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Why can't it ever be easy — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
OOC; I think my original was better :(

The huge wolf sat alone in what she perceived to be the middle of freaking nowhere and nothingness, and growled at nothing, a strange sight it would be to a passerby but she paid no mind to the animals around her she was fuming to herself. She was tired and she was hungry, her pads hurt and her body was forcing her to rest. She was supposed to be better than that, after all it was her fault Kamota had run off. She should have been able to run for days but it seemed that two whole days was way too long to travel non-stop. Why did she have to be such a pain to him, they could have all been happy but she just had to push it until he left.

The scent of mouse caught her attention, and her stomach growled as if in agreement to her suddenly pricked ears. Namara dropped into a hunting crouch and slowly crept up on the mouse where, to her delight, she saw another a short distance away. She pounced with both paws stretched at awkward angles, as she landed she realized how ridiculous she was, she missed the first mouse and unbalanced rolled on top of the second. She quickly righted herself and snapped the mouse's neck viciously. <b>"Guess that's what I get for trying to catch two at once"</b> she growled.

As Namara picked the bones clean she began to thoughtfully consider where she might try next to look for Kamota. Seeing as there was no anything to signify anything she was quite irritated and began to state aloud' <b> Lets see, shall I look over towards that nowhere, or maybe this nowhere, maybe I should just turn around back to the nowhere I came from"</b> She snapped her jaws together in frustration, this was ridiculous if she didn't meet someone to point her in a direction, she would go crazy, and even if she didn't see anyone just to talk she might also go crazy
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
(You play her exactly how I would have played her!)

Shade was patrolling the borders, his eyes focused on them, but his mind was elsewhere. His mind was on his wrong doings. How he had attacked a little pup, Ari. How Nina had found out about it. But his nose worked fine with his brain, coming across the scent of a loner. He growled a bit and padded forward to come across a half starved, exhausted female. <b>"You look like shit!"</b> He said, stating the obvious. She really did appear that way. He looked at her again. <b>"I'm Shade, Shade Slayer. Third of Willow Ridge and a Guardian"</b> He said.

Something seemed wrong with her, not like sickness wrong. But something seemed to trouble her mind. <b>"Is something wrong? You seem troubled."</b> He said, his eyes full of concern for the young women. Something reminded him of when he was hopelessly searching for shadow. Like a whole had been punched through his chest. Was there something like that in this woman. he looked at her and saw it in her. He had a knack for reading people. He felt something stir inside of him. Was that pity? Oh god, Remy would frown upon such an emotion, but it seemed like she was never around anymore. Her scents had faded to him.

Shade realized he had forgotten to mention she'd hunted very close to the territory. but he almost didn't want to say it. She was half starved to death, she appeared sick and exhausted. But it was his duty to mention it. <b>"Also, your close to Willow Ridge territory. Literally a few paw steps away."</b> He said.
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
OOC: Well that one is shorter than I thought.

<i>"You look like shit!"</i> seriously this wolf was going to have his fur taken off and rearranged, Namara growled, deep in her throat. <i>"I'm Shade, Shade Slayer. Third of Willow Ridge and a Guardian"</i>, well isn't that just a treat a guardian, that would be a nice feather in her cap, Kamota would hopefully enjoy hearing about it if she ever found him that is. Her teeth bared just before Shade continued <i> "Is something wrong? You seem troubled."</i>, more obvious gibberish that she could have told him her self. Her growl slacked just slightly. <i> "Also, your close to Willow Ridge territory. Literally a few paw steps away."</i> she couldn't hold her tongue anymore.

<b>"So you're the judge of who looks like shit?"</b> she growled. <b>'Well I guess it's good that I didn't cross the boarder isn't it?"</b> She was less than a fraction of a second from leaping at him and tearing him to pieces. She took a breath, making an enemy out of the first wolf she had come across in days would not be a good move. It was hard however when she was so used to being able to intimidate anyone who stood in her way. She needed no more enemies she was sure she already had plenty.

