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Mercy — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
This topic is the night that Kyrie dissapears.
Your character starts hearing voices.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Hours had past yet it felt just like minutes ago that she had been chatting with Nina. Her head tilted to look at the darkening sky, already this late?! Dark blue and purples had taken over the sky and pushed down the sun. She should go back to the pack and Nina. Not that she worried that much, she trusted the pack to take a eye on Nina, but her friend wasn't stupid. She knew when she crossed the line and she did eat. Nothing to worry about just be sure to be back in time. With a satisfied she took the roots and medical flowers in her muzzle. Quite a bunch, her chest tingled with warmth. Hopefully this was enough for Elettra to go through the winter. A chilling autumn breeze gave her a shiver.


Her ears tweaked. Did she hear something? Cautious her eyes searched for a form, she was sure she had been alone in the Rise all the time. Sudden she caught it, far away nothing more than a black spot with a shining pair of eyes. They were hazel like hers, burning like fire yet clouded. Instantly all her hair rose towards the sky. The flowers fell down on the ground, without her eyes averting from those who were like her own, her soft snarl came out of her muzzle.

'Celestial Mercy'

Her body shrunk as she did a pass back. Everything was so cold, she was shivering but it was not because of the cold. Her eyes just watched the burning cold that watched from afar. 'Go away, don't call me like that.' A soft laugh as a smirk gave away white sharp teeth. Kyrie could see them, so far away but the picture was in her mind. A high shriek came out of her throat. Run. Run don't turn back. Stabbing pains in her chest, thin like leaves sharp as teeth. It pierced through everything.

'Birds' nests are empty.'

It was not her, it could not be her. She should be far far away. Still she was there, there in the Rise with Kyrie. A soft whisper came from her lips.

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Played by - who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isen Aranna
http://i.imgur.com/9LNW1.jpg);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:368px; padding-bottom: 40px; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 60px;">
It was like Incarceron, her eyes glowing, she heard the screams. She was trapped in the never ending prison of the world. Her spirit yet to be released to freedom in Aranna above. Only a few select escaped to freedom, that was death itself. She heard more screams. 'Go away, don't call me like that. Isra' Who she was talking about was unknown. She smelt weird, of a pack. Had she been Ashanti's pack mate? She didn't know. she slowly approached the wolf. "Hello, I am Isen Aranna. Have you seen my sister? Her name is Ashanti..." She said, her eyes full of mystery. She hoped this wolf did not attack like she did to Destin when she thought of insanity. Is she like me? Did she hear voices? No, that would mean she was insane. I am the only insane wolf in the world. why am I here?

She thought back to how it all happened. Her mothers death, her fathers, her brothers. Her sisters, except Ashanti. They had been all dead. They were in peace in Aranna, in the everlasting afterlife. They did not fight for scraps of food. No, everything was at peace. Why couldn't she herself be free? Why was there no peace on earth. This was a living hell. She wasn't going to live in hell. For she would join her siblings in the stars. Time was the greatest teacher, but when you become nearly strong for time, time hands you over to death willingly. If one is too strong for time, one is too powerful for death. Like the Greek gods. They were born to overlude time.

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Was this a after effect from to many herbs or was it her past becoming present? Either way they made her cold to the bone. The eyes looked like they were burning, trying to shoot Kyrie to death with blame. On her turn the white fae tried to fuse with the ground beneath her paws. She had been at fault, she should not have broken the rules. Her troth had wavered. She knew already! Reflecting, mourning and regretting the steps she had taken. Everyday she would be reminded by it because there was no way she could ever forget. Kyrie would remember it all till the death would erase her existence, so why was her sister here. She didn't need a painful reminder, was her sin that big that the chance on a happy life was nihil?

"Hello,-'' A high yelp came out of her toes. Out of reflex her body ended up with a wolf length between her and the other one. It was one she did not know but what bothered her the most was that she hadn't sensed her. Too afraid, Kyrie's senses had been frozen the moment she had met the eyes of her older sister.


The name of her litter-mate made her turn around 180 degrees again. Gone. The spot where just two eyes were burning with the intensity of hell was just gone. Disappeared into thin air. Was that even possible? Unbelievable, the fae shook her head. Maybe she did indeed took some wrong herb into her mouth? Instead of chewing should she have squished it? It could be, her knowledge wasn't perfect. A little fault because she was with her thoughts somewhere else? ''-is Ashanti..." Her head turned once again. Oh, so that was not her imagination. Suddenly she saw how big the she-wolf was.. Wait that wasn't right, she was just smaller than normal. Slowly she rose back up to her normal length. ''S-sorry, but what did you say?'' Her voice stammered a bit, still after effects from her shock. Embarrassed she didn't look at the fae's eyes. Instead she found herself glancing at the side from time to time. The presence from her sister still roamed in her head.
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Played by - who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isen Aranna
http://i.imgur.com/9LNW1.jpg);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:368px; padding-bottom: 40px; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 60px;">
Isen looked at her as she almost looked afraid. She repeated herself. "Hello, I am Isen Aranna. Have you seen my sister? Her name is Ashanti..." She said, her eyes studied the female carefully. She wondered if there was something deeper going on, she coudl almost feel it. Her thoughts trailed off to hoiw it all went down. She listened again, wondering if she'd ever again find a pack. Her last pack had been great... until it happened. The leaders slaughtered, the remaining pup of the litter kicked out of the pack. She'd left as the aunt had risen to power. It broke her heart to find nothing left to aim for. She was indeed Ashanti's older sister. She was in search for her. When she became a full adult she had gone to search. But the trail had been washed away. Leaving nothing left but an instinct to find her.

She zoned back in, her eyes calmer then before. Her past was behind her. She needed to focus at the problem at hand. That was finding her sister. She knew Ashanti was out here somewhere. She was the only sibling remaining and she would find her.

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
The name of the girl, Isen. Her name wasn’t familiar nor was her surname. ‘Kyrie Hyde.’ The little lady introduced herself. It was a bit awkward to talk with Isen, she didn’t seem to care about her anxious behaviour just a couple minutes ago. That or she had decided to not talk about it, a good choice. There was no way Kyrie could have told a stranger her story, what meant she had to lie.

Her ears pointed slightly forward. Sister? Searching in the maze of old conversations filtering the word Ashanti but it seemed empty. No Ashanti in her knowing. Kyrie shook her head but when her amber eyes looked to Isen the blue gaze seemed elsewhere. Had she thought that long about Ashanti Isen got bored? No it didn’t look like that. Patient Kyrie waited for the grey girl to return to reality. As she spoke she gave of a encouraging smile as good as she could bring. Kyrie’s sister still roamed in her head. Sadly this may be pestering her for many days. ‘Don’t worry, Relic Lore has many wolves. If you keep asking you’ll find someone who knows your sister for sure.’Kyrie would have liked to help the girl. She looked nice but the white fae didn’t have that many connections. Besides, the Lore was big. One wolf could easy go lost in the many scents of others.
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