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Drag you down — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
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Iopah Reinier
I picture this starting just on the edge of Ghastly Woods, kind of looking into blackberry fields. I'm hoping for some CRC affiliated wolves, but all are welcome.
The landscape was frosted white. The weak sunlight that filtered through the forest was not enough to drive the frost from the limbs. The delicate veins of the fallen leaves were etched in sparkling silver. It was as though the earth itself was freezing from the inside out. Recent snow fall blanketed the ground in a thin sheet of white. With the bitter cold that layer had frozen solid. It did not record the movement of rabbit or numerous deer mice. They did not have enough weight to break the crust of snow. Not that such small prey was worth the energy required to catch it.

Iopah was restless. She was standing in a stand of beech. Deer had been here recently, stripping the leaves from the branches, and Iopah excitedly studied all trace of them. Finally, she looked up, snorting in irritation. Her warm breath turned white in the chilly air. She longed to chase, tuned into nothing but her prey, and sink her canines into warm flesh and pull it to the ground.

The she-wolf stepped from the beech trees and looked around. She huffed impatiently. Iopah knew better than to howl for others wolves. Broadcasting her intentions to the deer would make it that much harder. No, she would wait here and hope the scent of deer would draw another wolf.
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
OOC: Since Nina can't physically hunt, I'll put my huntress in there with you. <3

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Things seemed to be getting tougher and tougher on the young Swiftpaw. With Indru’s abandonment far behind her, she still couldn’t shake off the shock. She still did her job though, hunting whenever she needed to, more for the others than for herself. Her outer body was suffering for it though. Her ribs were now sticking out at awkward angles, and in truth, she didn’t even bother noticing. Her emerald eyes had been too busy watching the borders and hunting for prey. After being locked up in Swift River territory for so long, her paws had finally driven her out to explore some of the other lands. And they were bringing her back to the part of lands to where she had first met Hotei…or Burn, whichever one he was.

Hardships had been rapidly reoccurring within her and she was now in the land areas of Blackberry Fields. The hoof prints covered the area carefully, and even Jessie knew she couldn’t take on the deer on her own…but maybe with some help she could get somewhere. As her paw steps increased the sight of another pushed her forward, the form was dark, probably bigger than her…but easy to spot outside in the winter wonderland that surrounded her. When she got closer, she found that deer prints were easily noticeable in the area around her. Jessie already stunk of Swift River…but a hunt with another could do her good. She nodded her head slightly, mentioning to the hoof prints below.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Not sure if two wolves are enough to take down a deer. If no one responds I guess we'll go ahead, find a yearly maybe?

Patience was not one of Iopah's strong suits. She had quickly grown tired of watching for fellow wolves and had returned to examining the beech stand. While there were numerous prints and the occasional tuft of coarse hair, it was the scat that interested her most. She investigated each deposit in turn, using her sense of taste as well as smell. Being caught up in her study as it were, Iopah did not notice Jessie until she was closer.

Iopah froze. Expression wary, she pricked her ears forward expectantly. Although she had been hoping for company, one could not be sure of the sort of company she was going to receive. As the grey and silver wolf approached, her scent drifted out before her. She smelt of unfamiliar wolves and unfamiliar land. Iopah angled her head closer and inhaled deeply. Away from packs and boundaries it did not truly matter, but Iopah couldn't help but be curious. Jessie reached the beech trees and stood before Iopah without having said a single word.

Iopah waited, stance neutral, for Jessie to initiate contact. Waiting to see which direction this interaction would take. The nod to towards the prints was all Iopah needed. A common goal. A delicious common goal. She waved her tail enthusiastically and took a couple steps closer. Iopah was full of nervous energy. A visual exam of her hunting partner was made. Healthy, but quite underweight. She would be fast, though. Would only the two of them have enough weight to pull down a deer?