<b>"Namara, Namara Laylani, yes somethings wrong, I'm looking for my brother, His name is Kamota are there any wolves out here in the middle of nowhere who may have seen him?"</b> she still had a slightly sarcastic tone to her voice so she had to take another breath. <b>'Where am I anyways?"</b>
(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2012, 11:24 PM by Namara.)
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
(I would like to point out Shade's uncle Jet Slayer gave her a scar ;) Sorry for the shortness of the post)

<i>"So you're the judge of who looks like shit? Well I guess it's good that I didn't cross the boarder isn't it? Namara, Namara Laylani, yes somethings wrong, I'm looking for my brother, His name is Kamota are there any wolves out here in the middle of nowhere who may have seen him? Where am I anyways?"</i> She looked at her, a bit bitchy and demanding wasn't she? <b>"Pleasure to meet 'ya. I might be able to point you in the right direction if I knew a bit more. There are several packs here, depending on places he might like to hang out. There's a pack south of here in the mountains. No Kamoto I've ever met."</b> He said, trying to help her without disobeying Elettra.

Shade looked at her seriously. <b>"It is a good thing, I would have attack and killed you if you'd trespassed here. This is no place for loners. This is the Drooping Willows, home to the largest pack in the lore."</b> He said, his eyes narrowed a bit. Something about her put him on edge.
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Something in shad reminded Namara of something... someone but she just couldn't figure it out. It was like a thought on the edge of thinking. She dismissed it as nothing and processed his words. What could she possibly tell him? She picked on Kamota until he left and made him feel worthless? No that would be ridiculous he would be chased off for sure, this Shade slayer would think she was here to kill her brother. <i> Slayer</i> it echoed in her mind and clicked.. oh no <i>Jet</i> that was where it clicked, Jet had kicked her in the face and left that damn scar.

She immediately felt a slight incline in respect for the wolf, but a more noticeable spike of annoyance. Still she couldn't make an enemy just yet, and perhaps it had been long enough to let it go. <b>"I don't know, Maybe my other brother Tenzin has been through here?"</b> She was beginning to worry more this was the one hundred million billionth wolf she had spoken too and none seemed to have a clue. maybe she would investigate the mountains.

Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shade heard the annoyance, and saw the annoyance. "I've never met a Tenzin either." He said, he couldn't help but notice the scar. It looked like one from the 'Slayer Kick of Justice.' But only 3 wolves new that move. Shadowstorm, himself, and Uncle Jet. A shocked look on his face, it couldn't have been Shadow. Shade tilted his head to the side. "Wait, Tenzin... I've heard of him, Kamota too, indirectly though, he passed through here not to long ago and said he'd come from the mountains. Said he had a 'talk' with his brother that nearly broke into a fight." He said, he remembered now.

He felt he had helped this fae a bit. If she could use the information, but he wasn't done yet. "If you look for Kamota, and he was in the mountains, check the pack there. Poison Path. If he joined a pack, it will be that one." He said kindly. At least she wasn't trespassing.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
(Your move mister slayer, it'll either be pleasant or not so nice depending on how he decides to react lol)

Namara saw Shade's eyes glance at the scar under her eye, and a look of shock came over his expression. Soon after he mentioned Tenzin <i>and</i> Kamota, It was a one and a million shot and she had come to the right place which was probably the best news she could have ever gotten. Her ears perked up and her tail wagged for the first time in, well months probably, her eyes even took on a silver sheen she was so happy. Maybe she could finally right her wrong, that is as long as Kamota didn't see fit to try and remove her fer. Fat chance though she thought, even though Namara loved her brother he never could match her.

"Thank you Shade, that's the best news I've heard in a long time." She then remembered his look at her scar, she could imagine if the last names matched they were probably related. A strange mischievous looked creeped into her eyes as she spoke again. "You noticed my scar, a loner named Jet Slayer did that, strangest thing I had ever seen he kicked me." Namara watched Shade with curiosity to see his reaction. Though she had deserved the kick she would decide weather or not she would continue this conversation to gain more information about this place or just try and bite his shoulder and run off to find her brother if he reacted badly.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://i.imgur.com/YwLps.jpg);margin:2 auto;width:60%;min-width:640px;padding:5px;">
(304 Words)

