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No Apologies, They'll Never See You Cry
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Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          The thicket of foliage was so condensed Ecco couldn't tell what portion of the afternoon it was. To make matters worse, there was such a physical entanglement of branches and tree bark everywhere it was easy to get sidetracked from the direction you were trying to go toward without having to stop and turn around, or take another path. Didn't I pass by that particular tree before? Her amber gaze shone thoughtfully, with a twinkle of worry. A snort erupted from her snout, turning around to wander off to some other path that would get around this particular messy tangle of trees. Though it was difficult to keep track of time by the sun's movement in the sky since it was covered by a tangled canopy, Ecco knew her time spent in the thicket over-exceeded itself. She knew she was meddling around here too long, and needed to get out. Now.

          Ecco never thought of herself to be claustrophobic. The overshadow of the thicket's naturally cool atmosphere could be pleasant to those looking to escape reality and get away from the world for the day. It would be nice for Ecco if that's what she sought out, but she wasn't looking to spend her days aimlessly traveling for the love of it. Her paws were sore for hundreds of miles tracking from the North, she was without a home, a pack, any security, her lineage and title stripped from her. Another ghost wandering on her own path in the world, and Ecco was waiting for the moment when she was destined to take her last breath by either freezing to death or by starvation.

          If there was such an advantage of slimming out from being a loner, it was her capability to get through tight spaces. Small statured as she was, Ecco was able to squeeze through some gnarled, twisted branches through the thicket so she could bypass the obstacle of having to go completely around and out of her way. There was one opening Ecco thought she could get through no problem, but judging the opening too quickly, Ecco suddenly found herself stuck at upper torso and shoulder into a grove of branches. Really? I lost enough damn weight, I can't get through this?! Pulling herself by her forepaws, Ecco strained to get out of her tight spot, to no avail. Her back legs pushed, her forepaws pulled, and she strained herself forward hard as she could. Nothing. Her energy source was depleted since she had not had a good sustainable meal in weeks, so the need to tire and give up was easy.

          Fifteen minutes past, and still nothing. Now she couldn't even pull herself out of this rut trying to scoot backwards and come out the way she came. Great. Is this where my fate is going to end? Stuck in here? Panic began to ebb in her, raising her heartbeat. A helpless whine followed, suit the straining beginning to scratch her through the cover of her fur. Death often crossed her mind every now and then since she was a soul on her own that nobody cared for, but wasn't expecting to go out this way, stuck amongst a thicket. Another whine follow, half in frustration and in hurt. Ecco continued to strain herself to get out of her stuck situation, without any progress thus far.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Ashanti had been familiarizing herself with the thicket. It appeared that Nina had picked this specific spot for the pack. Why she did not know. But the great lady was mysterious. Powerful. Ashanti respected her for these reasons. She was overall a nice person that Ashi could rely on to be a good leader, friend, packmate. someone who could help her. she was going to get training from Nina and be a healer for the new pack hopefully. She focused less on the litany in her head. More on the territory. Looking for herbs, she needed to do whatever she could for Nina and the pack. She'd changed much.

An unfamiliar scent filled her nose. She scented again, smelled of loner. Loners she could confront. "Who is on the soils of the Thicket?" She asked in curiosity. She was an Aranna. though truly, she was an Ashai. Ashai was her name, her last name. But when she left her pack, she changed her last name to be Aranna in honor of her dead parents and siblings. She missed them. The four siblings on her litter. Jet. She knew Isen was still alive, probably living happy in the pack in the mountains.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Slumping forward in defeat, Ecco panted heavily. Her stature was not as spirited as her panic to get her out of this tight area. Her tongue immediately rolled into her jowls and her heart skipped a beat when a voice was heard amongst the thicket. Ears perked high, keeping her breaths short through her snout. "Who is on the soils of the Thicket?" The voice who commanded her presence didn't sound anyone who was bothered by Ecco's predicament, but it was curious enough to have Ecco assumed she might have waltzed into somebody's territory without regard to the scent of their borders. Which was strange, because Ecco didn't smell anything of a distinct pack border, but then again in this thicket it might have been easy for the trees and natural aroma to overpower the scents (or, it could have been a new territory establishment, who truly knew).