"My name is Iopah." She looked into the field that the deer seemed to have disappeared into and whined in excitement.
(This post was last modified: Dec 31, 2012, 05:20 AM by Iopah.)
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Sorry it sucks. :/

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">

Her tail waved behind her uncertainly as the other wolf took a step towards her. It took much self restraint from within her to not step away…she was the one that had approached in the first place. A name came to her mind and she quietly marked the name and scent, along with the wolf’s appearance in her mind. Her tail swept behind her once more…her voice hesitant as she spoke back briefly, "Jessie." It was quick and she was soon burying her nose into the ground, picking up the scents of the many deer to have passed through. She didn’t want to take the lead, but the strong point of hunting had easily gotten to her, and so she rushed forward her paws rapidly pounding on the floor, following the hoof prints that the deer had granted them with. This was one of her favorite things to do in winter, for the tracking was much easier.

She took no notice of her partner as she made her way into the hunt…she was completely focused now, not letting any depressing thoughts or anything else cloud her mind. It was not something she would let happen to her often, but when something did bother her, it was usually with good reason. Her shoulder muscles flexed easily under her thin body as the herd came into view. Many adults and a few yearlings here and there. She turned to Iopah and mentioned towards one of the yearlings. The smallest, but it seemed to have enough meat on it none the less. The tilted her head slightly, her emerald eyes asking which one she wanted.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Late. Sorry.
Brisk introductions, over the new female turned and led them into the meadow. Iopah fell into place behind her. Despite her nearly emaciated condition Jessie had enough confidence to lead this hunt without hesitation. That alone was enough for Iopah to follow her respectfully. As it was this was the first deer Iopah had any real shot of taking in well over six months, she was sorely out of practice.

The scent of deer intensified. Iopah was pleased to see even the wind was in their favor. The two she-wolves studied the deer. It was a large herd, drawn to the relatively easy grazing in the meadow. it was both a blessing and a curse. With more prey animals the chances of finding a vulnerable animal went up. Unfortunately, the number of cutting hooves also went up, any one of which could severely injure.

Her own cursory exam done, Iopah looked back to Jessie to see her indicate a yearly. Iopah nodded. She looked back to the heard as she spoke, the wind buffeting her face. She held enough weight to hold down any yearly, while Jessie delivered a killing blow or slowly suffocated it. Iopah knew both were swift enough to come alongside the deer.

"I can hold down any yearly for you, we simply need to drive one away from the rest." Iopah was not used to being the heaviest hunting member, but she had spent enough time watching in her birth pack to know her job. Come up alongside the deer as it ran and latch onto it's side or rump, then use her weight to drag it down. It would then be Jessie's turn to grab it's throat and finish it. When Iopah looked back her eyes were intense. She was eager, she wanted to feel the deer between her canine.
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The huntress’s muscles were ready to run and kill. She wanted food and at the moment, she truly needed it. When Iopah seemed to understand her intentions she nodded her head at the words before muttering quietly, "That‘s where I come in." The gray and white female sulked forward, her body easily blending into the snowy covered terrain. When she was close enough, thank the heavens the wind was in her favor, she immediately darted forward, her large voice carrying over the land. The herd scrambled and Jessie took her chance to catch up with one of the yearlings. She got in the center of a small portion off to the right and got near a yearling’s side and nipped at its sides. She could only hope that Iopah would follow through with her part of the plan.

The yearling seemed to have enough meat on it, and Jess continued to nip on the flesh of the other animal. Her fangs flashed and strong jaws snapped together fiercely. The deer was finally starting to slow down…just enough for Iopah to jump in its back so Jessie could go in for the kill. She wanted to taste the blood in her mouth…she wanted to feed. She wasn’t sure the last time she had a decent meal…she wasn’t even sure if she had one since Indru had left them…either that or she simply hadn’t remembered. Her tail lashed behind her fiercely as she ran the yearling around slowing it down and exhausting it…this should have helped the other female a considerable amount.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
A mutual agreement was reached between the two hunters. Before them stood the herd of deer, unaware of the impending interruption. The time for words had come and gone. Iopah crept after Jessie, the softer fur of her stomach brushed silently against the snow. It was worth the potential payout.

