have defended the fae with his own life against such abuse. Yet here he was, with her attacker standing before him, contrite and agonized over his past actions.

For long moments, thoughts crashed about in his head. Nina knew about this. She would have been horrified and livid, just as he was at this moment. But he held his tongue as he thought on the wolf that Shade had become. He had grown and learned a better way. He was beyond his father's cruel teachings now. He'd better be, or Koda would end his life himself, right then and there.

He chose his words carefully, speaking from his mind as well as his heart. His gut instinct was to send him packing... but he'd proven himself loyal and dependable. Should he be punished for the rest of his life for mistakes make long before? No. Should he just get away with it? No. So, where did that leave them now, after Shade's confession. His first thoughts were for the pack and he truly seemed to regret the encounter.

"I cannot say that I am pleased to hear this. Your past is indeed your past, but you've scarred a young woman in more ways than one. You have proven yourself here at Willow Ridge and I still wish for you to stay." His tone told more. He would be watching him to be sure that he was passed such bigotry and would not be a danger. It seemed he was, but knowing what he now knew...he would be watching. "However... I strongly suggest that you make peace with this incident. It is good that you have told me, but you need to make peace with the girl, Ari. Only then will the past be behind you. Perhaps it will give her some measure of closure as well." He couldn't even begin to imagine what must have gone through the poor girl's head then and even today...

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
<i>Forgiveness is a blessing, but they may be a curse in disguise.</i>

Shade nodded as he listened to his leader. A pang of happiness. Koda really wished for him to stay, even with what had happened to his own mate. Poor Nina had been attacked by her brother. Shadowstorm had told him that story. <b>"I've tried to track her, to apologize, but it seems like her time in Relic Lore was brief. She met Shadowstorm, and Nina. That is all I believe. I really have tried, but I cannot leave the Ridge for so long without there being a whole punched through my chest."</b> He said, hypothetically, he could leave for some short time, but not enough to venture outside the lore. Elettra would kill him.

<i>Sometimes I wonder if life is worth living.</i>

He looked around more and more at the place he called home. <b>"Does Elettra talk to you much, that to say that she maybe watches me and Rosealia more then the others. Because we're mates and all?"</b> He asked, he had been curious about such things. Did she ever question they're loyalty because they were mates? Sometimes it seemed that he had to patrolled the borders constantly all day to make the stone cold pack leader happy. <b>"Also, I haven't seen Remy in so long... did she disappear?"</b> He asked. The lead guardian and faithful second had bee gone nearly as much as Reed had.

<i>Anger is a short madness.</i>

Shade looked into the kind leaders eyes. Apart from Narime and Rosealia, Koda seemed to be the only one with a heart. Oh, he missed Kyrie. She had disappeared a while back and he hoped for her to return home soon too.
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda knew that it would have been better if Shade could get closure on the unfortunate event with the poor girl, but it seemed as if he had tried and if she was gone from relic lore then there was little to be done about it. "It is too bad that she has disappeared, but in the event that she ever shows up again you must make it a priority to seek her out." The tone of his voice made it clear that this was far more than a suggestion. He expected Shade to move heaven and earth to make peace with the girl, should the opportunity arise. He chose to respond to Shade's next question next, before addressing the second. "It is true that Remy has been scarce, but I don't have an answer as to why or where she might be at this time. She can take care of herself though and she will answer for her actions when she returns. That is all that you need to know on the matter for the moment." And that was the end of talk of Remy's whereabouts.

When Shade inquired about Elettra's feelings on his and Rosalea's relationship, Koda shook his head lightly, before addressing the nervous male. "The most important thing that you must always remember about Elettra in particular and all leaders in general, I'm sure, is that your loyalty and execution of duty are top priority. If she was concerned about you being mates, she would have acted on it and there would surely be no question of her feelings on the matter. Don't worry about it in that respect as long as you both continue to do your duties and serve the pack heartily." He paused for a moment, before he turned his golden eyes on the dark male, making sure that he completely understood his next words. "Just remember that though she and I have allowed for you to remain a mated pair in the pack, you will never be allowed to have young. There will be no quarter given for such an action." The more assertive and almost aggressive stance that he took while he spoke left no doubt that, though he was a soft-hearted leader, he would brook no infraction on the law.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.