<b style="font-size:30px;padding-right:3px;">Shade looked at her, he was glad to deliver her good news. those the posing question came up, it was questioning as she said that Uncle Jet gave her the scar. "I must apologize for that, it appears that you met my Uncle in combat, I know that move when I see it. I've never used it, but my sister has, on Athena, Poison Path leader. I am apologizing for my Uncle because he can be a dumb ass and he seriously over uses that move." He said, he had done no harm to her so he simply stayed where he was. His eyes full of sorrows remembering his uncle. "I narrowly avoided getting a scar like that from him myself. 'Slayer Kick Of Justice', my uncle must have almost lost. Very impressive." He said, his uncle was insane.

He looked at her again, as starving and exhausted as she looked, he imagined how great it was to hear good news. "So, out of curiosity, where are you headed now? Your brothers went two different ways, Tenzin left the mountains, but Kamota has a 99.9999999 percent chance of still being up there." Shade asked, he was now involved in this conversation and he'd given more then enough information about why she got that scar. The least she could do was answer the question. But a thought wondered back, why did shadow attack Athena like that. Both of the fae's seemed to avoid answering that question when he asked it.

He then switched his thoughts to Willow Ridge. He knew now it was going to be him against Shade soon, so he figured he had better prep himself for what was to come. He looked at Namara, awaiting an answer. Maybe a comment to the information he'd given her. whichever it was, he was waiting.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Namara almost laughed, <b>"So that's what he yelled"</b> she commented with a huff of laughter. Momentarily she heard the voice in her head yelling <i>KICK OF JUSTICE!</i> as she felt the claws dig into her face. She was relaxed now, Shade wasn't a threat and it seemed being calm would get her more than beating answers out of wolves. So Tenzin went elsewhere, he could take care of himself and she was sure once she found Kamota she could eventually relocate Tenzin as well. Namara was quite satisfied with the conversation, oddly relieved that she could leave this wolf unharmed, he was okay in her book . She turned her head looking towards the huge grey mass of a mountain and twitched an ear. That's a big one she surmised to herself, though she wouldn't know until she stood at it's base.

Namara kept her gray eyes fixed on the mountain <b>"I think I'll head up that mountain to find Kamota, I owe him an apology... family reasons."</b> She gave shade a look with a flash of her previous fire to show that that part of the matter was done and she would not go into detail about her former cruelty towards the smaller wolf. That was their family business and however nice he seemed, Shade was still a stranger, things could come back to her. She formed another question in her mind however she needed to see how much information the wolf possessed about this place. <b>"So can I expect to run into anything hostile up that way?"</b> Secretly she hoped he would say yes, it would still be fun for her to exercise her fighting skills again. However either would be acceptable to her. She finally fully drew her gaze back to Shade and watched for his response.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://i.imgur.com/GVPLT.png);margin:0 auto;width: 90%;padding:8px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px;">

(265 WORDS)
(This is my last post, can you post with Namara heading out then we can archive and claim points?)

Shade laughed, his uncle really was crazy wasn't he? He looked at Namara, she was all right for a loner. Respective of pack borders, somewhat polite. She seemed to have the ambition to find this Kamota figure. "I understand how that is, family issues get in the way of everything. I was once on a search for my sister. I too owed her an apology. Glad to say that it was here I found her. We resolved things, but I was just happy to know she was safe and sound." He said, he needed to wait for her to leave before he could continue on. superstitions of course. Not to mention if Elettra had been watching right there, and he walked away. He'd have to pay back with possibly blood. Elettra took her job seriously and so should he.

"If you left now and continued forward, you could make it to the Foothills by Dusk." He said, in a helpful gesture. He hadn't had this kind of help when he searched for Shadow. the fates kind of just brought them together. Well, Nina at the borders during his joining had brought the siblings back together. Though they were in rival packs, they managed to see each other often.

He let his tail hang loose, no dominance in it. As long as she stayed where she was, there was no need. He used dominance when needed. For example, rival pack members, or hostile loners. Namara was neither in a pack, nor hostile in any way. She kind of reminded him of Shadowstorm. Though Shadowstorm was bi-polar.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]