She watched the herd react as one. A bounding line of white tails raised in alarm. Her attention snapped back to Jessie, neither would be successful without the other. She needed to stay with her and her potential kill. To her right the female was singling out a yearly. Weaving through the fleeing herd Iopah chased after them. Nothing else existed besides that deer and the space separating them. Her lean body stretched out and her stride lengthened. As the deer tired Iopah drew alongside, under its belly she could see Jessie. Now it was her turn to play a role. Latch on and drag down. She focused and launched herself sideways at the deer.

Contact. There was the grassy taste of the deers pelt and then sweet blood. Her bite was shallow. Sharp teeth sliced through muscle and she was left with only a mouthful. Thankfully the impact made the deer stumble and Iopah turned and launched all of her 86 pounds, aiming higher the second time around.

Her teeth sunk deep into flesh once more. This time Iopah was sure of her grip. It felt right. Unable to support the additional weight the deer lost it's footing. As her feet hit the ground Iopah pulled, striving to keep it off balance, to keep it distracted from lashing out with its hooves. In the excitement she had lost track of Jessie.
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Her continued effort did not waver, and her pace increased with time. The more she got the animal to slow down, the most likely Iopah would be able to grab a hold on the yearling to bring it down. Jessie’s emerald gaze paid close attention to every jerking movement. Any move could be her last if she was not careful, the yearling could easily crush her… The stumbles came, and Jessie quickly assumed that the other female was close to crushing the deer, which would help her case tremendously. In record timing the deer collapsed and immediately Jessie winged out to the side, as to not get rushed, and rushed towards the head of the deer, happy with the success in pinning it.

She wasted no time, and immediately lunged for the yearling’s windpipe. Her jaws locked around it and her powerful muscles crushed through the windpipe as the thing bled out. Life was slowly draining out of its eyes and Jessie gave a satisfied snort as she looked over her kill. Success and pure adrenaline coursed through her. She was quite proud of herself…for being so underfed, but she knew she couldn’t have done it without the other girl. She instantly praised her, ”Thanks. You did a great job.”
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
One more reply from both and then we can archive it.


Iopah could see nothing but the struggling deer between her jaws. Drag it down, keep it down. She kept kept repeating it to herself. Drag it down, keep it down. It was a training mantra from her childhood. Iopah was distantly surprised to be repeating it now. She hadn't thought of it in years.

Directly under her nose blood blossomed across the deer's hide. Every movement drove her teeth deeper into it's flesh. The only thing that mattered was keeping her grip. Footsteps and a flash of movement drew her attention. Her eyes rolled far left to see Jessie attach herself to it's throat, but Iopah was not quite done yet. As it felt it's air supply cut off the deer thrashed once more. The jerking subsided gradually and Iopah held fast. She did not want to give up her hard-won grip till she was sure.

There was a confident snort from Jessie and Iopah finally relinquished her grip. She looked over their kill. For the two smaller females it was an impressive accomplishment. She looked to Jessie, flushing with pride at the compliment. "Thanks. You too." It was difficult taking down larger prey even with familiar wolves. Iopah was happy to have found a capable wolf to hunt with, even if only for a day. She crouched and took a bite. There was no sense in waiting for another wolf to wander along. Who knows how much attention they attracted?
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

When Iopah finally climbed off of the dead animal, saliva slowly started to form in her mouth. Just the thought of some food that wasn’t a rabbit or some other animal brought a hungry growl to her stomach. Her emerald eyes stared down upon their meal, and after the other female had settled down, Jessie gladly tore off a piece of her own, eating it in small portions. This meal would have probably been the first she had eaten fully since Indru had left the torn family. She would recover though, and gaining back her lost fat and muscles would help with the process.

The meal was good, and Jessie had no problem in finishing her share, though she now knew it was her time to part. It was the first time in awhile that the Swiftpaw would be going back home content with herself and her own surroundings. Happy that she was a living, breathing creature. Her emerald eyes blinked at the other woman quietly before she spoke, "I must be going. It was a pleasure to meet you." She then turned and walked back towards where she had come from, leaving the rest of the carcass with the other female. She had worked hard for it and deserved it. Now it was time for a long deserved rest.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]