          There was no debate whether or not Ecco would give away her location. If she happened to be on territory after all, fine, the D'Oliva could take the blame. Just as long as there was somebody out there to help her out of this predicament, Ecco would endure any punishment to trespassers there was. "Uh. Yes… yes, over here." Remembering that the voice was more curious of who she was rather than where, Ecco cleared her voice to ascend it beyond the tangle of foliage. "I mean, I'm Ecco. A wanderer. I'm stuck pretty good, over here." Ecco attempted to wedge herself again, to no avail. Falling silent and in a slump again, her heartbeat thundered in her ears in anticipation whether or not the female voice would be kind enough to assist.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Ashanti tracked down the voice as she spoke. Ecco was her name. She looked and looked, the Thicket was so thick and dense that she had a bit of trouble navigating it. "I'll get you unstuck then. I'm Ashanti, Ashanti Aranna." She said matter-of-factly. She examined the girl. Perhaps she could push her through, no, maybe find some way to cut the branch free. She went and stood on one of the branches she was stuck no. Hoping that the branch would snap.

Perhaps she could find something that could help her slide through. Maybe some water or something that is slippery. She looked around. "I'm going to try to find something slippery to get you out of there." She explained looking around, her eyes narrowed in on some mud. Maybe mud wold work? She went to get it.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Ecco shifted uncomfortably. The roughened bark of what she was tangled in pricked at her fur and flesh. Finally the voice returned, closer it seemed. Ecco was pivoted in a position where she was stuck staring out the other side of where she intended to get through, so there was no way of turning around successfully to see Ashanti Aranna behind her. From the way Ashanti's voice sounded, Ashanti was willing to get her out of her rut. Blowing a sigh of relief through her snout, at least the D'Oliva's hysteria could calm down some. Ecco still wasn't out of this situation yet, but it was comforting to know Ashanti was willing to help. "Thank you, thank you." Ecco said beyond the tangle from which she was stuck in. Further gratitude would be expressed once she was out. Ecco would do whatever; be a temporary slave to her pack for a week (if she was in one), clean out her den, hunt for her (to the best of her ability), whatever it took.

          The bark surrounded her began to move and creek. Ecco also started attempting to wiggle out at the same time, but to no avail the branches were heavy and thick, remaining in their place. Ecco was assuming Ashanti was attempting to put her weight on the branch to snap it in half, but it didn't work. Ashanti figured something slippery could get Ecco out, which was a great idea in the moment, but Ecco didn't know what was slippery enough in a thicket like this to get her free (and didn't think of mud at first). "Okay. Uh, what were you thinking?" Because Ecco didn't know otherwise.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
(274 WORDS)

Ashanti looked at the girl, so many questions. They could talk when Ecco was free of the entanglement. "I'm going to use mud to make your fur a bit more slippery, then you should be able to get out safely and you'll be free." She explained a bit more in depth then she had wanted to. She took the mud on a stick, a piece of bark described it better. It was longer, then she took it and placed the mud and transferred it to the fur from the bark. rubbing it with her paws to make sure it worked well. She smiled in joy to see what she'd done.

Ashanti looked at her with a smile as she stepped back. "Try it now Ecco. I think I put enough mud on your fur for you to wiggle out, but if not, I can put more on." she said, though she liked the mud idea, she didn't like the rubbing it in to the fur, it was just awkward for her. hopefully it was for Ecco to, so that way it was more likely she'd try hard to get herself out. Her eyes focused with interest on the female. A glimmer of a smile on her face as she looked around. This would be her packs home soon.

Ashi looked at Ecco and it reminded her of Isen. She couldn't get her 'late sister' out of her head. she had no idea that truth be that Isen was alive. Not just alive, but looking for Ashanti too. Little did Ashi know that Isen was in ghastly Woods at the moment. It made her smile.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Ecco didn't acknowledge a reply to Ashanti, instead her fur was matted down with cool mud smeared upon it. She didn't necessarily feel the temperature of the Earth's mud upon her flesh, but the weight of sloppy mud was enough to send her to already want to go diving in the closest river to wash it off. Ecco had always been a groomed and cleaned female when in her pack, but the life of the loner caused you to care more about what your next meal was going to be for tomorrow than how shiny your fur looked. Feeling Ashanti's paws begin to massage mud into her coat, the feeling felt awkward for her. It had been forever since anyone even touched her in any manner, but Ecco knew Ashanti was merely being creative with figuring out a way to get her out of this. She wondered if this might have felt awkward for Ashanti, but didn't say anything and proceeded to wait until there was enough mud accumulated on her pelt to make her slip free of her bounding.

          Ashanti proclaimed she put enough on to hopefully get her out of her rut. Nodding (although Ashanti couldn't see this), Ecco tried once more to wedge herself out. At first, she wasn't budging. Her muscles in her legs were resisting to work from all the travel they did in the first place; they were tired and threatened to give out beneath her. It took everything in Ecco's mental willpower to get her legs up and running. She desperately tugged herself backwards, her paws digging into the Earth and clawing. Eventually she began to budge. The mud smeared on her coat was enough traction to slowly start dragging her out, and with another attempt of tugging (which seemed impossible), Ecco wedged herself flying out the back. She plopped down on her tail, nearly falling on her spine. She shook her coat vigorously, as if coming out of a daze.

          Ecco set her eyes upon her savior. She was like a canine from the heavens; pristine white fur, with the lightest blue eyes that were like a daytime sky. The white furred, blue eyed wolves were a rarity from Ecco's home, something almost like a blessing to a family if they bore kin with such colors and traits. A sheepish, merely embarrassed smile crossed over her face as she shrugged her shoulders bashfully. She was a ragged, muddy mess in front of an immaculate female. "Ah, I don't know how I can thank you for getting me out of there..." Ecco said, shaking her head and looking to the hole she was previously stuck in. Learned my lesson on that.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Ashanti smiled as Ecco slithered out of her stuck position. She had told Ashi that she couldn't thank her enough. But it was Ashanti's job as a healer to be at the assistance to other wolves. "There is no need to thank me. I find it my job as a healer to do my best for helping others." She explained. Her eyes filled with pride and her ears perked up in listening for other wolves that may be in trouble. Her tail hanging low. She had no pack, but she had a pack to. The pack scent is not relevant because it was not official. She hadn't been here long enough to hold a scent.

She wondered if Ecco had more to say, her nose continuing to scent around for anything that could help. Maybe some food, or a stream. Something that would be good for pack use. Maybe gather some herbs she could find? She looked at Ecco seeing if she wanted to say anything else. Maybe ask about the other wolf's scents on her fur. She had Kashi's, Slaone's, Durai's and Nina's scents on her fur because she hung out with them a lot. though Nina's was by far the strongest. She was Nina's shadow.

She knew Nina was her leader, she highly respected her and followed her around to learn as much as she could. She would learn too. She learned herbs every time she was with Nina. She planned to be a healer when she was able to claim a job in the pack. But that would not happen until her second birthday.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Ashanti credited herself as a healer. Ecco's ears preened forward at Ashanti's skill. Ecco only knew the light and basics of holistic healing in the wild, however her parents (mainly her mother) were the experts in her family. They devoted their lives serving the Alpha and Beta pairs of her birth pack in healing them of their ailments or assisting in rearing offspring. Her father was more of the genius on the anatomy side (healing broken bones and ligaments), and her mother leaned more toward herbal remedies. Ashanti beamed with a knowing pride of her skills, and Ecco commended her for her passion. "Oh? I know of the little things. My parents, though, were the experts. My father more toward physical health, my mother with herbal. Do you do all sorts of healing?" Ecco questioned, figuring this would be the perfect time to get in a little small talk and get to know a new face.

          For such a beautiful wolfess as Ashanti, what was she doing out here amongst a thicket all alone? Ecco wondered if she had been scouting for some new healing remedies, or if she happened to claim this area as her home. Something hinted that for a beautiful female as Ashanti, there had to be a means for her to be taken care of if she was by herself. Her nose didn't detect any strong specifics, so Ecco would remain complacent until Ashanti was comfortable enough to share her story. It was good to meet a warm and willing individual to assist Ecco, and felt growing more comfortable in Ashanti's presence.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti thought about it, what was she aiming for? Was it more of the lines that she was more herbal. But she did help her mother with Physical typed injuries when she was still with they're birth pack. so it had to be all around right? "I'd consider myself an all around healer. I helped my mum with healing in physical healings before she past. I do more herbal healing now. My friend, my soon-to-be alpha, Nina is teaching me more so I'll say an all around healer." She said, the words rolled from her tongue smoothly. She really should be getting back to Nina now, but this fae was talking to her and it would be rude and impolite for her to just leave. So she stayed, her eyes curious of what was to come.

Ashanti thought about it, why was she an all around healer? Her tail wagged slightly, swaying across the ground, swiping over it gently. The leaves rustled slightly as it swayed. Her light blue eyes mysteriously filled with curiosity. What was she going to do with such a thing as herbs. They would keep her pack alive. She knew that the more she knew, the better prepared the pack was for a medical emergency. She should start collecting herbs to store. She needed to find a place to store them. Sudden importance in finding an herbal storage den reached her mouth. "Can you help me with something, I've been trying to find a place to store my herbs for when the pack I will be a part of is created. Can you help me find such place?" She asked calmly.
(275 Words Total)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]